DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

Disgraceful (but all too typical) LW behavior (we better than you). Amazingly those line up to defend the indefensible? amazing.

Will commie puke leftist regime charge her? not likely.
a.) they despise her and she has not much "on them"? (Valerie Iranian hate from 08?)
b.) they don't need her any longer (they see way to win w/o her and her baggage).
c.) FBI revolt (pension and non-disclosure be damned) and leak.
d.) Hackers start posting what they got from her Server to public view.
e.) Shared Top Secret or above with Bloomingpussy. proven.
f.) Her lawyer is not authorized but found to have Top secret or above on his disk drive. no-no.

just a thought from a taxpaying citizen. I could vote I or maybe R but not for HER. maybe Bernie (at least he seems honest commie)
Disgraceful (but all too typical) LW behavior (we better than you). Amazingly those line up to defend the indefensible? amazing.

Will commie puke leftist regime charge her? not likely.
a.) they despise her and she has not much "on them"? (Valerie Iranian hate from 08?)
b.) they don't need her any longer (they see way to win w/o her and her baggage).
c.) FBI revolt (pension and non-disclosure be damned) and leak.
d.) Hackers start posting what they got from her Server to public view.
e.) Shared Top Secret or above with Bloomingpussy. proven.
f.) Her lawyer is not authorized but found to have Top secret or above on his disk drive. no-no.

just a thought from a taxpaying citizen. I could vote I or maybe R but not for HER. maybe Bernie (at least he seems honest commie)

Does 2015 come before or after 2010?
I really think that this is kind of pointless because neither republicans or democrats want to deal with this issue. You are right that this should be a slam dunk but because of political alliances neither party is going to let Hillary go down but if this happen to be Trump they would both go after him with a vengence. It is a real sad thing in our country when political power has superceded any sense of justice in this country.
Thank goodness it is not being handled by either political party but is instead being handled by the FBI and Obama's hand-picked man.
He's not a very decent or with ethics man if he has allowed his FBI agents LEAK AND DRIP all of what they know about the investigation, to the right wing news rags the past 4 months, after having to sign nondisclosure agreements, without charging his own FBI Agents for their leaking.....
I really think that this is kind of pointless because neither republicans or democrats want to deal with this issue. You are right that this should be a slam dunk but because of political alliances neither party is going to let Hillary go down but if this happen to be Trump they would both go after him with a vengence. It is a real sad thing in our country when political power has superceded any sense of justice in this country.
Thank goodness it is not being handled by either political party but is instead being handled by the FBI and Obama's hand-picked man.
DoJ has to charge. FBI can only recommend. DoJ doesn't do anything if it's not race-related.

True. According to former congressman tom delay the FBI is ready to recommend an indictment, and if the DOJ doesn't put together a grand jury for an indictment then the FBI will go public with all the information they have on hillary. Either way it doesn't look good for hillary.

DeLay then clarified his statement, saying that if the Justice Department does not hand down an indictment, the FBI will revolt.

“They’re ready to recommend an indictment and they also say that if the attorney general does not indict, they’re going public,” DeLay warned.

Delay, now a Washington Times radio host, went on to say that Hillary will be punished “one way or another.”
Washington Times?

Can you come up with more unreliable sources?
According to a current article written by Jim Hoft for the Gateway Pundit, entitled 'REPORTER: DOJ, FBI “SUPER PISSED OFF” at Obama White House Over Clinton Investigation (Video)', both the DOJ and FBI are 'pissed' at how Obama / the WH (James Earnest) (FALSELY) claimed on Friday Hillary is not the subject / target of the FBI's investigation.

Earnest also said that 'based on what we know now' there would be no indictment of Hillary Clinton.

Speaking of incompetence!
- The FBI has already declared they are investigating Hillary. They are pouring through her e-mails...

- If she wasn't being investigated why would there be a need to say she wouldn't be indicted based on what we know now?

