Donald Trump just savaged an(other) American hero

Do tell oh historical scholar that you are. Is this another one of those two-bit smear campaigns where history is revised to suit your own political agenda.

I too, was not a fan of McCain in terms of his politics. However, he was braver than you or I.
He wasn't brave, he was just drunk and flying too low. It wasn't the first very expensive plane he fucked up by flying while drunk. He also flew a plane into some power lines in Italy, causing a major blackout.

Normally a pilot would lose their wings for that kind of stupid recklessness, but his father was the admiral who was commander in chief of the U.S. Pacific fleet. He could get away with anything.

He got shot down in Vietnam because he was flying too low. The pilots were supposed to be flying higher to stay out of range of the NVA's new electronically aimed very accurate anti-aircraft guns that the Soviet Union gave them.

Getting drunk and royally fucking up is not the same thing as bravery.
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I'm not the one claiming the ultimate sacrifice. This isn't Starship Troopers.
Nobody is. If you want to compare Trump's political record with McCain's, have at it. McCain still whips his arse, but I'm happy to entertain the debate.

But when it comes to comparing their military service (is military school even considered part of the 'military career??), please even putting them in the same sentence is plainly ridiculous. BTW, no huge fan of McCain as a politician by any stretch. Anybody who picked a fruit-loop like Palin as a running mate needs to address his decision-making abilities.
He wasn't brave, he was just drunk and flying too low. It wasn't the first very expensive plane he fucked up by flying while drunk. He also flew a plane into some power lines in Italy, causing a major blackout.

Normally a pilot would lose their wings for that kind of stupid recklessness, but his father was the admiral who was commander in chief of the U.S. Pacific fleet.

He got shot down in Vietnam because he was flying too low. The pilots were supposed to be flying higher to stay out of range of the NVA's new very accurate anti-aircraft guns that the Soviet Union gave them.

Getting drunk and royally fucking up is not the same thing as bravery.
Cool. I await your links with anticipation. Thanks.

It was Spain and not Italy. There are no confirmed reports that he was drunk.
Historically speaking, it seems like the more my country is 'served', the more of my freedoms end up in the shitter.

All wars are banker wars. All of em. They don't give a fuck about you or me or anyone else. All we're good for is paying the pricipal plus interest on all of that currency they print to float over to the war contractors.

So please spare us the hero worship bullshit. It's a paycheck, no different than some truck driver.
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It was Spain and not Italy.
I stand corrected, apparently it was Spain rather than Italy.

But my point still stands nonetheless. He fucked up an aircraft by flying too low and took out the powerlines.
Historically speaking, it seems like the more my country is 'served', the more of my freedoms end up in the shitter.

All wars are banker wars. All of em. They don't give a fuck about you or me or anyone else. All we're good for is paying the pricipal plus interest on all of that currency they print to float over to the war contractors.

So please spare us the hero worship bullshit. It's a paycheck, no different than some truck driver.
Spoken like a coward who didn't serve.
I stand corrected, apparently it was Spain rather than Italy.

But my point still stands nonetheless. He fucked up an aircraft by flying too low and took out the powerlines.
Yeah. I think almost every politician ever mentioned on USMB has a skeleton in their closet, or done something wrong in their life. Depending on what it is, it shouldn't impact on their career forever. Sure, if he kept on flying through powerlines every so often then he deserves plenty of serves. Clinton with his blowjob, Trump grabbing pussies, Ronnie Raygun saying they were starting to bomb Russia in five minutes are hardly hanging offences.

Then there are things like Watergate, or starting two wars without justification, or Chappaquiddick, which are a lot more serious IMO.

I don't take too much notice of peoples' opinions who denigrate a person who put their arse on the line (even if it was in an unjustified war like Vietnam), when they themselves haven't done so. If you have, I stand corrected. If not, you have zero right to criticise. Ditto the fat Orange Blob that until recently was in the WH.
Spoken like a coward who didn't serve.


It was spoken like a realist who is far more qualified to make such historical assessments than you could possibly ever know.

Placing that aside, and as a courtesy, you should know that politicizing one's military career is generally viewed as a naw naw, winger. I see people like you do that all of the time. Don't do that...

It was spoken like a realist who is far more qualified to make such historical assessments than you could possibly ever know.

Placing that aside, and as a courtesy, you should know that politicizing one's military career is generally viewed as a naw naw, winger. I see people like you do that all of the time. Don't do that...
Who's the fool - the one who started the war, or the 'patriots' that follow hook, line and sinker. The last war the US was involved with that was morally just IMO was WWII. Isolationists would say different, but there is a reason those men and women and (rightly IMO) called the Greatest Generation.
In a statement ostensibly about the late senator's daughter and her decision to leave "The View," Trump spent most of his time attacking McCain himself. Among the litany of abuse:

* Trump "made it possible for her father to have the world's longest funeral, designed and orchestrated by him, even though I was never, to put it mildly, a fan."

* Of McCain, Trump said: "In his own very special way, he was a RINO's RINO."

* Trump won Arizona in 2016 "despite [McCain] fighting against me."

