Donald Trump trashes his own party


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Republicans - As the Dem's close in on those 2 GA Senate seats, there's a lot of finger pointing
going on in GOP land. So, who's to blame??

Donald J Trump!!

The GOP could have won those 2 Senate seats. Loeffler and Perdue ran strong campaigns, but they
were both held back by Donald J Trump who spent most of his time in Georgia talking about himself,
rather than the Georgia candidates, sniveling about his loss to Biden, and whining about voter fraud.
Trump said very little about Loeffler and Perdue. This chilled just enough would be GOP voters to allow
the Democrats to win. Republicans: Don't blame the Dem's for this one. This race was lost by "The Donald"

Those are the facts, Jack - - Just the facts! :dunno:
Republicans - As the Dem's close in on those 2 GA Senate seats, there's a lot of finger pointing
going on in GOP land. So, who's to blame??

Donald J Trump!!

The GOP could have won those 2 Senate seats. Loeffler and Perdue ran strong campaigns, but they
were both held back by Donald J Trump who spent most of his time in Georgia talking about himself,
rather than the Georgia candidates, sniveling about his loss to Biden, and whining about voter fraud.
Trump said very little about Loeffler and Perdue. This chilled just enough would be GOP voters to allow
the Democrats to win. Republicans: Don't blame the Dem's for this one. This race was lost by "The Donald"

Those are the facts, Jack - - Just the facts! :dunno:
I would disagree slightly in that Trump is just one person. As we've seen before in world history, this is/was about the people who enabled him.

We've now had our Talk Radio/Qanon Presidency. To no surprise, it made a big fucking ugly mess. Let's just hope that we've learned from this.
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Republicans - As the Dem's close in on those 2 GA Senate seats, there's a lot of finger pointing
going on in GOP land. So, who's to blame??

Donald J Trump!!

The GOP could have won those 2 Senate seats. Loeffler and Perdue ran strong campaigns, but they
were both held back by Donald J Trump who spent most of his time in Georgia talking about himself,
rather than the Georgia candidates, sniveling about his loss to Biden, and whining about voter fraud.
Trump said very little about Loeffler and Perdue. This chilled just enough would be GOP voters to allow
the Democrats to win. Republicans: Don't blame the Dem's for this one. This race was lost by "The Donald"

Those are the facts, Jack - - Just the facts! :dunno:
Now that Orange Man Bad is gone, and the Congress, Senate and President is all Democraps, who are you going to blame when this country turns into a 3rd world nation? Trump?
Republicans - As the Dem's close in on those 2 GA Senate seats, there's a lot of finger pointing
going on in GOP land. So, who's to blame??

Donald J Trump!!

The GOP could have won those 2 Senate seats. Loeffler and Perdue ran strong campaigns, but they
were both held back by Donald J Trump who spent most of his time in Georgia talking about himself,
rather than the Georgia candidates, sniveling about his loss to Biden, and whining about voter fraud.
Trump said very little about Loeffler and Perdue. This chilled just enough would be GOP voters to allow
the Democrats to win. Republicans: Don't blame the Dem's for this one. This race was lost by "The Donald"

Those are the facts, Jack - - Just the facts! :dunno:

Nonsense....McConnell had as much to do with this as anyone.
Republicans - As the Dem's close in on those 2 GA Senate seats, there's a lot of finger pointing
going on in GOP land. So, who's to blame??

Donald J Trump!!

The GOP could have won those 2 Senate seats. Loeffler and Perdue ran strong campaigns, but they
were both held back by Donald J Trump who spent most of his time in Georgia talking about himself,
rather than the Georgia candidates, sniveling about his loss to Biden, and whining about voter fraud.
Trump said very little about Loeffler and Perdue. This chilled just enough would be GOP voters to allow
the Democrats to win. Republicans: Don't blame the Dem's for this one. This race was lost by "The Donald"

Those are the facts, Jack - - Just the facts! :dunno:
Now that Orange Man Bad is gone, and the Congress, Senate and President is all Democraps, who are you going to blame when this country turns into a 3rd world nation? Trump?

ofcourse they will, hell, they still blame Bush.
Republicans - As the Dem's close in on those 2 GA Senate seats, there's a lot of finger pointing
going on in GOP land. So, who's to blame??

Donald J Trump!!

