Donald Trup Jr. post ad CNN refused to run network doubles down on racist claim

You know, if I was one of those active duty military personnel that got sent to the border, I'd be PISSED. Why? Because those who have been deployed to the border are more than likely people who were between rotations, meaning they weren't to deploy for another 6 months to a year.

Now, most military personnel look forward to the times that they are home for the holiday season, because a lot of times, deployments can mess with your ability to be home with the family. I know that over the 20 years I was in, I only got to be home for the holidays about half the time. I treasured the times that I was in the states and could go home on leave for Christmas.

But because Trump has to have his troop deployment political stunt, a lot of those military will more than likely end up missing Thanksgiving at a minimum, but more than likely they will miss the whole season because the immigrants are still over 700 miles away and coming here on foot. That means they won't be here for at least another month.

This is a waste of time and money, sending active duty to the border. Especially when they aren't allowed to enforce any laws while they are there, they will only be in a support role, "in the rear with the gear".

Protecting the nation from external threats is the purpose of the military.

This might be the most legitimate use of the military since the end of the Cold War.
You know, if I was one of those active duty military personnel that got sent to the border, I'd be PISSED. Why? Because those who have been deployed to the border are more than likely people who were between rotations, meaning they weren't to deploy for another 6 months to a year.

Now, most military personnel look forward to the times that they are home for the holiday season, because a lot of times, deployments can mess with your ability to be home with the family. I know that over the 20 years I was in, I only got to be home for the holidays about half the time. I treasured the times that I was in the states and could go home on leave for Christmas.

But because Trump has to have his troop deployment political stunt, a lot of those military will more than likely end up missing Thanksgiving at a minimum, but more than likely they will miss the whole season because the immigrants are still over 700 miles away and coming here on foot. That means they won't be here for at least another month.

This is a waste of time and money, sending active duty to the border. Especially when they aren't allowed to enforce any laws while they are there, they will only be in a support role, "in the rear with the gear".

Protecting the nation from external threats is the purpose of the military.

This might be the most legitimate use of the military since the end of the Cold War.

Why? The military isn't allowed to detain, arrest or do anything to or with the immigrants. This is a huge waste of money. Especially when you consider that the military is going to be waiting around for at least another month before they get here. Just watch, when it's all over, this will be shown to be a useless mission, and a waste of the military's resources.
Just watched the ad; cool. Looks pretty right to me. Of course now EVERYONE will watch it; thanks CNN and Fox!! lol

You know, if I was one of those active duty military personnel that got sent to the border, I'd be PISSED. Why? Because those who have been deployed to the border are more than likely people who were between rotations, meaning they weren't to deploy for another 6 months to a year.

Now, most military personnel look forward to the times that they are home for the holiday season, because a lot of times, deployments can mess with your ability to be home with the family. I know that over the 20 years I was in, I only got to be home for the holidays about half the time. I treasured the times that I was in the states and could go home on leave for Christmas.

But because Trump has to have his troop deployment political stunt, a lot of those military will more than likely end up missing Thanksgiving at a minimum, but more than likely they will miss the whole season because the immigrants are still over 700 miles away and coming here on foot. That means they won't be here for at least another month.

This is a waste of time and money, sending active duty to the border. Especially when they aren't allowed to enforce any laws while they are there, they will only be in a support role, "in the rear with the gear".

Protecting the nation from external threats is the purpose of the military.

This might be the most legitimate use of the military since the end of the Cold War.

Why? The military isn't allowed to detain, arrest or do anything to or with the immigrants. This is a huge waste of money. Especially when you consider that the military is going to be waiting around for at least another month before they get here. Just watch, when it's all over, this will be shown to be a useless mission, and a waste of the military's resources.

Stupid rules that don't allow the military to protect our border does not mean that it is not right for them to be there.
Calling them invaders is 100% accurate.

Oh and you can bet there are some criminals in there to.

FOX should tell the PC crowd to shove it up their asses.

Maybe the ones who should shove it up their asses are the Russian. Those assholes have been working overtime promoting Trump's racism and xenophobia. Nearly all of the anti-immigrant threads are being started by the Russian troll farm contingent, and all of the anti-immigrant thread have a high post count by Russian trolls.
Calling then invaders is 100% accurate.

Oh and you can bet there are some criminals in there to.

FOX should tell the PC crowd to shove it up their asses.
When you never hear about caravans again after tomorrow, will you be shocked?
In the words of the great man himself..."That plays great before the election -- now we don't care, right?"
Calling them invaders is 100% accurate.

Oh and you can bet there are some criminals in there to.

FOX should tell the PC crowd to shove it up their asses.

Maybe the ones who should shove it up their asses are the Russian. Those assholes have been working overtime promoting Trump's racism and xenophobia. Nearly all of the anti-immigrant threads are being started by the Russian troll farm contingent, and all of the anti-immigrant thread have a high post count by Russian trolls.

That's a pretty big helping of crazy there.
I find it funny that the guy Trump is using to scare people with that video came in under Republicans, not Democrats, and even Sheriff Joe Arpaio released him a couple of times.

Remember Arpaio? He's the one that is supposed to be tough on illegals that Trump pardoned. If that is the case, then why did Arpaio release him?
When you never hear about caravans again after tomorrow, will you be shocked?

You will, September 2020.
Yep. And if not caravans it will be some other dogwhistle that they never mentioned before that September and that will be immediately abandoned after the election.
no one mentioned the caravans earlier than September?
Maybe some mention in late august. That last caravan you nuts went into seizures over had been an annual event for 5 years. Nobody cared about your tax cuts, so you went back to tried and true FEAR FEAR FEAR.

