Donald Trump rolled the dice on Biden and Burism and lost ... Biden is surging

The bald faced reality is that MUCH of the opposition to Obama by Republicans, IS racism. The entire "birth movement", which is 30% of Republicans, is HIGHLY racist. The Republican Party bases much of their platform on the idea that social spending is giving "free shit" to lazy inner city minorities who are lawless, lazy and undeserving.

Since Ronald Reagan, the party has railed against "welfare queens", and the "war on poverty", which saw the poverty rate fall from 35% to 20% during the years race has been a focal point. Republicans created the rural/urban divide as well as the white/minority divide, because it is in their best interests to keep low income Americans from joining forces and voting for the best interests of ALL low income Americans, regardless of race or zip code.

White Americans have lapped up that message with a fork and spoon, witness the rise of a flagrant white supremacist such at Donald Trump. The Republican Party has now lost so many members that there are now more registered independents than there are registered Republicans.

Republicans are bending themselves into pretzels attempting to rationize voting for Trump's economic policies while decrying his less savoury behaviour but Trump's inherent racism is at the root of his fiscal policies, and preserving white privilege is a HUGE part of it. For Trump, the world is divided in winners and losers, and he's always been on the side of the big guy bullying the little guy out of his lunch, because he can.
Hillary Clinton started the Birther Movement, and You are a Racist.
You're deranged, Stumpy. :cuckoo:
He’s right

hillary dug up the dirt on obama first

^^^ fake news

No, Clinton didn't start the birther thing. This guy did.
Despite what Trump says, the 2008 Clinton campaign and the candidate herself never trafficked in the rumors.
09/16/2016 03:55 PM EDT
Updated 09/16/2016 04:24 PM EDT
No, Clinton didn't start the birther thing. This guy did.

Was Hillary Clinton the Original ‘Birther’?
By By Robert Farley
Posted on July 2, 2015
Was Hillary Clinton the Original 'Birther'?

PolitiFact - Fact-checking Donald Trump's claim Hillary Clinton started Obama birther movement


Did Clinton Supporters Start the 'Birther' Movement?

Who did the dude work for?

hillary wasn't responsible nor did she start the birther movement & he was fired.

why did donny run with that birther bullshit for 5 straight years - going as far as claiming to send PIs to hawaii to investigate? why did he spin a 180, when he conned the media into a free infomercial for his DC hotel & all of a sudden declared 'nevermind'?
Donald Trump lost his shirt and walked away morally bankrupt and impeached for his roll of the dice on Biden and Burisma.

Donald Trump laid his bets too early and could have upset the applecart for Biden if he had waited until November.

Now the Biden-Burisma play is dead and Donald Trump's own family and Jared Kushner are open to being used as political Pinatas for their profiting from Trump's presidency.

Biden is surging and is stealing Trump's oxygen which portends bad news for Donald Trump in November.

Even the political slut Nikki Haley won't rescue Donald Trump and she could end up being Trump's Sarah Palin.
Nah, Biden resurgence is going to reinvigorate the rights' energy on Burisma.

It's already beginning in the Senate.

Senate Republicans plan first subpoena in Burisma, Biden probe
Cool. Now that Congress is going to start opening investigations into political candidates running for president this year, maybe they will also start one to get to the truth about the woman who claims Trump raped her when she was 13.

donny should also give up a little DNA for one of the active suits against him now.
I saw a clown that no one had ever heard of that had only been in the senate a couple of years, did absolutely nothing and now was promoted to the White House by YOU GUYS only because he WAS Black! YOU'RE THE FUCKING RACISTS. YOU wanted a guy in there BECAUSE he was Black. And anyone with half a brain could see in 5 minutes listening to the guy that idiot couldn't sell a fucking used car, much less that I'd ever buy one off of him.
If you put Obama, Dubya and Trump on Jeopardy, which one of them do you really think would walk away with the most money.