The GOP could have won those 2 Senate seats. Loeffler and Perdue ran strong campaigns, but they
were both held back by Donald J Trump who spent most of his time in Georgia talking about himself,
rather than the Georgia candidates, sniveling about his loss to Biden, and whining about voter fraud.
Trump said very little about Loeffler and Perdue. This chilled just enough would be GOP voters to allow
the Democrats to win. Republicans: Don't blame the Dem's for this one. This race was lost by "The Donald"

Those are the facts, Jack - - Just the facts! :dunno:
it was grifter robot's choice to go full in on trump.

Republicans - As the Dem's close in on those 2 GA Senate seats, there's a lot of finger pointing
going on in GOP land. So, who's to blame??

Donald J Trump!!

The GOP could have won those 2 Senate seats. Loeffler and Perdue ran strong campaigns, but they
were both held back by Donald J Trump who spent most of his time in Georgia talking about himself,
rather than the Georgia candidates, sniveling about his loss to Biden, and whining about voter fraud.
Trump said very little about Loeffler and Perdue. This chilled just enough would be GOP voters to allow
the Democrats to win. Republicans: Don't blame the Dem's for this one. This race was lost by "The Donald"

Those are the facts, Jack - - Just the facts! :dunno:

Trump brought chaos and corruption.

Republicans - As the Dem's close in on those 2 GA Senate seats, there's a lot of finger pointing
going on in GOP land. So, who's to blame??

Donald J Trump!!

The GOP could have won those 2 Senate seats. Loeffler and Perdue ran strong campaigns, but they
were both held back by Donald J Trump who spent most of his time in Georgia talking about himself,
rather than the Georgia candidates, sniveling about his loss to Biden, and whining about voter fraud.
Trump said very little about Loeffler and Perdue. This chilled just enough would be GOP voters to allow
the Democrats to win. Republicans: Don't blame the Dem's for this one. This race was lost by "The Donald"

Those are the facts, Jack - - Just the facts! :dunno:
If President Trump wasn’t on the ballot in November, those two would had been smoked. He brought more votes for the GOP candidates across the board. He’s the one bringing huge crowds of everyday normal Americans to rallies and the polls.

What is the GOP without President Trump? Mitch McConnell? Graham? Worthless sellouts.
Republicans - As the Dem's close in on those 2 GA Senate seats, there's a lot of finger pointing
going on in GOP land. So, who's to blame??

Donald J Trump!!

The GOP could have won those 2 Senate seats. Loeffler and Perdue ran strong campaigns, but they
were both held back by Donald J Trump who spent most of his time in Georgia talking about himself,
rather than the Georgia candidates, sniveling about his loss to Biden, and whining about voter fraud.
Trump said very little about Loeffler and Perdue. This chilled just enough would be GOP voters to allow
the Democrats to win. Republicans: Don't blame the Dem's for this one. This race was lost by "The Donald"

Those are the facts, Jack - - Just the facts! :dunno:

The record number of votes going to Biden. It's clear, Americans want a VERY different direction, from dealing with police to "harmony" with China and all else. How else could a person get the most votes in the history of the United states presidency and be more popular with black voters than the first black president, if Americans don't want a very different direction?

Those who worked hard to ensure Trump lost in the 2020 G.E, lead by Georgia, ensured it would happen again in these run-offs. I said this was the most likely outcome the same night Trump lost. I repeated it over the few days after. I call balls and strikes as best I can, even as I supported Trumps stance on China.

As Schumer wisely said in anticipation of this (as I predicted as well) “Now we take Georgia, then we change the world!"

Then a second time with his face mask on for the video camera: “Now we take Georgia, then we change America!
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The Republican Party is headed for civil war.

Before Trumpers get out their guns, I am speaking metaphorically.

My guess is that the establishment Pubs will attempt to either oust the Trumpers or cajole them back into the fold.

Trumpism will be thrown back into trash heap from once it arose.
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The Republican Party is headed for civil war.

Before Trumpers get out their guns, I speaking metaphorically.

My guess is that the establishment Pubs will attempt to either oust the Trumpers or cajole them back into the fold.

Trumpism will be thrown back into trash heap from once it arose.

Most of the anti-Trumpers won't even be re-elected next time they run. They can continue to pretend that their policies are relevant in 2021 (what policies would they be exactly?), but there is clearly a drastic shift. Lead by a love of China by elites and politicians and an anger about their appeasement by leaders and with GOP voters who despise these leaders.

Voters finally had a fighter put America first and career politicians stifled them. They are dismayed, disenfranchised and will simply not support these weak leaders.

If you think these loses are bad, wait until the Mid-Terms. The enthusiasm for the GOP is gone, and the younger "China is our friend" generation will be voting age. GOP will be relegated to where they will be. I am on reddit. You should go there some time and listen to the Echo Chamber. You had better not be a conservative, or you will be attacked, tarred and feathered mercilessly.

