Donald Trump Jr launches 2nd amendment task force to fight the left

Specifically, what Obama did was order to Social Security Administration to take the list of people who were deemed so severely mentally ill that they are unfit to handle their own disability benefits and forward it to the FBI. The FBI was then supposed to incorporate that list in the background checks used to disqualify people from gun ownership.
Which lies -completely- outside federal law, and denies these people due process.
Trump was -absolutely- correct in reversing this.
On what grounds?
We don't need grounds. We can simply tell you no.

But the reason would be because of the left's history of using registration as a weapon to violate people's civil liberties.

If you don't enjoy a right to privacy there's absolutely no reason why you can deny any such thing.
Sure there is. See above.

And as also mentioned above, we don't even need a reason.

Why am I not surprised at you being a "Mens Rights" kinda guy.
The left's extremism was their doom. They brought it on themselves.

Precedent has a tendency to become a problem real fast.
There is no problem. There is just a bunch of leftist extremists done in by their own extremism.

I love how secure you guys are in your "rights".
It's always nice when the good guys win.

Meanwhile 50 years worth of settled law (as attested to by just about every sitting SCOTUS justice during their hearings) is being dismantled right before our eyes.
Like I said, extremists done in by their own extremism.
I'm guessing that you cannot point out any errors in any of his posts.
"Felons, and the dangerously mentally ill cannot buy, own or carry guns".
That is not an example of dangerous people being prevented from having guns.
Yes, it is.
That is an example of progressives violating people's civil liberties for no reason (no reason other than the fact that progressives actually enjoy violating people's civil liberties that is).
Right, nut jobs having guns?
What could go wrong?


Other nut jobs elect them to congress.
Not being able to balance a checkbook does not mean that a disabled person is a danger to themselves or others.
Not being able to balance a checkbook, wont get you Social Security disability benefits either.

December 4, 2015

WASHINGTON — Senate Republicans voted against barring suspected terrorists, felons and the mentally ill from getting guns on Thursday afternoon, parroting National Rifle Association arguments that doing so would strip some innocent people of their constitutional rights to gun access just a day after yet another massacre on U.S. soil.

They can carry a gun, but they can't vote.

September 18 2020
Just four years ago, Florida, Iowa, Kentucky, and Virginia all blocked people convicted of felonies from ever voting again — even after they had fully completed their sentences for prison, parole, or probation.

Today, every one of these states — most recently, Iowa — has allowed at least some people who’ve finished their sentences to vote, potentially reenfranchising hundreds of thousands of Americans.

It hasn’t been an easy shift. In Florida, voters approved an amendment to their state constitution in 2018 that lets people who’ve completed their sentences vote again, excluding those convicted of murder or felony sex offenses. But the Republican-controlled state legislature passed a law requiring ex-felons to pay all outstanding court fees before they’re allowed to vote — blocking possibly hundreds of thousands of Floridians who can’t afford the fees from voting.
Which lies -completely- outside federal law, and denies these people due process.
You're a moron.

How is a court case NOT due process?
People have to appear before a US court to claim Social Security Disability.

Trump was -absolutely- correct in reversing this.
ONE of many instances, the orange retard was wrong.
Then let's get rid of ALL LAWS! LOL.
I suggest enforcing the existing law against criminals with firearms and stop passing laws against the ownership of firearms by honest people.

Of course that will not help the Democrats once they get their Marxist socialist workers paradise as in such paradises civilians are not allowed to own firearms. That way it is very hard to overthrow their Marxist masters once they tire of living in paradise.
"Felons, and the dangerously mentally ill cannot buy, own or carry guns".
That is an occurrence of 2aguy being correct, not an occurrence of him being wrong.

Yes, it is.
That is incorrect. Being disabled and not being able to balance a checkbook does not mean that someone is a danger to themselves or others.

The left's abuse of the law to try to block harmless people from having guns is why we won't have things like background checks on all gun sales or centralized gun registration.

How is a court case NOT due process?
People have to appear before a US court to claim Social Security Disability.
You do not have to appear before a US court to claim Social Security disability.