Obama never has been able to keep his nose out of where it doesn't belong. It worjed out well for Holder but not so well for Libs in 2014. We'll see how it pans out for Hillary...
I really think that this is kind of pointless because neither republicans or democrats want to deal with this issue. You are right that this should be a slam dunk but because of political alliances neither party is going to let Hillary go down but if this happen to be Trump they would both go after him with a vengence. It is a real sad thing in our country when political power has superceded any sense of justice in this country.
Thank goodness it is not being handled by either political party but is instead being handled by the FBI and Obama's hand-picked man.
He's not a very decent or with ethics man if he has allowed his FBI agents LEAK AND DRIP all of what they know about the investigation, to the right wing news rags the past 4 months, after having to sign nondisclosure agreements, without charging his own FBI Agents for their leaking.....

maybe the leaks were from Obama or Jarrett. they both hate Hillary. You live in a fantasy land, you have no idea how the real world works.
Thank goodness it is not being handled by either political party but is instead being handled by the FBI and Obama's hand-picked man.
DoJ has to charge. FBI can only recommend. DoJ doesn't do anything if it's not race-related.

True. According to former congressman tom delay the FBI is ready to recommend an indictment, and if the DOJ doesn't put together a grand jury for an indictment then the FBI will go public with all the information they have on hillary. Either way it doesn't look good for hillary.

DeLay then clarified his statement, saying that if the Justice Department does not hand down an indictment, the FBI will revolt.

“They’re ready to recommend an indictment and they also say that if the attorney general does not indict, they’re going public,” DeLay warned.

Delay, now a Washington Times radio host, went on to say that Hillary will be punished “one way or another.”
Washington Times?

Can you come up with more unreliable sources?
The only thing RW knows how to say when anyone posts anything negative about libs is 'Your source isn't valid' because that's all Obama, Hillary, and Alynski TAUGHT him to say. :p
No idiot. It is Hillary who has a reputation as a pathological liar, not Issa. See, her problem is that except for a few hacks like yourself, no one believes a thing she says.

But once again, she leading all the nuts on your side in the polls.

Which proves the old adage, the world is divided into fanatics and scoundrels, but you can reason with a scoundrel.
No it just proves liberals will vote for anyone as long as they have a d beside their name. Gruber described you well.

There's absolutely no doubt in my mind that you would vote for anyone with an R behind their name.

Hillary Clinton has already been cleared of any wrong doing by the State Department. The FBI is now sorting through 22 emails, out of thousands that they have already released for the public to view.

HILLARY CLINTON is requesting that these 22 emails be released to the public so they can see--that they weren't a threat to National Security and that they weren't MARKED as Classified when she received them.

Bengazi was investigated 8 TIMES--and she made Republicans look like total idiots in her 13 hours of final testimony. Along with the new movie out 13 hours--which also clears her of any blame or negligence for Bengazi.

You're beating a dead horse to death with these emails, and it will backfire on the Republican Party, like Bengazi has.

This is nothing more than the typical Reich wing dog & pony show--and it's going to implode on the Republican party very quickly.



1. The State Dept can't clear her of SHIT in an FBI investigation.

2. The State Dept was the one who exposed she broke the law by not signing leagally required documents regarding handling classified that she never signed.

3. The State Department has already declare e-mails being recovered from Hillary's server were NEVER given to them, which she was required by law to do and which she falsely testified she had done.

You L I E......or terribly mistaken...

I highly doubt if she will be going to jail even if she IS a criminal POS. I just cannot believe anyone would still consider her a "valid" candidate. Any of those people being paraded around in front of us. They are all part of the machine. Look at some 3rd party candidates, PLEASE!!!
Hillary is currently the only valid candidate in either party

Declaring under oath she only used ONE personal device...then admitted to multiple.
- Violation of the law: Perjury
LINK showing she declared this under oath as YOU claim?
Already posted it elsewhere...several times...upon your request more than once, I believe. Why don't you look it up and write it down so you will remember this time?!
According to a current article written by Jim Hoft for the Gateway Pundit, entitled 'REPORTER: DOJ, FBI “SUPER PISSED OFF” at Obama White House Over Clinton Investigation (Video)', both the DOJ and FBI are 'pissed' at how Obama / the WH (James Earnest) (FALSELY) claimed on Friday Hillary is not the subject / target of the FBI's investigation.

Earnest also said that 'based on what we know now' there would be no indictment of Hillary Clinton.

Speaking of incompetence!
- The FBI has already declared they are investigating Hillary. They are pouring through her e-mails...

- If she wasn't being investigated why would there be a need to say she wouldn't be indicted based on what we know now?

Obama never has been able to keep his nose out of where it doesn't belong. It worjed out well for Holder but not so well for Libs in 2014. We'll see how it pans out for Hillary...

Well the FBI SAID officially that Hillary was NOT the focus of their investigation of her server-this is the ONLY officially statement the FBI Has made on the topic.....

