Donald Trump might be the dimmest president ever

Dimmest Poster Ever Proves that he is Unfit to Post here, just as much as Bitter Hillary proves every day America averted disaster by voting for President Trump.
No question about it....He is also the first president to not have a vision outside of personal profit.

The guy doesn't give a shit about the future of this country.

On the contrary, I would argue he is precisely without need for personal wealth which makes him a major improvement over the standard politician. He had no need to do this job, certainly the pay wasn't the lure, he's not even taking the pay.

Ultimately he fought a different battle his entire life, I imagine many of these career politicians don't appreciate this and they will do their best to impede his success. Can you imagine if a non-politician runs the country better than us? All of the lobbyists and bagmen will lose all their influence.

Always consider these points before you go after him. He's certainly not perfect and definitely not diplomatic, but this is why he is supported. America needs a non-politician to get it back on track. I recall a certain actor became president, and will go down as one of the best leaders in world history not just U.S history.


The presidency of Ronald Reagan in the United States was marked by multiple scandals, resulting in the investigation, indictment, or conviction of over 138 administration officials, the largest number for any U.S. president

The Iran–Contra affair, as it became known, did serious damage to the Reagan presidency. The investigations were effectively halted when President George H. W. Bush (Reagan's vice president) pardoned (AND 7 OTHER REAGAN GUYS) Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger before his trial began

1 Iran–Contra affair

2 Department of Housing and Urban Development grant rigging

3 Lobbying scandal

4 EPA scandals

5 Inslaw Affair 6 Savings & loan crisis

7 Operation Ill Wind (50 CONVICTIONS)

8 Wedtech Scandal

Reagan administration scandals - Wikipedia


How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan

With the Gipper's reputation flagging after Clinton, neoconservatives launched a stealthy campaign to remake him as a "great" president.

The myth of Ronald Reagan was already looming in the spring of 1997 — when a highly popular President Bill Clinton was launching his second-term, pre-Monica Lewinsky, and the Republican brand seemed at low ebb. But what neoconservative activist Grover Norquist and his allies proposed that spring was virtually unheard of — an active, mapped-out, audacious campaign to spread a distorted vision of Reagan’s legacy across America.

In a sense, some of the credit for triggering this may belong to those supposedly liberal editors at the New York Times, and their decision at the end of 1996 to publish that Arthur Schlesinger Jr. survey of the presidents. The below-average rating by the historians for Reagan, coming right on the heels of Clintons’ easy reelection victory, was a wake-up call for these people who came to Washington in the 1980s as the shock troops of a revolution and now saw everything slipping away. The first Reagan salvos came from the Heritage Foundation, the same conservative think tank that also had feted the 10th anniversary of the Reagan tax cut in 1991. After its initial article slamming the Times, the foundation’s magazine, Policy Review, came back in July 1997 with a second piece for its 20th anniversary issue: “Reagan Betrayed: Are Conservatives Fumbling His Legacy?”

How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan


The fact is that Reagan was one of our greatest Presidents. He came into office with this country facing triple digit inflation, unemployment and interest rates. He created a economy that was the envy of the world.

Reagan made us respected throughout the world. When Reagan took office, the Iranians released their hostages because they did not want to mess with Reagan. When terrorists attacked a nightclub in Libya, Reagan launched a airstrike against Libya in retaliation.

Reagan's tax cuts reshaped the US economy. When the last of the Reagan tax cuts took effect, the economy grew at a 4% rate. Obama never got over 3%. Also the amount of money that the government took in from income taxes grew. By every measure, Reagan's tax policies led to a better US economy. He followed that up by passing tax reform in his second term.

Reagan also did what people said could not be done. He ended the cold war. He challenged the Soviet Union by increasing defense spending. It was the Democrats who sided with the Communist government in Nicaragua and actively worked against America.
No question about it....He is also the first president to not have a vision outside of personal profit.

The guy doesn't give a shit about the future of this country.

On the contrary, I would argue he is precisely without need for personal wealth which makes him a major improvement over the standard politician. He had no need to do this job, certainly the pay wasn't the lure, he's not even taking the pay.

Ultimately he fought a different battle his entire life, I imagine many of these career politicians don't appreciate this and they will do their best to impede his success. Can you imagine if a non-politician runs the country better than us? All of the lobbyists and bagmen will lose all their influence.

Always consider these points before you go after him. He's certainly not perfect and definitely not diplomatic, but this is why he is supported. America needs a non-politician to get it back on track. I recall a certain actor became president, and will go down as one of the best leaders in world history not just U.S history.