Another one of your stupid, dimwitted, theoretical, unprovable and pointless strawman arguments, JoeB? I think you know the answer to that problem, don't you? Jeopardy is just a GAME, boy. Trump didn't earn his billions playing games. Nor did he earn it just because his hard-working mentor father left him some money as a seed to build his own empire. People win Jeopardy based on pure academic knowledge, so, your strawman argument was chosen purely as a biased attempt to give Obama presumably the favored advantage. But you don't know.

Trump built his billions out in the real world of corporate competition and success.

GW built his money out in the real world of success obviously with the advantage of his fasmily's help and ties.

Obama OTOH built his limited wealth ENTIRELY on the backs of taxpayers through the weight and force of government to extort it for him. Obama has never made a parole, he has never signed one paycheck, he has never run a single business. Whatever money he has, has been purely exploited from the pockets of other people by the very engine that is at the heart of all government corruption. The Number One biggest problem in this country: BIG GOVERNMENT ENRICHING ITSELF PURELY FOR THE BENEFIT OF ITSELF AND THE INDIVIDUALS WITHIN IT.

So we promoted a qualified black man over a couple of assholes who were born rich and had everything handed to them.
Once again, you have your facts up your ass. NAME ME ONE QUALIFICATION of Barack's? You cannot. If nothing else, at least it implies a history of success. You seem to have a prejudice against people who succeed. Now if Obama's or Clintons kids get ahead based on the money their parents scarfed off taxpayers, will you be equally prejudiced against them be cause THEY didn't start out poor?

It is immaterial that GW and Trump came from wealthy families. Maybe GW used that to make what he has, but he also served in our military and many other things. Trump's father was a low income apartment builder in Queens. He was against Trump getting into the Manhattan skyscraper market and everything else. His money was certainly a seed to help get him going but wasn't essential to Trump's success.

The one person who really had things handed to him was Obama: he had his education handed to him, his career in Chicago handed to him, his senatorial career handed to him after he cheated to steal it from Alan Keyes, and finally, his presidency handed to him, and all for no other reason than some people wanted a divisive, controllable, buyable black man in the WH as their puppet to carry out an agenda for them and Obama was identified early on as just the right guy groomed for the job.

All of Obama's money was skimmed off PUBLIC money. At least GW and Trump made theirs honestly in the PRIVATE market of actual business.

you keep pretending that all Trump had left for him was some "seed money", but you purposefully ignore the biggest thing left to Trump..the Company itself. Donald J Trump did not start Trump Inc, his grandmother did and handed it down to his father who gave it to him.

This is not small thing, receiving an already established company with decades of contacts and contracts and reputation is invaluable.

The irony of Trump is that despite all your adoration for him, not a single enterprise he started on his own has succeeded.
kkk is a demofk prize. Don't forget it, here let me remind you.

ya ya ya they were. no doubt. but the parties flipped in the 60s after LBJ. now the KKK is allllllllllllllll about the right. the alt right. the torch bearers & it's those that vote for donny that are in favor of keeping them thar monuments & CONfed flag flying proudly.
The parties didnt shift

black voters walked away from the “ones who brung them” for no apparent reason
Uh, no, they didn't.
Yes they did

blacks were loyal republicans from 1865 till 1964

then they became democrats
They still don’t realize Lincoln was republican! I’m still laughing at their ignorance

the party of lincoln is dead.

how many know that teddy roosevelt was the founder of the progressive party?
I saw a clown that no one had ever heard of that had only been in the senate a couple of years, did absolutely nothing and now was promoted to the White House by YOU GUYS only because he WAS Black! YOU'RE THE FUCKING RACISTS. YOU wanted a guy in there BECAUSE he was Black. And anyone with half a brain could see in 5 minutes listening to the guy that idiot couldn't sell a fucking used car, much less that I'd ever buy one off of him.
If you put Obama, Dubya and Trump on Jeopardy, which one of them do you really think would walk away with the most money.

Another one of your stupid, dimwitted, theoretical, unprovable and pointless strawman arguments, JoeB? I think you know the answer to that problem, don't you? Jeopardy is just a GAME, boy. Trump didn't earn his billions playing games. Nor did he earn it just because his hard-working mentor father left him some money as a seed to build his own empire. People win Jeopardy based on pure academic knowledge, so, your strawman argument was chosen purely as a biased attempt to give Obama presumably the favored advantage. But you don't know.

