Donnie Hothead


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
A ā€˜pressure cookerā€™: Trumpā€™s frustration and fury rupture alliances, threaten agenda

Frustrated by his Cabinet and angry that he has not received enough credit for his handling of three successive hurricanes, President Trump is now lashing out, rupturing alliances and imperiling his legislative agenda, numerous White House officials and outside advisers said Monday.

In a matter of days, Trump has torched bridges all around him, nearly imploded an informal deal with Democrats to protect young undocumented immigrants brought to the country as children, and plunged himself into the culture wars on issues ranging from birth control to the national anthem.

Poor, poor Donnie Hothead
Frustrated that not enough people are declaring his greatness
Mirror, mirror, on the wall....who is the finest President of all?
Trump in recent days has shown flashes of fury and left his aides, including White House chief of staff John F. Kelly, scrambling to manage his outbursts. He has been frustrated in particular with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who was reported last week to have earlier called the president a ā€œmoron.ā€ Trumpā€™s Sunday morning Twitter tirade against Corker caught staffers by surprise, although the president had been brooding over the senatorā€™s comment a few days earlier about Trumpā€™s ā€œchaosā€ endangering the nation
man , you lefties are crazy , Trump is deporting , redoing Federal Judges , has the 'norks' by the nutz , might mess with the 'iranians' , has appointed Gorsuch , is rebuilding the USA Military , stock market is way up , 3 devastating hurricanes have been managed , fire in KALIFORNIA will be managed and President Donald Trump is President RWinger . Yeah , you lefty enemies are cwazy RWinger !!
and everything i just claimed or mentioned in post number 3 can be verified while you whine and pout like Mrs. Cravets over the gossip fence RWinger .
Not only is Trump doing a good job, but he's managing to cause LWNJs like the OP to lose their minds.

Are you suggesting bed wetting parasites like wrong winger have minds?

Next you'll be making a case that coconuts migrate.

another Trump victory is that coal mines are making money and are hiring miners RWinger .
Corker tells the world that Trump needs a babysitter
Tillerson calls him a moron and doesn't retract it
Trump wives engaged in a catfight

Hasn't been a good week for Fat Donnie
Our President demands admiration and loyalty out of his people

Seems they seethe at the incompetence of their leader and sell him out at every opportunity
Our President demands admiration and loyalty out of his people

Seems they seethe at the incompetence of their leader and sell him out at every opportunity
------------------------------------------------------ they oughta resign if they were Honorable but i suppose that they are tied to the money eh RWinger .
Trump goes into another tweetstorm over the weekend

He is getting more and more isolated
Our President demands admiration and loyalty out of his people

Seems they seethe at the incompetence of their leader and sell him out at every opportunity
------------------------------------------------------ they oughta resign if they were Honorable but i suppose that they are tied to the money eh RWinger .

Good God...they are resigning left and right
some are being booted out , see 'bob corker' , but let them resign RWinger !!

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