Donald Trump Ruthlessly Mocked for 'Major Announcement'

The consistent celebration of the stolen election.
So covert that after multiple scrupulous recounts, audits, investigations, and dozens of court appeals, the clandestine vast conspiracy remains an airy-fairy concoction, not a single suspect among the legions of nefarious masterminds, coordinators, and operatives ever being detected.

The perfidy was so pervasive that the most promising recounts, in Arizona and Michigan, actually added to the President's winning total.

That was one doozy of a thoroughly-executed heist of a delusional "Landslide!," by gum!
Who cares.

The important part is Trump is championing free speech while you fucktards are out there censoring people.
Stupid is strong in this one.jpg
Let's have some fun with "America Needs Heroes" theme the disgraced ex-president is dollar-trolling for.

You know, like these:


Or, in lieu of DonT's Super Hero fantagasm....let' go with Tina.

To wit:
The very best reaction to these... uh... trading cards? Con cards? Ridiculous and obvious effort to separate fools from their money?

Comes from Tim Gionet, better known by his Twitter name "Baked Alaska." He pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor count of parading, demonstrating or picketing inside a Capitol building, and faces up to six months in prison.

His reaction?

"I can’t believe I'm going to jail for an NFT salesman."
The scam is so unbelievably cheesy that it has his lickspittles anguished that they had already been so thoroughly fleeced by Bam Bam Bannon's 'We Build the Wall' scam, under which they were awarded the privilege of picking up Mexico's tab for the Loser's fantasy erection.

For an additional fee, a weird worshiper could have pleasured himself with the exclusive "Ronny Jackson Edition"!

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