Trump built his billions out in the real world of corporate competition and success.

GW built his money out in the real world of success obviously with the advantage of his fasmily's help and ties.

Obama OTOH built his limited wealth ENTIRELY on the backs of taxpayers through the weight and force of government to extort it for him. Obama has never made a parole, he has never signed one paycheck, he has never run a single business. Whatever money he has, has been purely exploited from the pockets of other people by the very engine that is at the heart of all government corruption. The Number One biggest problem in this country: BIG GOVERNMENT ENRICHING ITSELF PURELY FOR THE BENEFIT OF ITSELF AND THE INDIVIDUALS WITHIN IT.

So we promoted a qualified black man over a couple of assholes who were born rich and had everything handed to them.
Once again, you have your facts up your ass. NAME ME ONE QUALIFICATION of Barack's? You cannot. If nothing else, at least it implies a history of success. You seem to have a prejudice against people who succeed. Now if Obama's or Clintons kids get ahead based on the money their parents scarfed off taxpayers, will you be equally prejudiced against them be cause THEY didn't start out poor?

It is immaterial that GW and Trump came from wealthy families. Maybe GW used that to make what he has, but he also served in our military and many other things. Trump's father was a low income apartment builder in Queens. He was against Trump getting into the Manhattan skyscraper market and everything else. His money was certainly a seed to help get him going but wasn't essential to Trump's success.

The one person who really had things handed to him was Obama: he had his education handed to him, his career in Chicago handed to him, his senatorial career handed to him after he cheated to steal it from Alan Keyes, and finally, his presidency handed to him, and all for no other reason than some people wanted a divisive, controllable, buyable black man in the WH as their puppet to carry out an agenda for them and Obama was identified early on as just the right guy groomed for the job.

All of Obama's money was skimmed off PUBLIC money. At least GW and Trump made theirs honestly in the PRIVATE market of actual business.

you keep pretending that all Trump had left for him was some "seed money", but you purposefully ignore the biggest thing left to Trump..the Company itself. Donald J Trump did not start Trump Inc, his grandmother did and handed it down to his father who gave it to him.

This is not small thing, receiving an already established company with decades of contacts and contracts and reputation is invaluable.

The irony of Trump is that despite all your adoration for him, not a single enterprise he started on his own has succeeded.

casinos are designed so the HOUSE WINS.

but not donny's.
Hillary Clinton started the Birther Movement, and You are a Racist.
You're deranged, Stumpy. :cuckoo:
He’s right

hillary dug up the dirt on obama first

^^^ fake news

No, Clinton didn't start the birther thing. This guy did.
Despite what Trump says, the 2008 Clinton campaign and the candidate herself never trafficked in the rumors.
09/16/2016 03:55 PM EDT
Updated 09/16/2016 04:24 PM EDT
No, Clinton didn't start the birther thing. This guy did.

Was Hillary Clinton the Original ‘Birther’?
By By Robert Farley
Posted on July 2, 2015
Was Hillary Clinton the Original 'Birther'?

PolitiFact - Fact-checking Donald Trump's claim Hillary Clinton started Obama birther movement


Did Clinton Supporters Start the 'Birther' Movement?

Who did the dude work for?

hillary wasn't responsible nor did she start the birther movement & he was fired.

why did donny run with that birther bullshit for 5 straight years - going as far as claiming to send PIs to hawaii to investigate? why did he spin a 180, when he conned the media into a free infomercial for his DC hotel & all of a sudden declared 'nevermind'?
Lies from the Children of The Fath or Lies.
Great, quote Pelosi saying Biden shouldn't be investigated...
Quote Pelosi saying Biden SHOULD be investigated.
Why should I? You're the one who claimed she said he shouldn't be investigated.

Thanks for proving you lied.

Oh, so you're saying Pelosi wants Biden to be investigated? Thanks for proving you're a fucking moron.

How many times are you going to demonstrate you lied through your keyboard when you falsely claimed all Democrats have said they don't want Biden investigated?

