Donald Trump’s threat to imprison Hillary Clinton is a threat to democracy

[I am not sure that Obama wants the banana republic of his father. Maybe, but I wouldn't go that far.
Trumps threat is akin to the threats and actions of many leaders of banana republics like Uganda and the Congo.

Trump supporters are orgasmic about the prospect of a Trump dictatorship and kangaroo courts incarcerating Hillary, while the stooges chant, “Lock her up!”

Can you think of a reason why anyone sane would vote for this creep?
What I can't think of is a reason why Hillary isn't in prison or at the very least under indictment.
I didn't read the OP linked article but imagine Trump's words hit its author somewhat as they hit me. A little chill ran down my spine as I recalled Richard Milhous Nixon's statement of using the office to go after political enemies.

That was my read too. There are certain things you just DO NOT SAY if you are running for the highest office in the land. Threatening to use the office to go after a political enemey, threatening to jail a political enemy? That's real third world dictator crap there. That is not acceptable.
What I can't think of is a reason why Hillary isn't in prison or at the very least under indictment.
Right, so you want mob rule, as meted out at the whim of your new messiah.

It doesn't really matter if you don't understand why. It is ludicrous for you to decree, as if spoken by God, that the system is so criminally corrupted that we need a dictator to smash it to bits.

And you think we should toss out 225 years of jurisprudence simply because Hillary not being indicted doesn't sit well with you.

Do you have any insight about how insane that is?
Donald Trump’s threat to imprison Hillary Clinton is a threat to democracy
by Zack Beauchamp
October 9, 2016
There is no way to sugarcoat this: At Sunday night’s presidential debate, Donald Trump threatened to throw Hillary Clinton in jail if he wins the presidency. This — threatening to jail one’s political opponents — is how democratic norms die.

The exchange happened during a discussion of the controversy over Hillary Clinton’s private email server. Trump began by decrying Clinton’s conduct — which, according to the FBI, was quite bad but not illegal. He then proposed appointing a special prosecutor to investigate her, and warned Clinton that, if he were president now, “you’d be in jail”:

TRUMP: I'll tell you what. I didn't think I'd say this, and I'm going to say it, and hate to say it: If I win, I'm going to instruct the attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation because there's never been so many lies, so much deception … A very expensive process, so we're going to get a special prosecutor because people have been, their lives have been destroyed for doing one-fifth of what you've done. And it's a disgrace, and honestly, you ought to be ashamed.


In democracies, we respect people’s rights to disagree with each other. When one candidate wins a presidential election, the loser returns to private life or another government position. In some cases, former rivals become close friends. George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton, who defeated Bush in the 1992 election, travel together and have spent decades jointly raising money to aid the victims of natural disasters.

They don’t get sent to jail, because we believe that political disagreement should be legal.

read more: Donald Trump’s threat to imprison Hillary Clinton is a threat to democracy

Trump is nothing more then thug.
Imprisoning Hillary would help save democracy.
What I can't think of is a reason why Hillary isn't in prison or at the very least under indictment.
Right, so you want mob rule, as meted out at the whim of your new messiah.

It doesn't really matter if you don't understand why. It is ludicrous for you to decree, as if spoken by God, that the system is so criminally corrupted that we need a dictator to smash it to bits.

And you think we should toss out 225 years of jurisprudence simply because Hillary not being indicted doesn't sit well with you.

Do you have any insight about how insane that is?
Jurisprudence is exactly what I'm asking for. no one, not even the Clintons should be above the law. The decision not to prosecute came out of the DoJ. A special prosecutor would have certainly been in order, but with special considerations for the very elite of the Democratic party, that was not forthcoming.
Throw your political rival in jail?

Did Trump learn that trick from his buddy Putin or Kim Jong Un?

Donald Trump’s threat to imprison Hillary Clinton is a threat to democracy
by Zack Beauchamp
October 9, 2016
There is no way to sugarcoat this: At Sunday night’s presidential debate, Donald Trump threatened to throw Hillary Clinton in jail if he wins the presidency. This — threatening to jail one’s political opponents — is how democratic norms die.

The exchange happened during a discussion of the controversy over Hillary Clinton’s private email server. Trump began by decrying Clinton’s conduct — which, according to the FBI, was quite bad but not illegal. He then proposed appointing a special prosecutor to investigate her, and warned Clinton that, if he were president now, “you’d be in jail”:

TRUMP: I'll tell you what. I didn't think I'd say this, and I'm going to say it, and hate to say it: If I win, I'm going to instruct the attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation because there's never been so many lies, so much deception … A very expensive process, so we're going to get a special prosecutor because people have been, their lives have been destroyed for doing one-fifth of what you've done. And it's a disgrace, and honestly, you ought to be ashamed.


In democracies, we respect people’s rights to disagree with each other. When one candidate wins a presidential election, the loser returns to private life or another government position. In some cases, former rivals become close friends. George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton, who defeated Bush in the 1992 election, travel together and have spent decades jointly raising money to aid the victims of natural disasters.

They don’t get sent to jail, because we believe that political disagreement should be legal.

read more: Donald Trump’s threat to imprison Hillary Clinton is a threat to democracy

Trump is nothing more then thug.

