Donald Trump Just Had Another Very Bad Polling Day

I'd love to see the entire tea party anti-government caucus be bulldozed the fuck out of congress this nov.

These bastards are hurting this country and need to be defeated even more then trump.
Obama minimized them by targeting them with the IRS in 2012, bulldozed them when he rammed the ACA down the throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it, has dragged the US into 2 un-sanctioned wars to help tertorists, and has violated both Constitution and Rule of law while aiding Mexican Drug Cartels, terrorists, and illegals....and the TEA Party is the problem?


Do you live in an alternate universe?
No, but libs obviously do.

What exactly has the TEA Party stopoed this President from doing?

He has aided terrorists, Mexican Drug Cartels, Illegals, Sanctuary Cities, and rogue nations like Iran...

Ge has protected criminals, he has protected human traffickers, he has protected violent illegals, he has engaged in human trafficking, he has violated the Constitution and Rule of Law, he has refused to comply with court orders, he has been found in Contempt of Court, he has been found to be in violation of the Constitution...

He has armed, financed, supplied, trained, and / or protected terrorists, Drug Cartels, and criminals...he has dragged us into 2 un-sanctioned wars...

He has soied on Americans, used the IRS to target them, released violent illegals to continue to prey on Americans, brought terrorists into the country resulting in the deaths of 12 Americans....

He has pretty much done whatever he damb-well wanted to. So what is it exactly that the TEA Party has kept Obama from doing?

You sure you were not caught in some kind of wormhole and have just not realized yet? Either way, did Obama bring the terrorists here in Air Force One or did he just pay for their plane tickets?

Perhaps the Tea Party arranged their transportation for Obama.
Actually Obama brought one here, giving them a visa, only to have her murder 12 Americans in Ca.
LOL Yes, Trump had another bad day in the polls. But much worse is to come.

Try to change the subject all you want, Trump's mouth is destroying the GOP. And you silly asses are abetting him.
Actually Obama brought one here, giving them a visa, only to have her murder 12 Americans in Ca.[/QUOTE]

Is Ca your home planet? And these 12 Americans - were they caught in a wormhole too?
LOL Yes, Trump had another bad day in the polls. But much worse is to come.

Try to change the subject all you want, Trump's mouth is destroying the GOP. And you silly asses are abetting him.

It is fascinating how the GOP's destructive proclivity which was focused on Obama has turned the gun on it's self in a bizarre public suicide.
Donald Trump Just Had Another Very Bad Polling Day
Two new surveys show him with less than 40 percent of the vote against Hillary Clinton.

Fresh off of a post-convention bounce, Hillary Clinton is continuing to grow her lead over Donald Trump, according to new national polling released Thursday evening.

Clinton leads Trump by 9 points, 47 percent to 38 percent, in a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey. While both candidates remain unpopular, the survey finds, Clinton’s image has improved “modestly.” A majority of voters say they have more trust in her to handle a crisis and to deal with foreign policy.

A McClatchy-Marist poll gives Clinton an even wider 15-point lead against Trump, 48 percent to 33 percent. The survey finds Trump ceding ground among traditionally GOP demographics, losing men to Clinton by 8 points and holding just a 2-point edge among white voters.

Donald Trump Just Had Another Very Bad Polling Day

The American people want a government that governs and does things. They want national parks, infrastructure to drive on and a safetynet...Clinton is going to screw your day up this nov.

Trump is toast. The serious number crunchers with sophisticated models have him with a 25% chance of winning the election - way down since the dismal failure of the GOP convention.
Betting odds have Trump with less than a 20% chance.
NOW is the time to double down on destroying this ass clown, not letting up until he's humiliated on Election Day. No mercy, everyone votes!

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