So, are you going to quote Nancy calling for an investigation of Biden or not?
No? I didn't think so.
Again, I made no such claim. You, on the other hand, said she, along with all other Democrats, did say Biden should not be investigated.

You lied.

You got caught lying.

That's why you're now trying to shift the burden of proof on to me to prove something I never said because you can't prove what you said. And you know it too.

I saw a clown that no one had ever heard of that had only been in the senate a couple of years, did absolutely nothing and now was promoted to the White House by YOU GUYS only because he WAS Black! YOU'RE THE FUCKING RACISTS. YOU wanted a guy in there BECAUSE he was Black. And anyone with half a brain could see in 5 minutes listening to the guy that idiot couldn't sell a fucking used car, much less that I'd ever buy one off of him.
If you put Obama, Dubya and Trump on Jeopardy, which one of them do you really think would walk away with the most money.

Another one of your stupid, dimwitted, theoretical, unprovable and pointless strawman arguments, JoeB? I think you know the answer to that problem, don't you? Jeopardy is just a GAME, boy. Trump didn't earn his billions playing games. Nor did he earn it just because his hard-working mentor father left him some money as a seed to build his own empire. People win Jeopardy based on pure academic knowledge, so, your strawman argument was chosen purely as a biased attempt to give Obama presumably the favored advantage. But you don't know.

Trump built his billions out in the real world of corporate competition and success.

GW built his money out in the real world of success obviously with the advantage of his fasmily's help and ties.

Obama OTOH built his limited wealth ENTIRELY on the backs of taxpayers through the weight and force of government to extort it for him. Obama has never made a parole, he has never signed one paycheck, he has never run a single business. Whatever money he has, has been purely exploited from the pockets of other people by the very engine that is at the heart of all government corruption. The Number One biggest problem in this country: BIG GOVERNMENT ENRICHING ITSELF PURELY FOR THE BENEFIT OF ITSELF AND THE INDIVIDUALS WITHIN IT.

So we promoted a qualified black man over a couple of assholes who were born rich and had everything handed to them.
Once again, you have your facts up your ass. NAME ME ONE QUALIFICATION of Barack's? You cannot. If nothing else, at least it implies a history of success. You seem to have a prejudice against people who succeed. Now if Obama's or Clintons kids get ahead based on the money their parents scarfed off taxpayers, will you be equally prejudiced against them be cause THEY didn't start out poor?

It is immaterial that GW and Trump came from wealthy families. Maybe GW used that to make what he has, but he also served in our military and many other things. Trump's father was a low income apartment builder in Queens. He was against Trump getting into the Manhattan skyscraper market and everything else. His money was certainly a seed to help get him going but wasn't essential to Trump's success.

The one person who really had things handed to him was Obama: he had his education handed to him, his career in Chicago handed to him, his senatorial career handed to him after he cheated to steal it from Alan Keyes, and finally, his presidency handed to him, and all for no other reason than some people wanted a divisive, controllable, buyable black man in the WH as their puppet to carry out an agenda for them and Obama was identified early on as just the right guy groomed for the job.

All of Obama's money was skimmed off PUBLIC money. At least GW and Trump made theirs honestly in the PRIVATE market of actual business.

It just kills you that of the 3, Obama grew up in the poorest family and became a huge success whereas Bush and Impeached Trump were born on third base where much of their success was built on their family's name and fortune.
You're deranged, Stumpy. :cuckoo:
He’s right

hillary dug up the dirt on obama first

^^^ fake news

No, Clinton didn't start the birther thing. This guy did.
Despite what Trump says, the 2008 Clinton campaign and the candidate herself never trafficked in the rumors.
09/16/2016 03:55 PM EDT
Updated 09/16/2016 04:24 PM EDT
No, Clinton didn't start the birther thing. This guy did.

Was Hillary Clinton the Original ‘Birther’?
By By Robert Farley
Posted on July 2, 2015
Was Hillary Clinton the Original 'Birther'?

PolitiFact - Fact-checking Donald Trump's claim Hillary Clinton started Obama birther movement


Did Clinton Supporters Start the 'Birther' Movement?

