Donald Trump Jr sells T-shirts mocking Alec Baldwin set shooting

On a Hollywood movie set the roles and responsibilities of the people are very clear and in all honesty the safety record in regards to firearms on movie sets is extremely good.
This is true [and a good honest post by you] yet those guns are "props" and the safety record as far as I can tell is not as good as NRA meetings and possibly even gun shows where real guns are in far greater numbers than those "props" are.
You beat me to it!

I find it hilariously funny that the OP and many on the left are offended by that T-Shirt but stayed silent or applauded what that hideous bitch did!

Now I know for a fact had DJT jr. shot someone by accident and AOC had a T-Shirt made about it, well you know the OP and those complaining about DJT jr. would buy it out of stock and claim it is hilarious…

What a bunch of hypocrites!
What liberals did to Kavanaugh and his family. I call fake tears on this.
The unclassy thing was the way that shithead Baldwin mocked Trump and advocated doing away with the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms. Despicable!

When the asshole makes a living being an asshole then he shouldn't get all bent out of shape when he gets called an asshole. now we REALLY know what this is all about. How dare he mock GOD!!!!!!!
The point is if one is going to be handling firearms it is prudent to at least be versed in basic gun safety. There is nothing expert level here.

Clearing a weapon and checking the load are fundamental Dick and Jane concepts

Exactly. There's no rocket science involved to simply check out a revolver to ensure it is safe. All this posturing about Baldwin simply checking and somehow buggering up the armorer's work is nonsense.

James and I target shoot now and then. Our favorite spot is just an informal bit of land folks have been using forever. Once in awhile, you get to yakking with folks and exchanging guns to try them out. Even if I know them, even if I trust them, even if I see them put the safety on and they tell me it's unloaded, I treat it like a loaded weapon till I check.

Takes less than one minute to avoid a tragedy.
Yes you can

Join anti 2nd Amendment groups that want to take gun rights from ordinary Americans while you simultaneously build a career making movies that glorify gun violence

Thats Alec Baldwin

19th century gun violence.

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