Donald Trump Plays Ace Card, Announces Last Minute Surprise Witness Who Will Testify To Grand Jury Tomorrow


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Uh..Surprise? Sleazy Lawyer vs Sleazier Lawyer--stay tuned!

  • Trump indictment in New York now remains on hold until possibly two more grand jury witnesses testify.
  • One witness is Rudy Giuliani lawyer Robert Costello, ex-attorney for key prosecution witness Michael Cohen.
  • Cohen himself may then be called by the prosecution to rebut Costello, Cohen told Insider.
Monday's surprise grand jury witness in the New York "hush-money" investigation into Donald Trump is Giuliani lawyer Robert Costello, a source familiar with the investigation confirmed to Insider.
Star prosecution witness Michael Cohen is also making himself available Monday, in case Manhattan prosecutors decide to call him before the grand jury to give rebuttal testimony, Cohen told Insider.
News that as many as two witnesses — Costello and Cohen — may now need to testify before the grand jury can vote provides new clues to the timing for any indictment.

The grand jury meets in secret on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons, and will next convene for three hours on Monday.
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I hope Cohen shocks them all and says he wrote the checks under his own authority... what does he have to lose... his career is toast... he served his time and he will need a job so it would be wise to make nice with Trump and his supporters....
Esteemed law professor Turley said yesterday that Bragg is not only NOT staying in his lane, but is on a whole different highway!

In Turley I trust.
Not so much in Alvin 'fathead' Soros funded Bragg.
Why is a grand jury even convening over a goddamned misdemeanor case?

Because they need something, anything so they can shit talk trump and hope of throw enough stuff at the wall eventually something will stick and they can keep him from running for president again because if he wins and is elected president will ruin everything for them. Including globalists with their hands in the transformation of America because trump does not play ball with globalists.

Plus the whole thing is a golden opportunity for them to create an scenario to distract away from all the ways the Biden administration is screwing America and away from the China investigation on Biden. If they can't lock him up they will create another Jan 6 moment they can milk for the next 2 years.
Esteemed law professor Turley said yesterday that Bragg is not only NOT staying in his lane, but is on a whole different highway!

In Turley I trust.
EVERY lawyer trump hires is a below above lawyer in terms of lawyers.
trump hires yes men and women, people that he has seen on TV or say nice things about him.

If you ^^^^ got charged with a serious crime, guilty or not, and had ONE chance to hire the best lawyer, you'd be a fool to consider ANY of trumps lawyers.

Is Turley representing trump?
or just giving his opinion?
Uh..Surprise? Sleazy Lawyer vs Sleazier Lawyer--stay tuned!

  • Trump indictment in New York now remains on hold until possibly two more grand jury witnesses testify.
  • One witness is Rudy Giuliani lawyer Robert Costello, ex-attorney for key prosecution witness Michael Cohen.
  • Cohen himself may then be called by the prosecution to rebut Costello, Cohen told Insider.
Monday's surprise grand jury witness in the New York "hush-money" investigation into Donald Trump is Giuliani lawyer Robert Costello, a source familiar with the investigation confirmed to Insider.
Star prosecution witness Michael Cohen is also making himself available Monday, in case Manhattan prosecutors decide to call him before the grand jury to give rebuttal testimony, Cohen told Insider.
News that as many as two witnesses — Costello and Cohen — may now need to testify before the grand jury can vote provides new clues to the timing for any indictment.

The grand jury meets in secret on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons, and will next convene for three hours on Monday.
Sleazy lawyer? Oh, please. Rudy Giuliani cleaned up the high murder count on his mayoral watch and was touted by both sides for his taming the murderous shrews on the streets of New York City. He went after criminals and it was safe to walk the streets again. Right now, people are wailing about the high crime rate due to poor crime management in the city that never sleeps. I'm so sorry people with real estate are losing their shirts from a significant exodus of hard workers and their businesses moved to other places to avoid the sickening crimes that are going on city wide. The next thing you know, people won't be sending their children to Juilliard due to the crime and basic human misery of living in a place where you know people who died from a stray bullet from the crazies who've taken over freedom of assembly away from New York citizens. Years ago, we visited New York for the shows put on by world-class actors who attended Julliard. The whole town was happy, friendly, and kind to visitors. A lot of those people left NYC in the last 2 years of the crazy politicians who didn't go to any trouble whatever about controlling crime. People will never go back there. Who wants to get shot by someone who will be released from jail before the trial is over?
Nostalgic Memories of the real New York that is no more...

