Donald Trump's Vegas Steakhouse Shut Down For Health Violations

It's no surprise the article didn't include the list of violations. It even got the name of the restaurant wrong.
A freezer was malfunctioning and some items had expired. The shut down was for two hours. Presumably while the manager cleaned out the fridge.

Trip Advisor gives the restaurant top marks and reviews are excellent.

Now you know why the press is increasingly marginalized. Of course Trump doesn't oversee the day to day operations of the restaurant. The next scsndal will be burnt toast.
Wait until you see the swill he's going to feed America.
I'm sure it will be better than Michelle's school lunches, that are starving our children.
Great parenting skills. Lets kids choose what to eat. Big macs over salads are OK because, OMG, we can't teach kids to eat healthy.
You want to teach your kids what to eat, have at it. The overweight wookie cow has no business telling anyone what's healthy.

Every single one of her programs need to be scrapped on the first day.
How long until cockroaches infest the Trump White House?

Donald Trump's Vegas Steakhouse Shut Down For Health Violations

You didn't check the date. didya?


Of course not, you want to believe!!
If the Chinese restaurant down the street gets shut down for having cockroaches, I'm not going to return to eating there starting around 2020.

You poor precious'll be fine.

Just take two Xanex and call me in 8 years.

In the interim, please continue to make a total and complete ass of yourself.

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