And if you did have to, that would not count as due process as far as determining that a person is a danger to themselves or others.

ONE of many instances, the orange retard was wrong.
Protecting people's civil liberties is never wrong.
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That is an occurrence of 2aguy being correct, not an occurrence of him being wrong.

That is incorrect. Being disabled and not being able to balance a checkbook does not mean that someone is a danger to themselves or others.
No, it doesn't.

Not being able to balance a checkbook doesn't make you mentally ill, either.
Being mentally ill, makes people mentally ill.

The left's abuse of the law to try to block harmless people from having guns is why we won't have things like background checks on all gun sales or centralized gun registration.
Of course, going into a school or shopping mall and shooting up people is normal behavior and harmless.
You do not have to appear before a US court to claim Social Security disability.
99% do...............................if they're trying to claim mental illness.
And if you did have to, that would not count as due process as far as determining that a person is a danger to themselves or others.
YES, it does.
That's the entire premise of a court hearing.
Protecting people's civil liberties is never wrong.
"Felons, and the dangerously mentally ill cannot buy, own or carry guns".

Yes, it is.

Right, nut jobs having guns?
What could go wrong?

View attachment 640249

Other nut jobs elect them to congress.

Not being able to balance a checkbook, wont get you Social Security disability benefits either.

December 4, 2015

WASHINGTON — Senate Republicans voted against barring suspected terrorists, felons and the mentally ill from getting guns on Thursday afternoon, parroting National Rifle Association arguments that doing so would strip some innocent people of their constitutional rights to gun access just a day after yet another massacre on U.S. soil.

They can carry a gun, but they can't vote.

September 18 2020
Just four years ago, Florida, Iowa, Kentucky, and Virginia all blocked people convicted of felonies from ever voting again — even after they had fully completed their sentences for prison, parole, or probation.

Today, every one of these states — most recently, Iowa — has allowed at least some people who’ve finished their sentences to vote, potentially reenfranchising hundreds of thousands of Americans.

It hasn’t been an easy shift. In Florida, voters approved an amendment to their state constitution in 2018 that lets people who’ve completed their sentences vote again, excluding those convicted of murder or felony sex offenses. But the Republican-controlled state legislature passed a law requiring ex-felons to pay all outstanding court fees before they’re allowed to vote — blocking possibly hundreds of thousands of Floridians who can’t afford the fees from voting.

Moron, at one point Senator Ted Kennedy was on the terrorist watch well as other innocent people......putting people on a list isn't a conviction in a court of law......


While the criteria for adding individuals to the list remains murky, one thing is for sure: it’s still a lot easier to get on the list than get off it. Even in clear cases of mistaken identity or clerical blundering, a name can linger in the system for years.

Here are a few of the most high-profile flying foul-ups (some of which are directly tied to the no-fly list, while others are less clear).

A famous senator

Sen. Ted Kennedy told the Senate Judiciary Committee in 2004 that he had been stopped and interrogated on at least five occasions as he attempted to board flights at several different airports. A Bush administration official explained to the Washington Post that Kennedy had been held up because the name “T. Kennedy” had become a popular pseudonym among terror suspects.

John Lewis’s long year

On the same day Kennedy revealed his flight troubles, civil rights icon and longtime Rep. John Lewis revealed he, too, had been snarled by the watchlist dragnet. According to his office, the Georgia Democrat had over the course of a year been held up 35 to 40 times. Despite reaching out to a number of federal agencies over that period, Lewis’ name had remained on a list.
No-fly headaches aren’t just for international pop stars and federal lawmakers. In 2012, Jet Blue removed an 18-month-old child from a flight before takeoff.

The girl’s mother, speaking to a CNN affiliate, said she was informed by an airline employee, “Your daughter was flagged as no fly.”

Caught up in the story

Two journalists, CNN’s own Drew Griffin and Stephen Hayes of the Weekly Standard, have also been tangled up in the messy system. Hayes learned he had been added to a terror database. Why? Hayes told NPR last year he doesn’t know for sure, but says a TSA agent told him trips to Turkey, including a one-way flight into Istanbul, probably did the trick.

