Donald Trump's critical week closes with chaotic end

i heard a blurb about the Butler :afro: , Butler may have publicly voiced illegal words as he gave his opinion as i think that the Butler is being investigated . Trumps taxes are no ones business but his and the 'irs' Jake .

He called for Romney to release his taxes.
Trump and Ryan trying to be likeminded pals. That's hilarious.

Ryan disagrees with Trump on

1. Trade

2. Banning Muslims

3. Social Security and Medicare

4. Taxes

5. Isolationism

6. Abortion

...what else?
Trump just can't get it right.

CBS NEWS May 14, 2016, 7:30 AM
Donald Trump's critical week closes with chaotic end

Last Updated May 14, 2016 8:22 AM EDT

It was a chaotic end of the week for Donald Trump after what seemed like a promising start.
Just days after a positive meeting with GOP leaders, there is now a series of new concerns over his taxes, his honesty, even his former butler.

On Saturday morning, Hillary Clinton's campaign released a new ad attacking Trump for his refusal to release his income tax returns, citing that every major presidential nominee has done so for the past 40 years.
And Trump has only himself to blame.
Yep......and the media will make sure he's blamed for everything.
Trump and Ryan trying to be likeminded pals. That's hilarious.

Ryan disagrees with Trump on

1. Trade

2. Banning Muslims

3. Social Security and Medicare

4. Taxes

5. Isolationism

6. Abortion

...what else?
Yep......ending unfair trade practices
Ending the threat from terrorism
Fixing SS and Medicare
Lowering taxes
Securing the borders
Allowing religious freedom to exist.

Those bastards.
Trump and Ryan trying to be likeminded pals. That's hilarious.

Ryan disagrees with Trump on

1. Trade

2. Banning Muslims

3. Social Security and Medicare

4. Taxes

5. Isolationism

6. Abortion

...what else?
Yep......ending unfair trade practices
Ending the threat from terrorism
Fixing SS and Medicare
Lowering taxes
Securing the borders
Allowing religious freedom to exist.

Those bastards.

The GOP is the party of 'unfair trade practices'. The GOP is the party of NAFTA. The GOP has so-called 'free trade' and support for trade deals in its party platform.
Trump and Ryan trying to be likeminded pals. That's hilarious.

Ryan disagrees with Trump on

1. Trade

2. Banning Muslims

3. Social Security and Medicare

4. Taxes

5. Isolationism

6. Abortion

...what else?
Yep......ending unfair trade practices
Ending the threat from terrorism
Fixing SS and Medicare
Lowering taxes
Securing the borders
Allowing religious freedom to exist.

Those bastards.

The GOP is the party of 'unfair trade practices'. The GOP is the party of NAFTA. The GOP has so-called 'free trade' and support for trade deals in its party platform.
That's what you've been led to believe anyway......

Truth is, nothing happens in Washington without the okay of liberals. Even when the GOP Establishment does it. The reason is Democrats have been running Washington with a steel fist since before most of us were born.
Tell that to the K street lobby that ran Washington from 1994 to 2006.
Its a Classic Case of the Butler did it ...

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