Donald Trump offers help to terminally ill British baby


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
If anything can be done it would be literally a life saver. Of course, like most if not all socialist systems, the doctors want to pull the plug on the life support. Britain like Canada, primarily Atheists. Sad.

Hopefully Trump and American ingenuity can win this battle and show the world what free market healthcare can accomplish.

Trump enters Charlie Gard debate: 'We would be delighted' to help

The plight of Charlie Gard – the brain-damaged British baby whose parents recently lost a legal battle to keep him on life support – has now tugged at heart strings as far away as the Oval Office.

President Trump on Monday tweeted his willingness to lend a hand – and in doing so exposed the debate over who should make life-and-death decisions for Charlie to a massive audience.

“If we can help little #CharlieGard, as per our friends in the U.K. and the Pope, we would be delighted to do so,” Trump wrote.

The tweet, which noted a similar call for compassion from Pope Francis on Sunday night, comes just ahead of Trump’s second international trip later this week, during which he’ll meet with world leaders at the G-20 summit it Germany – a conference at which Trump could cross paths with British Prime Minister Theresa May.

Trump's tweet also implicitly highlights perceived pitfalls in the British health care system -- a publicly funded system -- at a time the U.S. is undergoing yet another debate about medical coverage.

Gard’s parents have fought the courts to keep their son on life support. Chris Gard and Connie Yates want to bring Charlie to the U.S. for experimental therapy.
I'm not surprised. Trump has a long history of going out of his way to help others.
I am going to watch this story if Trump sends his plane across the Atlantic.

If anything can be done it would be literally a life saver. Of course, like most if not all socialist systems, the doctors want to pull the plug on the life support. Britain like Canada, primarily Atheists. Sad.

Hopefully Trump and American ingenuity can win this battle and show the world what free market healthcare can accomplish.

Trump enters Charlie Gard debate: 'We would be delighted' to help

The plight of Charlie Gard – the brain-damaged British baby whose parents recently lost a legal battle to keep him on life support – has now tugged at heart strings as far away as the Oval Office.

President Trump on Monday tweeted his willingness to lend a hand – and in doing so exposed the debate over who should make life-and-death decisions for Charlie to a massive audience.

“If we can help little #CharlieGard, as per our friends in the U.K. and the Pope, we would be delighted to do so,” Trump wrote.

The tweet, which noted a similar call for compassion from Pope Francis on Sunday night, comes just ahead of Trump’s second international trip later this week, during which he’ll meet with world leaders at the G-20 summit it Germany – a conference at which Trump could cross paths with British Prime Minister Theresa May.

Trump's tweet also implicitly highlights perceived pitfalls in the British health care system -- a publicly funded system -- at a time the U.S. is undergoing yet another debate about medical coverage.

Gard’s parents have fought the courts to keep their son on life support. Chris Gard and Connie Yates want to bring Charlie to the U.S. for experimental therapy.

And you would never see that bastard Obama offering this.
Obama never said what Trump said " WE all bleed the same red blood"
not that bastard glamorized the Muslims, and how they created our Country....
Vatican hospital offers to take baby after courts order him off life support

VATICAN, July 3, 2017 – A Vatican-owned hospital has offered to take Charlie Gard, the nearly 11-month-old UK baby whose parents are fighting to keep him on life support.

The president of the Vatican-owned Bambino Gesù Hospital in Rome, Mariella Enoc, said her hospital was reaching out to Britian's Great Ormond Street Hospital to ask if Bambino Gesù could take Charlie.

Charlie is scheduled to die at Great Ormond Street Hospital against his parents' wishes. European courts have ruled the hospital, not the parents, should be able to decide to remove him from life support. His parents are not being allowed to take him home and be with him for his last hours of life.

Charlie was originally scheduled to die on Friday, but the hospital announced it's giving his parents a little more time with him.

"We know that it is a desperate case and that there are no effective therapies," said Enoc. "We are close to the parents in prayer and, if this is their desire, willing to take their child, for the time he has left to live."

BREAKING: Vatican hospital offers to take baby after courts order him off life support
Watch the liberalfilths' bottom-feeding, ugly little minds try to twist this into some nefarious way to attack Trump. Their panic attacks over Trump are as predictable as their diet of muslim semen.

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