30,000 People Mistakenly Put on Terrorist Watch List

This is incredible:

Nearly 30,000 airline passengers discovered in the past year that they were mistakenly placed on federal “terrorist” watch lists, a transportation security official said Tuesday.

On May 6, 2009 yet another audit, this time from the Department of Justice’s Office of Inspector General (OIG), has documented the high error rate and dysfunction of the government’s central terrorist watchlist. In response the ACLU has called for Congressional oversight, and Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) called the situation “unacceptable.” T

No, it doesn't.
Since being disabled and not able to balance their checkbook doesn't make them a danger to themselves or others, it was wrong of progressives to try to deprive them of guns, and it was right of Mr. Trump to ensure that they could still have guns.

99% do...............................if they're trying to claim mental illness.
I doubt it. Unless maybe if their disability claims are denied, and they are challenging the denial in court.

YES, it does.
That's the entire premise of a court hearing.
That is incorrect. If someone was going to court to challenge their denial of a disability claim, the premise of the court hearing would be to determine if they are disabled.
Moron, at one point Senator Ted Kennedy was on the terrorist watch well as other innocent people......putting people on a list isn't a conviction in a court of law......
Holy fuck, what a retard.


These people applied for a mental illness disability IN A COURT OF LAW.


While the criteria for adding individuals to the list remains murky, one thing is for sure: it’s still a lot easier to get on the list than get off it. Even in clear cases of mistaken identity or clerical blundering, a name can linger in the system for years.

Here are a few of the most high-profile flying foul-ups (some of which are directly tied to the no-fly list, while others are less clear).

A famous senator

Sen. Ted Kennedy told the Senate Judiciary Committee in 2004 that he had been stopped and interrogated on at least five occasions as he attempted to board flights at several different airports. A Bush administration official explained to the Washington Post that Kennedy had been held up because the name “T. Kennedy” had become a popular pseudonym among terror suspects.

John Lewis’s long year

On the same day Kennedy revealed his flight troubles, civil rights icon and longtime Rep. John Lewis revealed he, too, had been snarled by the watchlist dragnet. According to his office, the Georgia Democrat had over the course of a year been held up 35 to 40 times. Despite reaching out to a number of federal agencies over that period, Lewis’ name had remained on a list.
No-fly headaches aren’t just for international pop stars and federal lawmakers. In 2012, Jet Blue removed an 18-month-old child from a flight before takeoff.

The girl’s mother, speaking to a CNN affiliate, said she was informed by an airline employee, “Your daughter was flagged as no fly.”

Caught up in the story

Two journalists, CNN’s own Drew Griffin and Stephen Hayes of the Weekly Standard, have also been tangled up in the messy system. Hayes learned he had been added to a terror database. Why? Hayes told NPR last year he doesn’t know for sure, but says a TSA agent told him trips to Turkey, including a one-way flight into Istanbul, probably did the trick.

30,000 People Mistakenly Put on Terrorist Watch List

This is incredible:

On May 6, 2009 yet another audit, this time from the Department of Justice’s Office of Inspector General (OIG), has documented the high error rate and dysfunction of the government’s central terrorist watchlist. In response the ACLU has called for Congressional oversight, and Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) called the situation “unacceptable.” T

Your brain dead.
Being on the terrorist watch list has NOTHING to do with the action that Obama took.
Since being disabled and not able to balance their checkbook doesn't make them a danger to themselves or others, it was wrong of progressives to try to deprive them of guns, and it was right of Mr. Trump to ensure that they could still have guns.
WTF, are you still hung up on "balancing a checkbook"?
That doesn't qualify people for Social Security disability.
I doubt it. Unless maybe if their disability claims are denied, and they are challenging the denial in court.
Your typing out of your ass.
75 to 80% of ALL claims are denied, their initial claims.

That is incorrect. If someone was going to court to challenge their denial of a disability claim, the premise of the court hearing would be to determine if they are disabled.
The people have ALREADY been collecting disability, dumbass.
Their "due process" is the hearing.

