Donald Trump Jr launches 2nd amendment task force to fight the left

"Brady Bunch". That's funny. Well, except for the serious brain damage that completely decimated Brady's life. I bet he had a good time with brain damage and being confined to a wheel chair for the remainder of his life.

GOod times, good times.

(Do gun advocates have even a smidgen of decency in their personalities?)

Says an anti-gun fascist like you, who likely jumps for joy when a mass public shooting happens....
Says an anti-gun fascist like you, who likely jumps for joy when a mass public shooting happens....

Hey, sick fuk...I do nothing of the sort. But I actually DO CARE when kids get gunned down in schools. All you guys ever do is try to find ANYTHING To talk about than the gun. Oh yeah and your fake ass "thotz n' prayerz".

AT least I CARE. What about YOU?
Hey, sick fuk...I do nothing of the sort. But I actually DO CARE when kids get gunned down in schools. All you guys ever do is try to find ANYTHING To talk about than the gun. Oh yeah and your fake ass "thotz n' prayerz".

AT least I CARE. What about YOU?

The gun didn't drive the car, you dumb ass.....and again, I appreciate that you outed yourself as a fascist for us....saves a lot of time...
^^^^This part is a reasonable request.

^^^^^This part is where you roll off road and into the ditch.

Try dealing with this topic in a rational manner without imagining nefarious Marxist (or whatever your current mislabeled talking point is) conspiracies all around you.
Youo don’t like me to use the term “Marxist.” Recently I have noticed Democrats are now for censorship. If you had the power would you censor me for promoting “disinformation.“

Youo don’t like me to use the term “Marxist.” Recently I have noticed Democrats are now for censorship. If you had the power would you censor me for promoting “disinformation.“

IT would be really cool if you knew what ANY of the words you guys throw around mean.
WTF are even talking about?
I was pointing out that you were wrong to say that being on the terrorism watch list meant that a person had applied for disability.

You're FOS.
That is incorrect. In message #103 you posted an article that talked about the terrorism watch list.

From your post:
"December 4, 2015
WASHINGTON — Senate Republicans voted against barring suspected terrorists, felons and the mentally ill from getting guns on Thursday afternoon, parroting National Rifle Association arguments that doing so would strip some innocent people of their constitutional rights to gun access just a day after yet another massacre on U.S. soil."

It triggered Trump and his cult.
You dodged the point. Obama's plot targeted people who can't manage their own finances.

But note that Mr. Trump and his followers are right to oppose progressives when progressives violate people's civil liberties.

WTF, moron.
Did you combine your meds this morning?
Name-calling is no substitute for a sound argument.

President Donald Trump quietly signed a bill into law Tuesday rolling back an Obama-era regulation that made it harder for people with mental illnesses to purchase a gun.
The rule, which was finalized in December, added people receiving Social Security checks for mental illnesses and people deemed unfit to handle their own financial affairs to the national background check database.
Which means.....................they weren't challenging shit.
If they had not been in court to challenge a disability denial, then you were wrong to say that they had been.

Not that such a hearing would have been due process for depriving them of guns even if it had taken place.

YES, it is.
No it isn't. All a hearing on disability benefits does is determine disability. It makes no determination as to whether someone is a danger to themselves or others.

So, a court hearing isn't a premise for sending someone to jail either?
It depends on the hearing. A challenge of a disability denial certainly isn't a premise for sending anyone to jail.

Trump doesn't protect shit, especially his cult, Trump knows you're gullible, easy marks.
That is incorrect. Mr. Trump prevents progressives from harming us.
"Brady Bunch". That's funny. Well, except for the serious brain damage that completely decimated Brady's life. I bet he had a good time with brain damage and being confined to a wheel chair for the remainder of his life.
GOod times, good times.
(Do gun advocates have even a smidgen of decency in their personalities?)
Spare us the progressive phony outrage. He deserves it for trying to violate our civil liberties.
It's a good sign that even YOU know what you said was super-sick in that you have to HOPE my post was "phony".
What I said is perfectly fine. That Brady scumbag deserved worse than he got.

I don't have to hope anything at all. I know that progressive "outrage" is phony.
What I said is perfectly fine. That Brady scumbag deserved worse than he got.

You DO realize Brady wasn't shot for his position on guns. In fact I believe it was the shooting which caused him and his family to form the Brady foundation.

As such you either really ignorant of US history or you are completely messed up.

I don't have to hope anything at all. I know that progressive "outrage" is phony.

The fact that YOU are not a decent person does not make EVERYONE the same.
You don't even know who Brady was do you?
Of course I do. He was the bystander who was maimed when someone shot Ronald Reagan in the head with a little mouse gun.

Nice Uzi carried by the Secret Service guy. That's the sort of self defense gun that we should all be allowed to carry in a briefcase.

You sick fuck.
Do you have a reading comprehension problem?
Nice Uzi carried by the Secret Service guy. That's the sort of self defense gun that we should all be allowed to carry in a briefcase.

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