Donald Trump Says He's The Most Honest Man That God Ever Created

Now you're you're getting really idiotic. So you have a lot of demons too. Good luck with that.
Anyone that believes in Globalism, Global Warming, Open Borders, the Alphabet Pedo Grooming Agenda, and Abortion has a Demon.
Go see an Exorcist.
Anyone that believes in Globalism, Global Warming, Open Borders, the Alphabet Pedo Grooming Agenda, and Abortion has a Demon.
Go see an Exorcist.
Globalism has been happening for over 50 years now. Global warming is now a verified fact and nations are beginning to deal with it. We are a free Nation, we do not have open borders and under Biden the real immigration problems are being dealt with, instead of just bad mouthing the problem like trump did, that solves nothing. I don't know of any pedophiles, but you seem to, so you have the problem. And as far as abortion goes, if you look at it realistically, and not being all emotional. It is necessary and practical. What existed before Roe versus Wade was a nightmare. If the government is giving control over women's reproductive Rights in a few short years when the world starts addressing the real problem of this world, overpopulation. The government will already have the right to tell women they have to have abortions. You guys aren't thinking this through very thoroughly. Overpopulation is the biggest problem in this world and it creates all the other problems. Things will not get better until we get a handle on that. Try to have a good day, I plan on it.
Y'know, I'd bet that if you pumped him full of truth serum, he'd still say that he's the most honest man.

People like this believe whatever comes out of their mouths, instantly. That's part of the psychosis.
I don't understand why they can't figure out that he's psychotic. People that create their own realities in spite of the truth / all evidence pointing in the opposite direction are insane. When it was determined that Biden won the election and trump lost, what we saw at the White House was a total meltdown, a severe psychotic episode. He isolated himself, and went deeper into his psychosis. Unfortunately, most of the time he can mask his psychosis enough to fool the real gullible among us.
Globalism has been happening for over 50 years now. Global warming is now a verified fact and nations are beginning to deal with it. We are a free Nation, we do not have open borders and under Biden the real immigration problems are being dealt with, instead of just bad mouthing the problem like trump did, that solves nothing. I don't know of any pedophiles, but you seem to, so you have the problem. And as far as abortion goes, if you look at it realistically, and not being all emotional. It is necessary and practical. What existed before Roe versus Wade was a nightmare. If the government is giving control over women's reproductive Rights in a few short years when the world starts addressing the real problem of this world, overpopulation. The government will already have the right to tell women they have to have abortions. You guys aren't thinking this through very thoroughly. Overpopulation is the biggest problem in this world and it creates all the other problems. Things will not get better until we get a handle on that. Try to have a good day, I plan on it.
Record number of illegals that Biden is not Deporting, NO, he is bussing them to red areas. What does that tell you? That he is an Evil Cheating Lying Son of Bitch like all his bastard followers. Cheaters never change. Once a cheater always a cheater.

There are ZERO facts that state that Anthropogenic Global Warming is a FACT. None, Nada. The Famed Hockey Stick was a hoax and a lie.

Here is an easy question. Where do Hydrocarbon Fuels come from and how are they made, and if you lunatics claim they are made from dinosaurs and dead plants then why is the moon Titan full of it as you and your posse are full of it.

Globalism is EVIL. That is why God ended that crap at The Tower of Babel and will end it again At Armageddon.

Your Overpopulation Mantra is Horse Shit. The entire population of Earth can fit in the State of Texas and each have a one acre plot of land to themselves. That comes straight from UN's Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development 666 AntiChrist Global Government initiative. It used to be Agenda 20 but Donald J Trump gave them the middle finger. And now you know why they tried to destroy him.

There is no such thing as REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS. You have the right to BIRTH CONTROL, or you can choose ABSTINENCE or MARRIAGE.
Once a life is create that LIFE has THE RIGHT TO LIFE specified by The CONSTITUTION.

The problem we have are Lies, and Greed of Very powerful Men who think the world would be a better place with less people on it. Easier to control a smaller population and make them Economic Slaves.

Brainwashed Dupe is what you are. If you buy their horse shit, you are insane.
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I don't understand why they can't figure out that he's psychotic. People that create their own realities in spite of the truth / all evidence pointing in the opposite direction are insane. When it was determined that Biden won the election and trump lost, what we saw at the White House was a total meltdown, a severe psychotic episode. He isolated himself, and went deeper into his psychosis. Unfortunately, most of the time he can mask his psychosis enough to fool the real gullible among us.
Well, this period will be studied for a LONG time. And this is about far more than politics. This is cultural, sociological.
Record number of illegals that Biden is not Deporting, NO, he is bussing them to red areas. What does that tell you? That he is an Evil Cheating Lying Son of Bitch like all his bastard followers. Cheaters never change. Once a cheater always a cheater.

There are ZERO facts that state that Anthropogenic Global Warming is a FACT. None, Nada. The Famed Hockey Stick was a hoax and a lie.

Here is an easy question. Where do Hydrocarbon Fuels come from and how are they made, and if you lunatics claim they are made from dinosaurs and dead plants then why is the moon Titan full of it as you and your posse are full of it.

Globalism is EVIL. That is why God ended that crap at The Tower of Babel and will end it again At Armageddon.

Your Overpopulation Mantra is Horse Shit. The entire population of Earth can fit in the State of Texas and each have a one acre plot of land to themselves. That comes straight from UN's Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development 666 AntiChrist Global Government initiative. It used to be Agenda 20 but Donald J Trump gave them the middle finger. And now you know why they tried to destroy him.

There is no such thing as REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS. You have the right to BIRTH CONTROL, or you can choose ABSTINENCE or MARRIAGE.
Once a life is create that LIFE has THE RIGHT TO LIFE specified by The CONSTITUTION.

The problem we have are Lies, and Greed of Very powerful Men who think the world would be a better place with less people on it. Easier to control a smaller population and make them Economic Slaves.

Brainwashed Dupe is what you are. If you buy their horse shit, you are insane.
You thoroughly drank the Kool-Aid that is poisoning the United States. I'm not going to answer any of your stupid questions because you ignored all the facts I stated. Keep living in your fantasy world and see how it works for you. I took plenty of science courses in high school and college and I understand how things work. You obviously don't.

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