Donnie Hothead

about 7 years and 3 months to go RWinger !!


Donnie Hothead is struggling to finish one year.......With his weight, he is a heart attack waiting to happen
boy oh boy , you guys are brainwashed all to heii and back again RWinger . I'd call the President a BIG'OL old guy about the same age as me . And some of the most famous and capable men in USA and world History have been BIG ol'boys . See hard drinking , heavy beef and 'banger sausage' and egg eating Winston Churchill as just one example . All of them , without exception and like everybody else on EARTH have lived until they died . But , boy or boy , are you guys ever brainwashed . I can picture you right now all suited up for YOGA and some 'jazzercise' RWinger . [its funny , chuckle]
boy oh boy , you guys are brainwashed all to heii and back again RWinger . I'd call the President a BIG'OL old guy about the same age as me . And some of the most famous and capable men in USA and world History have been BIG ol'boys . See hard drinking , heavy beef and 'banger sausage' and egg eating Winston Churchill as just one example . All of them , without exception and like everybody else on EARTH have lived until they died . But , boy or boy , are you guys ever brainwashed . I can picture you right now all suited up for YOGA and some 'jazzercise' RWinger . [its funny , chuckle]

Fat Donnie is one cheeseburger away from a cardiac

Overeating, inability to handle stress, lack of exercise, age.......Heart Attack City
This POS thread belongs in the rubber room. Just another Trump is a poopyhead.
Nothing original here, just wrongwinger losing it again.
Any day now this is going to be RW....

Trump in recent days has shown flashes of fury and left his aides, including White House chief of staff John F. Kelly, scrambling to manage his outbursts. He has been frustrated in particular with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who was reported last week to have earlier called the president a “moron.” Trump’s Sunday morning Twitter tirade against Corker caught staffers by surprise, although the president had been brooding over the senator’s comment a few days earlier about Trump’s “chaos” endangering the nation
Stay tuned for more from the quintessential butthurt brigade.
man , you lefties are crazy , Trump is deporting , redoing Federal Judges , has the 'norks' by the nutz , might mess with the 'iranians' , has appointed Gorsuch , is rebuilding the USA Military , stock market is way up , 3 devastating hurricanes have been managed , fire in KALIFORNIA will be managed and President Donald Trump is President RWinger . Yeah , you lefty enemies are cwazy RWinger !!

LOL - Trump deportations lag behind Obama levels

LOL - Trump destroyed 33,000 Jobs last month!

Trump Failed to Keep Americans Safe!

North Korea making Trump into Chump!
This POS thread belongs in the rubber room. Just another Trump is a poopyhead.
Nothing original here, just wrongwinger losing it again.

It is Trump's own people calling him a hothead and revealing that he has been throwing a fit
This POS thread belongs in the rubber room. Just another Trump is a poopyhead.
Nothing original here, just wrongwinger losing it again.

It is Trump's own people calling him a hothead and revealing that he has been throwing a fit
------------------------------------------ they have NEVER been Trumps people , same as YOU have never been a Trumps people . They are embedded mrobama people , neverTrumpers and the SWAMP , gop and 'bush' types RWinger .
Re: the OP, there is NOTHING in public discourse I am more SICK TO MY BACK TEETH of listening to than the liberalfilth paranoid, baby-tantrum Trump-Derangement-Syndrome thousands of times, over & over & over & over & over again. It's like you liberals are jacking youselves off over it and I'm sorry that's the only manner in which liberalfilth can achieve sexual satisfaction. Why don't you white-male-hating liberal turds GROW THE FUCK UP and act like civilized adults for the first time? You liberals are an abomination, you're a despicable pile of fecal matter from the species of your choice. So please, liberalfilth, GROW UP!

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