Donate Now! Trump needs a new Jet Plane

I knew sooner or later it would HAVE to come back to Trump! :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:

NEWS FLASH for ya Ace: Trump ain't the one who's spent his entire LIFE in Washington for HALF A FUCKING CENTURY making things the way they are bilking you out of millions and millions of YOUR money to build their mansions by pulling the wool over your eyes.
Cute little laughy dudes. Very mature. It's this kind of childish nonsense that show the world just what kind of brain damaged fools fall for the most prolific, pathological, and consistent lord of the lies ever to haunt any political office.
Hours after news broke that a private jet carrying former President Trump and his team was forced to make an emergency landing in New Orleans after shortly taking off from the city, Trump's PAC emailed supporters asking them for funds to build a new plane.

'I have a very important update on my plane, but I need to trust that you won't share it with anyone,' wrote Trump in the email.

'Do you remember Trump Force One?' the email asks. 'Before becoming the greatest President of all time, I traveled the Country in my plane, known as Trump Force One. I have a very important update on my plane, but I need to trust that you won't share it with anyone: my team is building a BRAND NEW Trump Force One.'

The email then gives donors the option to 'see Trump Force One' by clicking on a hyperlink, which takes them to a page where they can donate between $5 and $2,000 to the Save America JFC PAC.

Trump joins a long line of other sleaze buckets that asked their flock for donations to buy a private jet….

I thought this fraud was worth 10 billion dollars. People dying in the Ukraine and the market in the tank but Trump needs a jet plane. Trump Uber Alles!
Which PAC sent that out and do they have any actual connection to Trump?
Hey blithering asswipe: prove a single thing I said about Biddum isn't true. THEN we'll see who the fool is.
Sure. Right after you act like an adult instead of a spoiled little toddler. And while you are practicing acting as if you have a brain, tell us all about how capable and honest your cult master is.
Which PAC sent that out and do they have any actual connection to Trump?
If there's a scam being perpetrated on America, that's proof enough that he's at it again. Wanna buy some steaks, contribute to his defense fund or enroll in TU?
Is that more of your juvenile, uneducated, made-up 3rd grade fantasy terminology, Withering?

That must be like Joe's plan to spend 6 trillion dollars without costing anyone a cent! :cuckoo:
You're the moron who used a double negative, not me. So, who's uneducated? Nice little cartoon guy. Juvenile? You're hopelessly stupid.
You're the moron who used a double negative, not me. So, who's uneducated? Nice little cartoon guy. Juvenile? You're hopelessly stupid.
Are you aware at all Blithering Idiot that none of your answers even remotely comport with the original question?

It is like you're too fucking stupid to know. Or too fucking dimwitted to give actual, concise cogent responses like an intelligent adult.

That must mean you're either not intelligent or not an adult, or both!
Are you aware at all Blithering Idiot that none of your answers even remotely comport with the original question?

It is like you're too fucking stupid to know. Or too fucking dimwitted to give actual, concise cogent responses like an intelligent adult.

That must mean you're either not intelligent or not an adult, or both!
Your projecting is an embarrassment. Give us another little smiley face, junior......
I knew sooner or later it would HAVE to come back to Trump! :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:

NEWS FLASH for ya Ace: Trump ain't the one who's spent his entire LIFE in Washington for HALF A FUCKING CENTURY making things the way they are bilking you out of millions and millions of YOUR money to build their mansions by pulling the wool over your eyes.
You knew it would come back to Trump? Well, WTF is the title of the thread? Let's hear a cogent comment regarding the thread title. LOL This is so fuckin' easy.

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