DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

Unlike Petraeus, Clinton did not "knowingly" store or share classified information in violation of the law.

Petraeus prosecutor: Clinton committed no crime'

Petraeus prosecutor: Clinton committed no crime
Another article was written by a non-partusan rmade the opposite case and cited the specific identical laws both violated.

Again, though, the common thread in all liberal's defense of Hillary seems to be the claim tha - although she went through all the required training, eas tead into TS programs, and is intelligent - She was /is too STUPID to recognize classified information, even information 'so classified no part of it can be released under any circumstances' because it would cause great harm to our national security'.

Maybe she ought to use that in her campaign ads while running for President!


You are the biggest fucknut I have run into here, and that's saying something.

LISTEN UP: They were not classified at the time.

They were RETROACTIVELY classified and upgraded LATER.

You don't understand this

And I think I'll believe what Petreuas' prosecutor has to say - someone who actually knows something about this - than a trolling boy who writes like a teenage girl on the rag.
5 myths about classified information
Those on the desperate right likely understand very well – but this isn't about the truth, it's about conservatives contriving and propagating lies concerning Clinton in the hope those lies are perceived to be 'true.'
"Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton has been awarded the title of "Worst Ethics Violator of 2015."

Quite a the scandalous, unethical, illegal resume she is running on...

Obama 'Lie of the Year'
Hillary 'Worst Ethics Violator of the Year'
Top THAT, Bernie!
"Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton has been awarded the title of "Worst Ethics Violator of 2015."

Quite a the scandalous, unethical, illegal resume she is running on...

Obama 'Lie of the Year'
Hillary 'Worst Ethics Violator of the Year'
Top THAT, Bernie!

Math, timelines, top secret markings and so on are meaningless. The abject carelessness, mendacity and the overwhelming sleaze of the entire affair has compromised Hillary beyond salvation. The desperation of her supporters is tangible and might be a bit pathetic if she weren't so low as a personal and public figure.
Hillary single-handed grabbed defeat from the jaws of victory. She was to have a coronation. Resistance would have been futile. So we were told, Only Hillary was strong enough to defeat Hillary, and so she did.
Unlike Petraeus, Clinton did not "knowingly" store or share classified information in violation of the law.

Petraeus prosecutor: Clinton committed no crime'

Petraeus prosecutor: Clinton committed no crime
Another article was written by a non-partusan rmade the opposite case and cited the specific identical laws both violated.

Again, though, the common thread in all liberal's defense of Hillary seems to be the claim tha - although she went through all the required training, eas tead into TS programs, and is intelligent - She was /is too STUPID to recognize classified information, even information 'so classified no part of it can be released under any circumstances' because it would cause great harm to our national security'.

Maybe she ought to use that in her campaign ads while running for President!


You are the biggest fucknut I have run into here, and that's saying something.

LISTEN UP: They were not classified at the time.

They were RETROACTIVELY classified and upgraded LATER.

You don't understand this

And I think I'll believe what Petreuas' prosecutor has to say - someone who actually knows something about this - than a trolling boy who writes like a teenage girl on the rag.
5 myths about classified information
Those on the desperate right likely understand very well – but this isn't about the truth, it's about conservatives contriving and propagating lies concerning Clinton in the hope those lies are perceived to be 'true.'
What part of 'The FBI, led by Obama's hand-picked guy, is conducting / leading the investigation' do you not understand?!

GOOD GRIEF, do you Liberals EVER stop blaming others and take any personal responsibility for your actions?!

'WHAT overturned car in a water-filled ditch with a girl inside?'


'I did not have sex with that woman!'

'It's not MY Red Line...It's THE WORLD'S Red Line!'

'It's a 'vast right-wing conspiracy!'

Liberals need to 'sack up' - Grow a pair and take some responsibility!
I really think that this is kind of pointless because neither republicans or democrats want to deal with this issue. You are right that this should be a slam dunk but because of political alliances neither party is going to let Hillary go down but if this happen to be Trump they would both go after him with a vengence. It is a real sad thing in our country when political power has superceded any sense of justice in this country.
Thank goodness it is not being handled by either political party but is instead being handled by the FBI and Obama's hand-picked man.
DoJ has to charge. FBI can only recommend. DoJ doesn't do anything if it's not race-related.

True. According to former congressman tom delay the FBI is ready to recommend an indictment, and if the DOJ doesn't put together a grand jury for an indictment then the FBI will go public with all the information they have on hillary. Either way it doesn't look good for hillary.
"Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton has been awarded the title of "Worst Ethics Violator of 2015."

Quite a the scandalous, unethical, illegal resume she is running on...

Obama 'Lie of the Year'
Hillary 'Worst Ethics Violator of the Year'
Top THAT, Bernie!

In one of the libs on this board's famous words when he was asked that question:

"Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton has been awarded the title of "Worst Ethics Violator of 2015."

Quite a the scandalous, unethical, illegal resume she is running on...

Obama 'Lie of the Year'
Hillary 'Worst Ethics Violator of the Year'
Top THAT, Bernie!
Stop the presses. A conservative group thinks Hillary is unethical.

What a surprise.

Will you
PLEASE learn to fucking
Unlike Petraeus, Clinton did not "knowingly" store or share classified information in violation of the law.

Petraeus prosecutor: Clinton committed no crime'

Petraeus prosecutor: Clinton committed no crime
Another article was written by a non-partusan rmade the opposite case and cited the specific identical laws both violated.

