Donald Trump Jr sells T-shirts mocking Alec Baldwin set shooting

You can buy this on the idiots website.
View attachment 556071
I wonder if he will donate the profits to the family of the dea woman ? Piece of shit.

Alec Baldwin is a douchebag......he hates Trump supporters and gun owners......

Here is a rational look at the situation..

When morons like you wish to go back to being civil to those who disagree with you, we will go back to that same standard......

You dipshits violated the standard decades will have to embrace the old standard of respect and civility first....then we will also go back to that standard...

Till then, he has killed more people than NRA members have...

Alec Baldwin got to play his dream role last week, and unfortunately for an innocent woman, it was a method-acting version of Ted Kennedy. Now, you note that I am mocking a guy whose probable gross negligence killed a lady and maimed a man, and this raises an important question ā€“ do we really want to live in a world where our reaction to a tragedy caused by an enemy is not sorrow and compassion but mockery?

It doesnā€™t matter what we want. We do live in such a world, in large part due to the likes of Alec Baldwin. Besides his scuzzy abuse of the people ā€“ notably women ā€“ in his orbit, he is a particularly loathsome social media presence, and as a result, conservatives are gleefully resurrecting his old tweets about guns and his wish for them to be used on his many, many enemies in the wake of his horrible act. There are many, many such tweets. I am not a believer in karma and do not fear it, but I do try to keep a respectful distance from irony.

Note that arguments that this somehow hurts the families of the victims are weak ā€“ ā€œMy beloved relative has died ā€“ I shall seek solace on Twitterā€ seems far-fetched. Moreover, the families might be mortified to see people taking apart the architect of their pain? Doubtful. If anything, the practical effect of slamming Six Gun Alec is making people think, ā€œGosh, better not play with firearms lest people on Twitter roast me.ā€

So, I sympathize with both options, and I cannot get upset at people for choosing one over the other. If you want to go gentle, cool, and if you want to go hard, okay.

After all, the rules are the rules, and there can only be one set of them. In the world I would want to live in, we would all be at Option A, whispering a silent prayer for the hurting ā€“ and I did.

But this is not the world we live in, and none of us are under any moral obligation to pretend we do. This is a world where the rule is that you take an opening in the enemyā€™s line and you drive a couple divisions hard right through it.

Alec Baldwin is a bad person, but more than that, he is a bad person who hates us with a mortality rate thanks to his hypocrisy. And now he is vulnerable, and the rules say he is fair game ā€“ his rules. Is it significant that this amoral, leftist, Trumpophobic gun grabber has personally executed more mass shootings than any Christian conservative Trump-loving NRA member? Not in any kind of intellectual sense ā€“ itā€™s just a thing that happened ā€“ but it makes a helluva meme.

The argument for being nice is that 1) we should live the way we wish to live, that is, model the way we want the world regardless of how the world actually is and set the example; 2) we are better than that; and 3) Jesus tells us to. Of these, No. 3 is the most compelling ā€“ the hardest part of Christianity is loving your enemies. Perhaps you can do that even as you tweet that the fifth rule of gun safety is never give Alec Baldwin a gun. Jesus wasnā€™t a pinko hippie; he confronted and told hard truths. And despite the injunction to turn the other cheek, Christians are not pacifists. After all, many soldiers are Christian and they kill their enemies, so you must be able to be a Christian and point out through biting sarcasm that Alec Baldwin is awful too.

As for us modeling to the world, does that ever work? Has us not matching punch for punch with the cultural left ever made them hold up and think, ā€œGosh, the conservativesā€™ refusal to stoop to my level has made me rethink this whole pursuit of power thing ā€“ I will forgo it and return to the norms of yesteryearā€? Of course not. George W. Bush famously remained above the fray and they only stopped vivisecting him when he joined them in vivisecting us.

As for us being ā€œbetter than that,ā€ Iā€™ll take being just as bad as that and not being a cultural serf over the David French position, which is the converse.

The argument for Option B is that you canā€™t go back to the past paradigm where you didnā€™t hit ā€˜em when they were down without punishing them for hitting us when we were down.