Who did the dude work for?

hillary wasn't responsible nor did she start the birther movement & he was fired.

why did donny run with that birther bullshit for 5 straight years - going as far as claiming to send PIs to hawaii to investigate? why did he spin a 180, when he conned the media into a free infomercial for his DC hotel & all of a sudden declared 'nevermind'?
Lies from the Children of The Fath or Lies.

like i told you once b4 -

try a little matthew 6: 5-11

the stfu.
You're deranged, Stumpy. :cuckoo:
He’s right

hillary dug up the dirt on obama first

^^^ fake news

No, Clinton didn't start the birther thing. This guy did.
Despite what Trump says, the 2008 Clinton campaign and the candidate herself never trafficked in the rumors.
09/16/2016 03:55 PM EDT
Updated 09/16/2016 04:24 PM EDT
No, Clinton didn't start the birther thing. This guy did.

Was Hillary Clinton the Original ‘Birther’?
By By Robert Farley
Posted on July 2, 2015
Was Hillary Clinton the Original 'Birther'?

PolitiFact - Fact-checking Donald Trump's claim Hillary Clinton started Obama birther movement


Did Clinton Supporters Start the 'Birther' Movement?

To this day no one knows for sure where obama was born

the fact that only released a digital image of a birth certificate claiming to be his after several years of great pressure only raised suspicions higher

Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii. And he released his short form while still running for president, not "after several years." You freaks are truly fucking nuts. :cuckoo:
No he didnt

at first obama argued that the state of hawaii would not let him release the document but that the sec of state had seen them and confirmed he was born in hawaii

eventually pressure built he he was forced to produce a digital image that he claims was authentic

but who knows?

I cant say he was born in kenya

but neither do we know he was born in hawaii either
Sadly, you're fucked in the head, con. Yes, Obama first released his short form in 2008 while running for office, despite your hollow denials...

Obama's Birth Certificate

... duly certified by Hawaii's state registrar and authenticated by their Director of Health.

All you idiots on the right have to counter that is "nuh-uh!"
Last edited:
Here's a clue for you. Expressly an opinion that you disagree with a party or its policies, is not "hating on" anyone or anything. This ridiculous notion that partisans on this board have that a criticism of an idea stems from hatred shows an ignorance of political discourse.

Republicans have no reasonable policies to run on. Their policies have transferred the wealth of the nation to the top 10%, leaving working Americans, increasingly poor and desperate. All they are promising is more financial instability for the poor and working class. All they have to run on is lies about Democrats, and pitting one faction of voters against the other.

Running on fiscal incompetence or crashing the economy won't work.
The Democrat Party is Racist, Oppressive, Totalitarian, Godless, and Communist.
they are the kkk

"Why we voted for Donald Trump": David Duke explains the white supremacist Charlottesville protests

By Libby Nelson@libbyanelson Updated Aug 12, 2017, 3:16pm EDT

David Duke, the former KKK grand wizard, is unambiguous about what Saturday’s alt-right and neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, means to him: It’s the fulfillment of President Donald Trump’s vision for America.

“We are determined to take our country back,” Duke said from the rally, calling it a “turning point.” “We are going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump. That’s what we believed in. That’s why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he’s going to take our country back.”

David Duke now here in #charlottesville for #altright #unitetheright rally @USATODAY @RbtKing

— Mykal McEldowney (@mykalmphoto) August 12, 2017
The Charlottesville rally is nominally about the removal of a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee rather than anything in the Trump administration. But Duke was an enthusiastic supporter of Trump as far back as the Republican primary in 2016, and Trump’s reluctance to disavow that support was, briefly, a big issue.

Duke has remained a faithful Trump supporter since then, insisting that the president-elect’s policies line up with the former KKK leader’s vision for America.