Again, though, the common thread in all liberal's defense of Hillary seems to be the claim tha - although she went through all the required training, eas tead into TS programs, and is intelligent - She was /is too STUPID to recognize classified information, even information 'so classified no part of it can be released under any circumstances' because it would cause great harm to our national security'.

Maybe she ought to use that in her campaign ads while running for President!


You are the biggest fucknut I have run into here, and that's saying something.

LISTEN UP: They were not classified at the time.

They were RETROACTIVELY classified and upgraded LATER.

You don't understand this

And I think I'll believe what Petreuas' prosecutor has to say - someone who actually knows something about this - than a trolling boy who writes like a teenage girl on the rag.
5 myths about classified information
Those on the desperate right likely understand very well – but this isn't about the truth, it's about conservatives contriving and propagating lies concerning Clinton in the hope those lies are perceived to be 'true.'
What part of 'The FBI, led by Obama's hand-picked guy, is conducting / leading the investigation' do you not understand?!

GOOD GRIEF, do you Liberals EVER stop blaming others and take any personal responsibility for your actions?!

'WHAT overturned car in a water-filled ditch with a girl inside?'


'I did not have sex with that woman!'

'It's not MY Red Line...It's THE WORLD'S Red Line!'

'It's a 'vast right-wing conspiracy!'

Liberals need to 'sack up' - Grow a pair and take some responsibility!

Voter fraud
Candy Crowley
Liberal media
Skewed polls
He won only because he was black

After you....
Will you please learn to 'google'

(I already posted where Hillary herself ADMITTED she broke the law.)
"Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton has been awarded the title of "Worst Ethics Violator of 2015."

Quite a the scandalous, unethical, illegal resume she is running on...

Obama 'Lie of the Year'
Hillary 'Worst Ethics Violator of the Year'
Top THAT, Bernie!

In one of the libs on this board's famous words when he was asked that question:

Abide by the damn rules.

USBM RULES: Copyright. Link Each "Copy & Paste" to It's Source. Only paste a small to medium section of the material.

You will be reported.
"Math and timelines are meaningless" says the RW.

There you have it, folks.

I'm sure these same people would be perfectly happy if the rules at USMB suddenly changed and they found themselves banned today for something they posted five years ago, or if they ended up in jail under a new local law that charged them for some action they committed five years ago that was legal at the time.

Or they're just so filled with foam-mouthed hatred that their ability to reason is long gone.
Unfortunately my phone does not let me copy and paste link info, but I will make more of an effort to do so. I almost always cite the source of the information I post, just not always the exact link to the exact page...

Not that it matters. When I post links delusional libs just open up their 'Lib 101' manuals and recite Rule #2-- 'Your link is not a valid, DNC/Liberally authorized source'.

"Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton has been awarded the title of "Worst Ethics Violator of 2015."

Quite a the scandalous, unethical, illegal resume she is running on...

Obama 'Lie of the Year'
Hillary 'Worst Ethics Violator of the Year'
Top THAT, Bernie!
Stop the presses. A conservative group thinks Hillary is unethical.

What a surprise.

Will you
PLEASE learn to fucking
A conservative group of 60% of the population: You guys are in some serious doo doo:

The real interesting part of the latest Quinnipiac University National Poll, is not the fact that 60% of Americans think Hillary Clinton is dishonest, but that 40% of Americans don’t.

You’d truly have to be a certified zombie, or living your life entirely under a rock, to not recognize how completely shady and corrupt this woman is.

New Poll Shows 60% of Americans Think Hillary Clinton is Untrustworthy and Dishonest Washington's Blog
I highly doubt if she will be going to jail even if she IS a criminal POS. I just cannot believe anyone would still consider her a "valid" candidate. Any of those people being paraded around in front of us. They are all part of the machine. Look at some 3rd party candidates, PLEASE!!!
Hillary is currently the only valid candidate in either party
Congrats, you have won the prize for 'least credible', which is saying something since your competition is Daws, Care, & G5000. :p
By any criteria...Hillary is the most qualified in the race
I highly doubt if she will be going to jail even if she IS a criminal POS. I just cannot believe anyone would still consider her a "valid" candidate. Any of those people being paraded around in front of us. They are all part of the machine. Look at some 3rd party candidates, PLEASE!!!
Hillary is currently the only valid candidate in either party
Congrats, you have won the prize for 'least credible', which is saying something since your competition is Daws, Care, & G5000. :p
By any criteria...Hillary is the most qualified in the race
Doubling down on 'stupid' & 'Least Credible', I see.
I really think that this is kind of pointless because neither republicans or democrats want to deal with this issue. You are right that this should be a slam dunk but because of political alliances neither party is going to let Hillary go down but if this happen to be Trump they would both go after him with a vengence. It is a real sad thing in our country when political power has superceded any sense of justice in this country.
Thank goodness it is not being handled by either political party but is instead being handled by the FBI and Obama's hand-picked man.
DoJ has to charge. FBI can only recommend. DoJ doesn't do anything if it's not race-related.

True. According to former congressman tom delay the FBI is ready to recommend an indictment, and if the DOJ doesn't put together a grand jury for an indictment then the FBI will go public with all the information they have on hillary. Either way it doesn't look good for hillary.

DeLay then clarified his statement, saying that if the Justice Department does not hand down an indictment, the FBI will revolt.

“They’re ready to recommend an indictment and they also say that if the attorney general does not indict, they’re going public,” DeLay warned.

Delay, now a Washington Times radio host, went on to say that Hillary will be punished “one way or another.”

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