Donald Trump Says He's The Most Honest Man That God Ever Created

The man has been investigated by every investigated reporter in the free world; Impeached twice with no conviction; Under scrutiny by the IRS with no finding of wrong doing to date; investigated by the southern district of NY with no wrong doing, to date. His sons, his daughters and his daughter n laws investigated with no findings to date.

Mother Theresa would not be able to have that kind of vindication. They would find that she used donations to buy a ham sandwich with the kind of scrutiny he has been under.

Let it go. He may not be your cup of tea but he was the most transparent president in my lifetime.
The Problem or uneasiness that Donald Trump has created for hisself is years in the
making.Meaning an obsession over name recognition.He has for decades made it
abundently clear this obsession over his name Trumps all other aspects of character.
Making sure he plasters his name as big as any signage crane can put up in plain
sight is done.Not just a few places.But almost everywhere he places his feet.
Trump making the claim is expected....people who profess to be Christians saying he is correct is not. Just imagine, the OP thinks that Trump is more honest than John the Baptist, Moses or the Apostle Paul.

Actually I wouldn't say that,.. I was speaking about people that were alive today. Sorry, I should have clarified that so that's my mistake.
Actually I wouldn't say that,.. I was speaking about people that were alive today. Sorry, I should have clarified that so that's my mistake.

Uhhh....that is not what your OP said.

The claim ...Donald Trump says he's the most honest man that god ever created.

And your response....And he would be correct.
The Problem or uneasiness that Donald Trump has created for hisself is years in the
making.Meaning an obsession over name recognition.He has for decades made it
abundently clear this obsession over his name Trumps all other aspects of character.
Making sure he plasters his name as big as any signage crane can put up in plain
sight is done.Not just a few places.But almost everywhere he places his feet.
And yet, he became president and beat a Clinton who also was about name recognition.

I dont see how branding oneself is an issue. If it works, go for it.

His problem was the media loved him while he was running in anticipation of spewing reidicule when he lost.

But he didnt lose. So the attacked him day after day after day.
Uhhh....that is not what your OP said.

The claim ...Donald Trump says he's the most honest man that god ever created.

And your response....And he would be correct.

That's why I literally just corrected myself. -____-
because of a (R) controlled senate, headed up by turtle boy.

the 2 top prosecutors at SDNY resigned because of the impotent new DA not wanting to do the right thing. the good news is, he can be removed when it's election time.

Read the Full Text of Mark Pomerantz’s Resignation Letter​

The former prosecutor who investigated Donald J. Trump believed that the former president was “guilty of numerous felony violations.”

March 23, 2022
The following is the full text of the resignation letter by Mark Pomerantz, who had investigated former President Donald J. Trump, but left after the Manhattan district attorney, Alvin Bragg, halted an effort to seek an indictment.
Dear Alvin,
I write to tender my resignation as a Special Assistant District Attorney and to explain my reasons for resigning.
As you know from our recent conversations and presentations, I believe that Donald Trump is guilty of numerous felony violations of the Penal Law in connection with the preparation and use of his annual Statements of Financial Condition. His financial statements were false, and he has a long history of fabricating information relating to his personal finances and lying about his assets to banks, the national media, counterparties, and many others, including the American people. The team that has been investigating Mr. Trump harbors no doubt about whether he committed crimes — he did.
In late 2021, then-District Attorney Cyrus Vance directed a thorough review of the facts and law relating to Mr. Trump’s financial statements.
Mr. Vance had been intimately involved in our investigation, attending grand jury presentations, sitting in on certain witness interviews, and receiving regular reports about the progress of the investigation. He concluded that the facts warranted prosecution, and he directed the team to present evidence to a grand jury and to seek an indictment of Mr. Trump and other defendants as soon as reasonably possible.

This work was underway when you took office as District Attorney. You have devoted significant time and energy to understanding the evidence we have accumulated with respect to the Trump financial statements, as well as the applicable law. You have reached the decision not to go forward with the grand jury presentation and not to seek criminal charges at the present time. The investigation has been suspended indefinitely. Of course, that is your decision to make. I do not question your authority to make it, and I accept that you have made it sincerely. However, a decision made in good faith may nevertheless be wrong. I believe that your decision not to prosecute Donald Trump now, and on the existing record, is misguided and completely contrary to the public interest. I therefore cannot continue in my current position.

In my view, the public interest warrants the criminal prosecution of Mr. Trump, and such a prosecution should be brought without any further delay.
Because of the complexity of the facts, the refusal of Mr. Trump and the Trump Organization to cooperate with our investigation, and their affirmative steps to frustrate our ability to follow the facts, this investigation has already consumed a great deal of time. As to Mr. Trump, the great bulk of the evidence relates to his management of the Trump Organization before he became President of the United States. These facts are already dated, and our ability to establish what happened may erode with the further passage of time. Many of the salient facts have been made public in proceedings brought by the Office of the Attorney General, and the public has rightly inquired about the pace of our investigation. Most importantly, the further passage of time will raise additional questions about the failure to hold Mr. Trump accountable for his criminal conduct.