Pain is the teacher. Of course, this assumes a paradigm not in evidence; we were never quite that pristine. I remember that within days of the Challenger accident, cruel jokes circulated across campus. Gallows humor has always existed, and thereā€™s no reason it shouldnā€™t ā€“ maybe weā€™d just prefer a scenario where we acknowledge itā€™s appalling even as we laugh in spite of ourselves.


You can buy this on the idiots website.
View attachment 556071
I wonder if he will donate the profits to the family of the dea woman ? Piece of shit.
I would say that Mr. Baldwin had this coming, given his acting like a complete ass hat toward Dick Chaney after the shooting incident in South Texas.

Turn about is absolutely fair play, and Alec should take his medicine.

And I don't even like Dick Chaney.
Alec Baldwin is a douchebag......he hates Trump supporters and gun owners......

Here is a rational look at the situation..

When morons like you wish to go back to being civil to those who disagree with you, we will go back to that same standard......

You dipshits violated the standard decades will have to embrace the old standard of respect and civility first....then we will also go back to that standard...

Till then, he has killed more people than NRA members have...

Alec Baldwin got to play his dream role last week, and unfortunately for an innocent woman, it was a method-acting version of Ted Kennedy. Now, you note that I am mocking a guy whose probable gross negligence killed a lady and maimed a man, and this raises an important question ā€“ do we really want to live in a world where our reaction to a tragedy caused by an enemy is not sorrow and compassion but mockery?

It doesnā€™t matter what we want. We do live in such a world, in large part due to the likes of Alec Baldwin. Besides his scuzzy abuse of the people ā€“ notably women ā€“ in his orbit, he is a particularly loathsome social media presence, and as a result, conservatives are gleefully resurrecting his old tweets about guns and his wish for them to be used on his many, many enemies in the wake of his horrible act. There are many, many such tweets. I am not a believer in karma and do not fear it, but I do try to keep a respectful distance from irony.

Note that arguments that this somehow hurts the families of the victims are weak ā€“ ā€œMy beloved relative has died ā€“ I shall seek solace on Twitterā€ seems far-fetched. Moreover, the families might be mortified to see people taking apart the architect of their pain? Doubtful. If anything, the practical effect of slamming Six Gun Alec is making people think, ā€œGosh, better not play with firearms lest people on Twitter roast me.ā€

So, I sympathize with both options, and I cannot get upset at people for choosing one over the other. If you want to go gentle, cool, and if you want to go hard, okay.

After all, the rules are the rules, and there can only be one set of them. In the world I would want to live in, we would all be at Option A, whispering a silent prayer for the hurting ā€“ and I did.

But this is not the world we live in, and none of us are under any moral obligation to pretend we do. This is a world where the rule is that you take an opening in the enemyā€™s line and you drive a couple divisions hard right through it.

Alec Baldwin is a bad person, but more than that, he is a bad person who hates us with a mortality rate thanks to his hypocrisy. And now he is vulnerable, and the rules say he is fair game ā€“ his rules. Is it significant that this amoral, leftist, Trumpophobic gun grabber has personally executed more mass shootings than any Christian conservative Trump-loving NRA member? Not in any kind of intellectual sense ā€“ itā€™s just a thing that happened ā€“ but it makes a helluva meme.

The argument for being nice is that 1) we should live the way we wish to live, that is, model the way we want the world regardless of how the world actually is and set the example; 2) we are better than that; and 3) Jesus tells us to. Of these, No. 3 is the most compelling ā€“ the hardest part of Christianity is loving your enemies. Perhaps you can do that even as you tweet that the fifth rule of gun safety is never give Alec Baldwin a gun. Jesus wasnā€™t a pinko hippie; he confronted and told hard truths. And despite the injunction to turn the other cheek, Christians are not pacifists. After all, many soldiers are Christian and they kill their enemies, so you must be able to be a Christian and point out through biting sarcasm that Alec Baldwin is awful too.

As for us modeling to the world, does that ever work? Has us not matching punch for punch with the cultural left ever made them hold up and think, ā€œGosh, the conservativesā€™ refusal to stoop to my level has made me rethink this whole pursuit of power thing ā€“ I will forgo it and return to the norms of yesteryearā€? Of course not. George W. Bush famously remained above the fray and they only stopped vivisecting him when he joined them in vivisecting us.

