Donald Trump: The American Caligula

In the Presidency of Donald Trump, we are watching the total destruction of this country. From American values, to our rule of law, common decency and honesty, truth, our democratic principles, all are being dismantled in front of our very eyes.

There are parallels between what Trump is doing to our republic and what Caligula did to Rome.

Caligula wanted to rule as an autocrat and he was contemptuous of the pretense that the senate had any power at all.
“What he did was to trample the dignity of the senatorial elite into the dirt and what he discovered in doing that was that the mass of the Roman people really enjoyed it.”
What Trump has done to the Republican establishment.
“Trump has said and done things that are utterly shocking by the standards of traditional political morality, but far from making him unpopular with the masses there is a sense in which he has become the toast of the people.”
From Tweets about bogus wiretapping to business ventures with Iran's Republican Guard, Donald Trump is destroying this country from within.

We are the laughing stock of the world!

And yet it seems it was your hero obummer who has not just violated the COTUS, but made a mockery of it. Me thinks you need to pull your head out of your clearly ample ass and wake up.
And yet it seems it was your hero obummer who has not just violated the COTUS, but made a mockery of it. Me thinks you need to pull your head out of your clearly ample ass and wake up.
Obama had his problems and I withdrew my support for his policies 18 months into his first term. But I will say, he carried the Office of the President with a lot more dignity than either his predecessor, or his successor. But that's getting a little off topic. The thread isn't about Obama, it's about CaTrumpula.
In the Presidency of Donald Trump, we are watching the total destruction of this country. From American values, to our rule of law, common decency and honesty, truth, our democratic principles, all are being dismantled in front of our very eyes.

There are parallels between what Trump is doing to our republic and what Caligula did to Rome.

Caligula wanted to rule as an autocrat and he was contemptuous of the pretense that the senate had any power at all.
“What he did was to trample the dignity of the senatorial elite into the dirt and what he discovered in doing that was that the mass of the Roman people really enjoyed it.”
What Trump has done to the Republican establishment.
“Trump has said and done things that are utterly shocking by the standards of traditional political morality, but far from making him unpopular with the masses there is a sense in which he has become the toast of the people.”
From Tweets about bogus wiretapping to business ventures with Iran's Republican Guard, Donald Trump is destroying this country from within.

We are the laughing stock of the world!

That article from the increasingly hysterical The Guardian of the UK is absolutely worthy of birdcage liner, these lunatic Leftist hacks need locking up to protect the public from their insane Propaganda ramblings.

The Donald hasn't appointed his horse as his Consul or made his horse a priest.

The Roman Emperor Gaius at first promised his horse Incitatus that he would appoint him as his Consul, then changed his mind and made Incitatus a priest instead.

Also The Donald hasn't had an entire section of an audience thrown to wild beasts during the Intermission because he was bored.

That comes from Suetonius "The Lives of Twelve Caesars, Life of Caligula" but more famously from Dio Cassius "Roman History LIX. 14" (c. 220 AD)

The below book which is Vol. VII of IX Volumes contains the Books LVI-LX, it was published in 1924 (Vol. I which contains Books I-XI was published in 1914 and the final one Vol. IX which contains Books LXXI-LXXX was published in 1927)


You can read Book LIX (59) at the below link, you can read Dio Cassius "Roman History" Books XXXVI-LX at the below link.

Cassius Dio, Roman History 59
I see one problem. Leftist imbeciles are not interested in classical history. They are focusing on revisionism of modern history. So the OP shows how uneducated s/he is and proud of it by spewing nonsense.
They both believed and believe they are living Gods, and yes Trump is deregulating everything for big business, which will create a greater class divide, and he is pro the elites. He is in with the Freedom Caucus, who want limited government and are even worst than him, then you have the ultra right wing republicans like Ryan who needs the votes of the Freedom Caucus (congressmen in the GOP party) and which is why they say that repealing the healthcare plan didn't go far enough, they all want to dismantle everything from SS , Medicare, and are working on Medicaid, they do not care if you rot in the street. They have reelection to think about, and Trump wants his 2nd 4 years, but I foresee self destruction and Dem control in 2018 and Trump will be a lame duck if he is not in jail or impeached. They have pretty much taken over, redistricting everything, think of N.C. and even MI and WI. The only Fed gov they want is the war machine.
This is a dangerous time for our country. We are in a slide towards fascism and soon after, totalitarianism. The worst thing we could think right now is, "it won't happen here". Because its happening.