The presidency of Ronald Reagan in the United States was marked by multiple scandals, resulting in the investigation, indictment, or conviction of over 138 administration officials, the largest number for any U.S. president

The Iran–Contra affair, as it became known, did serious damage to the Reagan presidency. The investigations were effectively halted when President George H. W. Bush (Reagan's vice president) pardoned (AND 7 OTHER REAGAN GUYS) Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger before his trial began

1 Iran–Contra affair

2 Department of Housing and Urban Development grant rigging

3 Lobbying scandal

4 EPA scandals

5 Inslaw Affair 6 Savings & loan crisis

7 Operation Ill Wind (50 CONVICTIONS)

8 Wedtech Scandal

Reagan administration scandals - Wikipedia


How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan

With the Gipper's reputation flagging after Clinton, neoconservatives launched a stealthy campaign to remake him as a "great" president.

The myth of Ronald Reagan was already looming in the spring of 1997 — when a highly popular President Bill Clinton was launching his second-term, pre-Monica Lewinsky, and the Republican brand seemed at low ebb. But what neoconservative activist Grover Norquist and his allies proposed that spring was virtually unheard of — an active, mapped-out, audacious campaign to spread a distorted vision of Reagan’s legacy across America.

In a sense, some of the credit for triggering this may belong to those supposedly liberal editors at the New York Times, and their decision at the end of 1996 to publish that Arthur Schlesinger Jr. survey of the presidents. The below-average rating by the historians for Reagan, coming right on the heels of Clintons’ easy reelection victory, was a wake-up call for these people who came to Washington in the 1980s as the shock troops of a revolution and now saw everything slipping away. The first Reagan salvos came from the Heritage Foundation, the same conservative think tank that also had feted the 10th anniversary of the Reagan tax cut in 1991. After its initial article slamming the Times, the foundation’s magazine, Policy Review, came back in July 1997 with a second piece for its 20th anniversary issue: “Reagan Betrayed: Are Conservatives Fumbling His Legacy?”

How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan


The fact is that Reagan was one of our greatest Presidents. He came into office with this country facing triple digit inflation, unemployment and interest rates. He created a economy that was the envy of the world.

Reagan made us respected throughout the world. When Reagan took office, the Iranians released their hostages because they did not want to mess with Reagan. When terrorists attacked a nightclub in Libya, Reagan launched a airstrike against Libya in retaliation.

Reagan's tax cuts reshaped the US economy. When the last of the Reagan tax cuts took effect, the economy grew at a 4% rate. Obama never got over 3%. Also the amount of money that the government took in from income taxes grew. By every measure, Reagan's tax policies led to a better US economy. He followed that up by passing tax reform in his second term.

Reagan also did what people said could not be done. He ended the cold war. He challenged the Soviet Union by increasing defense spending. It was the Democrats who sided with the Communist government in Nicaragua and actively worked against America.

Triple digit inflation huh Buttercup?

Hint he GUTTED taxes from 70% to 50% and the unemployment SHOT UP from 7.4% to 10.8%, a post WW2 high AND stayed above 8% for 28 months, THE OPPOSITE of what he promised Cupcake

Everything else you posit is right wing mythology Buttercup

The myth of Ronald Reagan was already looming in the spring of 1997 — when a highly popular President Bill Clinton was launching his second-term, pre-Monica Lewinsky, and the Republican brand seemed at low ebb. But what neoconservative activist Grover Norquist and his allies proposed that spring was virtually unheard of — an active, mapped-out, audacious campaign to spread a distorted vision of Reagan’s legacy across America.

In a sense, some of the credit for triggering this may belong to those supposedly liberal editors at the New York Times, and their decision at the end of 1996 to publish that Arthur Schlesinger Jr. survey of the presidents. The below-average rating by the historians for Reagan, coming right on the heels of Clintons’ easy reelection victory, was a wake-up call for these people who came to Washington in the 1980s as the shock troops of a revolution and now saw everything slipping away.
How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan

No question about it....He is also the first president to not have a vision outside of personal profit.

The guy doesn't give a shit about the future of this country.

On the contrary, I would argue he is precisely without need for personal wealth which makes him a major improvement over the standard politician. He had no need to do this job, certainly the pay wasn't the lure, he's not even taking the pay.

Ultimately he fought a different battle his entire life, I imagine many of these career politicians don't appreciate this and they will do their best to impede his success. Can you imagine if a non-politician runs the country better than us? All of the lobbyists and bagmen will lose all their influence.

Always consider these points before you go after him. He's certainly not perfect and definitely not diplomatic, but this is why he is supported. America needs a non-politician to get it back on track. I recall a certain actor became president, and will go down as one of the best leaders in world history not just U.S history.


The presidency of Ronald Reagan in the United States was marked by multiple scandals, resulting in the investigation, indictment, or conviction of over 138 administration officials, the largest number for any U.S. president

The Iran–Contra affair, as it became known, did serious damage to the Reagan presidency. The investigations were effectively halted when President George H. W. Bush (Reagan's vice president) pardoned (AND 7 OTHER REAGAN GUYS) Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger before his trial began

1 Iran–Contra affair

2 Department of Housing and Urban Development grant rigging

3 Lobbying scandal

4 EPA scandals

5 Inslaw Affair 6 Savings & loan crisis

7 Operation Ill Wind (50 CONVICTIONS)

8 Wedtech Scandal

Reagan administration scandals - Wikipedia


How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan

With the Gipper's reputation flagging after Clinton, neoconservatives launched a stealthy campaign to remake him as a "great" president.

