Donald Trump’s threat to imprison Hillary Clinton is a threat to democracy

I always thought it was thinking you are above the law and laws don't apply to you was the threat to democracy.
Especially when that includes pay to play,
laundering money while robbing the IRS of taxes with it being scamed as tax free,
rushing imigration for sole purpose of garnering votes, identity theft of dead people, violations of privacy rights, abuse of power, mysterious murders of whistle blowers...etc
You'd think I was listing Saddam's offenses thus Hillary is the emulation of past dictators.
Donald Trump’s threat to imprison Hillary Clinton is a threat to democracy

Hillary Clinton being above the law is a threat to democracy. BTW, he said he'd appoint a prosecutor, not throw her in jail. You don't really follow these things, do you? You just re-tweet the Democratic Underground?
Donald Trump’s threat to imprison Hillary Clinton is a threat to democracy
by Zack Beauchamp
October 9, 2016
There is no way to sugarcoat this: At Sunday night’s presidential debate, Donald Trump threatened to throw Hillary Clinton in jail if he wins the presidency. This — threatening to jail one’s political opponents — is how democratic norms die.

The exchange happened during a discussion of the controversy over Hillary Clinton’s private email server. Trump began by decrying Clinton’s conduct — which, according to the FBI, was quite bad but not illegal. He then proposed appointing a special prosecutor to investigate her, and warned Clinton that, if he were president now, “you’d be in jail”:

TRUMP: I'll tell you what. I didn't think I'd say this, and I'm going to say it, and hate to say it: If I win, I'm going to instruct the attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation because there's never been so many lies, so much deception … A very expensive process, so we're going to get a special prosecutor because people have been, their lives have been destroyed for doing one-fifth of what you've done. And it's a disgrace, and honestly, you ought to be ashamed.


In democracies, we respect people’s rights to disagree with each other. When one candidate wins a presidential election, the loser returns to private life or another government position. In some cases, former rivals become close friends. George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton, who defeated Bush in the 1992 election, travel together and have spent decades jointly raising money to aid the victims of natural disasters.

They don’t get sent to jail, because we believe that political disagreement should be legal.

read more: Donald Trump’s threat to imprison Hillary Clinton is a threat to democracy

Trump is nothing more then thug.

yep.... they want us to be a banana republic. psychos.

i still haven't figured out what the republican FBI director would have to gain from making a democrat president? wouldn't he have benefitted a lot more if he helped the GOP?

of course, that requires sanity to understand.
Bill and Hillary's lawless profiteering is only the tip of the iceberg in DC. I have no doubt half of those corrupt bastards are shitting themselves over the prospect of Trump winning and appointing independent prosecutors.
I know right, it's like an Eddie Murphy movie, they are scared the gig is up.
The way I look at it, she would look hot to cons in an orange jumpsuit. Keep it buttoned up, Hillary.

Clinton made a grave error in Benghazi that cost US Ambassador Stevens' life. She thought it was over a youtube video insulting the Prophet Muhammad. Should she go to prison for it? Probably not, but she should have lost her job. The only reason she didn't was Obumba thought so, too.

Her biggest crime was she schemed, lied repeatedly, and jeopardized national security in favor of her own selfish interests while secretary of state. This was having her own private server with classified information and having it professionally wiped clean before handing it over to FBI. That is indefensible and she should be held accountable.

The question in my mind is can the emails she deleted be recovered or were copies stored elsewhere? These were emails that would halt her presidential campaign immediately and have her brought to trial.
You do realize women are in all women's facilities, no male cons?
Trump suggested Hillary should be in jail for her crimes, not because of her political views.

Compare that to Hillary calling countless millions of Americans deplorable while at the same time championing unskilled scum from the third world flooding into the country. That alone should be grounds for her not being POTUS.

Your criteria, compared to what he has done is pathetic. He should be in jail for all his bankruptcies and the numbers of trademen he has stiffed over the years. He is truly a scum sucker.
I didn't read the OP linked article but imagine Trump's words hit its author somewhat as they hit me. A little chill ran down my spine as I recalled Richard Milhous Nixon's statement of using the office to go after political enemies.
I didn't read the OP linked article but imagine Trump's words hit its author somewhat as they hit me. A little chill ran down my spine as I recalled Richard Milhous Nixon's statement of using the office to go after political enemies.
Trump doesn't even understand these concepts. I loved Kaine's line during the VP debate when he said, ‘There’s a difference between dictatorship and leadership.' Trump would use his office to go after political enemies because he doesn't understand the concept of democracy. He doesn't understand the difference between a dictator and a democratic leader. He admires someone like Putin, who has murdered political opponents as well as journalists who write things against him.
]I agree, he is a thug. His language and demeanor during the debate highlighted that. His threats. The menacing way he paced around the stage and stood staring at her. Him calling her evil and the devil. All the acts of a thug, not a potential president. Never seen anything like it. He is the truly deplorable one. He is a disgrace to this country.

