Donald Trup Jr. post ad CNN refused to run network doubles down on racist claim

Donald Trump Jr. on Twitter

Hurry. The elites are banning it wherever they find it.

Someone else had a link already. Its the ad where Trump makes a claim that since once hispanic is a mass murderer they all are. Guess we can run ads saying Ted Bundy was a christian so they all are murders. Its pretty stupid but hey, if that's how R's get votes.

CNN should have just issued an apology for the hate speech and racial over tones before and after airing it 100x a day.

There is no such thing as hate speech. That’s a Marxist term for speech control.
Why are ideas so terrifying to you?

Hey, got any more Hitler quotes against the Bolsheviks to use?

Wasn't Ted Bundy descended from some better than Hispanic christians? You know, the kind who would never kill any one, enslave anyone or put anyone in a gas chamber?

So you’ve switched from “Ted Bundy was a Christian” to “Ted Bundy was descended from Christians.” Why don’t you just say “I lied”?

He went to all them christian churches. He was a Rockerfeller delegate. Seems pretty waspy to me.

If mormon doesn't count as christian for you, then I apologize.
Someone else had a link already. Its the ad where Trump makes a claim that since once hispanic is a mass murderer they all are. Guess we can run ads saying Ted Bundy was a christian so they all are murders. Its pretty stupid but hey, if that's how R's get votes.

CNN should have just issued an apology for the hate speech and racial over tones before and after airing it 100x a day.

There is no such thing as hate speech. That’s a Marxist term for speech control.
Why are ideas so terrifying to you?

Hey, got any more Hitler quotes against the Bolsheviks to use?

Wasn't Ted Bundy descended from some better than Hispanic christians? You know, the kind who would never kill any one, enslave anyone or put anyone in a gas chamber?

So you’ve switched from “Ted Bundy was a Christian” to “Ted Bundy was descended from Christians.” Why don’t you just say “I lied”?

He went to all them christian churches. He was a Rockerfeller delegate. Seems pretty waspy to me.

If mormon doesn't count as christian for you, then I apologize.

No problem.
Trump has kids from three different wives. So why does he call Hispanics “breeders”?
Even Fox? What in the world? How bad was that thing?

It’s an accurate depiction of the savage beasts that are illegal wetbacks. You haven’t seen it?

Just stop with your lies and Russian propaganda, troll.

Anonymous source in the right wing fake news Washington examiner. Sounds legit.

Yeaaaah, like the Washington comPost is the bastion of truth? LMAO!!!

Actually, it is. The very idea of your questioning the veracity of the Post is laughable, but then all of your idiot conspiracy theory posts are laughable.

You accuse your enemies of being Russian paid trolls in the same post that you decry idiot conspiracy theories.

I've said it before. I'll say it again now.

Liberals: All the self awareness of a potted plant. A dead potted plant.


Says one of our resident Russian trolls.

You're pushing Russian propaganda and conspiracy theories. The anti-immigrant rhetoric, the "fake news" attacks on the news media, and the attacks against the FBI and the intelligence communities are straight out of the Putin playbook on undermining democracy and faith in the democratic institutions and norms.

Anyone promoting the idea that the MSM is "fake news" is the real "enemy of the people". An ignorant and compliant public is good for authoritarians and liars. Trump is both.

Right now, about the only posters on this board who still support Trump 100% are Russian posters in the pay of Putin and his proxies. You were the easiest Russian troll to spot. English is your second language, you got stumped on American idioms and you have pushed the Putin party line from the day you joined. Post count is another give away. You also virulently attack anyone who decries the Russians here. You may as well have "Russian troll posting lies" as your localtion, it's that obvious.

Awww STFU, ya friggin troll. Look out for the ROOSKIES, dragonklunt! They are everywhere! The lamestream Operation Mockingbird media IS the enemy of those that are awake and I didn't need Trump to "hip me" to that fact.

View attachment 226975

Of course you didn't need Trump. You were already a certifiable right wing conspiracy theory nut LONG before Trump came along and agreed with your worst inclinations and most insane theories. The idea that hundreds of people can keep secret everything that your conspiracy theories would require them to do in order to pull off these ridiculous "hoaxes" is what proves your lies are just that.

Look how the Russian collusion conspiracy came out: Papadopolous bragged about it to a guy he met in a bar. Just that easy to blow the whole thing. Flynn spoke openly to the Russian ambassador on a line he SHOULD have known was tapped. One little mistake, one word to the wrong person, or in the case of Nixon, John Dean developed a conscience.

All you need is for one of the conspirators to slip up and say the wrong thing, and it always happened. Three can keep a secret if two of them are dead. It's why I know Hillary didn't do anything illegal, and why the world knows that you, and you fellow conspiracy theory buddies, are totally full of shit.
I wonder if any Black Panthers are going to be guarding any polling places. You know, to keep the voters safe?

