Donald Trump Ruthlessly Mocked for 'Major Announcement'

The very best reaction to these... uh... trading cards? Con cards? Ridiculous and obvious effort to separate fools from their money?

Comes from Tim Gionet, better known by his Twitter name "Baked Alaska." He pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor count of parading, demonstrating or picketing inside a Capitol building, and faces up to six months in prison.

His reaction?

"I can’t believe I'm going to jail for an NFT salesman."
And there we have it folks......this is the brainless MAGAt level that the old fat Florida man was targetting with his fake cards.
If we had a balanced system, you would see endless SNL skits at a minimum with Joe walking around mindlessly. Cranium dead with a glossy look in his eyes that needs sunglasses to cover it up. As a comparison to Trump skits to start.
Triggered again, eh? :heehee: Running to defend your beloved old fat Florida man.
Yes it seems you are triggered again fatso. Where did I mention Trump you fat know nothing? Running in to show how stupid you are again. Typical behavior for a triggered whiny fat troll. Keep watching that death clock fatso.
You know you want them.
I'm more interested in the expansion pack cards:
He was a superb president.
The American People differ, 2.8 million more voting for his opponent in 2016, and 7.1 million more after a four year dose of Trumpery.

The multiple bankrupt, double impeachee may have finally found his calling flogging embarrassingly-childish, cheesy tchotchkes.

Maybe they could market a Thomas Kinkade knock-off, a bucolic depiction of the Loser heroically tinkling on Mar-a-Lago, saving top-secret government documents, its interior ravaged by flame.

Screen Shot 2022-12-16 at 5.34.16 PM.png
I have do not. Fact.

This is a good card of the expansion pack also:
No, you have indignant and false hatred. There is nothing dignified in what you posted. It's made up garbage.

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