He was less happy with Trump’s vague tweet condemning the violence later Saturday afternoon:

I would recommend you take a good look in the mirror & remember it was White Americans who put you in the presidency, not radical leftists. Donald J. Trump on Twitter

— David Duke (@DrDavidDuke) August 12, 2017
"Why we voted for Donald Trump": David Duke explains the white supremacist Charlottesville protests

David duke is a demofk. He’s allowed in the USA to vote for whoever he wants. Here,

David Duke - Wikipedia
Nationality American
Political party American Nazi(before 1975)[1]
Populist (1988–1989)
Republican(1989–1999; 2016–present)[2]
Reform (1999–2001)

lol................ & bloomberg is really a (D) too ..... right?
Bloomberg was included in the democrat debates

so he’s a democrat till the next time he sheds his skin
Hillary Clinton started the Birther Movement, and You are a Racist.
You're deranged, Stumpy. :cuckoo:
He’s right

hillary dug up the dirt on obama first

^^^ fake news

No, Clinton didn't start the birther thing. This guy did.
Despite what Trump says, the 2008 Clinton campaign and the candidate herself never trafficked in the rumors.
09/16/2016 03:55 PM EDT
Updated 09/16/2016 04:24 PM EDT
No, Clinton didn't start the birther thing. This guy did.

Was Hillary Clinton the Original ‘Birther’?
By By Robert Farley
Posted on July 2, 2015
Was Hillary Clinton the Original 'Birther'?

PolitiFact - Fact-checking Donald Trump's claim Hillary Clinton started Obama birther movement


Did Clinton Supporters Start the 'Birther' Movement?

Who did the dude work for?

hillary wasn't responsible nor did she start the birther movement & he was fired.

why did donny run with that birther bullshit for 5 straight years - going as far as claiming to send PIs to hawaii to investigate? why did he spin a 180, when he conned the media into a free infomercial for his DC hotel & all of a sudden declared 'nevermind'?
Trump forced obama to release a digital image of what he claims is his true birth certificate
The Democrat Party is Racist, Oppressive, Totalitarian, Godless, and Communist.
they are the kkk

"Why we voted for Donald Trump": David Duke explains the white supremacist Charlottesville protests

By Libby Nelson@libbyanelson Updated Aug 12, 2017, 3:16pm EDT

David Duke, the former KKK grand wizard, is unambiguous about what Saturday’s alt-right and neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, means to him: It’s the fulfillment of President Donald Trump’s vision for America.

“We are determined to take our country back,” Duke said from the rally, calling it a “turning point.” “We are going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump. That’s what we believed in. That’s why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he’s going to take our country back.”

David Duke now here in #charlottesville for #altright #unitetheright rally @USATODAY @RbtKing

— Mykal McEldowney (@mykalmphoto) August 12, 2017
The Charlottesville rally is nominally about the removal of a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee rather than anything in the Trump administration. But Duke was an enthusiastic supporter of Trump as far back as the Republican primary in 2016, and Trump’s reluctance to disavow that support was, briefly, a big issue.

Duke has remained a faithful Trump supporter since then, insisting that the president-elect’s policies line up with the former KKK leader’s vision for America.

He was less happy with Trump’s vague tweet condemning the violence later Saturday afternoon:

I would recommend you take a good look in the mirror & remember it was White Americans who put you in the presidency, not radical leftists. Donald J. Trump on Twitter

— David Duke (@DrDavidDuke) August 12, 2017
"Why we voted for Donald Trump": David Duke explains the white supremacist Charlottesville protests

David duke is a demofk. He’s allowed in the USA to vote for whoever he wants. Here,

David Duke - Wikipedia
Nationality American
Political party American Nazi(before 1975)[1]
Populist (1988–1989)
Republican(1989–1999; 2016–present)[2]
Reform (1999–2001)

lol................ & bloomberg is really a (D) too ..... right?
Bloomberg was included in the democrat debates

so he’s a democrat till the next time he sheds his skin

he bought his way in.

hell, i bet you think donny is a (R) too.
You're deranged, Stumpy. :cuckoo:
He’s right

hillary dug up the dirt on obama first

^^^ fake news

No, Clinton didn't start the birther thing. This guy did.
Despite what Trump says, the 2008 Clinton campaign and the candidate herself never trafficked in the rumors.
09/16/2016 03:55 PM EDT
Updated 09/16/2016 04:24 PM EDT
No, Clinton didn't start the birther thing. This guy did.

