Don’t let republicans or polls fool you: the economy is doing well under Biden

Good Lord...who was POTUS in 2020 during the EPIC Loss?
A: That would be trump.......

and you are going to vote for that POS again. SAD.
That would be when democrats ginned up the great covid hoax. Follow the science said the chief hoaxer, Troll Fauci.
It doesn't matter what inflation is doing. What matters to people is what they get in their paycheck.... What they have in their wallet..... And what they have in the bank. 98 to 99% of the voting public knows nothing about the difference between core inflation and real inflation or currency valuation versus corporate pricing practices. They simply look at the totals that they have at the end of the month and for them that becomes the economy. You know the stupid people you keep talking about..
The ones with most of the votes.
Sounds stupid to me. :dunno:
Of course the economy is not measured by the random person’s bad experience.
Nor is altered when their experience is positive.
In hindsight we know the truth. Covid was a total hoax but used by democrat politicians to murder those they considered useless.
Be more detailed.

was it a hoax because of these issues

Please, I need to understand what you proclaim.
Sounds stupid to me. :dunno:
Of course the economy is not measured by the random person’s bad experience.
Nor is altered when their experience is positive.
Sure for people who are economically literate that's fine.

For the average Joe the economy is his own circumstances. Now add to that the widespread conditions of things like higher food prices, soaring rent, record personal debt and skyrocketing homelessness and you are no longer talking about just a random individual here and there. Now you're talking about millions of individual circumstances that amounts to a class condition.

They don't parse core inflation from high grocery prices or quantitative easing from $4.00/Gallon gas. For them the economy is what they have versus what they can get. Telling them they are too stupid to know a good economy is a great way to piss them off permanently.
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Sure for people who are economically literate that's fine.

For the average Joe the economy is his own circumstances. Now add to that the widespread conditions of things like higher food prices, soaring rent, record personal debt and skyrocketing homelessness and you are no longer talking about just a random individual here and there. Now you're talking about millions of individual circumstances to that amounts to a class condition.

They don't parse core inflation from high grocery prices or quantitative easing from $4.00/Gallon gas.
For them the economy is what they have versus what they can get. Telling them they are too stupid to know a good economy is a great way to piss them off permanently.
It’s the average Joe’s fault they aren’t economically literate. Not the president’s.
You appear to be a true believer. If you weren't, you would be looking for these answers on your own.

In hindsight we know the truth. Covid was a total hoax but used by democrat politicians to murder those they considered useless.
Well, I believe that the COVID virus was initiated in China, with no ill intent. It got out,

COVID was no hoax, it was real.
Below, is a total HOAX.

In hindsight we know the truth. Covid was a total hoax but used by democrat politicians to murder those they considered useless.
Well, I believe that the COVID virus was initiated in China, with no ill intent. It got out,

COVID was no hoax, it was real.
Below, is a total HOAX.

In hindsight we know the truth. Covid was a total hoax but used by democrat politicians to murder those they considered useless.
Meh.... As a pandemic it was a wimp. There's plenty of reason to think that it was engineered in a lab for future use. If it leaked out accidentally all it really means is that we got it before we were supposed to get it but we were going to get it anyway.
It didn't do much more than the average flu season for fatality but it sure did plenty for those fancy record keeping departments at the hospitals and morgues.

Oh yes and it also provided an excellent opportunity to experiment with mass control since the masks were complete bullshit but people were made to wear them anyway.

And one more thing the pharmaceutical companies didn't exactly go broke did they? Hey you know those are part of the Wall Street numbers that Biden and brags about. The same numbers that don't mean a damn thing to Main Street.
The data is clear. You aren’t. That’s on you.
You must be wrong about that because all the polls show that the majority of Americans see the economy as being stressed and not very good for them so apparently it's not clear. But I do think that the Democratic party should continue to tell people that they're stupid. It's great actually.

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