Donald Trump Releases ‘Mugshot Edition’ Digital Trading Cards—Offers Pieces Of Suit From Fulton County Arrest

Spoken like a true communist.

I like to inquire and when nutballs make claims I ask questions and challenge them on the premise of their arguments. Most often than not they bail from the conversation and resort to personal insults
Communist? Dumbass not all democrats are communist but all communist are democrats. And I'm no democrat. Dumbass. However if what you said were true why haven't you asked the question what services did Biden give for all those millions given to him from other countries?
Spoken like a true communist.

I like to inquire and when nutballs make claims I ask questions and challenge them on the premise of their arguments. Most often than not they bail from the conversation and resort to personal insults
No you don’t, you insult then outsmart them by insulting them again!! Those are facts
Communist? Dumbass not all democrats are communist but all communist are democrats. And I'm no democrat. Dumbass. However if what you said were true why haven't you asked the question what services did Biden give for all those millions given to him from other countries?
I wasn’t calling you a Democrat I said that your notion that people should not be able to voice their opinion, and should be silenced as a communist, tactic and characteristic. You literally just expressed those sentiments.
I wasn’t calling you a Democrat I said that your notion that people should not be able to voice their opinion, and should be silenced as a communist, tactic and characteristic. You literally just expressed those sentiments.
As I said dumbass all communist are democrats. I'm not a democrat therefore I can never be a communist
Stupid simp
And it's your party that wants to silence those who don't push the democrat communist agenda. You went as far as using the justice system to make that happen. But it's time to take a page from your playbook and be just like you. Just as dirty and cheat lie and come after you with every legal Technicality there is.
Spoken like a true communist.

I like to inquire and when nutballs make claims I ask questions and challenge them on the premise of their arguments. Most often than not they bail from the conversation and resort to personal insults
So the obedient Trumpster says "they should be silenced".

Pretty soon they'll have to just come out and say it.
But it's time to take a page from your playbook and be just like you. Just as dirty and cheat lie and come after you with every legal Technicality there is.
At least you have some awareness of how you are acting. Even if you are hiding behind a strawman
You're really that stupid.
I posted this
As I said dumbass all communist are democrats. I'm not a democrat therefore I can never be a communist
Stupid simp
And it's your party that wants to silence those who don't push the democrat communist agenda. You went as far as using the justice system to make that happen. But it's time to take a page from your playbook and be just like you. Just as dirty and cheat lie and come after you with every legal Technicality there is.
You respond by deleting all but this portion of that post
. But it's time to take a page from your playbook and be just like you. Just as dirty and cheat lie and come after you with every legal Technicality there is.
At least you have some awareness of how you are acting. Even if you are hiding behind a strawman
Right here you just admitted with this post that leftists are dangerous
So you admit leftists are dangerous
You're really that stupid.
I posted this

You respond by deleting all but this portion of that post

Right here you just admitted with this post that leftists are dangerous
You're trying WAY too hard to mold a gotchya. I highlighted the section of your rant that I wanted to respond to. I like being specific direct and to the point.

Whatever it is that you think I admitted is either in your head or you trying to manipulate the conversation. Just because I rolled with your petty attack on the left to make a point doesn’t mean I agree with you.

If YOU think the left are dangerous and decide to act like them and “use their playbook” then that’s you acting dangerous. It’s not me agreeing that the Left is dangerous.

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