To the extent you have raised issues as to the legal and factual sufficiency of our case and the likelihood that a prosecution would succeed, I and others have advised you that we have evidence sufficient to establish Mr. Trump’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, and we believe that the prosecution would prevail if charges were brought and the matter were tried to an impartial jury. No case is perfect. Whatever the risks of bringing the case may be, I am convinced that a failure to prosecute will pose much greater risks in terms of public confidence in the fair administration of justice. As I have suggested to you, respect for the rule of law, and the need to reinforce the bedrock proposition that “no man is above the law,” require that this prosecution be brought even if a conviction is not certain.
I also do not believe that suspending the investigation pending future developments will lead to a stronger case or dispel your reluctance to bring charges. No events are likely to occur that will alter the nature of the case or dramatically change the quality or quantity of the evidence available to the prosecution. There are always additional facts to be pursued. But the investigative team that has been working on this matter for many months does not believe that it makes law enforcement sense to postpone a prosecution in the hope that additional evidence will somehow emerge. On the contrary, I and others believe that your decision not to authorize prosecution now will doom any future prospects that Mr. Trump will be prosecuted for the criminal conduct we have been investigating.
I fear that your decision means that Mr. Trump will not be held fully accountable for his crimes. I have worked too hard as a lawyer, and for too long, now to become a passive participant in what I believe to be a grave failure of justice. I therefore resign from my position as a Special Assistant District Attorney, effective immediately.
Mark F. Pomerantz

Read the Full Text of Mark Pomerantz’s Resignation Letter

why did eric trump plead the 5th over 500 times when he was questioned by the NY AG? why is trump fighting against being deposed?

Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds​

Additionally, as part of the settlement, Trump was required to agree to 19 admissions, acknowledging his personal misuse of funds at the Trump Foundation, and agreed to restrictions on future charitable service and ongoing reporting to the Office of the Attorney General, in the event he creates a new charity. The settlement also included mandatory training requirements for Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump, and Eric Trump, which the three children have already undergone. Finally, the settlement required the Trump Foundation to shutter its doors last December and dissolve under court supervision.
Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds | New York State Attorney General


those that commit crimes, need to be held accountable.
lol....what a lame response.

Lets make it quick and easy....why was he never found guilty of what he was accused of?
Pleading the 5th in a biased investigation is the norm for everyone. Your attorneys tell you to do so.


Becuase the attorneys know that if they have shit on you it doenst matter what you say...


if you say something and they can sspin it against you, they will.


Becuae they have no evidence against so they find it best to allow you to unknowingly incriminate yourself.


Simple...."where were you on the night of April 3rd 12 years ago?

Answer: I reallyt do not recall?

Response: we have a 22 year old witness that saw you at the crime scene who swore it was you.

Response...."so he was 12 years old and he recalls what he saw 10 years ago at the age of 12"?

yes, and he is credible. You cant recall as an adult but he can recall as a child. We believe him.

Thats how it works Sparky
The Problem or uneasiness that Donald Trump has created for hisself is years in the
making.Meaning an obsession over name recognition.He has for decades made it
abundently clear this obsession over his name Trumps all other aspects of character.
Making sure he plasters his name as big as any signage crane can put up in plain
sight is done.Not just a few places.But almost everywhere he places his feet.
So when ATT and Dell and other companies splash large neon signs on their headquarter buildings....they are obsessed?

OK. Go for it.
That's why I literally just corrected myself. -____-

Odd that it took you a full 5 days and dozens of post being called out for saying such a thing for you to notice your mistake.
And he would be correct. The thing is not everybody likes or agrees with him, (there are even lies in this article) but he always speaks the truth and doesn't sugarcoat anything.

THis should be in Political Satire.
Odd that it took you a full 5 days and dozens of post being called out for saying such a thing for you to notice your mistake.

It was just one and that's the first time I saw that come up to say anything about it.
So when ATT and Dell and other companies splash large neon signs on their headquarter buildings....they are obsessed?

OK. Go for it.

Not really the same thing. Trump's name is literally what kept him rich. He was able to market himself and his name despite his many failures and in the end gave up making any business decisions and just sold his name for people to use.

Pretty genius actually.
Actually I wouldn't say that,.. I was speaking about people that were alive today. Sorry, I should have clarified that so that's my mistake.

The more I think about this, the more it seems just as wrong as your original post.

You are saying that he is more honest than any Christian pastor out there today leading his flock. You claim to attend church if I recall, how would your pastor feel if you told him that Trump was more honest than him?
Last edited:
The more I think about this, the more it seems just as wrong as your original post.

You are saying that he is more honest than any Christian pastor out there today leading his folk. You claim to attend church if I recall, how would your pastor feel if you told him that Trump was more honest than him?

Actually, I am now starting to question my last response to you as I am starting to question if any holy person dead or alive (with the exception of Jesus) ALWAYS tells it like it is as in if a truth is hurtful do they always still tell it? They might when it comes to religion, but what about anything else? Now I'm also not saying that Trump has never told a lie, but I am saying that he isn't afraid to hurt people's precious little feelings if it's the truth.
Actually, I am now starting to question my last response to you as I am starting to question if any holy person dead or alive (with the exception of Jesus) ALWAYS tells it like it is as in if a truth is hurtful do they always still tell it? They might when it comes to religion, but what about anything else? Now I'm also not saying that Trump has never told a lie, but I am saying that he isn't afraid to hurt people's precious little feelings if it's the truth.

Trump does love to insult people that is for sure. Sometimes those are based on truth, sometimes not. Not sure that really makes him an honest man.

Seems in the end we just have a hugely different idea of what honesty is. Does your husband know that you think Trump is more honest than he is?
Trump does love to insult people that is for sure. Sometimes those are based on truth, sometimes not. Not sure that really makes him an honest man.

Seems in the end we just have a hugely different idea of what honesty is. Does your husband know that you think Trump is more honest than he is?

I'm not married.

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