Don't Ever Forget What Kamala Harris Did

She donated money to bail out BLM rioters.

Imagine if Donald Trump gave money to an organization the backed these Capitol rioters. The left (and right) would flip.

But, the left doesn't care that Harris did it. Double Standard.
No, Trump just pardons crooks.
It's one of the few things in her entire life that I support. You act like people should be embarrassed that she would support those who were arrested for protesting for a just, justice system. Hardly, the anger should be towards those who fight against that.
Protest is one thing, commit acts of violence and destruction is another. No one was arrested for peacefully protesting.

That's the cost of fighting against a fair justice system.

Without a fair election system you wont end up with a fair justice system. People also have the right to protest the fact that election rules were changed without due process in the respective states. Not violence, but protest.

There was due process. The REPUBLICAN Senator from Pennsylvania correctly argued why there was.

The election rules were changed in a bi-partisan manner. The Republican governor signed them. No one said a word until Trump lost. Anyone could have sued at any point.
Regardless of who signed what, the fact cannot be altered that the Pennsylvania constitution stated its election rules, yet these rules were changed 3 weeks prior to election. We are either a nation that follows the laws on the books (including states following their own state constitution) or we ignore laws on the books to pick and choose which ones we don’t want to follow at election time. Three weeks.... good grief.

The elections rules were changed long before the election. You can make up whatever you want.
How long is "long before the election"?

In Michigan they were ILLEGALLY CHANGED during the summer and fall.
November 3rd is the fall.

We ALL understand WHY they were ILLEGALLY CHANGED (without the state legislatures)
It's one of the few things in her entire life that I support. You act like people should be embarrassed that she would support those who were arrested for protesting for a just, justice system. Hardly, the anger should be towards those who fight against that.
Protest is one thing, commit acts of violence and destruction is another. No one was arrested for peacefully protesting.

That's the cost of fighting against a fair justice system.

Without a fair election system you wont end up with a fair justice system. People also have the right to protest the fact that election rules were changed without due process in the respective states. Not violence, but protest.

There was due process. The REPUBLICAN Senator from Pennsylvania correctly argued why there was.

The election rules were changed in a bi-partisan manner. The Republican governor signed them. No one said a word until Trump lost. Anyone could have sued at any point.
Regardless of who signed what, the fact cannot be altered that the Pennsylvania constitution stated its election rules, yet these rules were changed 3 weeks prior to election. We are either a nation that follows the laws on the books (including states following their own state constitution) or we ignore laws on the books to pick and choose which ones we don’t want to follow at election time. Three weeks.... good grief.

The elections rules were changed long before the election. You can make up whatever you want.
How long is "long before the election"?

In Michigan they were ILLEGALLY CHANGED during the summer and fall.
November 3rd is the fall.

Wr ALL understand WHY they were ILLEGALLY CHANGED (without the state legislatures)

You can claim anything you want. The courts have been completely involved and have dismissed everything. Even Trump appointed judges.
It's one of the few things in her entire life that I support. You act like people should be embarrassed that she would support those who were arrested for protesting for a just, justice system. Hardly, the anger should be towards those who fight against that.
Protest is one thing, commit acts of violence and destruction is another. No one was arrested for peacefully protesting.

That's the cost of fighting against a fair justice system.

Without a fair election system you wont end up with a fair justice system. People also have the right to protest the fact that election rules were changed without due process in the respective states. Not violence, but protest.

There was due process. The REPUBLICAN Senator from Pennsylvania correctly argued why there was.

The election rules were changed in a bi-partisan manner. The Republican governor signed them. No one said a word until Trump lost. Anyone could have sued at any point.
Regardless of who signed what, the fact cannot be altered that the Pennsylvania constitution stated its election rules, yet these rules were changed 3 weeks prior to election. We are either a nation that follows the laws on the books (including states following their own state constitution) or we ignore laws on the books to pick and choose which ones we don’t want to follow at election time. Three weeks.... good grief.

The elections rules were changed long before the election. You can make up whatever you want.
How long is "long before the election"?

In Michigan they were ILLEGALLY CHANGED during the summer and fall.
November 3rd is the fall.

Wr ALL understand WHY they were ILLEGALLY CHANGED (without the state legislatures)

You can claim anything you want. The courts have been completely involved and have dismissed everything. Even Trump appointed judges.
You believe state governors and Secretary of State have the right to make law? Or operate outside of the law?