I think most of the Black Panthers are in old folks homes by now........

But those two black guys in Philly were very scary looking huh?
says the guy, whose side says, Klan, Klan, everywhere!!!!!!!!
Black folks need the government, because no progress from the 60s!!!!!!

Awww, did the images of those scary black dudes scare you?

Black folks can vote for whomever they want, just like white folks.
And I never said they couldn't, but you guys routinely do.......
but again what does THAT have to do with my post? It seems like you're trying to avoid the issue.

Didn't say you did, zippy Did you have a point? This issue is Fox pulled the ad too. I think they did it because the viewers of the game thought it was racist. Not that Fox executives thought so. A business decision. I thought it was funny. Not haha funny but Child molester funny. Trumpybear just reminds me of a Chester........
Well you think like those people, so how was the ad racist?
I think most of the Black Panthers are in old folks homes by now........

But those two black guys in Philly were very scary looking huh?
says the guy, whose side says, Klan, Klan, everywhere!!!!!!!!
Black folks need the government, because no progress from the 60s!!!!!!

Awww, did the images of those scary black dudes scare you?

Black folks can vote for whomever they want, just like white folks.
And I never said they couldn't, but you guys routinely do.......
but again what does THAT have to do with my post? It seems like you're trying to avoid the issue.

Didn't say you did, zippy Did you have a point? This issue is Fox pulled the ad too. I think they did it because the viewers of the game thought it was racist. Not that Fox executives thought so. A business decision. I thought it was funny. Not haha funny but Child molester funny. Trumpybear just reminds me of a Chester........
Well you think like those people, so how was the ad racist?
Nobody knows! It's a big mystery! And,obviously , a 'spiracy against trump.
Why would a Trump, any Trump, want to run an ad on CNN?
CNN is 'Fake News' right?
Hey, Donny Jr.; go run your ad on Nazi America TV :9:

Trump Jr.
; the ass hole that LIED about The Trump Tower meeting with the Russians.

How many times has The Trump Tower story changed up to now?
About a dozen times & then Trump throws Jr. under the bus. :21:

Fvck you Trump Jr., you light weight POS. :abgg2q.jpg:
How about fuck you, socialist commie bastard..

CNN is supposed to be fair and give time to both sides of the spectrum. this move tells us that they are worth a pile of shit and do not have the US best interests in mind.. They are the propaganda arm of the Socialist Democrat Party and the European Socialist Order..

View attachment 226645

Time to Flush the Toilet!

Why don't you essplain to the class, Hunior, why CNN --- or NBC or Fox, both of which also refused to air the ad ---- should be forced to run a particular ad. You know, in the world of "small government" and all.

This oughta be good.
Because it's a political ad, it shouldn't be censored. You're ok with business censoring speech?
says the guy, whose side says, Klan, Klan, everywhere!!!!!!!!
Black folks need the government, because no progress from the 60s!!!!!!

Awww, did the images of those scary black dudes scare you?

Black folks can vote for whomever they want, just like white folks.
And I never said they couldn't, but you guys routinely do.......
but again what does THAT have to do with my post? It seems like you're trying to avoid the issue.

Didn't say you did, zippy Did you have a point? This issue is Fox pulled the ad too. I think they did it because the viewers of the game thought it was racist. Not that Fox executives thought so. A business decision. I thought it was funny. Not haha funny but Child molester funny. Trumpybear just reminds me of a Chester........
Well you think like those people, so how was the ad racist?
Nobody knows! It's a big mystery! And,obviously , a 'spiracy against trump.
Again, he doesn't answer the question. Because he knows it's not racist.
Awww, did the images of those scary black dudes scare you?

Black folks can vote for whomever they want, just like white folks.
And I never said they couldn't, but you guys routinely do.......
but again what does THAT have to do with my post? It seems like you're trying to avoid the issue.

Didn't say you did, zippy Did you have a point? This issue is Fox pulled the ad too. I think they did it because the viewers of the game thought it was racist. Not that Fox executives thought so. A business decision. I thought it was funny. Not haha funny but Child molester funny. Trumpybear just reminds me of a Chester........
Well you think like those people, so how was the ad racist?
Nobody knows! It's a big mystery! And,obviously , a 'spiracy against trump.
Again, he doesn't answer the question. Because he knows it's not racist.
Right! Just another 'spiracy against poor, oppressed donnie.
And I never said they couldn't, but you guys routinely do.......
but again what does THAT have to do with my post? It seems like you're trying to avoid the issue.