* Trump noted that McCain "was close to last in his class at Annapolis."

Remember that Trump is talking about a man who spent years in a North Vietnamese prison camp where he was repeatedly tortured. The harm he suffered while in captivity stayed with him the rest of his life. (He could never lift his arm above his head again.) After his release, McCain served in the House and then was elected to the US Senate in 1986, where he served for more than three decades. He ran for president twice, winning the Republican nomination in 2008.

In short, whatever you think of McCain's politics, this was a man who spent nearly his entire life serving his country in some way, shape or form. You can like or dislike him personally -- and politically -- but there is no way to dispute that.

Which brings me back to Trump. Who, despite insisting that no one loves the military (and its commanders) more than him, has now publicly denigrated two highly-decorated military men in the last five days.

The hypocrisy there is obvious. But of course, Trump won't acknowledge it. That is simply Trump being Trump.

Now watch how many right wingers come out and defend this garbage.

Trump attacks a man when he was too much of a coward to even serve.

He claims he loves the military, but attacks military members at every twist and turn.

He has attacked 2 men who deserve nothing but honor and respect from this country.

To quote Nicholas in A Few Good Men.

I'd rather you just say 'thank you' and go on your way. Otherwise I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post.
Juan McSpain

Establishment sellout fag
The world is a better place with less of em
In a statement ostensibly about the late senator's daughter and her decision to leave "The View," Trump spent most of his time attacking McCain himself. Among the litany of abuse:

* Trump "made it possible for her father to have the world's longest funeral, designed and orchestrated by him, even though I was never, to put it mildly, a fan."

* Of McCain, Trump said: "In his own very special way, he was a RINO's RINO."

* Trump won Arizona in 2016 "despite [McCain] fighting against me."

* Trump noted that McCain "was close to last in his class at Annapolis."

Remember that Trump is talking about a man who spent years in a North Vietnamese prison camp where he was repeatedly tortured. The harm he suffered while in captivity stayed with him the rest of his life. (He could never lift his arm above his head again.) After his release, McCain served in the House and then was elected to the US Senate in 1986, where he served for more than three decades. He ran for president twice, winning the Republican nomination in 2008.

In short, whatever you think of McCain's politics, this was a man who spent nearly his entire life serving his country in some way, shape or form. You can like or dislike him personally -- and politically -- but there is no way to dispute that.

Which brings me back to Trump. Who, despite insisting that no one loves the military (and its commanders) more than him, has now publicly denigrated two highly-decorated military men in the last five days.

The hypocrisy there is obvious. But of course, Trump won't acknowledge it. That is simply Trump being Trump.

Now watch how many right wingers come out and defend this garbage.

Trump attacks a man when he was too much of a coward to even serve.

He claims he loves the military, but attacks military members at every twist and turn.

He has attacked 2 men who deserve nothing but honor and respect from this country.

To quote Nicholas in A Few Good Men.

I'd rather you just say 'thank you' and go on your way. Otherwise I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post.
Gimpy McCain was part of the Russia hoax
What were you calling Gimpy McCain when he was runnin for prez.......Watch this folks......................lololol
You don't know there is a difference between his service (which is what is being discussed here) and his political career. Two different beasts. I know, I know - you're a Deplorable moron. You don't do nuance...
In a statement ostensibly about the late senator's daughter and her decision to leave "The View," Trump spent most of his time attacking McCain himself. Among the litany of abuse:

* Trump "made it possible for her father to have the world's longest funeral, designed and orchestrated by him, even though I was never, to put it mildly, a fan."

* Of McCain, Trump said: "In his own very special way, he was a RINO's RINO."

* Trump won Arizona in 2016 "despite [McCain] fighting against me."

* Trump noted that McCain "was close to last in his class at Annapolis."

Remember that Trump is talking about a man who spent years in a North Vietnamese prison camp where he was repeatedly tortured. The harm he suffered while in captivity stayed with him the rest of his life. (He could never lift his arm above his head again.) After his release, McCain served in the House and then was elected to the US Senate in 1986, where he served for more than three decades. He ran for president twice, winning the Republican nomination in 2008.

In short, whatever you think of McCain's politics, this was a man who spent nearly his entire life serving his country in some way, shape or form. You can like or dislike him personally -- and politically -- but there is no way to dispute that.

Which brings me back to Trump. Who, despite insisting that no one loves the military (and its commanders) more than him, has now publicly denigrated two highly-decorated military men in the last five days.

The hypocrisy there is obvious. But of course, Trump won't acknowledge it. That is simply Trump being Trump.

Now watch how many right wingers come out and defend this garbage.

Trump attacks a man when he was too much of a coward to even serve.

He claims he loves the military, but attacks military members at every twist and turn.

He has attacked 2 men who deserve nothing but honor and respect from this country.

To quote Nicholas in A Few Good Men.

I'd rather you just say 'thank you' and go on your way. Otherwise I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post.

Just treating McCain the same way the left did in 2008:

But now he's your fucking hero?

Um yea, FUCK OFF.

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