He's the re-embodiment of one of our least well liked but (in my opinion) best President's ever..... Andrew Jackson.

Personally, I have no problem with a thug as POTUS. We could use one, especially on the world stage at this point in time.
]I agree, he is a thug. His language and demeanor during the debate highlighted that. His threats. The menacing way he paced around the stage and stood staring at her. Him calling her evil and the devil. All the acts of a thug, not a potential president. Never seen anything like it. He is the truly deplorable one. He is a disgrace to this country.

He's the re-embodiment of one of our least well liked but (in my opinion) best President's ever..... Andrew Jackson.

Personally, I have no problem with a thug as POTUS. We could use one, especially on the world stage at this point in time.
One thug admiring another is not surprising.
Donald Trump’s threat to imprison Hillary Clinton is a threat to democracy
by Zack Beauchamp
October 9, 2016
There is no way to sugarcoat this: At Sunday night’s presidential debate, Donald Trump threatened to throw Hillary Clinton in jail if he wins the presidency. This — threatening to jail one’s political opponents — is how democratic norms die.

The exchange happened during a discussion of the controversy over Hillary Clinton’s private email server. Trump began by decrying Clinton’s conduct — which, according to the FBI, was quite bad but not illegal. He then proposed appointing a special prosecutor to investigate her, and warned Clinton that, if he were president now, “you’d be in jail”:

TRUMP: I'll tell you what. I didn't think I'd say this, and I'm going to say it, and hate to say it: If I win, I'm going to instruct the attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation because there's never been so many lies, so much deception … A very expensive process, so we're going to get a special prosecutor because people have been, their lives have been destroyed for doing one-fifth of what you've done. And it's a disgrace, and honestly, you ought to be ashamed.


In democracies, we respect people’s rights to disagree with each other. When one candidate wins a presidential election, the loser returns to private life or another government position. In some cases, former rivals become close friends. George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton, who defeated Bush in the 1992 election, travel together and have spent decades jointly raising money to aid the victims of natural disasters.

They don’t get sent to jail, because we believe that political disagreement should be legal.

read more: Donald Trump’s threat to imprison Hillary Clinton is a threat to democracy

Trump is nothing more then thug.

yep.... they want us to be a banana republic. psychos.

i still haven't figured out what the republican FBI director would have to gain from making a democrat president? wouldn't he have benefitted a lot more if he helped the GOP?

of course, that requires sanity to understand.

No it requires research and gaining some knowledge about it.

It's about the elitists in both parties who think they are all above the law and control both parties, rather than the people of this nation.

A Vote for Hillary will be to keep the corruption and lawlessness ,same old same old of both parties.

Many of our millinals are starting to see it and get it.
Donald Trump’s threat to imprison Hillary Clinton is a threat to democracy
by Zack Beauchamp
October 9, 2016
There is no way to sugarcoat this: At Sunday night’s presidential debate, Donald Trump threatened to throw Hillary Clinton in jail if he wins the presidency. This — threatening to jail one’s political opponents — is how democratic norms die.

The exchange happened during a discussion of the controversy over Hillary Clinton’s private email server. Trump began by decrying Clinton’s conduct — which, according to the FBI, was quite bad but not illegal. He then proposed appointing a special prosecutor to investigate her, and warned Clinton that, if he were president now, “you’d be in jail”:

TRUMP: I'll tell you what. I didn't think I'd say this, and I'm going to say it, and hate to say it: If I win, I'm going to instruct the attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation because there's never been so many lies, so much deception … A very expensive process, so we're going to get a special prosecutor because people have been, their lives have been destroyed for doing one-fifth of what you've done. And it's a disgrace, and honestly, you ought to be ashamed.