Muslims are the new Jews.

Alternative facts = post truth = pre-fascism.
They both believed and believe they are living Gods, and yes Trump is deregulating everything for big business, which will create a greater class divide, and he is pro the elites. He is in with the Freedom Caucus, who want limited government and are even worst than him, then you have the ultra right wing republicans like Ryan who needs the votes of the Freedom Caucus (congressmen in the GOP party) and which is why they say that repealing the healthcare plan didn't go far enough, they all want to dismantle everything from SS , Medicare, and are working on Medicaid, they do not care if you rot in the street. They have reelection to think about, and Trump wants his 2nd 4 years, but I foresee self destruction and Dem control in 2018 and Trump will be a lame duck if he is not in jail or impeached. They have pretty much taken over, redistricting everything, think of N.C. and even MI and WI. The only Fed gov they want is the war machine.
This is a dangerous time for our country. We are in a slide towards fascism and soon after, totalitarianism. The worst thing we could think right now is, "it won't happen here". Because its happening.

Muslims are the new Jews.

Alternative facts = post truth = pre-fascism.
Muslims aren't banned, 6 countries are, regardless of religion and it's only 90 days until they figure out how to better vet them. Rather than letting them flood in willy nilly. Odd that libs see no problem with that.

The fascists got a major setback, that's why there's all this hysteria. Big government, big business, that's how it starts.
The left has been very busy turning our country into their socialist wet dream. Your hysteria is hysterical to me, talk about missing the boat. Leftists ram their policies down our throats and order us to suck on it and scream bloody murder if we spit it back out. Libtards are not honest and not particularly bright.
What leftist policies? The only thing close to a leftist bill was the ACA and the country overwhelmingly was in favor of that. In addition, how could there have been any "ramming" done with Congressional Republicans grid-locking government at every turn. How many times did we run out of money because of right wing abstinence?
In the Presidency of Donald Trump, we are watching the total destruction of this country. From American values, to our rule of law, common decency and honesty, truth, our democratic principles, all are being dismantled in front of our very eyes.
We are the laughing stock of the world!
Its Obama's doings ....
In the Presidency of Donald Trump, we are watching the total destruction of this country. From American values, to our rule of law, common decency and honesty, truth, our democratic principles, all are being dismantled in front of our very eyes.

There are parallels between what Trump is doing to our republic and what Caligula did to Rome.

Caligula wanted to rule as an autocrat and he was contemptuous of the pretense that the senate had any power at all.
“What he did was to trample the dignity of the senatorial elite into the dirt and what he discovered in doing that was that the mass of the Roman people really enjoyed it.”
What Trump has done to the Republican establishment.
“Trump has said and done things that are utterly shocking by the standards of traditional political morality, but far from making him unpopular with the masses there is a sense in which he has become the toast of the people.”
From Tweets about bogus wiretapping to business ventures with Iran's Republican Guard, Donald Trump is destroying this country from within.

We are the laughing stock of the world!

That article from the increasingly hysterical The Guardian of the UK is absolutely worthy of birdcage liner, these lunatic Leftist hacks need locking up to protect the public from their insane Propaganda ramblings.

The Donald hasn't appointed his horse as his Consul or made his horse a priest.

The Roman Emperor Gaius at first promised his horse Incitatus that he would appoint him as his Consul, then changed his mind and made Incitatus a priest instead.

Also The Donald hasn't had an entire section of an audience thrown to wild beasts during the Intermission because he was bored.

That comes from Suetonius "The Lives of Twelve Caesars, Life of Caligula" but more famously from Dio Cassius "Roman History LIX. 14" (c. 220 AD)

The below book which is Vol. VII of IX Volumes contains the Books LVI-LX, it was published in 1924 (Vol. I which contains Books I-XI was published in 1914 and the final one Vol. IX which contains Books LXXI-LXXX was published in 1927)


You can read Book LIX (59) at the below link, you can read Dio Cassius "Roman History" Books XXXVI-LX at the below link.

Cassius Dio, Roman History 59
I see one problem. Leftist imbeciles are not interested in classical history. They are focusing on revisionism of modern history. So the OP shows how uneducated s/he is and proud of it by spewing nonsense.

