Donald Trump Would Cut Department Of Education, EPA

So what do you suggest for education, everyone does their own thing?

See who has it in their foundational documents..... The State, the city, or if neither have it, it defaults to the individual families.
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump suggested Sunday that he would eliminate several federal agencies if he were elected president.

Asked on "Fox News Sunday" how he would cut spending, Trump named the Department of Education and the Environmental Protection Agency as potential targets.

"No, I'm not cutting services, but I'm cutting spending. But I may cut Department of Education. I believe Common Core is a very bad thing. I believe that we should be -- you know, educating our children from Iowa, from New Hampshire, from South Carolina, from California, from New York. I think that it should be local education," Trump said.

"So the Department of Education is one," he continued. "Environmental Protection, what they do is a disgrace. Every week they come out with new regulations."

Asked by host Chris Wallace who would protect the environment in the absence of the EPA, Trump maintained that "we'll be fine with the environment."

"We can leave a little bit, but you can't destroy businesses," he added.

Donald Trump Would Cut Department Of Education, EPA

I find this very scary. No federal standards for education? Each state can educate their way? The red Bible Belt states would love that. As for cutting the EPA - businesses would have a field day on that. Who would regulate business pollution? Themselves? Running a country is not all about business. In fact, you don't run a country like you run a business.

Trump has no idea what Common Core is. He hears it mentioned in the usual conservative rants, so now he's decided to pander to those people.

When the real nuts-n-bolts questions come in he's gonna have a YouTubable plethora of Katie Couric moments. He'll fold like an origami committing hara-kiri.
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump suggested Sunday that he would eliminate several federal agencies if he were elected president.

Asked on "Fox News Sunday" how he would cut spending, Trump named the Department of Education and the Environmental Protection Agency as potential targets.

"No, I'm not cutting services, but I'm cutting spending. But I may cut Department of Education. I believe Common Core is a very bad thing. I believe that we should be -- you know, educating our children from Iowa, from New Hampshire, from South Carolina, from California, from New York. I think that it should be local education," Trump said.

"So the Department of Education is one," he continued. "Environmental Protection, what they do is a disgrace. Every week they come out with new regulations."

Asked by host Chris Wallace who would protect the environment in the absence of the EPA, Trump maintained that "we'll be fine with the environment."

"We can leave a little bit, but you can't destroy businesses," he added.

Donald Trump Would Cut Department Of Education, EPA

I find this very scary. No federal standards for education? Each state can educate their way? The red Bible Belt states would love that. As for cutting the EPA - businesses would have a field day on that. Who would regulate business pollution? Themselves? Running a country is not all about business. In fact, you don't run a country like you run a business.

I do too, you have your bible belt who some want the bible to be taught in schools and well we need standard education, the same in all states. EPA has been cut by the GOP already, and well we have a water and pollution problems and we can't let these big corps keep on polluting our water, what's left, our air and our land. Trump may not take contributions, but he is in big business, and he buys supplies that build his real estate and energy services that service his businesses.

I can't believe people don't care about the earth and pollution.
Just because somebody disagrees with YOUR methods doesn't mean they don't care. Ever entertain the idea YOU could be wrong?

No, the earth is being polluted and the bible should not be taught in schools.
Where did I disagree with that? I'm talking about your notion that anyone who disagrees with your ideas somehow "doesn't care about the earth".

We need a bit more caring than
Trump maintained that "we'll be fine with the environment."

"We can leave a little bit, but you can't destroy businesses," he added.
Excellent. just two of the worthless agencies that we have to pay for. He could also cut funding for PBS, NEA, and sky's the limit . Just think of all the money that would saved. Also a few of these agencies has gotten out of control in making up their own rules without we the people having any Representation of our Congress members. especially under the tyrant Obama

Just think of all the money we could save by cutting defense in half.

And getting rid of the Federal EPA....

Oh no...dirty water.....

Yeah....states don't have their own EPA's.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump suggested Sunday that he would eliminate several federal agencies if he were elected president.