The fear card? Like the one the little commie leftard antifa SJWs play because they claim Trump is just another Hitler starter kit???? THAT "fear card"???

Know the origins of "Enemy of the People"?

It wasn't born out of the Renaissance.

How about we just pull the asshole card. Trumpybear is a fucking asshole, period.

Now go vote.
You will, September 2020.
Yep. And if not caravans it will be some other dogwhistle that they never mentioned before that September and that will be immediately abandoned after the election.
no one mentioned the caravans earlier than September?
Maybe some mention in late august. That last caravan you nuts went into seizures over had been an annual event for 5 years. Nobody cared about your tax cuts, so you went back to tried and true FEAR FEAR FEAR.

The fear card? Like the one the little commie leftard antifa SJWs play because they claim Trump is just another Hitler starter kit???? THAT "fear card"???

Know the origins of "Enemy of the People"?

It wasn't born out of the Renaissance.

How about we just pull the asshole card. Trumpybear is a fucking asshole, period.

Now go vote.

Leftard commie fucks are the useful idiots and enemies of the people but we are not sweating the likes of you. People ARE getting out and voting but it's not for leftards. That blue wave will not even be a ripple.
Even Fox? What in the world? How bad was that thing?

It’s an accurate depiction of the savage beasts that are illegal wetbacks. You haven’t seen it?

Just stop with your lies and Russian propaganda, troll.

The news, this is a political discussion forum its expected that you show up informed hello.
You're not informed. Typing "the news" is not a source. Don't make things up next time.

Border official: three-quarters of migrants in the caravan are adult men
Anonymous source in the right wing fake news Washington examiner. Sounds legit.

Yeaaaah, like the Washington comPost is the bastion of truth? LMAO!!!

Actually, it is. The very idea of your questioning the veracity of the Post is laughable, but then all of your idiot conspiracy theory posts are laughable.
Yep. And if not caravans it will be some other dogwhistle that they never mentioned before that September and that will be immediately abandoned after the election.
no one mentioned the caravans earlier than September?
Maybe some mention in late august. That last caravan you nuts went into seizures over had been an annual event for 5 years. Nobody cared about your tax cuts, so you went back to tried and true FEAR FEAR FEAR.

The fear card? Like the one the little commie leftard antifa SJWs play because they claim Trump is just another Hitler starter kit???? THAT "fear card"???

Know the origins of "Enemy of the People"?

It wasn't born out of the Renaissance.

How about we just pull the asshole card. Trumpybear is a fucking asshole, period.

Now go vote.

Leftard commie fucks are the useful idiots and enemies of the people but we are not sweating the likes of you. People ARE getting out and voting but it's not for leftards. That blue wave will not even be a ripple.

Those willing to instigate violence to effect political change, left or right, are the enemy of the Republic. Those are the kind of people who are not willing to compromise and can only be satisfied in victory if the other side is totally decimated. The kind of people who seek to raise themselves up by dehumanizing everyone else.

I'm more than willing to wait another few hours to see the results. I'm 100% sure that either way it will have little effect on life as we know it.
Even Fox? What in the world? How bad was that thing?

It’s an accurate depiction of the savage beasts that are illegal wetbacks. You haven’t seen it?

Just stop with your lies and Russian propaganda, troll.

The news, this is a political discussion forum its expected that you show up informed hello.
You're not informed. Typing "the news" is not a source. Don't make things up next time.

Border official: three-quarters of migrants in the caravan are adult men
Anonymous source in the right wing fake news Washington examiner. Sounds legit.

Yeaaaah, like the Washington comPost is the bastion of truth? LMAO!!!

Actually, it is. The very idea of your questioning the veracity of the Post is laughable, but then all of your idiot conspiracy theory posts are laughable.

You accuse your enemies of being Russian paid trolls in the same post that you decry idiot conspiracy theories.

I've said it before. I'll say it again now.

Liberals: All the self awareness of a potted plant. A dead potted plant.

no one mentioned the caravans earlier than September?
Maybe some mention in late august. That last caravan you nuts went into seizures over had been an annual event for 5 years. Nobody cared about your tax cuts, so you went back to tried and true FEAR FEAR FEAR.

The fear card? Like the one the little commie leftard antifa SJWs play because they claim Trump is just another Hitler starter kit???? THAT "fear card"???

Know the origins of "Enemy of the People"?

It wasn't born out of the Renaissance.

How about we just pull the asshole card. Trumpybear is a fucking asshole, period.

Now go vote.

Leftard commie fucks are the useful idiots and enemies of the people but we are not sweating the likes of you. People ARE getting out and voting but it's not for leftards. That blue wave will not even be a ripple.

Those willing to instigate violence to effect political change, left or right, are the enemy of the Republic. Those are the kind of people who are not willing to compromise and can only be satisfied in victory if the other side is totally decimated. The kind of people who seek to raise themselves up by dehumanizing everyone else.

I'm more than willing to wait another few hours to see the results. I'm 100% sure that either way it will have little effect on life as we know it.

I wonder if any Black Panthers are going to be guarding any polling places. You know, to keep the voters safe?
Fox and NBC have concluded that the ad aired during Sunday Night Football is racist and should no longer air.
Immigrants were called invaders and criminals.
NBC and Fox News pull Trump campaign’s anti-immigration ad after ‘Sunday Night Football’ backlash
What was racist about it?

That pig who killed 2 cops and said he wished he had killed more.

Yeah, and he was deported by both Clinton and Jr., as well as was taken into custody by sheriff Joe Arpaio (the dude Trump pardoned), and released by Arpaio back into the civilian population.

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