No that would be Kellyanne who uses alternative facts.
In the Presidency of Donald Trump, we are watching the total destruction of this country. From American values, to our rule of law, common decency and honesty, truth, our democratic principles, all are being dismantled in front of our very eyes.
We are the laughing stock of the world!
Its Obama's doings ....
..and here is the propagandist from Debbie Wasserman's office in South Beach, Miami. Taxpayers' money wasted.
I'm convinced most of the libs here sit around all day smoking pot.
Well, according to Attorney General Sessions, the worst thing about the KKK, is their members smoking pot.
and pot smokers consume snacks thereby stimulating the economy in small business convenience stores ....pickled eggs and pig's feet etc ding dongs what have you
Muslims aren't banned...
...they're targeted.

The fascists got a major setback, that's why there's all this hysteria. Big government, big business, that's how it starts.
Big business and big government ARE in cahoots. That's why you see the current Administration doing away with corporate regulations, so nothing can get in the way except us.

And when you start hearing about "fake news", "alternative facts" and the nation is threatened by undocumented immigrants, this country's citizens, are being prepared for a society change to fascism.

How fascism works:
"Fascism says, disregard the evidence of your senses, disregard observation, embolden deeds that can’t be proven, don’t have faith in god but have faith in leaders, take part in collective myth of an organic national unity, and so forth. "
The only thing we have in our favor, is the knowledge (and history) that this has happened before. The people in Wiemar must be shaking their heads?
Muslims aren't banned...
...they're targeted.

The fascists got a major setback, that's why there's all this hysteria. Big government, big business, that's how it starts.
Big business and big government ARE in cahoots. That's why you see the current Administration doing away with corporate regulations, so nothing can get in the way except us.

And when you start hearing about "fake news", "alternative facts" and the nation is threatened by undocumented immigrants, this country's citizens, are being prepared for a society change to fascism.

How fascism works:
"Fascism says, disregard the evidence of your senses, disregard observation, embolden deeds that can’t be proven, don’t have faith in god but have faith in leaders, take part in collective myth of an organic national unity, and so forth. "
The only thing we have in our favor, is the knowledge (and history) that this has happened before. The people in Wiemar must be shaking their heads?
Muslims are targeted. Muslim terrorists are. If you have a good way to separate them, please share.

Big business has grown and the rich gotten richer during Obama's reign. The big boys were backing Hillary, not Donald. Excess regulation kills small business, the backbone of America. They cannot compete with corporations that have legal departments and good buddies in congress.

National unity is a myth? Ever heard of E Pluribus Unum?
Muslims aren't banned...
...they're targeted.

The fascists got a major setback, that's why there's all this hysteria. Big government, big business, that's how it starts.
Big business and big government ARE in cahoots. That's why you see the current Administration doing away with corporate regulations, so nothing can get in the way except us.

And when you start hearing about "fake news", "alternative facts" and the nation is threatened by undocumented immigrants, this country's citizens, are being prepared for a society change to fascism.

How fascism works:
"Fascism says, disregard the evidence of your senses, disregard observation, embolden deeds that can’t be proven, don’t have faith in god but have faith in leaders, take part in collective myth of an organic national unity, and so forth. "
The only thing we have in our favor, is the knowledge (and history) that this has happened before. The people in Wiemar must be shaking their heads?
Muslims are targeted. Muslim terrorists are. If you have a good way to separate them, please share.

Big business has grown and the rich gotten richer during Obama's reign. The big boys were backing Hillary, not Donald. Excess regulation kills small business, the backbone of America. They cannot compete with corporations that have legal departments and good buddies in congress.

National unity is a myth? Ever heard of E Pluribus Unum?
The Global Elite is very successful in dividing us. Until we have them paying for protests and subversive activities, there will be no unity. Today is the "Day Without Women." Clearly, a renewed effort for hammering a wedge between the populace based on gender.
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Muslims are targeted. Muslim terrorists are. If you have a good way to separate them, please share.

Big business has grown and the rich gotten richer during Obama's reign. The big boys were backing Hillary, not Donald. Excess regulation kills small business, the backbone of America. They cannot compete with corporations that have legal departments and good buddies in congress.

National unity is a myth? Ever heard of E Pluribus Unum?
Muslims are the new Jews.

And it doesn't matter who is in the WH, this country is run by a corporate oligarchy.

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