Was Hillary Clinton the Original ‘Birther’?
By By Robert Farley
Posted on July 2, 2015
Was Hillary Clinton the Original 'Birther'?

PolitiFact - Fact-checking Donald Trump's claim Hillary Clinton started Obama birther movement


Did Clinton Supporters Start the 'Birther' Movement?

Who did the dude work for?

hillary wasn't responsible nor did she start the birther movement & he was fired.

why did donny run with that birther bullshit for 5 straight years - going as far as claiming to send PIs to hawaii to investigate? why did he spin a 180, when he conned the media into a free infomercial for his DC hotel & all of a sudden declared 'nevermind'?
Trump forced obama to release a digital image of what he claims is his true birth certificate

he still insisted obama wasn't born here well after that.

why won't donny to release his taxes?
ya ya ya they were. no doubt. but the parties flipped in the 60s after LBJ. now the KKK is allllllllllllllll about the right. the alt right. the torch bearers & it's those that vote for donny that are in favor of keeping them thar monuments & CONfed flag flying proudly.
The parties didnt shift

black voters walked away from the “ones who brung them” for no apparent reason
Uh, no, they didn't.
Yes they did

blacks were loyal republicans from 1865 till 1964

then they became democrats
They were loyal to the party of the north. That's now Democrat. The racist conservative Democrat south from back then is now mostly Republican. Blacks are not aligned to a political party. They're aligned to those who helped gain their freedom. And that certainly isn't the south who seceded from the nation in their failed attempt to keep slavery legal. That's now become the Republican party.

So, no, they didn't.
You have it backwards

blacks left republicans, repubs didnt leave them
Again, blacks stayed with the party of the north. You know, the side of the country which was mostly against slavery. That was Republican in the 1860's. Today, it's mostly Democrat.
ya ya ya they were. no doubt. but the parties flipped in the 60s after LBJ. now the KKK is allllllllllllllll about the right. the alt right. the torch bearers & it's those that vote for donny that are in favor of keeping them thar monuments & CONfed flag flying proudly.
The parties didnt shift

black voters walked away from the “ones who brung them” for no apparent reason
Uh, no, they didn't.
Yes they did

blacks were loyal republicans from 1865 till 1964

then they became democrats
They still don’t realize Lincoln was republican! I’m still laughing at their ignorance

the party of lincoln is dead.

how many know that teddy roosevelt was the founder of the progressive party?
TR didnt create the Progressive Party but he was one of the early leaders

but to answer your question I doubt if many progressives under 30 ever heard of teddy roosevelt
He’s right

hillary dug up the dirt on obama first

^^^ fake news

No, Clinton didn't start the birther thing. This guy did.
Despite what Trump says, the 2008 Clinton campaign and the candidate herself never trafficked in the rumors.
09/16/2016 03:55 PM EDT
Updated 09/16/2016 04:24 PM EDT
No, Clinton didn't start the birther thing. This guy did.

Was Hillary Clinton the Original ‘Birther’?
By By Robert Farley
Posted on July 2, 2015
Was Hillary Clinton the Original 'Birther'?

PolitiFact - Fact-checking Donald Trump's claim Hillary Clinton started Obama birther movement


Did Clinton Supporters Start the 'Birther' Movement?

Who did the dude work for?

hillary wasn't responsible nor did she start the birther movement & he was fired.

why did donny run with that birther bullshit for 5 straight years - going as far as claiming to send PIs to hawaii to investigate? why did he spin a 180, when he conned the media into a free infomercial for his DC hotel & all of a sudden declared 'nevermind'?
Lies from the Children of The Fath or Lies.

like i told you once b4 -

try a little matthew 6: 5-11

the stfu.
When I see a poster who is Unjust, and Promotes Lies and Propaganda every day, every time they post, and what they say is all plotted along a monolithic path that leads towards a monolithic agenda, I and any reasonable person would say, that such a man or woman is not a person who's life is built upon a foundation of truth and therefore, they are not walking in truth; they are walking upon another path. They love lies, and their agenda more than they love truth, and being trustworthy and being upright, and being just.

