Donald Trump Jr sells T-shirts mocking Alec Baldwin set shooting

An adult intentionally pointing a gun at an innocent person and pulling the trigger is NEVER an accident.
Gross negligence, at best.

1. Why was a functioning firearm on a movie set being used as a prop?
2. Why were live rounds put into said firearm?
3. Why did someone hand Alec Baldwin a firearm without checking to see that no live rounds were loaded into the firearm?
4. Why did Alec Baldwin not immediately check and clear the firearm when he took possession of it?
5. Why did Alec Baldwin point a real firearm at another person? (no muzzle discipline)
6. Why did Alec Baldwin put his finger within the trigger guard of the firearm before he had identified a target and checked the foreground and background for safety? (trigger discipline)
7. Why did Alec Baldwin pull the trigger of the firearm when he clearly could see that a human was within the firing zone?

Multiple levels of negligence must occur before someone is "accidentally" (negligently) shot with a firearm.

Why did it happen?
How about a tee shirt that says Trump's Virus Kills 700,000. Is that "classy" enough for you?
Go ahead. Nothing has stopped you and your ilk before. Why not?

Give someone else shit for a negligent shooting and you are subject to the same ridicule if you do it too.

I have ZERO sympathy for Alec. Take your medicine, bitch.
That's a good one. He ridiculed Cheney for accidentally shooting someone, but we're supposed to let him slide?

I don't think so.
It was a negligent shooting.

There are no accidental shootings. Only negligence.

That said, I don't think Chaney intentionally pointed his shotgun at another person before firing. He just didn't check the foreground and background before he fired, which is negligence.

Otherwise, I agree. Baldwin needs to take his medicine like a man and accept this ridicule he so rightly deserves.
Baldwin may not know shit about guns, but it's no excuse. If you take a real firearm into your hands you MUST assume that it is loaded and ready to fire. That means you keep your finger COMPLETELY out of the trigger guard until your muzzle is over your target (trigger discipline). You keep the muzzle from EVER crossing the plane of ANYTHING you do not intend to destroy (muzzle discipline).

In this case, Baldwin was instructed to fire AT the camera
He was told he had a cold firearm
The shot hit the woman behind the camera
Ready? Here we go. Last time. My definition of Trumpism is:
  • The group pathology and willingness to sell one's soul and subjugate one's morality to a profoundly damaged, childish, boorish, pugilistic, ignorant, hateful, spiteful, flamboyant, hypersensitive con man
  • The impulse and willingness to obediently avoid and/or attack any information and facts that are not provided to you by your separate, isolated, insulated, closed circuit informational universe
  • Arrogant ignorance and abject intellectual myopia on virtually all of the major issues that face us, with its shallow, simplistic, binary, distorted understanding the other side of a story and a steadfast refusal to comprehend complexity or nuance
  • The terribly, tragically misguided and destructive notion that you are "at war" with "evil", provided, nurtured, enabled and enforced by the dishonest voices you have chosen to trust
You're welcome. I'm sure that my definition is clear to you now. And as always, neither your agreement nor your approval are required.
There you have it folks....Mr TDS has laid it out there.
This "Trumpism" is a greater plague for American society than is millions of dirty wetbacks invading our nation, raping, maiming and killing our people, jungle people rioting, looting and setting cities a blaze, a corrupt and Dem complicit media and social media, a Dem complicit academia, CRT being shoved down our childrens throats...
YEP.....Trumpism Trumps it all...we know this because Mr TDS never speaks ill of those things while "TRUMPISM" rolls off his tongue 83 times a day.
Thanks Mr TDS, we promise to take you serious going forward.
In this case, Baldwin was instructed to fire AT the camera
He was told he had a cold firearm
The shot hit the woman behind the camera
In this case, Alec Baldwin was handed a real firearm. Alec Baldwin did not check and clear it immediately. Neither Alec Baldwin nor anyone else is allow to take anyone else's word that a firearm is clear, ever. That is a basic firearm safety rule. ALL GUNS ARE HOT, PERIOD. Even if all that had been done, Alec STILL put his finger on the trigger before clearing the foreground and background. He still allowed the muzzle of a real firearm to cross the plane of another human.