As for us being ā€œbetter than that,ā€ Iā€™ll take being just as bad as that and not being a cultural serf over the David French position, which is the converse.

The argument for Option B is that you canā€™t go back to the past paradigm where you didnā€™t hit ā€˜em when they were down without punishing them for hitting us when we were down.

Pain is the teacher. Of course, this assumes a paradigm not in evidence; we were never quite that pristine. I remember that within days of the Challenger accident, cruel jokes circulated across campus. Gallows humor has always existed, and thereā€™s no reason it shouldnā€™t ā€“ maybe weā€™d just prefer a scenario where we acknowledge itā€™s appalling even as we laugh in spite of ourselves.

Trump hates you too. He mocks your intelligence every day.
I would say that Mr. Baldwin had this coming, given his acting like a complete ass hat toward Dick Chaney after the shooting incident in South Texas.

Turn about is absolutely fair play, and Alec should take his medicine.

And I don't even like Dick Chaney.
Cheney was hunting with his own shotgun. He discharged it and shot his hunting partner in the neck
HIS responsibility

Baldwin was working on a movie set with established responsibilities. He is not permitted to load the gun he is using. A certified weapons expert clears the gun.
Not Baldwins responsibility
As was the case with Brandon Lee, right?

It was an accident...
Brandon Lee was a case of gross negligence as well.

The prop guys were using a real revolver, and loaded it with live rounds so the bullet tips could be seen from the front of the gun. They forgot to unload the REAL gun before handing it back to the actor, who also failed to check it before they yelled "action" which also could have saved Brandon Lee.

Again, there is NO REASON EVER to use a working firearm on a move set, but if you do, there is no reason to let gun-hating ignorant tards use it without proper training.
Brandon Lee was a case of gross negligence as well.

The prop guys were using a real revolver, and loaded it with live rounds so the bullet tips could be seen from the front of the gun. They forgot to unload the REAL gun before handing it back to the actor, who also failed to check it before they yelled "action" which also could have saved Brandon Lee.

Again, there is NO REASON EVER to use a working firearm on a move set, but if you do, there is no reason to let gun-hating ignorant tards use it without proper training.
Baldwin's punishment should be giving shooting lessons to inner-city kids. A community service of sorts.
Of course it is.

Here's a guy who would barely be a household name anymore except for his Trump impression. If someone were to do to my father (may he rest in peace) what Baldwin did to Don Jr's father, I'd give 'em a big ol' "FUCK YOU", too.

And if you think he's doing this for the money you're fucking high...
It was heretical....insulting GOD!!!!!
Cheney was hunting with his own shotgun. He discharged it and shot his hunting partner in the neck
HIS responsibility
I agree. But it was peppering. The other guy was far enough away that it was not a case of gross negligence. Chaney just didn't see him in time.

It was still negligence on Chaney. One should ALWAYS know what is in front AND behind one's target BEFORE even touching the trigger.

Baldwin may not know shit about guns, but it's no excuse. If you take a real firearm into your hands you MUST assume that it is loaded and ready to fire. That means you keep your finger COMPLETELY out of the trigger guard until your muzzle is over your target (trigger discipline). You keep the muzzle from EVER crossing the plane of ANYTHING you do not intend to destroy (muzzle discipline).

My 18-year-old daughter can handle ANY firearm and be 100% safe. I trust her completely because I have trained her since she was about 8 years old to respect the destructive power of a firearm. I let her and my 16-year-old son both see the damage a firearm can do. I taught them to always treat every firearm as if it were loaded, and usually, mine always have been loaded WITH A ROUND IN THE CHAMBER, ready to fire. THAT is safer than leaving anyone to guess, and that practice commanded a WHOLE LOT MORE respect from all in the house.

The person holding a firearm ALWAYS has the responsibility to keep the muzzle away from anything not intended to be destroyed (including other people) and to keep fingers completely out of the trigger guard until the muzzle is on the intended target and all foreground and background areas are clear.

Alec Baldwin has no business ever touching a firearm and I would never let him handle one until he is able to demonstrate the proper discipline.

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