You believe courts have the right to side with far left governors to make state legislators non essential to government?
It's one of the few things in her entire life that I support. You act like people should be embarrassed that she would support those who were arrested for protesting for a just, justice system. Hardly, the anger should be towards those who fight against that.
Protest is one thing, commit acts of violence and destruction is another. No one was arrested for peacefully protesting.

That's the cost of fighting against a fair justice system.

Without a fair election system you wont end up with a fair justice system. People also have the right to protest the fact that election rules were changed without due process in the respective states. Not violence, but protest.

There was due process. The REPUBLICAN Senator from Pennsylvania correctly argued why there was.

The election rules were changed in a bi-partisan manner. The Republican governor signed them. No one said a word until Trump lost. Anyone could have sued at any point.
Regardless of who signed what, the fact cannot be altered that the Pennsylvania constitution stated its election rules, yet these rules were changed 3 weeks prior to election. We are either a nation that follows the laws on the books (including states following their own state constitution) or we ignore laws on the books to pick and choose which ones we don’t want to follow at election time. Three weeks.... good grief.

The elections rules were changed long before the election. You can make up whatever you want.
How long is "long before the election"?

In Michigan they were ILLEGALLY CHANGED during the summer and fall.
November 3rd is the fall.

Wr ALL understand WHY they were ILLEGALLY CHANGED (without the state legislatures)

You can claim anything you want. The courts have been completely involved and have dismissed everything. Even Trump appointed judges.
You believe state governors and Secretary of State have the right to make law? Or operate outside of the law?

You believe courts have the right to side with far left governors to make state legislators non essential to government?

Trump appointed judges all threw the cases out. Trump judges on the Supreme Court rejected him. Trump lost.
She donated money to bail out BLM rioters.

Imagine if Donald Trump gave money to an organization the backed these Capitol rioters. The left (and right) would flip.

But, the left doesn't care that Harris did it. Double Standard.
Do you have a receipt of her donation?
Because all that she did was support it with a word or two..
And TRUMP! told the people at his rally to peacefully protest. Yet that's being called incitement and insurrection.

Trump Told Crowd ‘You Will Never Take Back Our Country With Weakness’
Interesting. You seem to think that statement alone, one phrase out of an entire speech, a speech that wasn't even over before the violence started, was somehow direction to the crowd to storm the capitol building, break windows and doors, and attack anyone who gets in the way. Yet any other rational person would think that statement meant that you're never going to take back your country if you give up, if you shut up just because someone tells you to or if you stop because people don't like you. See, if you're going to try to make the case that he commanded his followers to storm the castle, you're going to have to have something more direct than that, especially since in the very same speech he told them to be peaceful. Basically, you're ignoring everything else he said in favor of this one phrase. Of course, we saw the same thing after Charlottesville, when TRUMP! CLEARLY criticized the white nationalists and neo-Nazis, yet the usual suspects continued whining that he thought they were all fine people.

Ultimately, you're going to have to work with what someone actually said, not what some hate merchant claimed he said.
Too bad the morons who staged an insurrection disagree with you.....

Many of them were pissed when Trump denounced the riots because they explicitly felt he urged them to do what they did.....

And they will argue that in court.....they will argue that Trump incited them to do it......

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Can't help what they thought, can only go by what he said.
She donated money to bail out BLM rioters.

Imagine if Donald Trump gave money to an organization the backed these Capitol rioters. The left (and right) would flip.

But, the left doesn't care that Harris did it. Double Standard.
Not surprising from rapper Yo Kamala she will sit down in the oval office soon sleepy joe will heat the chair for her and then she could cover up for her darling BLM friends and other scum for the democrat party.
Do you have a receipt of her donation?
Because all that she did was support it with a word or two..

1. Do you support her support of the organization? or do you not think it's a big deal?
2. Would you support or not care if Trump supported an organization that tried to bail out these Capitol protesters?

Trump already said he would bail out any of his supporters that knock the crap out of Protesters at his rallies, so he can probably just bail out his Power Boys and not ask for donations.
It's one of the few things in her entire life that I support. You act like people should be embarrassed that she would support those who were arrested for protesting for a just, justice system. Hardly, the anger should be towards those who fight against that.