All else said have been leaky drippings that no one has put their name or position on, and only leaked to right wing media WHY would they only leak to right wing media?
Last edited:
DoJ has to charge. FBI can only recommend. DoJ doesn't do anything if it's not race-related.

True. According to former congressman tom delay the FBI is ready to recommend an indictment, and if the DOJ doesn't put together a grand jury for an indictment then the FBI will go public with all the information they have on hillary. Either way it doesn't look good for hillary.

DeLay then clarified his statement, saying that if the Justice Department does not hand down an indictment, the FBI will revolt.

“They’re ready to recommend an indictment and they also say that if the attorney general does not indict, they’re going public,” DeLay warned.

Delay, now a Washington Times radio host, went on to say that Hillary will be punished “one way or another.”
FBI seeking indictment of Hillary in email scandal, Tom DeLay claims | New York Post
Washington Times?

Can you come up with more unreliable sources?
The only thing RW knows how to say when anyone posts anything negative about libs is 'Your source isn't valid' because that's all Obama, Hillary, and Alynski TAUGHT him to say. :p
Washington Times is a rightwing rag
Delay is a convicted criminal
'Hillary didn't break the law cause her e-mails were clasified after the fact. Must be true because Hillary said so...and all the Libs continue to repeat it as if it were true, which it isn't.

Do you have any specific proof that Ms. Clinton did knowingly and willingly violate the aw?

The materials were NOT classified at the time of transmission of the emails. No law was broken.
'Hillary didn't break the law cause her e-mails were clasified after the fact. Must be true because Hillary said so...and all the Libs continue to repeat it as if it were true, which it isn't.

Do you have any specific proof that Ms. Clinton did knowingly and willingly violate the aw?

The materials were NOT classified at the time of transmission of the emails. No law was broken.

Yes, they were. the content makes something classified, not the stamp on it. Are you really that ignorant or is your nose so far up Hillary's butt that you can no longer see?
Delay's politically motivated conviction was overturned. Just because you and Hillary say it's true don't make it so.
It is also a fact she was / is fully aware of the laws regarding the legal / illegal handling, transportation, storage, and destruction of clasdified information. SHE BROKE THESE LAWS, and her incompetence, ignorance, and intent to bypass them for her own expedience and convenience are no legitimate excuses...

What specific law was broken and when was it broken.

The emails were classified after the fact. No classified data was transmitted by Ms. Clinton.
What specific laws? Please look back in this thread, as the specific laws she has broken and the details of how have already been posted.

The emails were NOT CLASSIFIED at the time of transmission and were classified after the fact.

You claim Ms. Clinton broke the law....what specific law and when.
Thank goodness it is not being handled by either political party but is instead being handled by the FBI and Obama's hand-picked man.
DoJ has to charge. FBI can only recommend. DoJ doesn't do anything if it's not race-related.

True. According to former congressman tom delay the FBI is ready to recommend an indictment, and if the DOJ doesn't put together a grand jury for an indictment then the FBI will go public with all the information they have on hillary. Either way it doesn't look good for hillary.

DeLay then clarified his statement, saying that if the Justice Department does not hand down an indictment, the FBI will revolt.

“They’re ready to recommend an indictment and they also say that if the attorney general does not indict, they’re going public,” DeLay warned.

Delay, now a Washington Times radio host, went on to say that Hillary will be punished “one way or another.”
Washington Times?

Can you come up with more unreliable sources?

I linked the New York Post not Washington times. And there are numerous sources
True. According to former congressman tom delay the FBI is ready to recommend an indictment, and if the DOJ doesn't put together a grand jury for an indictment then the FBI will go public with all the information they have on hillary. Either way it doesn't look good for hillary.

DeLay then clarified his statement, saying that if the Justice Department does not hand down an indictment, the FBI will revolt.

“They’re ready to recommend an indictment and they also say that if the attorney general does not indict, they’re going public,” DeLay warned.

Delay, now a Washington Times radio host, went on to say that Hillary will be punished “one way or another.”
FBI seeking indictment of Hillary in email scandal, Tom DeLay claims | New York Post
Washington Times?

Can you come up with more unreliable sources?
The only thing RW knows how to say when anyone posts anything negative about libs is 'Your source isn't valid' because that's all Obama, Hillary, and Alynski TAUGHT him to say. :p
Washington Times is a rightwing rag
Delay is a convicted criminal

New York Post, and there are numerous reports from other outlets. Google is your friend.

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