Aren't the Democrats going jail the people who question or deny man-made Climate Change?
Trump supporters are orgasmic about the prospect of a Trump dictatorship and kangaroo courts incarcerating Hillary, while the stooges chant, “Lock her up!” Can you think of a reason why anyone sane would vote for this creep?
There wouldn't even be the remote possibility of a "Trump dictatorship" if it wasn't for you fascist progressives who shredded the U.S. Constitution and consolidated nearly all power into Washington and then into the hands of one man in Washington.

I cannot tell you how much I'm enjoying watching all of you little cowards pissing your pants and as much as I hate Donald Trump - I'm praying that he gets in and is every bit as bad as you fear so that maybe you disgusting assholes will wake up and realize that the constitution does matter.
Can you think of a reason why anyone sane would vote for this creep? keep an irrational, emotionally unstable, insane, criminal Hitlery Clinton out of the White House. That's the only reason to vote for Donald Trump.

Had you bat-shit crazy progressives actually nominated a sane and decent human being, you would have unanimously won the White House. Now you're fighting for your lives against dirt-bag like Donald Trump. :lmao:
[Jurisprudence is exactly what I'm asking for. no one, not even the Clintons should be above the law. The decision not to prosecute came out of the DoJ. A special prosecutor would have certainly been in order, but with special considerations for the very elite of the Democratic party, that was not forthcoming.
Sorry, your deluded rantings are a textbook perfect example of why Trumps threat is so dangerous. You imagine, sans evidence, a corrupt system, and would except summary conviction based solely on your FEELINGS about another human being.

You undoubtedly wouldn't care one whit if she was hung by the neck until dead, because YOUR FEELINGS tell you that she is guilty.
Can you think of a reason why anyone sane would vote for this creep? keep an irrational, emotionally unstable, insane, criminal Hitlery Clinton out of the White House. That's the only reason to vote for Donald Trump.

Had you bat-shit crazy progressives actually nominated a sane and decent human being, you would have unanimously won the White House. Now you're fighting for your lives against dirt-bag like Donald Trump. :lmao:
Sorry, your FEELINGS about Hillary don't justify your poor judgment in light of the AVALANCHE of EVIDENCE that Trump is the only one in the race who is unstable, incompetent, sociopathic, and criminal.

But thanks for the ridiculous insult.
[I am not sure that Obama wants the banana republic of his father. Maybe, but I wouldn't go that far.
Trumps threat is akin to the threats and actions of many leaders of banana republics like Uganda and the Congo.

Trump supporters are orgasmic about the prospect of a Trump dictatorship and kangaroo courts incarcerating Hillary, while the stooges chant, “Lock her up!”

Can you think of a reason why anyone sane would vote for this creep?

Well, if Trump gets to stack the court with the people he wants, he will be able to lock up anyone who dispenses him

Just like his buddies Putin and Kim Jong Un
Sorry, your deluded rantings are a textbook perfect example of why Trumps threat is so dangerous. You imagine, sans evidence, a corrupt system, and would except summary conviction based solely on your FEELINGS about another human being.

You undoubtedly wouldn't care one whit if she was hung by the neck until dead, because YOUR FEELINGS tell you that she is guilty.
Once again we see progressive projection. Seeing one's own flaws in other and accusing them of it.

Progressivism is built on feelings. It's why you can't debate politics with a progressive and why they can't defend their positions (because emotion is irrational).
At what point do you think we stopped believing you?
More to the point, where would you stop believing a pathological liar and not vote for her? I mean seriously, what would she have to do?
Nothing. There is literally nothing a Dumbocrat could do that would prevent progressives like wrongwinger from supporting and voting for them. Dumbocrat homosexual Harvey Milk drugged and then raped underage boys in the 1970's and wrongwinger and his progressive pals defend Harvey Milk on this board to this day. It's sickening.
Can you think of a reason why anyone sane would vote for this creep? keep an irrational, emotionally unstable, insane, criminal Hitlery Clinton out of the White House. That's the only reason to vote for Donald Trump.

Had you bat-shit crazy progressives actually nominated a sane and decent human being, you would have unanimously won the White House. Now you're fighting for your lives against dirt-bag like Donald Trump. :lmao:
Sorry, your FEELINGS about Hillary don't justify your poor judgment in light of the AVALANCHE of EVIDENCE that Trump is the only one in the race who is unstable, incompetent, sociopathic, and criminal.

But thanks for the ridiculous insult.
WElla aren't you just the typical emotional progressive? Hillary Clinton has been proven as a genuine pathological liar. In addition, it was proven that she has committed felonies. In addition to that, she character assassinated any woman who dared speak out after being sexually assaulted by her husband.

Those are the facts. And they are indisputable cupcake.
Once again we see progressive projection. Seeing one's own flaws in other and accusing them of it.

Progressivism is built on feelings. It's why you can't debate politics with a progressive and why they can't defend their positions (because emotion is irrational).
Feel free to cut and paste the code (another word for a law) that Hillary violated and then list very specifically how she broke said law.

Because here is the deal, you never have and you never will do such a thing. Because this is all about your FEELINGS.
At what point do you think we stopped believing you?
More to the point, where would you stop believing a pathological liar and not vote for her? I mean seriously, what would she have to do?

Once again Republicans accuse others of what they, themselves are guilty of

Trump is a notorious serial philanderer, yet he attacks Hillary for tolerating it

Trump is a serial liar. The biggest liar ever to run for President. A man who lies in almost every statement he makes
Yet, Republicans rant that Hillary is a liar for a statement she made decades ago

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