Donald Trump to Speak At The NRA Tomorrow

Some truth to that. Trump is verbose, repetitive, and self-aggrandizing, to say the least. But I do believe Trump is a much better choice over Pedo Joe, although I sure wish there was a Thomas Jefferson running. He'd get my vote in a heartbeat. America truly needs a wise man of high intelligence who's strong in character, courageous, humble, and likeable.

Thomas Jefferson would not support you right wing thugs and then you would disown him. Joe Biden is the better choice over Donald Trump.
You still don't get it. Let me spell it out in clearer terms. Trump won.


ralphy.jpg › thomas-jefferson › jefferson-slavery › thomas-jefferson-and-sally-hemings-a-brief-account › monticello-affirms-thomas-jefferson-fathered-children-with-sally-hemings

Monticello Affirms Thomas Jefferson Fathered Children with Sally Hemings

A considerable body of evidence stretching from 1802 to 1873 (and beyond) describes Thomas Jefferson as the father of Sally Hemings's children. It was corroborated by the findings of the Y-chromosome haplotype DNA study conducted by Dr. Eugene Foster and published in the scientific journal Nature in November 1998.

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