Didn't say you did, zippy Did you have a point? This issue is Fox pulled the ad too. I think they did it because the viewers of the game thought it was racist. Not that Fox executives thought so. A business decision. I thought it was funny. Not haha funny but Child molester funny. Trumpybear just reminds me of a Chester........
Well you think like those people, so how was the ad racist?
Nobody knows! It's a big mystery! And,obviously , a 'spiracy against trump.
Again, he doesn't answer the question. Because he knows it's not racist.
Right! Just another 'spiracy against poor, oppressed donnie.
see, he wont answer it....this is liberal playbook. Call racism, but don't actually talk about issues
Didn't say you did, zippy Did you have a point? This issue is Fox pulled the ad too. I think they did it because the viewers of the game thought it was racist. Not that Fox executives thought so. A business decision. I thought it was funny. Not haha funny but Child molester funny. Trumpybear just reminds me of a Chester........
Well you think like those people, so how was the ad racist?
Nobody knows! It's a big mystery! And,obviously , a 'spiracy against trump.
Again, he doesn't answer the question. Because he knows it's not racist.
Right! Just another 'spiracy against poor, oppressed donnie.
see, he wont answer it....this is liberal playbook. Call racism, but don't actually talk about issues
Yep! Must be a 'spiracy!
Well you think like those people, so how was the ad racist?
Nobody knows! It's a big mystery! And,obviously , a 'spiracy against trump.
Again, he doesn't answer the question. Because he knows it's not racist.
Right! Just another 'spiracy against poor, oppressed donnie.
see, he wont answer it....this is liberal playbook. Call racism, but don't actually talk about issues
Yep! Must be a 'spiracy!
3rd post and still no answer. How is the ad racist?
Why would a Trump, any Trump, want to run an ad on CNN?
CNN is 'Fake News' right?
Hey, Donny Jr.; go run your ad on Nazi America TV :9:

Trump Jr.
; the ass hole that LIED about The Trump Tower meeting with the Russians.

How many times has The Trump Tower story changed up to now?
About a dozen times & then Trump throws Jr. under the bus. :21:

Fvck you Trump Jr., you light weight POS. :abgg2q.jpg:
How about fuck you, socialist commie bastard..

CNN is supposed to be fair and give time to both sides of the spectrum. this move tells us that they are worth a pile of shit and do not have the US best interests in mind.. They are the propaganda arm of the Socialist Democrat Party and the European Socialist Order..

View attachment 226645

Time to Flush the Toilet!

Why don't you essplain to the class, Hunior, why CNN --- or NBC or Fox, both of which also refused to air the ad ---- should be forced to run a particular ad. You know, in the world of "small government" and all.

This oughta be good.
Because it's a political ad, it shouldn't be censored. You're ok with business censoring speech?

You understand what an "ad" is right?

It's something you purchase. A vendor sells you that time, or if you like rents that amount of time on their airwaves for your message.

Now if you were advertising cigarettes or pornography or a meeting of the Baby Fuckers Society, well that commercial entity with the time to rent might, and presumably would, decline to rent you that time and would refuse to take your money. NOTHING says they are obliged to sell that time to whoever comes waddling in waving a stack of bills.

Whelp --- same thing here. That media entity has its reputation to preserve and it doesn't want that rep sullied with messages of blood or perversion or hate. Including Fox.
Why would a Trump, any Trump, want to run an ad on CNN?
CNN is 'Fake News' right?
Hey, Donny Jr.; go run your ad on Nazi America TV :9:

Trump Jr.
; the ass hole that LIED about The Trump Tower meeting with the Russians.

How many times has The Trump Tower story changed up to now?
About a dozen times & then Trump throws Jr. under the bus. :21:

Fvck you Trump Jr., you light weight POS. :abgg2q.jpg:
How about fuck you, socialist commie bastard..

CNN is supposed to be fair and give time to both sides of the spectrum. this move tells us that they are worth a pile of shit and do not have the US best interests in mind.. They are the propaganda arm of the Socialist Democrat Party and the European Socialist Order..

View attachment 226645

Time to Flush the Toilet!

Why don't you essplain to the class, Hunior, why CNN --- or NBC or Fox, both of which also refused to air the ad ---- should be forced to run a particular ad. You know, in the world of "small government" and all.

This oughta be good.
Because it's a political ad, it shouldn't be censored. You're ok with business censoring speech?

You understand what an "ad" is right?

It's something you purchase. A vendor sells you that time, or if you like rents that amount of time on their airwaves for your message.

Now if you were advertising cigarettes or pornography or a meeting of the Baby Fuckers Society, well that commercial entity with the time to rent might, and presumably would, decline to rent you that time and would refuse to take your money. NOTHING says they are obliged to sell that time to whoever comes waddling in waving a stack of bills.

Whelp --- same thing here. That media entity has its reputation to preserve and it doesn't want that rep sullied with messages of blood or perversion or hate. Including Fox.
Ok, so what was wrong with the ad? I keep asking, nobody wants to state it.

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