Asked on "Fox News Sunday" how he would cut spending, Trump named the Department of Education and the Environmental Protection Agency as potential targets.

"No, I'm not cutting services, but I'm cutting spending. But I may cut Department of Education. I believe Common Core is a very bad thing. I believe that we should be -- you know, educating our children from Iowa, from New Hampshire, from South Carolina, from California, from New York. I think that it should be local education," Trump said.

"So the Department of Education is one," he continued. "Environmental Protection, what they do is a disgrace. Every week they come out with new regulations."

Asked by host Chris Wallace who would protect the environment in the absence of the EPA, Trump maintained that "we'll be fine with the environment."

"We can leave a little bit, but you can't destroy businesses," he added.

Donald Trump Would Cut Department Of Education, EPA

I find this very scary. No federal standards for education? Each state can educate their way? The red Bible Belt states would love that. As for cutting the EPA - businesses would have a field day on that. Who would regulate business pollution? Themselves? Running a country is not all about business. In fact, you don't run a country like you run a business.

Trump has no idea what Common Core is. He hears it mentioned in the usual conservative rants, so now he's decided to pander to those people.

When the real nuts-n-bolts questions come in he's gonna have a YouTubable plethora of Katie Couric moments. He'll fold like an origami committing hara-kiri.

That's hilarious - and totally true! Trump will be stuttering so badly he'll need a speech therapist.
And welfare too !!!!

We'll be rich.

Then you can stop taxing the, wait.

I mean you can stop taxing the rich so much.
So what do you suggest for education, everyone does their own thing?
Education is something citizens are quite capable of handling at their local and state level. Don't you feel smart enough?
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump suggested Sunday that he would eliminate several federal agencies if he were elected president.

Asked on "Fox News Sunday" how he would cut spending, Trump named the Department of Education and the Environmental Protection Agency as potential targets.

"No, I'm not cutting services, but I'm cutting spending. But I may cut Department of Education. I believe Common Core is a very bad thing. I believe that we should be -- you know, educating our children from Iowa, from New Hampshire, from South Carolina, from California, from New York. I think that it should be local education," Trump said.

"So the Department of Education is one," he continued. "Environmental Protection, what they do is a disgrace. Every week they come out with new regulations."

Asked by host Chris Wallace who would protect the environment in the absence of the EPA, Trump maintained that "we'll be fine with the environment."

"We can leave a little bit, but you can't destroy businesses," he added.

Donald Trump Would Cut Department Of Education, EPA

I find this very scary. No federal standards for education? Each state can educate their way? The red Bible Belt states would love that. As for cutting the EPA - businesses would have a field day on that. Who would regulate business pollution? Themselves? Running a country is not all about business. In fact, you don't run a country like you run a business.

I do too, you have your bible belt who some want the bible to be taught in schools and well we need standard education, the same in all states. EPA has been cut by the GOP already, and well we have a water and pollution problems and we can't let these big corps keep on polluting our water, what's left, our air and our land. Trump may not take contributions, but he is in big business, and he buys supplies that build his real estate and energy services that service his businesses.

I can't believe people don't care about the earth and pollution.
Just because somebody disagrees with YOUR methods doesn't mean they don't care. Ever entertain the idea YOU could be wrong?

No, the earth is being polluted and the bible should not be taught in schools.
Where did I disagree with that? I'm talking about your notion that anyone who disagrees with your ideas somehow "doesn't care about the earth".

We need a bit more caring than
Trump maintained that "we'll be fine with the environment."

"We can leave a little bit, but you can't destroy businesses," he added.

Need a bit more detail too. Fatter o' mact we need a LOT more. That isn't even an answer.
"We'll be fine".... that's lamer than "the check is in the mail".
There are a lot of government agencies that need to be cut, revamped or done away with all together.
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump suggested Sunday that he would eliminate several federal agencies if he were elected president.

Asked on "Fox News Sunday" how he would cut spending, Trump named the Department of Education and the Environmental Protection Agency as potential targets.

