Donald Trump Jr sells T-shirts mocking Alec Baldwin set shooting

You can buy this on the idiots website.
View attachment 556071
I wonder if he will donate the profits to the family of the dea woman ? Piece of shit.
The first born idiot son is trying to prove himself as classless as the orange-tinted pr!ck that spawned him.

It is apparent jr. will do anything in his attempt to gain daddy's approval.

So does every other rational person on earth. Alec Baldwin is a negligent, useless piece of shit who needs to go to prison.
The more I think about it the more I tend to agree

4. Why did Alec Baldwin not immediately check and clear the firearm when he took possession of it?

Actors are not recognized firearms experts and cannot tamper with a weapon once it has been cleared
Then, what the fuck are they doing handling a firearm?

How can a firearm be cleared if the person holding it has not cleared it?

5. Why did Alec Baldwin point a real firearm at another person? (no muzzle discipline)

Because that was what the scene called for. They wanted a shot of him firing directly at the camera q
Alec Baldwin pointed an unchecked firearm at another human being and put his finger on the trigger.

I don't give a rat fuck who told him to do what. HE IS RESPONSIBLE for the firearm in his hand, PERIOD. He didn't check and clear it immediately. EVEN IF A FIREARM IS CLEAR, he pointed at another person AND put his finger within the trigger guard before checking the foreground or background for possible safety concerns.

THERE IS NO EXCUSE for any of that.

Perhaps you are not understanding the issue.

IT IS NEVER OKAY TO POINT A REAL FIREARM AT ANYONE EVER unless you are prepared to shoot and kill them. Loaded. Unloaded. Broken. IT DOES NOT MATTER!!!

Maybe that's why you leftists are so afraid of guns. You think we don't take gun safety seriously.
Why bring Hunter into the conversation?
No, he's not.

He's stunningly wealthy in his own right. I met him last year and he was wearing a watch that cost more than my car (I drive a Mercedes). He doesn't need to sell t-shirts...
"He's stunningly wealthy in his own right"............:heehee:
"I met him last year".................:heehee:
6. Why did Alec Baldwin put his finger within the trigger guard of the firearm before he had identified a target and checked the foreground and background for safety? (trigger discipline)

Because you need your finger inside the trigger guard to fire it. His target was directly at the camera with a camerawoman behind it
7. Why did Alec Baldwin pull the trigger of the firearm when he clearly could see that a human was within the firing zone?

Because that is what the shot called for
I real firearm should never be pointed at another person EVER unless the handler is prepared to kill that person.

I would have checked the firearm and cleared it immediately. I would NEVER have pointed it at a camera. I would NEVER put my finger on the trigger with danger in the foreground and background.

Would you have given any of us such an excuse?

No. You wouldn't have. You would have demanded our prosecution.

Don't lie.
Thats bullshit

If a supposedly unloaded weapon is too dangerous for baldwin to check for live rounds then he should never be allowed to touch a firearm on any movie set

If that hurts his income stream so be it
You can tell Hollywood does not train ANYONE in the use or safety of firearms. You see them walking around with their fingers on the triggers ALL THE TIME, like that is the proper method. It's really bad.
Any “real” firearm can be modified to fire only blanks

What’s wrong with the hollywood perverts who act so recklessly?
A woman died and the Trumps are using her death for payback against their enemies
A woman died and it is because Alec Baldwin was grossly negligent in his handling and use of a firearm.

Would any of you commie leftists EVER give any of us the benefit of the doubt?

Hardly know where to begin with this one tommy
We could go with - if liberals took advice from the NRA instead of dictating it tommy this would have never happened or-
The NRA uses real guns and white liberals kill more folks with props than the NRA or -
proof positive that gun control doesn't work when white liberals are involved -or
Which upsets white liberals more? a tee shirt they disagree with or alec baldwin shooting this woman?
which is safer? an NRA meeting where members are armed to the teeth or a white liberal with one gun prop?
What gun control law would stop people like alec baldwin?

Back in the 80's another actor, Brandon Lee [I believe he was Bruce Lee's son] died the same way and in between these two deaths how many deaths occured at NRA meetings and gun shows due to fire arms involved with these groups? I won't venture a guess but I cannot recall any off hand...

people like baldwin are the problem with guns in this world not those who abide by NRA guidelines. /

Propmasters manage firearms on a movie set.. No one expects all actors to have gun training. Propmasters do abide by NRA guidelines.

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