We do not fuck around on gun safety. It's not a game. Very few of us will tolerate that shit, and I certainly would not allow anyone who has an unreasonable fear of guns to ever handle one.
There you have it folks....Mr TDS has laid it out there.
This "Trumpism" is a greater plague for American society than is millions of dirty wetbacks invading our nation, raping, maiming and killing our people, jungle people rioting, looting and setting cities a blaze, a corrupt and Dem complicit media and social media, a Dem complicit academia, CRT being shoved down our childrens throats...
YEP.....Trumpism Trumps it all...we know this because Mr TDS never speaks ill of those things while "TRUMPISM" rolls off his tongue 83 times a day.
Thanks Mr TDS, we promise to take you serious going forward.
You're very welcome!
You moron. Why do you think they employ a propmaster on a movie set.
Someone has to maintain the guns and make them available as needed

But gun safety is the responsibility of everyone who handles the gun

And baldwin was the last person to touch the gun before he fired the fatal round
In this case, Alec Baldwin was handed a real firearm. Alec Baldwin did not check and clear it immediately. Neither Alec Baldwin nor anyone else is allow to take anyone else's word that a firearm is clear, ever. That is a basic firearm safety rule. ALL GUNS ARE HOT, PERIOD. Even if all that had been done, Alec STILL put his finger on the trigger before clearing the foreground and background. He still allowed the muzzle of a real firearm to cross the plane of another human.

We do not fuck around on gun safety. It's not a game. Very few of us will tolerate that shit, and I certainly would not allow anyone who has an unreasonable fear of guns to ever handle one.

If Baldwin had ever taken even basic firearms safety training, this would not have happened. Instead, he spent his time violently raging against legal gun owners and threatening people he disagrees with.

He's a negligent piece of shit and a killer, and he needs to go to prison.
Been a staple in murder mysteries for a long time

"Gil Mallory, an actor playing Ellery Queen in a motion picture, is supposed to be shot on camera, then jump up and nab the woman who shot him, exclaiming "Bulletproof vest!" The rehearsal with blanks goes fine. But the ensuing take with the same gun finds it loaded with real bullets, and Mallory drops dead. The film crew tries to carry on, and soon stunt man Mike Hewitt is killed when the car he was driving is rigged to wipe out before he was ready. Are the two murders linked -- and how?"

You'd think, as often as it's been used, (going back to the 30s, I believe), actors would check their 'props' before using them.
This was an accident.

Not all fatal accidents rise to the standard of manslaughter this one doesn't.
It was gross negligence at a bare-ass minimum. That is the standard for a manslaughter charge.

It probably will not be prosecuted because of the circumstances and because Alec Baldwin is a goose-stepping leftist, but had someone like Mel Gibson, or any run-of-the-mill non-prog, YOU KNOW GOOD AND GODDAMN WELL they would attempt to prosecute for manslaughter.
4. Why did Alec Baldwin not immediately check and clear the firearm when he took possession of it?
5. Why did Alec Baldwin point a real firearm at another person? (no muzzle discipline)
6. Why did Alec Baldwin put his finger within the trigger guard of the firearm before he had identified a target and checked the foreground and background for safety? (trigger discipline)
7. Why did Alec Baldwin pull the trigger of the firearm when he clearly could see that a human was within the firing zone?
4. Why did Alec Baldwin not immediately check and clear the firearm when he took possession of it?

Actors are not recognized firearms experts and cannot tamper with a weapon once it has been cleared

5. Why did Alec Baldwin point a real firearm at another person? (no muzzle discipline)

Because that was what the scene called for. They wanted a shot of him firing directly at the camera q

6. Why did Alec Baldwin put his finger within the trigger guard of the firearm before he had identified a target and checked the foreground and background for safety? (trigger discipline)

Because you need your finger inside the trigger guard to fire it. His target was directly at the camera with a camerawoman behind it
7. Why did Alec Baldwin pull the trigger of the firearm when he clearly could see that a human was within the firing zone?

Because that is what the shot called for

Not really.

If it is not industry standards for the actor to inspect every prop used be it a gun or a car then no actor is responsible for mishaps involving the operation of the props.

The armorer was obviously unqualified to hold that position and the studio should have vetted her better.

Like I said this was an accident and all accidents are caused by human negligence but none of the safety checks were Baldwin's responsibility per industry requirements.
Hollywood is not above the law. Their standards, low as they are, do not supercede black letter law. Killing people has consequences. That's for the police and district attorneys to decide.
4. Why did Alec Baldwin not immediately check and clear the firearm when he took possession of it?

Actors are not recognized firearms experts and cannot tamper with a weapon once it has been cleared

5. Why did Alec Baldwin point a real firearm at another person? (no muzzle discipline)

Because that was what the scene called for. They wanted a shot of him firing directly at the camera q

6. Why did Alec Baldwin put his finger within the trigger guard of the firearm before he had identified a target and checked the foreground and background for safety? (trigger discipline)

Because you need your finger inside the trigger guard to fire it. His target was directly at the camera with a camerawoman behind it
7. Why did Alec Baldwin pull the trigger of the firearm when he clearly could see that a human was within the firing zone?

Because that is what the shot called for

Want to bet he starts checking in the future?

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