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Sleazy lawyer? Oh, please. Rudy Giuliani cleaned up the high murder count on his mayoral watch and was touted by both sides for his taming the murderous shrews on the streets of New York City. He went after criminals and it was safe to walk the streets again. Right now, people are wailing about the high crime rate due to poor crime management in the city that never sleeps. I'm so sorry people with real estate are losing their shirts from a significant exodus of hard workers and their businesses moved to other places to avoid the sickening crimes that are going on city wide. The next thing you know, people won't be sending their children to Juilliard due to the crime and basic human misery of living in a place where you know people who died from a stray bullet from the crazies who've taken over freedom of assembly away from New York citizens. Years ago, we visited New York for the shows put on by world-class actors who attended Julliard. The whole town was happy, friendly, and kind to visitors. A lot of those people left NYC in the last 2 years of the crazy politicians who didn't go to any trouble whatever about controlling crime. People will never go back there. Who wants to get shot by someone who will be released from jail before the trial is over?
Hey...Giuliani is not the subject of this link, and not the witness..although I'm sure he appreciates the support.
It's HIS lawyer..and yeah..he's a sleaze.
BTW..Rudy's best days are far behind him...just another person whose association with Trump have destroyed their legacy--Dershowitz is another~
EVERY lawyer trump hires is a below above lawyer in terms of lawyers.

They have to be pretty good - they've been kicking Democrats' (DOJ, FBI, NSA, CIA, ATF, DHS, etc... lawyers and Democrats) asses for the last 6 & 1/2 years!

laughing hilariously.jpg
Hey...Giuliani is not the subject of this link, and not the witness..although I'm sure he appreciates the support.
It's HIS lawyer..and yeah..he's a sleaze.
BTW..Rudy's best days are far behind him...just another person whose association with Trump have destroyed their legacy--Dershowitz is another~
From everything I've observed about President Trump are the multiple and repetitive lies the self-appointed character assassins of the leftist lockstep press, well paid by Soros as their stations grow poor because the American people now know they are being lied to by Marxist interests who want to change the home of the free and the brave into a craven communist hellhole Hillary Clinton wishes would materialize faster so she can really take President Trump to his grave, which isn't going to happen to the best of my knowledge and faith that God loves his people in America very much, even though most people don't discuss it. A few days before his inauguration, President Trump met with the Christians in the Legislative branch who made known their dedication to principles in the Constitution that reflect biblical values. They say he was blessed by the Holy Spirit that night and was convinced he would be a prayerful man with respect for the needs of the American people, and he reviewed and agreed to accepting the oath office as his guide. that said, I think he was born again that night and included it in his already pro-American them of making America a great place again by making enemies think twice before they planned the end of both America and Israel, who in its right have been people who obey God, the same as American Christians.

Marxists and Communists do not believe in God, and pursuing socialism is a one-track ticket to the doom of civilization. Hillary Clinton went to school and became convinced she would rattle some cages in politics by way of imposing the Alinsky Method of converting a country into sociocommunism. President Trump decided on the path he would take that night, and he is a lot better man for putting his past into his perspective as over, but little did he know that dedicated communists he used to be friendly with turned on him for adopting strength from God as his teacher. As such, he succeeded in coming very close in a short time to bring peace to the 5,000 year grudge known to the people in the Middle East, and was close to closing that deal when his term ended abruptly with a cowardly basement dweller his opponent, that had an bottomless pot of gold from Silicone Valley and George Soros who tried to destroy an American ally, Great Britain by breaking their banking system with intentional damage just because he didn't like them. What followed was a bought and paid for press against unreal and imagined errors of Trump and every member of his staff, family, using Hillary's vast intelligence file she could review from a too-friendly FBI who didn't know her true goal was to destroy the America built by our fathers and mothers because her professors taught her she was invincible if she departed from traditional beliefs and centered on herself and the Alinsky method of changing society by a series of steps here: Saul Alinsky’s 12 Rules for Radicals I hear her master's thesis was based on this hideous maelstrom of destruction of trust in leadership, poisoning the well against the truth, etc., etc., etc. It's truly a wicked alternative to the truth, faith in God and faith in each other. And it's destroying the country as we speak because people who took the truth for granted are seeing their children snarl at everything in America that was precious to generations of free men and women.

