Donald Trump’s Former Butler Calls for Obama’s Death; Secret Service to Investigate

So, Guano, when do you call for the Secret Service to arrest the douchbag who threatened to kill Trump and his family?

Certainly I would call for the arrest of anyone threatening to kill Trump or his family.

Meanwhile- Trump's 'former butler' of thirty years is actually calling for the lynching of the President.

Why aren't you calling for the arrest of this douchbag?


Mr. Senecal’s admiration for his longtime boss seems to know few limits. On March 6, as Mr. Trump made his way through the living room on his way to the golf course, Mr. Senecal called out “All rise!” to the club members and staff. They rose.
If he actually did say that, he should be investigated. If found to be true, he should be prosecuted just like anyone else who has done the same.
so why haven't the thugs who wrote a song to kill trump been investigated?

Can't have it both ways gene.

No idea. Never heard about it.

Does the song advocate killing Trump?
Advocating the killing of political leaders is a bit extreme.
I do think there might be a case for bringing Obama to trial for the crime of "treason."
One just has to research and understand Islam to see that he is deliberately bringing in by the tens of thousands, Sunnis whose ultimate goal is to destroy our Constitution and its freedoms, as well as destroy all but true believers in their religion.
Deliberately bringing the sworn enemy of freedom and allowing it to grow, is not only self-destructive but criminal.
The racially tinged posts by the butler, Anthony Senecal, were unearthed by Mother Jones on Thursday, and referred to Mr. Obama as a “Kenyan fraud” who should be hanged for treason.
Wall Street On Parade
"On Wednesday, the same day that Dimon was calling a fellow banker a jerk on TV, Trump’s estate historian had this to say about the President of the United States on his Facebook page..."

“'To all my friends on FB, just a short note to you on our pus headed ‘president’ !!!! This character who I refer to as zero (0) should have been taken out by our military and shot as an enemy agent in his first term !!!!! Instead he still remains in office doing every thing he can to gut the America we all know and love !!!!! Now comes Donald J Trump to put an end to the corruption in government !!!! The so called elite, who are nothing but common dog turds from your front lawn are shaking in their boots because there is a new Sheriff coming to town, and the end to their corruption of the American people (YOU) is at hand …'”

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