Don’t let republicans or polls fool you: the economy is doing well under Biden

Bitching about it is all you are doing. How about presenting solution suggestions
My solution is to burn the whole system down and restart as what it should have been… a Conservstive Authorization Regime.
Since you refuse to gain enough information to enter into a reasonable discussion, let me answer my own question. The answer is Nixon. He presented a plan to congress to control both prices and expenses to prevent what was to come within 10 years
I’m still searching for the part of Article I Section 8 where such powers are granted to the Federal Government.
The data is clear. You aren’t. That’s on you.'re definition of Good Economy is blathering bullshit since it hasn't done anything for the people who have most of the voting power.
Again, people’s perceptions aren’t a measure of anything but how they feel.
The measure is consumer confidence. It’s risen steadily through Biden’s tenure.
You must be wrong about that because all the polls show that the majority of Americans see the economy as being stressed and not very good for them so apparently it's not clear. But I do think that the Democratic party should continue to tell people that they're stupid. It's great actually.
It’s clear to those who care to understand how the health of the economy is measured.
That reflects people’s opinion that they dont like their financial situation… it is better than 2019 though, that is a fact.
is that why Trump polls much higher on the economy than Briben ?

Don't let the Democrats lie to you. Things suck due to the incompetence of Potatohead.

We have massive inflation, decreased family income, high price of energy, unaffordable housing, tremendous crime in our cities, millions of Illegals flooding in, high interest rates, unsustainable welfare, foreign wars, weaken military, a trillion dollars more in debt every 100 days and this jerkoff Potatohead is talking about raising taxes.
NO nation in distress with 30 trillion in debt and a dying middle class would EVER beg 8 million desperate thirdworlders to invade.
Yes they would if it's the Democrat's doing it. Traitorous treasonous vermin are the many of them these days.
I pay more in taxes and cost of goods and services. Works out to NO!
Wow. Then you’re a lazy bum. Try working hard. The rest of us don’t want to pay you handouts. Most of us are making way more now. I am. But I’m not lazy. How can we help you to help yourself?
Well, I believe that the COVID virus was initiated in China, with no ill intent. It got out,

COVID was no hoax, it was real.
Below, is a total HOAX.

In hindsight we know the truth. Covid was a total hoax but used by democrat politicians to murder those they considered useless.
Funny after all these year's and millions of dead, this is all you got.. You are a sad puppy.
Everyone judges the economy when they sit down to pay their bills, most, to say the least, are not very enthusiastic about xidenomics.

6 months worth of car insurance $2600 dollars and that's just for liability... 2 cars insured. How poor people are doing OK in a Biden economy has got to be either by the grace of God or Biden is giving them everything free, and therefore is basically taking it out of our hard earned tax dollars without our consent.
15 million private jobs created since his administration began.

GDP growth is a constant.

Inflation has cooled and wages are now outpacing it.

Is the economy perfect? No, but it NEVER has been.

You needn’t vote for Trump. The economy was a failure. We lost 3 million jobs in that economy.

This boy ^^^^^^ is all kinds of drunk tonight.
6 months worth of car insurance $2600 dollars and that's just for liability... 2 cars insured. How poor people are doing OK in a Biden economy has got to be either by the grace of God or Biden is giving them everything free, and therefore is basically taking it out of our hard earned tax dollars without our consent.

Someone is getting screwed on insurance, I don't pay that on home owners and 3 trucks, full coverage.

Wow. Then you’re a lazy bum. Try working hard. The rest of us don’t want to pay you handouts. Most of us are making way more now. I am. But I’m not lazy. How can we help you to help yourself?
I do work. You are one big idiot.

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