"No, I'm not cutting services, but I'm cutting spending. But I may cut Department of Education. I believe Common Core is a very bad thing. I believe that we should be -- you know, educating our children from Iowa, from New Hampshire, from South Carolina, from California, from New York. I think that it should be local education," Trump said.

"So the Department of Education is one," he continued. "Environmental Protection, what they do is a disgrace. Every week they come out with new regulations."

Asked by host Chris Wallace who would protect the environment in the absence of the EPA, Trump maintained that "we'll be fine with the environment."

"We can leave a little bit, but you can't destroy businesses," he added.

Donald Trump Would Cut Department Of Education, EPA

I find this very scary. No federal standards for education? Each state can educate their way? The red Bible Belt states would love that. As for cutting the EPA - businesses would have a field day on that. Who would regulate business pollution? Themselves? Running a country is not all about business. In fact, you don't run a country like you run a business.

Of course stateist would find smaller government scary, of course you can't give one good reason they States can't do the job of both agencies.
You almost gotta laugh. Liberals support the Federal Dept. Education but they don't know why. The Peanut man signed the law establishing the Dept of Ed. in 1979 with 3,000 employees and a 12 billion dollar budget. In 2013 the budget was 69 Billion and about 5,000 employees. Between the time Carter signed the law and today, the standards have dropped and American kids exceed only in self esteem. Thanks to the Feds they know how to put a condom on a cucumber but not much else. Kudos for Trump having the culyones to make such a statement. That's why people like him.
You almost gotta laugh. Liberals support the Federal Dept. Education but they don't know why. The Peanut man signed the law establishing the Dept of Ed. in 1979 with 3,000 employees and a 12 billion dollar budget. In 2013 the budget was 69 Billion and about 5,000 employees. Between the time Carter signed the law and today, the standards have dropped and American kids exceed only in self esteem. Thanks to the Feds they know how to put a condom on a cucumber but not much else. Kudos for Trump having the culyones to make such a statement. That's why people like him.

"curly ones"?

Perhaps a better Department of Educamacation would teach the unwashed the word cojones.

It's Spanish for "rapists".
There are a lot of government agencies that need to be cut, revamped or done away with all together.

Not to make light, but let's just say this:
If Tim McVeigh had targeted the main IRS building he would have been a hero.
Well about the Education Dept, The money spent mainly goes to ($119 bn) Amounts in Billlions:
Pre primary thru secondary education
Education for the Disadvantaged 15.6
Special Education 12.3

Student Financial Assistance 27.1

Science 5.4
Research and Related Activities 5.8
Research and general education aids (503) 3.6
Public Broadcasting 0.5

Training and employment (504) 10.9

Social Services
Children and Families Services Programs 10.4

So they are the headline items address by the federal level.
I wouldn't cut Education for the Disadvantaged (15.6) this by far and away is paid back by encouraging kids to take education over crime in the future.

Special Education 12.3 : This is helps in spending on Mental Health services later in life too. Big savings here too.

Student Financial Assistance 27.1 : This doesn't suit States as students can be out of state and this is also counteracted by loans being paid back (10.2) last year. This allows kids go to college instead of crime (another big winner in investment)

Research 15.4: I would increase this. Research is the lifeblood of US innovation. In Healthcare alone the US spend trillions, leaving that to private is not economical if they can develop the IP themselves. If anyone wants to run on cutting the US research and leaving it fall behind go ahead. R & D is where US should be aiming to be number one in spending not defense.

Training and Employment: Cut this and don't blame a single person in federal government about job numbers again. This is also how the government gets certain types of graduates for jobs they specifically need in the future. Let it go totally private and you pay a fortune for those graduates in the future, this is just common sense.

Social Services: If you want single parent and disadvantaged kids to fulfil their potential then don't cut this. Same as Financial assistance.
So which one are you cutting? A lot of these programs are in place because the development of these programs are cheaper when done for 50 states rather than just one state at a time.
Remember education spending has a return of 9 to 1 conservatively on investment compared to future earning taxation.
Trump hits a home run. The EPA is a place where communists strangle the economy and no one can name anything the dept of ed people do to improve education.

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