Curious, would you support Trump if he bailed out these Capitol rioters?

Here's your chance to be consistent.

No. You are unable to use basic common sense. I don't support what these people protested over so why would I support Trump bailing them out? I support what the others protested over.

Your ability to think is pretty lacking.

I can be consistent only if I support things I don't support? Does that really somehow make sense to you?
Protests are legal when they are peaceful. There’s nothing peaceful about thugs who steal from others and vandalize their property.
So you support criminal activity and thug-like behavior because they are pro left is that what you are saying? Yikes.

I'm not stuttering. I support what they were protesting. I understand that when peaceful protest is ignored, the next step is violent protest.

It worked.

Violent acts create a great deal of negative blowback. Non violent acts of civil disobedience will garner broader support in the long run.
Do you have a receipt of her donation?
Because all that she did was support it with a word or two..

1. Do you support her support of the organization? or do you not think it's a big deal?
2. Would you support or not care if Trump supported an organization that tried to bail out these Capitol protesters?

Trump already said he would bail out any of his supporters that knock the crap out of Protesters at his rallies, so he can probably just bail out his Power Boys and not ask for donations.
It's one of the few things in her entire life that I support. You act like people should be embarrassed that she would support those who were arrested for protesting for a just, justice system. Hardly, the anger should be towards those who fight against that.

Curious, would you support Trump if he bailed out these Capitol rioters?

Here's your chance to be consistent.

No. You are unable to use basic common sense. I don't support what these people protested over so why would I support Trump bailing them out? I support what the others protested over.

Your ability to think is pretty lacking.

I can be consistent only if I support things I don't support? Does that really somehow make sense to you?
Protests are legal when they are peaceful. There’s nothing peaceful about thugs who steal from others and vandalize their property.
So you support criminal activity and thug-like behavior because they are pro left is that what you are saying? Yikes.

I'm not stuttering. I support what they were protesting. I understand that when peaceful protest is ignored, the next step is violent protest.

It worked.

Violent acts create a great deal of negative blowback. Non violent acts of civil disobedience will garner broader support in the long run.

People want people to behave so they can ignore them.
Do you have a receipt of her donation?
Because all that she did was support it with a word or two..

1. Do you support her support of the organization? or do you not think it's a big deal?
2. Would you support or not care if Trump supported an organization that tried to bail out these Capitol protesters?

Trump already said he would bail out any of his supporters that knock the crap out of Protesters at his rallies, so he can probably just bail out his Power Boys and not ask for donations.
It's one of the few things in her entire life that I support. You act like people should be embarrassed that she would support those who were arrested for protesting for a just, justice system. Hardly, the anger should be towards those who fight against that.

Curious, would you support Trump if he bailed out these Capitol rioters?

Here's your chance to be consistent.

No. You are unable to use basic common sense. I don't support what these people protested over so why would I support Trump bailing them out? I support what the others protested over.

Your ability to think is pretty lacking.

I can be consistent only if I support things I don't support? Does that really somehow make sense to you?
Protests are legal when they are peaceful. There’s nothing peaceful about thugs who steal from others and vandalize their property.
So you support criminal activity and thug-like behavior because they are pro left is that what you are saying? Yikes.

I'm not stuttering. I support what they were protesting. I understand that when peaceful protest is ignored, the next step is violent protest.

It worked.

Violent acts create a great deal of negative blowback. Non violent acts of civil disobedience will garner broader support in the long run.

People want people to behave so they can ignore them.
Define "behave". There is violent behavior and there is non-violent disobedient behavior. A sit-in at a lunch counter is non-violent civil disobedience. It gets the point across, cannot be ignored, but no one needs to be hurt and nothing needs to be destroyed. IOW, there are effective means of protest that do not involve violence, which only hardens opposition.
Do you have a receipt of her donation?
Because all that she did was support it with a word or two..

1. Do you support her support of the organization? or do you not think it's a big deal?
2. Would you support or not care if Trump supported an organization that tried to bail out these Capitol protesters?

Trump already said he would bail out any of his supporters that knock the crap out of Protesters at his rallies, so he can probably just bail out his Power Boys and not ask for donations.
It's one of the few things in her entire life that I support. You act like people should be embarrassed that she would support those who were arrested for protesting for a just, justice system. Hardly, the anger should be towards those who fight against that.

