Donald Trump Releases ‘Mugshot Edition’ Digital Trading Cards—Offers Pieces Of Suit From Fulton County Arrest

No that would be you. Cultists are liars they believe a lie. You continue to believe lie after lie trump Russian collusionist
Trump committed treasonous, historic crimes: attempting to overturn a presidential election, to disenfranchise millions of Americans, and to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power – yet given these facts you and others on the right continue to support and defend the likes of Trump, you even send him money and buy into his cons and grift, the topic of this thread being the latest example.

Trump sycophants are in a Cult – there’s no other reasonable, logical explanation.
Trump committed treasonous, historic crimes: attempting to overturn a presidential election, to disenfranchise millions of Americans, and to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power – yet given these facts you and others on the right continue to support and defend the likes of Trump, you even send him money and buy into his cons and grift, the topic of this thread being the latest example.

Trump sycophants are in a Cult – there’s no other reasonable, logical explanation.
And you're still a lying bag of chickenshit
Yes it’s weak and lazy and has nothing to do with the topic. It’s reflects an undisciplined and over emotional characteristic in you to lash out and insult instead of engage in substance.
You're in denial it's the basic cultist tactic to get away with lying
Who cares?! Like I said, you’re doing nothing but spewing emotional hot air. I hope you’re feeling better now, ready to get back to the topic?
Why should any sane person allow you someone who is mentally in denial a chance to speak and give their opinion?
Why should any sane person allow you someone who is mentally in denial a chance to speak and give their opinion?
I could say the same about you but then we end up in the meaningless cycle of nonesense that you partisan hacks like to live in.

But I’ll give a real answer to your question… You give anybody a chance to speak and give their opinion because speech is a sacred right and the sharing of differing opinions is a healthy way to explore issues. That’s if you can have two people mature and intelligent enough to engage. You don’t seem to want that kind of engagement, why?
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I could say the same about you but then we end up in the meaningless cycle of nonesense that you partisan hacks like to live in.

But I’ll give a real answer to your question… YouTube anybody a chance to speak and give their opinion because speech is a sacred right and the sharing of differing opinions is a healthy way to explore issues. That’s if you can have two people mature and intelligent enough to engage. You don’t seem to want that kind of engagement, why?
I'm not the one in denial. I am not the one who supports con man biden. People in denial make up wide ass accusations and should be silenced
BREAKING! Trump will throw in pubes with every purchase(fecal matter extra).
I could say the same about you but then we end up in the meaningless cycle of nonesense that you partisan hacks like to live in.
This aggressive projection of theirs is reaching pathological levels. They take nearly every criticism they get, repackage it and return it, regardless of how nonsensical it is.

What I don't know is whether it's just a tactic or if they really believe it. Obviously part of the pathology is just making things up and believing them the moment they say them.

This orange group psychosis is going to be studied for a LONG time.
I could say the same about you but then we end up in the meaningless cycle of nonesense that you partisan hacks like to live in.

But I’ll give a real answer to your question… You give anybody a chance to speak and give their opinion because speech is a sacred right and the sharing of differing opinions is a healthy way to explore issues. That’s if you can have two people mature and intelligent enough to engage. You don’t seem to want that kind of engagement, why?
It’s exactly where you live hypocrite
I'm not the one in denial. I am not the one who supports con man biden. People in denial make up wide ass accusations and should be silenced
Spoken like a true communist.

I like to inquire and when nutballs make claims I ask questions and challenge them on the premise of their arguments. Most often than not they bail from the conversation and resort to personal insults
Spoken like a true communist.

I like to inquire and when nutballs make claims I ask questions and challenge them on the premise of their arguments. Most often than not they bail from the conversation and resort to personal insults
I think it’s both. Those in the know use the tactic. I believe it was outline in Trumps book Art of the Deal…. Those who are puppets believe it and go along for the ride
Citing a hack does not help your argument.
This aggressive projection of theirs is reaching pathological levels. They take nearly every criticism they get, repackage it and return it, regardless of how nonsensical it is.

What I don't know is whether it's just a tactic or if they really believe it. Obviously part of the pathology is just making things up and believing them the moment they say them.

This orange group psychosis is going to be studied for a LONG time.
I think it’s both. Those in the know use the tactic. I believe it was outline in Trumps book Art of the Deal…. Those who are puppets believe it and go along for the ride

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