Such a person has given themselves over to darkness and deception. So if the shoe fits princess, wear it, but don't lie about the shoe being yours, as that is just one more lie added to your piles of lies that you must some day be made accountable for.
I disagree

but hey, if a canadian wants to hate the republican party it makes no difference to me

Here's a clue for you. Expressly an opinion that you disagree with a party or its policies, is not "hating on" anyone or anything. This ridiculous notion that partisans on this board have that a criticism of an idea stems from hatred shows an ignorance of political discourse.

Republicans have no reasonable policies to run on. Their policies have transferred the wealth of the nation to the top 10%, leaving working Americans, increasingly poor and desperate. All they are promising is more financial instability for the poor and working class. All they have to run on is lies about Democrats, and pitting one faction of voters against the other.

Running on fiscal incompetence or crashing the economy won't work.
The Democrat Party is Racist, Oppressive, Totalitarian, Godless, and Communist.
they are the kkk

"Why we voted for Donald Trump": David Duke explains the white supremacist Charlottesville protests

By Libby Nelson@libbyanelson Updated Aug 12, 2017, 3:16pm EDT

David Duke, the former KKK grand wizard, is unambiguous about what Saturday’s alt-right and neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, means to him: It’s the fulfillment of President Donald Trump’s vision for America.

“We are determined to take our country back,” Duke said from the rally, calling it a “turning point.” “We are going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump. That’s what we believed in. That’s why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he’s going to take our country back.”

David Duke now here in #charlottesville for #altright #unitetheright rally @USATODAY @RbtKing

— Mykal McEldowney (@mykalmphoto) August 12, 2017
The Charlottesville rally is nominally about the removal of a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee rather than anything in the Trump administration. But Duke was an enthusiastic supporter of Trump as far back as the Republican primary in 2016, and Trump’s reluctance to disavow that support was, briefly, a big issue.

Duke has remained a faithful Trump supporter since then, insisting that the president-elect’s policies line up with the former KKK leader’s vision for America.

He was less happy with Trump’s vague tweet condemning the violence later Saturday afternoon:

I would recommend you take a good look in the mirror & remember it was White Americans who put you in the presidency, not radical leftists. Donald J. Trump on Twitter

— David Duke (@DrDavidDuke) August 12, 2017
"Why we voted for Donald Trump": David Duke explains the white supremacist Charlottesville protests

David duke is a demofk. He’s allowed in the USA to vote for whoever he wants. Here,

David Duke - Wikipedia
Nationality American
Political party American Nazi(before 1975)[1]
Populist (1988–1989)
Republican(1989–1999; 2016–present)[2]
Reform (1999–2001)

The only election Duke ever won came from the support of Republicans.
The parties didnt shift

black voters walked away from the “ones who brung them” for no apparent reason
Uh, no, they didn't.
Yes they did

blacks were loyal republicans from 1865 till 1964

then they became democrats
They were loyal to the party of the north. That's now Democrat. The racist conservative Democrat south from back then is now mostly Republican. Blacks are not aligned to a political party. They're aligned to those who helped gain their freedom. And that certainly isn't the south who seceded from the nation in their failed attempt to keep slavery legal. That's now become the Republican party.

So, no, they didn't.
You have it backwards

blacks left republicans, repubs didnt leave them
Again, blacks stayed with the party of the north. You know, the side of the country which was mostly against slavery. That was Republican in the 1860's. Today, it's mostly Democrat.
You are full of it

democrats were a national party with strong roots in the south

and still does thanks to overwhelming black support
The parties didnt shift

black voters walked away from the “ones who brung them” for no apparent reason
Uh, no, they didn't.
Yes they did

blacks were loyal republicans from 1865 till 1964

then they became democrats
They still don’t realize Lincoln was republican! I’m still laughing at their ignorance

the party of lincoln is dead.

how many know that teddy roosevelt was the founder of the progressive party?
TR didnt create the Progressive Party but he was one of the early leaders

but to answer your question I doubt if many progressives under 30 ever heard of teddy roosevelt

everything i ever read states teddy was the founder.

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