Curious, would you support Trump if he bailed out these Capitol rioters?

Here's your chance to be consistent.

No. You are unable to use basic common sense. I don't support what these people protested over so why would I support Trump bailing them out? I support what the others protested over.

Your ability to think is pretty lacking.

I can be consistent only if I support things I don't support? Does that really somehow make sense to you?
Protests are legal when they are peaceful. There’s nothing peaceful about thugs who steal from others and vandalize their property.
So you support criminal activity and thug-like behavior because they are pro left is that what you are saying? Yikes.

I'm not stuttering. I support what they were protesting. I understand that when peaceful protest is ignored, the next step is violent protest.

It worked.

Violent acts create a great deal of negative blowback. Non violent acts of civil disobedience will garner broader support in the long run.

People want people to behave so they can ignore them.
Define "behave". There is violent behavior and there is non-violent disobedient behavior. A sit-in at a lunch counter is non-violent civil disobedience. It gets the point across, cannot be ignored, but no one needs to be hurt and nothing needs to be destroyed. IOW, there are effective means of protest that do not involve violence, which only hardens opposition.

Are you denying that there was violence after the sit ins? The dogs and the water hoses didn't come out?

People tried to peacefully protest. Trump called them SOB's and said they should be fired. Pence turned his back on them. Reforms happened after the violence.
She donated money to bail out BLM rioters.

Imagine if Donald Trump gave money to an organization the backed these Capitol rioters. The left (and right) would flip.

But, the left doesn't care that Harris did it. Double Standard.
No, Trump just pardons crooks.
Those are normally the ones who need a pardon...
Are you denying that there was violence after the sit ins? The dogs and the water hoses didn't come out?

People all over the country saw the violence and attitudes began to change, the protester gained the support that eventually changed the laws.
She donated money to bail out BLM rioters.

Imagine if Donald Trump gave money to an organization the backed these Capitol rioters. The left (and right) would flip.

But, the left doesn't care that Harris did it. Double Standard.
Do you have a receipt of her donation?
Because all that she did was support it with a word or two..
And TRUMP! told the people at his rally to peacefully protest. Yet that's being called incitement and insurrection.

Trump Told Crowd ‘You Will Never Take Back Our Country With Weakness’

That wasn't inciting anything. What other mysterious magical code words were in there? Lol.

It shows that you are afraid to quote his actual words right before the protests.

I read every one of them. There was no inciting language in there. None. You're just following the liberal herd media.

Trump pushed this stupid idea for weeks that there was a stealing of the election and people needed to fight back. It was his and his supporters undoing.

The protests against an unjust justice system has made positive changes. The protests for Trump has brought Trumpism crashing down.

No, he didn't. That's just more liberal media propaganda intertwined with feelings and emotion, mostly hate and violence that the left engaged in for over a year. Those are hard facts.
It sucks, but the Fake News and swamp democrats are good at looking the other way at things like this. Sad!
Even Fox News has said Trump was impeached. I told you so.

House impeachment means nothing at this point. But I guess it's something to brag about?
It's one of the few things in her entire life that I support. You act like people should be embarrassed that she would support those who were arrested for protesting for a just, justice system. Hardly, the anger should be towards those who fight against that.
So why didn't she bail out those who rioted in 2015-2016?
She was weaponising the BLM riots to overthrow Trump. Sedition, I bleieve it's called.
It sucks, but the Fake News and swamp democrats are good at looking the other way at things like this. Sad!
Even Fox News has said Trump was impeached. I told you so.

House impeachment means nothing at this point. But I guess it's something to brag about?
I told you he’d be impeached. You said I was wrong . I told you so.
It sucks, but the Fake News and swamp democrats are good at looking the other way at things like this. Sad!
Even Fox News has said Trump was impeached. I told you so.

Impeached means nothing now. dems trivialised it.
Nobody in Team Trump gives a shit.
It's one of the few things in her entire life that I support. You act like people should be embarrassed that she would support those who were arrested for protesting for a just, justice system. Hardly, the anger should be towards those who fight against that.
So why didn't she bail out those who rioted in 2015-2016?
She was weaponising the BLM riots to overthrow Trump. Sedition, I bleieve it's called.
You obviously don’t know what sedition means.

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