Parties don't decide which direction to go in, voters do. The world evolves, and it seems capitalism is out the door.

Learn Madarin if you don't know it already. Teach your kids and grandkids the language, Learn Chinas history and have a respect for the incoming Yuan or B.R.I.C global standard.

If not in my lifetime, certainly soon after this will be the case. The world will look back and read whatever history books still show the truth about Americas once great dominance and spread of virtue, which now politicians, agencies and even media won't even fight for domestically, let alone globally.
Republicans - As the Dem's close in on those 2 GA Senate seats, there's a lot of finger pointing
going on in GOP land. So, who's to blame??

Donald J Trump!!

The GOP could have won those 2 Senate seats. Loeffler and Perdue ran strong campaigns, but they
were both held back by Donald J Trump who spent most of his time in Georgia talking about himself,
rather than the Georgia candidates, sniveling about his loss to Biden, and whining about voter fraud.
Trump said very little about Loeffler and Perdue. This chilled just enough would be GOP voters to allow
the Democrats to win. Republicans: Don't blame the Dem's for this one. This race was lost by "The Donald"

Those are the facts, Jack - - Just the facts! :dunno:
Trump isn't a republican. It's why I support him. I don't like the Republican as a party.
The Republican Party is headed for civil war.
It won't be pretty. These are people who literally exist in another informational universe. Just getting past THAT will take time and cause damage.

Stop being a drama queen.

The GOP will do what they always do when they lose.

The people didn't reject their ideology, they rejected a man.

That was their excuse with Nixon, it was their excuse with Ford, it was their excuse with Poppy Bush (not to mention McCain, Dole and Romney). By 2024, they'll all be denying they ever supported Trump.

Ivanka isn't going to come back like Dubya and avenge her father.
I would disagree slightly in that Trump is just one person. As we've seen before in world history, this is/was about the people who enabled him.

We've now had our Talk Radio/Qanon Presidency. To no surprise, it made a big fucking ugly mess. Let's just hope that we've learned from this.

Nope... Didn't learn a thing. I'll try like hell to enable the next non republican/democrat running for president or pretty much any other office that I vote in the future as well that hold more of my ideals than either of the two strangle hold parties.
Republicans - As the Dem's close in on those 2 GA Senate seats, there's a lot of finger pointing
going on in GOP land. So, who's to blame??

Donald J Trump!!

The GOP could have won those 2 Senate seats. Loeffler and Perdue ran strong campaigns, but they
were both held back by Donald J Trump who spent most of his time in Georgia talking about himself,
rather than the Georgia candidates, sniveling about his loss to Biden, and whining about voter fraud.
Trump said very little about Loeffler and Perdue. This chilled just enough would be GOP voters to allow
the Democrats to win. Republicans: Don't blame the Dem's for this one. This race was lost by "The Donald"

Those are the facts, Jack - - Just the facts! :dunno:

Nope - the GOP is to blame. Without Trump it would have been the biggest loss ever seen.

It is impossible to save the seats for people who think election fraud needs to be covered, and only non-Americans should get big stimulus checks.
The Republican Party is headed for civil war.

Before Trumpers get out their guns, I speaking metaphorically.

My guess is that the establishment Pubs will attempt to either oust the Trumpers or cajole them back into the fold.

Trumpism will be thrown back into trash heap from once it arose.

Most of the anti-Trumpers won't even be re-elected next time they run. They can continue to pretend that their policies are relevant in 2021 (what policies would they be exactly?), but there is clearly a drastic shift. Lead by a love of China by elites and politicians and an anger about their appeasement by leaders and with GOP voters who despise these leaders.

Voters finally had a fighter put America first and career politicians stifled them. They are dismayed, disenfranchised and will simply not support these weak leaders.

If you think these loses are bad, wait until the Mid-Terms. The enthusiasm for the GOP is gone, and the younger "China is our friend" generation will be voting age. GOP will be relegated to where they will be. I am on reddit. You should go there some time and listen to the Echo Chamber. You had better not be a conservative, or you will be attacked, tarred and feathered mercilessly.

Parties don't decide which direction to go in, voters do. The world evolves, and it seems capitalism is out the door.
Little do people realize that if China becomes the prominent leader of the world, and its currency overtakes the dollar, the dollar isnt going to be worth shit, and many are going to starve. Even the uber rich, who are buying up gold, will only have that to barter with and those billions of dollars will be worthless paper. Elections have consequences, i hope most public school teachers get theirs, when their pensions arent worth a fucking dime.

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