In democracies, we respect people’s rights to disagree with each other. When one candidate wins a presidential election, the loser returns to private life or another government position. In some cases, former rivals become close friends. George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton, who defeated Bush in the 1992 election, travel together and have spent decades jointly raising money to aid the victims of natural disasters.

They don’t get sent to jail, because we believe that political disagreement should be legal.

read more: Donald Trump’s threat to imprison Hillary Clinton is a threat to democracy

Trump is nothing more then thug.

yep.... they want us to be a banana republic. psychos.

i still haven't figured out what the republican FBI director would have to gain from making a democrat president? wouldn't he have benefitted a lot more if he helped the GOP?

of course, that requires sanity to understand.

No it requires research and gaining some knowledge about it.

It's about the elitists in both parties who think they are all above the law and control both parties, rather than the people of this nation.

A Vote for Hillary will be to keep the corruption and lawlessness ,same old same old of both parties.

Many of our millinals are starting to see it and get it.

if you say so. :cuckoo:
Donald Trump’s threat to imprison Hillary Clinton is a threat to democracy
by Zack Beauchamp
October 9, 2016
There is no way to sugarcoat this: At Sunday night’s presidential debate, Donald Trump threatened to throw Hillary Clinton in jail if he wins the presidency. This — threatening to jail one’s political opponents — is how democratic norms die.

The exchange happened during a discussion of the controversy over Hillary Clinton’s private email server. Trump began by decrying Clinton’s conduct — which, according to the FBI, was quite bad but not illegal. He then proposed appointing a special prosecutor to investigate her, and warned Clinton that, if he were president now, “you’d be in jail”:

TRUMP: I'll tell you what. I didn't think I'd say this, and I'm going to say it, and hate to say it: If I win, I'm going to instruct the attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation because there's never been so many lies, so much deception … A very expensive process, so we're going to get a special prosecutor because people have been, their lives have been destroyed for doing one-fifth of what you've done. And it's a disgrace, and honestly, you ought to be ashamed.


In democracies, we respect people’s rights to disagree with each other. When one candidate wins a presidential election, the loser returns to private life or another government position. In some cases, former rivals become close friends. George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton, who defeated Bush in the 1992 election, travel together and have spent decades jointly raising money to aid the victims of natural disasters.

They don’t get sent to jail, because we believe that political disagreement should be legal.

read more: Donald Trump’s threat to imprison Hillary Clinton is a threat to democracy

Trump is nothing more then thug.

yep.... they want us to be a banana republic. psychos.

i still haven't figured out what the republican FBI director would have to gain from making a democrat president? wouldn't he have benefitted a lot more if he helped the GOP?

of course, that requires sanity to understand.

No it requires research and gaining some knowledge about it.

It's about the elitists in both parties who think they are all above the law and control both parties, rather than the people of this nation.

A Vote for Hillary will be to keep the corruption and lawlessness ,same old same old of both parties.

Many of our millinals are starting to see it and get it.

if you say so. :cuckoo:

Still in denial...

Watch something other than CNN, it will be ok.
Donald Trump’s threat to imprison Hillary Clinton is a threat to democracy

Trump is nothing more then thug.
That went out fast and you puked it up in record time. No question that you are on the DNC payroll.

The propaganda piece was just the opposite of reality, as most are. Hillary has escaped justice ONLY because of the corrupt government officials protecting her misdeeds, lies and incompetence.

Besides, this is a republic, the collectivist left still doesn't get it. If we elect someone to do xyz then it is the will of the people if he does xyz. We should not allow leftists to drag us into the rabbit hole of running the country my popular opinion. They have proven how easy it is to manipulate the masses.
One thug admiring another is not surprising.

There are two emotions that truly motivate people, almost Universally..... Pain and Fear. Respect really doesn't do much to motivate many of us in this world.
On the contrary, it motivates most people, those who have healthy mentalities. That fear and pain are your main motivators says something dire about your mental health.
Trump suggested Hillary should be in jail for her crimes, not because of her political views.

Compare that to Hillary calling countless millions of Americans deplorable while at the same time championing unskilled scum from the third world flooding into the country. That alone should be grounds for her not being POTUS.
There was no crime. She has been investigated up one side and down the other. His idea to set up a special prosecutor is just a way of spending millions of tax payer dollars and reaching the same conclusion.

Let us not forget this is the same guy who has said women who get abortions should be legally punished. He's disgusting.
No, the investigation has made the fbi a joke.

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