The myth of Ronald Reagan was already looming in the spring of 1997 — when a highly popular President Bill Clinton was launching his second-term, pre-Monica Lewinsky, and the Republican brand seemed at low ebb. But what neoconservative activist Grover Norquist and his allies proposed that spring was virtually unheard of — an active, mapped-out, audacious campaign to spread a distorted vision of Reagan’s legacy across America.

In a sense, some of the credit for triggering this may belong to those supposedly liberal editors at the New York Times, and their decision at the end of 1996 to publish that Arthur Schlesinger Jr. survey of the presidents. The below-average rating by the historians for Reagan, coming right on the heels of Clintons’ easy reelection victory, was a wake-up call for these people who came to Washington in the 1980s as the shock troops of a revolution and now saw everything slipping away. The first Reagan salvos came from the Heritage Foundation, the same conservative think tank that also had feted the 10th anniversary of the Reagan tax cut in 1991. After its initial article slamming the Times, the foundation’s magazine, Policy Review, came back in July 1997 with a second piece for its 20th anniversary issue: “Reagan Betrayed: Are Conservatives Fumbling His Legacy?”

How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan


The fact is that Reagan was one of our greatest Presidents. He came into office with this country facing triple digit inflation, unemployment and interest rates. He created a economy that was the envy of the world.

Reagan made us respected throughout the world. When Reagan took office, the Iranians released their hostages because they did not want to mess with Reagan. When terrorists attacked a nightclub in Libya, Reagan launched a airstrike against Libya in retaliation.

Reagan's tax cuts reshaped the US economy. When the last of the Reagan tax cuts took effect, the economy grew at a 4% rate. Obama never got over 3%. Also the amount of money that the government took in from income taxes grew. By every measure, Reagan's tax policies led to a better US economy. He followed that up by passing tax reform in his second term.

Reagan also did what people said could not be done. He ended the cold war. He challenged the Soviet Union by increasing defense spending. It was the Democrats who sided with the Communist government in Nicaragua and actively worked against America.

At least until the next Republican since every republican has always been the dumbest one ever.

You know, you might be onto something there, except HW was the exception to the rule :)

Not at the time. At the time the Democrats insisted that HW was the dumbest Republican ever. Then Dole was the dumbest Republican ever. For my entire life every single Republican has been the dumbest ever.

Look. That has been used and overused to the point of stupidity.

This time it is the truth. Trump is the dumbest President wed have had and it hurts Republicans. Trump cannot sell policies because he does not understand them. He had no clue about the healthcare plan. Look at what the government told foreign countries to do on his recent trip.

Congratulate him on his huge win

Mention Trump's name constantly to keep his attention

Use pictures

This sounds like a 5 year old child not a grown man.
At least until the next Republican since every republican has always been the dumbest one ever.

You know, you might be onto something there, except HW was the exception to the rule :)

Not at the time. At the time the Democrats insisted that HW was the dumbest Republican ever. Then Dole was the dumbest Republican ever. For my entire life every single Republican has been the dumbest ever.

Look. That has been used and overused to the point of stupidity.

This time it is the truth. Trump is the dumbest President wed have had and it hurts Republicans. Trump cannot sell policies because he does not understand them. He had no clue about the healthcare plan. Look at what the government told foreign countries to do on his recent trip.

Congratulate him on his huge win

Mention Trump's name constantly to keep his attention

Use pictures

This sounds like a 5 year old child not a grown man.

So it wasn't true before and won't be true in the future but it really is true now. Or something.
The left still doesn't get the message that I've repeated a dozen times since the election. Trump knows exactly what he's doing and he does it daily and is laughing at all the left and the gullible. He makes seemingly wild statements and does seemingly stupid things and everybody and his brother goes off on wild goose chases and witch hunts and wastes a lot of time and effort and comes up with nothing. And all the time Trump is going in the opposite direction getting important things done and causing confusion and chaos within the left bank. Some, in the press and media are beginning to catch on and it's hilarious to watch things unfold. But the left still doesn't catch on.
Does anyone want to bet that Trump is the one pushing the Russia investigation and all the other garbage that's going on?

I do agree that he knows he's taking the US down and that he's enriching his 1% cronies. He also knows he's doing exactly what he promised Russia and China.

But the OP is correct that he's dumb. It's just that the RWNJs are dumber, as this posts proves.

I read that you gullible trumpkins actually believe his stupid "covfefe" screw up was a secret message to the Saudis,Moho,mate,mare also celebrating Trumpery's gift of pulling out of the Paris accord.

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