Don't enter a hospital. Die at home.

It is stupid stories like that is is leading rightwing nuts to say nurses need to be shot.

But, that does seem to be what you all want
Do you even understand, just how incoherent your scribble is? BTW, have you Biden Boosted yet??? Please, you need to obtain that Biden Booster asap, get two if you can manage it, but do not dawdle, go get Boosted today, and remember the obedience mask, wear that always, as a sort of fascist badge of honor, wear it even to bed at night! ;)
I got the 3rd in early December. We don't mask much down here, unless the odd business (such as Lifeline, where I donate plasma and blood), require it coming in the door. I wear headphones and earplug hearing protection far more often, but that's because you need it on indoor ranges more on indoor ranges where I shoot in the wintertime. Badges? I doe need no stinkin badges. i sleep mostly in the raw, so certainly not bothering with mask. Got a buddy who swears by CPAP masks. I might try that if PJ snuggling or rolling me over stops working.
I got the 3rd in early December. We don't mask much down here, unless the odd business (such as Lifeline, where I donate plasma and blood), require it coming in the door. I wear headphones and earplug hearing protection far more often, but that's because you need it on indoor ranges more on indoor ranges where I shoot in the wintertime. Badges? I doe need no stinkin badges. i sleep mostly in the raw, so certainly not bothering with mask. Got a buddy who swears by CPAP masks. I might try that if PJ snuggling or rolling me over stops working.

I second the CPAP. I tried everything till I broke down and got one. It is awesome. I did not realize how little good sleep i was getting till I got it. I had not even dreamed in years due to never getting into a deep enough sleep. Now I cannot sleep without it.
We were around the hospitals trying to get my wife's surgery.........took a dang year...........The people in the hospitals told us the shit they were doing...........They called it playing the COVID GAME...............One doctor refused to do the surgery because he made the same money playing golf than doing surgery. Scumbag......

Finally got the surgery in Texas after about a year and many doctors.

The Cares ast rewarded hospitals for calling everything covid..................and the ventilators are MURDER. You can't pump oxygen through the liquid..............

Our medical system is BS.
Yes, the system is certainly now bullshit. The overconfidence of this mafia is astonishing. The arrogance we started to see even before the coming of the commie virus.
The poison we can see is coming through the science that we read. mRNA vaccines may be setting the stage for kuru-like prions and Alzheimer's.
Why we haven't divorced these fucks is beyond me.............We need 80 million to go head to head with their 81 million.......LMAO..........Then we wouldn't need to worry about dying from covid anymore.

This whole thing is PATHETIC.
The numbers of people that are dying in the hospitals due to blood clots, heart attacks, strokes from these injections is astounding.
We are finding hematology links and cancer links in the scientific literature. This forced vaccine experiment is evil.
You should keep that in mind and stay away from hospitals at all cost. Leave those beds for the sane people who appreciate the hard work of our medical professionals. I hear that all the beer companies are secretly tied to the hospitals too, so you crazy right wingers should stay away from beer too, and leave more for us sane folk.
It's hard not to bust out laughing. Cocksukcers at Chapel Hill manipulating a Chinese bat virus that had been adapted to mice and growing it in human lung cancer cells. Don't you feel the least bit silly yet?
MrG is having a very bad night, and I am trying to get him in home nursing tomorrow, if possible. I am scared to death to have him wind up in the ER. Last time, he walked home and i don't know how he did it. He laid there in the hallway for hours and finally had enough. But he was not as bad as he is now, so.....I'm at a loss. If he wants to go, then yes. But so far he said he is ok for now. So for now it is.

For those who pray...please do so for MrG, and all those like him who suffer and no longer trust doctors and hospitals. I don't want him to die, but I feel he is not too far away from doing that. And no where to turn for help. Everyone is corrupt. However, I do trust his doctor, so maybe he can get him in a nursing home to ether help him get well to come back home, or stay there permanently since this is a fast disease and fast it is going so far. :(

This sucks. It really really sucks. For all of us.
It's hard not to bust out laughing. Cocksukcers at Chapel Hill manipulating a Chinese bat virus that had been adapted to mice and growing it in human lung cancer cells. Don't you feel the least bit silly yet?
If that is your belief, then I encourage you to shun hospitals at every chance. That'll learn em, dern em.
MrG is having a very bad night, and I am trying to get him in home nursing tomorrow, if possible. I am scared to death to have him wind up in the ER. Last time, he walked home and i don't know how he did it. He laid there in the hallway for hours and finally had enough. But he was not as bad as he is now, so.....I'm at a loss. If he wants to go, then yes. But so far he said he is ok for now. So for now it is.

For those who pray...please do so for MrG, and all those like him who suffer and no longer trust doctors and hospitals. I don't want him to die, but I feel he is not too far away from doing that. And no where to turn for help. Everyone is corrupt. However, I do trust his doctor, so maybe he can get him in a nursing home to ether help him get well to come back home, or stay there permanently since this is a fast disease and fast it is going so far. :(

This sucks. It really really sucks. For all of us.
Doesn't sound like a fun situation to be in. I don't believe all the hospitals are so politically corrupt. There's a lot of good people still, if they were allowed to do their job. All I can say is best of luck finding a place with good care. God bless.
Doesn't sound like a fun situation to be in. I don't believe all the hospitals are so politically corrupt. There's a lot of good people still, if they were allowed to do their job. All I can say is best of luck finding a place with good care. God bless.
Don't be silly. The whole world is out to get you. You can't trust the doctors, anybody in the government, the networks, the sports teams, or any of those communist teachers, cops, and certainly not those Jews with their forest fire starting space lasers. RUN, RUN LIKE THE WIND!!!! until you find a cave or some other shelter in the wilderness. All is lost.
Don't be silly. The whole world is out to get you. You can't trust the doctors, anybody in the government, the networks, the sports teams, or any of those communist teachers, cops, and certainly not those Jews with their forest fire starting space lasers. RUN, RUN LIKE THE WIND!!!! until you find a cave or some other shelter in the wilderness. All is lost.

There are many that can be trusted and many that are going along with the narrative and agenda.
If that is your belief, then I encourage you to shun hospitals at every chance. That'll learn em, dern em.
You fail to objectively address the content of badger's post, because you can't do that without looking like the horse's rear-end.
There are USMBers who do not discuss the actual science before them. Ignoring it will not make it go away. We will, for people like MrG, keep going to find the truth and expose the violence.
Gracie said:
MrG is having a very bad night, and I am trying to get him in home nursing tomorrow, if possible. I am scared to death to have him wind up in the ER. Last time, he walked home and i don't know how he did it. He laid there in the hallway for hours and finally had enough. But he was not as bad as he is now, so.....I'm at a loss. If he wants to go, then yes. But so far he said he is ok for now. So for now it is.

For those who pray...please do so for MrG, and all those like him who suffer and no longer trust doctors and hospitals. I don't want him to die, but I feel he is not too far away from doing that. And no where to turn for help. Everyone is corrupt. However, I do trust his doctor, so maybe he can get him in a nursing home to ether help him get well to come back home, or stay there permanently since this is a fast disease and fast it is going so far. :(

This sucks. It really really sucks. For all of us.

So sorry. Contact your doctor. I know how you feel. I don't trust the hospitals at all. You have to stay on top of this every minute. This is going to be hard but you have to protect him now too. Have you thought about home nursing care. See what your doctor can do to help you with that. Enlist his help. Do you know his opinion on all this covid nonsense??

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