Let me guess?
BOTH of you voted for Trump?
These people applied for a mental illness disability IN A COURT OF LAW.
That is incorrect. Being put on the terrorism watch list does not mean that someone has applied for disability.

Being on the terrorist watch list has NOTHING to do with the action that Obama took.
You're the one who posted the article complaining about people on the terrorism watch list being allowed to have guns.

WTF, are you still hung up on "balancing a checkbook"?
That doesn't qualify people for Social Security disability.
It does however trigger Mr. Obama's attempt to deny their right to have guns.

The people have ALREADY been collecting disability, dumbass.
That is incorrect. People who go to court to challenge a disability denial are not already collecting disability.

Name-calling really doesn't make up for your lack of facts.

Their "due process" is the hearing.
That is incorrect. A hearing on disability benefits is not due process on a question of whether someone is a danger to themselves or others.

Let me guess?
BOTH of you voted for Trump?
Progressives like to violate people's civil liberties for fun.

Mr. Trump protects people from progressives.
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That is incorrect. Being put on the terrorism watch list does not mean that someone has applied for disability.
WTF are even talking about?
You're the one who posted the article complaining about people on the terrorism watch list being allowed to have guns.
You're FOS.
It does however trigger Obama's attempt to deny their right to have guns.
It triggered Trump and his cult.
That is incorrect. People who go to court to challenge a disability denial are not already collecting disability.
WTF, moron.
Did you combine your meds this morning?

President Donald Trump quietly signed a bill into law Tuesday rolling back an Obama-era regulation that made it harder for people with mental illnesses to purchase a gun.

The rule, which was finalized in December, added people receiving Social Security checks for mental illnesses and people deemed unfit to handle their own financial affairs to the national background check database.

Which means.....................they weren't challenging shit.
Name-calling really doesn't make up for your lack of facts.
That is incorrect. A hearing on disability benefits is not due process on a question of whether someone is a danger to themselves or others.
YES, it is.
So, a court hearing isn't a premise for sending someone to jail either?
Progressives like to violate people's civil liberties for fun.

Mr. Trump protects people from progressives.
Trump doesn't protect shit, especially his cult, Trump knows you're gullible, easy marks.
I suggest enforcing the existing law against criminals with firearms and stop passing laws against the ownership of firearms by honest people.

^^^^This part is a reasonable request.

Of course that will not help the Democrats once they get their Marxist socialist workers paradise as in such paradises civilians are not allowed to own firearms. That way it is very hard to overthrow their Marxist masters once they tire of living in paradise.

^^^^^This part is where you roll off road and into the ditch.

Try dealing with this topic in a rational manner without imagining nefarious Marxist (or whatever your current mislabeled talking point is) conspiracies all around you.
The 2nd Amendment is a worthy charity as well.

Besides, fighting cancer would be stepping on Brandon's toes. The so-called President is supposed to be committed to a moon shot to end cancer. Trump will stay out of his way, and fight the plague of gunophobia.
The 2nd Amendment as a charity? :heehee: Money to help wash the blood out?
The 2nd Amendment as a charity? :heehee: Money to help wash the blood out?

Nah, it's a charity to help Wayne LaPierre line his pockets at the expense of those who are easily manipulated into fear of scary shadows that don't actually exist.

Think of NRA dues as a kind of tax on the gullible.
Nah, it's a charity to help Wayne LaPierre line his pockets at the expense of those who are easily manipulated into fear of scary shadows that don't actually exist.

Think of NRA dues as a kind of tax on the gullible. there we are a fascist, pretending to be reasonable...thank you for outing yourself.
FIghting the radical control freaks of the Brady Bunch and others, is important business.

"Brady Bunch". That's funny. Well, except for the serious brain damage that completely decimated Brady's life. I bet he had a good time with brain damage and being confined to a wheel chair for the remainder of his life.

GOod times, good times.

(Do gun advocates have even a smidgen of decency in their personalities?)

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