Donald Trump's Severe Memory Issues Documented

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
50 seconds into the video:
"He stumbled with the chronology of recent events," Setoodeh said. "He stumbled in terms of what had happened in terms of our interviews. When we spoke back to back to back, he couldn't really remember talking to me between our first and second conversations." Trump's "short-term memory was not clear," Setoodeh added.

Conservative network Newsmax appeared to pre-empt Donald Trumpā€™s possible repetition of his baseless 2020 election fraud claims during the former presidentā€™s live telephone interview on Tuesday.

ā€œPlease Note: Newsmax accepts the 2020 election results as legal and final,ā€ read a chyron that appeared on screen during the presumptive GOP presidential nomineeā€™s conversation with guest host Corey Lewandowski, his 2016 campaign manager.

The message popped up as the talk turned from Trumpā€™s Middle East strategy to his fear-mongering that ā€œwe wonā€™t have a country leftā€ if he doesnā€™t win the 2024 election.

ā€œWeā€™re laughed at,ā€ Trump said shortly after the note aired. ā€œThey think weā€™re fools. They canā€™t believe that Biden is the president. And weā€™re gonna turn that around. Weā€™re gonna it around very fast.ā€

The interview then ended.

Newsmax Slaps Very Awkward Note On Screen During Donald Trump Interview

3:50 into the next video (please excuse the talking head going on and on before the 3:50 mark):
This is highly disturbing. Trump said he had to end an interview because he had important pressing matters dealing with Afghanistan? During moments of confusion and fog brain settling in, does Mr. Trump believe he's still President?

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