Donald Trump: Narcissist in Chief


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Trump certainly acts and sounds like a racial bigot. But whether he really is or not, there is a much deeper issue here -- Donald Trump is a salesman who sees that racial bigotry still works with a core base of the Republican Party.

Donald Trump is a real estate mogul for whom the word "egomaniac" is an understatement. But when America's narcissist in chief says he also wants to become commander in chief, the country pays attention. And that's what Trump wanted to have happen. Here is what Trump said in his announcement that he is running to add the presidency to his list of successes:

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. ...They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

When challenged on the inaccuracy, outrageousness and viciousness of his remarks, "The Donald" characteristically doubled down and claimed to be the nation's only truth-teller, then attacked everyone who dared to challenge him.

Nice of Trump to assume, I thought, that some of the 11 million undocumented immigrants who live such vulnerable lives in this country might be good people. But obviously Trump doesn't know any of them.

Much More: Donald Trump: Narcissist in Chief - Jim Wallis

I applaud Trump for shaking things up in the GOP. Every circus needs a good ringmaster. Trump is trying to ride racial bigotry to the White House. Are you buying his shtick? He also seems very thin-skinned - so how will he weather the scrutiny that presidential candidates must endure? He hasn't seen anything yet from the media compared to what's coming.
Lakota.....Trump should be the GOP nominee. And you're fucking it up with all your 'facts' and 'evidence'.

Don't ruin this for me.
Say what you want. The demand for tickets in Phoenix is so high, they've already moved the venue once. They need a bigger venue than even that, but too late to move it again. Cackle on, Fake Injun.........
Say what you want. The demand for tickets in Phoenix is so high, they've already moved the venue once. They need a bigger venue than even that, but too late to move it again. Cackle on, Fake Injun.........

Now that's what I'm talking about. I expect Trump's popularity among conservatives to surge now that he's turning on both Mexicans and Rubio.

Bashing brown people and support in the GOP goes together like peas and carrots.
Say what you want. The demand for tickets in Phoenix is so high, they've already moved the venue once. They need a bigger venue than even that, but too late to move it again. Cackle on, Fake Injun.........

Phoenix? Sheriff Joe Arpaio? Holy shit...
Lakota.....Trump should be the GOP nominee. And you're fucking it up with all your 'facts' and 'evidence'.

Don't ruin this for me.

yeah yeah, just like how you all thought you had the last TWO midterm elections in the bag because of someone or something. WELL you saw how that worked out
so please get another gig. thanks
I can't wait until Trump starts calling them Brownies.
At the Trump Phoenix rally:

Lakota.....Trump should be the GOP nominee. And you're fucking it up with all your 'facts' and 'evidence'.

Don't ruin this for me.

yeah yeah, just like how you all thought you had the last TWO midterm elections in the bag because of someone or something. WELL you saw how that worked out
so please get another gig. thanks

Can you quote me saying that we had the last two midterms in the bag? Because I'm pretty sure you're citing yourself as me. And that's never worked out well for you.
At least trump is a narcissist who has run and owned business. Put people to work at them and got rich by it

Now the real Narcissist in Chief Obambam. the only thing he's ever done in his pathetic life (before he duped you fools into putting him in for his Reign of terror over us as President....

He was a Community agitator, was a LOWLY STATE Senator and a one term JUNIOR Senator with (no Experience in anything or had worked a REAL JOB) in our United States Congress

so please. we are about sick of you Democrats already. and if losing Congress under that idiot in Chief wasn't enough proof.
At least trump is a narcissistic who has run and owned business.

And run them into the ground 4 times. And now wants to run the US the exact same way.

What could possibly go wrong?

The ability to rise to success after failure is a good attribute.

All business is extremely risky and to fail is common. 9 out of 10 will fail.
At least trump is a narcissistic who has run and owned business.

And run them into the ground 4 times. And now wants to run the US the exact same way.

What could possibly go wrong?

The ability to rise to success after failure is a good attribute.

But judgement so poor that you run your business into the ground 4 times isn't a good attribute. As it demonstrates you're not learning from your mistakes.
Trump certainly acts and sounds like a racial bigot. But whether he really is or not, there is a much deeper issue here -- Donald Trump is a salesman who sees that racial bigotry still works with a core base of the Republican Party.

Donald Trump is a real estate mogul for whom the word "egomaniac" is an understatement. But when America's narcissist in chief says he also wants to become commander in chief, the country pays attention. And that's what Trump wanted to have happen. Here is what Trump said in his announcement that he is running to add the presidency to his list of successes:

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. ...They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

When challenged on the inaccuracy, outrageousness and viciousness of his remarks, "The Donald" characteristically doubled down and claimed to be the nation's only truth-teller, then attacked everyone who dared to challenge him.

Nice of Trump to assume, I thought, that some of the 11 million undocumented immigrants who live such vulnerable lives in this country might be good people. But obviously Trump doesn't know any of them.

Much More: Donald Trump: Narcissist in Chief - Jim Wallis

I applaud Trump for shaking things up in the GOP. Every circus needs a good ringmaster. Trump is trying to ride racial bigotry to the White House. Are you buying his shtick? He also seems very thin-skinned - so how will he weather the scrutiny that presidential candidates must endure? He hasn't seen anything yet from the media compared to what's coming.
OMG F**KING...Someone seriously is calling anyone other than the current squatter in the White House the Narcissist in Chief?!!
There are none so blind as those who remain abjectly, ignorantly, obtusely blind to the fact of TRUTH. Oh, the rank stink of hypocrisy...
What is a narcissist?

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder in which a person is excessively preoccupied with personal adequacy, power, prestige and vanity, mentally unable to see the destructive damage they are causing to themselves and others. It is a cluster B personality disorder.

Narcissistic personality disorder - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I think all the Presidents are narcissistic to varying degrees.

I don't think Carter was a narrcist. Or Ford. But with the rest, probably to a degree.

However, even on that scale Trump buries the needle. I mean, look at these quotes:

I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created.


When was the last time anybody saw us beating, let’s say, China in a trade deal? They kill us. I beat China all the time.


We have a 5 billion dollar website. I have so many websites … I hire people. They do a website. It costs me three dollars.

On defeating ISIS

I would hit them so hard. I would find you a proper general, I would find the Patton or MacArthur. I would hit them so hard your head would spin.

Even by the standards of presidential bravado.....that's impressively narcissistic.

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