Guiliani, Trump, and American conservatives are not what the Press has been paid to insidiously and with malice aforethought, to propagandize the slightest activities into a broken law in order to "Get Trump." I wish that entire scenario failure that it has always been around since ambition caused Cain to assassinate Abel. That's what I think, and since then, the Alinsky method teaches its brainwashees to imbibe in the waters of Rule 8 which reads:

RULE 8: “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.” Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new. (Attack, attack, attack from all sides, never giving the reeling organization a chance to rest, regroup, recover and re-strategize.}
Saul Alinsky’s 12 Rules for Radicals
My prayers are for God to continue to bless America, cause the people to realize that lying isn't all it's cracked up to be by its employees, and return to the status their parents lived of putting others before themselves, and to observe the commandment, "Do not covet what is thy neighbor's," and "Do not bear false witness against thy neighbor." That's a real problem for the Democrat Party that pushes a changing false narrative to fit the crime, and women who believe they should be believed even if they lied so obviously and Idiot would know it. Our belief in the truth may have stumbling blocks imposed by Alinsky Rule 8, but on our side, our dear Lord is there for those of us who love him, serve the truth, and believe in his protection of us to eternity. It's called the Kingdom of God, and it never fails to keep our souls safe through life and death. Please encourage your fellow Democrats to get back to their American forbears who gave all to help all. Love, beautress.

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From everything I've observed about President Trump are the multiple and repetitive lies the self-appointed character assassins of the leftist lockstep press, well paid by Soros as their stations grow poor because the American people now know they are being lied to by Marxist interests who want to change the home of the free and the brave into a craven communist hellhole Hillary Clinton wishes would materialize faster so she can really take President Trump to his grave, which isn't going to happen to the best of my knowledge and faith that God loves his people in America very much, even though most people don't discuss it. A few days before his inauguration, President Trump met with the Christians in the Legislative branch who made known their dedication to principles in the Constitution that reflect biblical values. They say he was blessed by the Holy Spirit that night and was convinced he would be a prayerful man with respect for the needs of the American people, and he reviewed and agreed to accepting the oath office as his guide. that said, I think he was born again that night and included it in his already pro-American them of making America a great place again by making enemies think twice before they planned the end of both America and Israel, who in its right have been people who obey God, the same as American Christians.

Marxists and Communists do not believe in God, and pursuing socialism is a one-track ticket to the doom of civilization. Hillary Clinton went to school and became convinced she would rattle some cages in politics by way of imposing the Alinsky Method of converting a country into sociocommunism. President Trump decided on the path he would take that night, and he is a lot better man for putting his past into his perspective as over, but little did he know that dedicated communists he used to be friendly with turned on him for adopting strength from God as his teacher. As such, he succeeded in coming very close in a short time to bring peace to the 5,000 year grudge known to the people in the Middle East, and was close to closing that deal when his term ended abruptly with a cowardly basement dweller his opponent, that had an bottomless pot of gold from Silicone Valley and George Soros who tried to destroy an American ally, Great Britain by breaking their banking system with intentional damage just because he didn't like them. What followed was a bought and paid for press against unreal and imagined errors of Trump and every member of his staff, family, using Hillary's vast intelligence file she could review from a too-friendly FBI who didn't know her true goal was to destroy the America built by our fathers and mothers because her professors taught her she was invincible if she departed from traditional beliefs and centered on herself and the Alinsky method of changing society by a series of steps here: Saul Alinsky’s 12 Rules for Radicals I hear her master's thesis was based on this hideous maelstrom of destruction of trust in leadership, poisoning the well against the truth, etc., etc., etc. It's truly a wicked alternative to the truth, faith in God and faith in each other. And it's destroying the country as we speak because people who took the truth for granted are seeing their children snarl at everything in America that was precious to generations of free men and women.

Guiliani, Trump, and American conservatives are not what the Press has been paid to insidiously and with malice aforethought, to propagandize the slightest activities into a broken law in order to "Get Trump." I wish that entire scenario failure that it has always been around since ambition caused Cain to assassinate Abel. That's what I think, and since then, the Alinsky method teaches its brainwashees to imbibe in the waters of Rule 8 which reads:

RULE 8: “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.” Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new. (Attack, attack, attack from all sides, never giving the reeling organization a chance to rest, regroup, recover and re-strategize.}
Saul Alinsky’s 12 Rules for Radicals
My prayers are for God to continue to bless America, cause the people to realize that lying isn't all it's cracked up to be by its employees, and return to the status their parents lived of putting others before themselves, and to observe the commandment, "Do not covet what is thy neighbor's," and "Do not bear false witness against thy neighbor." That's a real problem for the Democrat Party that pushes a changing false narrative to fit the crime, and women who believe they should be believed even if they lied so obviously and Idiot would know it. Our belief in the truth may have stumbling blocks imposed by Alinsky Rule 8, but on our side, our dear Lord is there for those of us who love him, serve the truth, and believe in his protection of us to eternity. It's called the Kingdom of God, and it never fails to keep our souls safe through life and death. Please encourage your fellow Democrats to get back to their American forbears who gave all to help all. Love, beautress.

Marxists AND Communists eh?

I got a game for you..identify every rhetorical trigger phrase included in your above post. It's reads more like an invocation than information~

**over/under is well over 100**
Marxists AND Communists eh?

I got a game for you..identify every rhetorical trigger phrase included in your above post. It's reads more like an invocation than information~

**over/under is well over 100**
Sir Fleegle, you needn't read the books I recommended. But if you did, you'd realize that I wasn't gaslighting. Love, beautress.
Grand Jury proceedings are supposed to be secret. The purpose of the secrecy is to prevent exactly what Bragg is doing, character assasination by means of accusations that the accused has no forum to respond to until months later.

If Bragg is going to selectively leak information to a media eager to further spin his already spun leaks, then he should open up the proceedings to the public and let the public see for itself what the witnesses are saying.

That so many Democrats are lawyers, and yet none of them have called Bragg on this clear violation of their code of ethics is yet another sign that Trump Derangement System over-rides common sense, ethics, logic, and decency.
Grand Jury proceedings are supposed to be secret. The purpose of the secrecy is to prevent exactly what Bragg is doing, character assasination by means of accusations that the accused has no forum to respond to until months later.

If Bragg is going to selectively leak information to a media eager to further spin his already spun leaks, then he should open up the proceedings to the public and let the public see for itself what the witnesses are saying.

That so many Democrats are lawyers, and yet none of them have called Bragg on this clear violation of their code of ethics is yet another sign that Trump Derangement System over-rides common sense, ethics, logic, and decency.

How do we know that Bragg is the leaker?

I think it is clear Trump benefited from the story he pushed that he was going to be arrested this past Tuesday. It was a fund raising bonanza and it made a no win situation for Bragg as either Trump got to say 'See, I told you" or everyone says Bragg chickened out.
Hey...Giuliani is not the subject of this link, and not the witness..although I'm sure he appreciates the support.
It's HIS lawyer..and yeah..he's a sleaze.
BTW..Rudy's best days are far behind him...just another person whose association with Trump have destroyed their legacy--Dershowitz is another~
So anyone who defends President Trump from the myriad of lies, fake impeachments, and fake inquiries has destroyed his (Rudy's) impeccable career? As much as I like you, Mr. Fleegle, I can't buy a farm that doesn't produce good crops. You shouldn't either. Love, beautress.
How do we know that Bragg is the leaker?
It’s Bragg or someone who works for him. Unless you have some “rogue janitor” theory.
I think it is clear Trump benefited from the story he pushed that he was going to be arrested this past Tuesday. It was a fund raising bonanza and it made a no win situation for Bragg as either Trump got to say 'See, I told you" or everyone says Bragg chickened out.
Yes, Trump beats you TDS folk at every turn.

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