Don’t let republicans or polls fool you: the economy is doing well under Biden

15 million private jobs created since his administration began.

GDP growth is a constant.

Inflation has cooled and wages are now outpacing it.

Is the economy perfect? No, but it NEVER has been.

You needn’t vote for Trump. The economy was a failure. We lost 3 million jobs in that economy.

Inflation is killing the middle class.
You can lay the blame for all of that squarely at the feet of republican policies
Okay the blame at the feet of politicians in general, regardless of their affiliation. They’re all worthless sacks of shit.
Ok, Einstein, drag you rear off the couch, go to the grocery store, go out to eat, go to the gas station, get some damn real life your fricken eyes.
lol I know you desperately want to think I am some unemployed mooch, but I’m not like most people. Even if I was, the facts speak for themselves.
The economy doesn’t have to be perfect to be doing well. Given that logic, why do you excuse the economy losing 3 million jobs under Trump?

We don't excuse it, we put the blame where it belongs.

On democrats who wanted nothing more than to ruin Trumps economy.

And, with the help of their friends in China, that's exactly what they did.
15 million private jobs created since his administration began.

GDP growth is a constant.

Inflation has cooled and wages are now outpacing it.

Is the economy perfect? No, but it NEVER has been.

You needn’t vote for Trump. The economy was a failure. We lost 3 million jobs in that economy.

You really are a clueless parrot. Biden didn't "create" 15 million jobs. They were simply jobs that were closed down during Covid and were reopening. Name a Biden policy that's actually created jobs period...let alone 15 million!

Inflation has "cooled"? It's still going up and that's after it went up by record amounts due to Joe Biden's policies!

Do you really think you can lie to the American people like this and not have them laugh at you? The cost of housing is through the roof. The cost of gas and heating oil is much higher. The cost of groceries is up about 20%. Interest rates on credit are way up. We're not buying the bullshit, Billy. Biden has been an economic disaster for Americans!
lol I know you desperately want to think I am some unemployed mooch, but I’m not like most people. Even if I was, the facts speak for themselves.
I really don't care if you're employed or sitting in a tent on the sidewalk, you're clearly stupid as hell and rather believe what comes out of Biden and/or the MSM. Open your fricken eyes.
You really are a clueless parrot. Biden didn't "create" 15 million jobs. They were simply jobs that were closed down during Covid and were reopening. Name a Biden policy that's actually created jobs period...let alone 15 million!

Inflation has "cooled"? It's still going up and that's after it went up by record amounts due to Joe Biden's policies!

Do you really think you can lie to the American people like this and not have them laugh at you? The cost of housing is through the roof. The cost of gas and heating oil is much higher. The cost of groceries is up about 20%. Interest rates on credit are way up. We're not buying the bullshit, Billy. Biden has been an economic disaster for Americans!
lol I never said Biden created 15 million jobs. You’re just pretending I did. Don’t be stupid about this. However I can attribute some of Biden’s policies the overall job growth. His signature infrastructure law would have. As did his investment into green energy and manufacturing legislation.
Nope definitely didn’t say that. I’m just saying the data speaks for itself. Anecdotal experience doesn’t trump it.

Check...... Record high personal debt, check.... Record high medical expenses.....check.... Shrinkflation at the grocery store running rampant.....check...
Fewest number of home buyers in the past 20 years because mortgages are out of reach... Check... Administration hypocritically touting good economy based on Wall Street numbers while at the same time complaining about CEO pay....check.....

In the meantime the people who are struggling are stupid. Check.

Keep telling them that it's working.... They really believe that you think they're stupid.
You've convinced them that that's how you feel as they can't pay their bills or buy food it's because they're stupid.
That's excellent.
lol I never said Biden created 15 million jobs. You’re just pretending I did. Don’t be stupid about this. However I can attribute some of Biden’s policies the overall job growth. His signature infrastructure law would have. As did his investment into green energy and manufacturing legislation.
Oh, I see! When you say that 15 million jobs were created since his administration what you REALLY meant to say is that 15 million jobs were created MOST OF WHICH JOE BIDEN HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH? You didn't MEAN to mislead people...right, Billy?
lol I never said Biden created 15 million jobs. You’re just pretending I did. Don’t be stupid about this. However I can attribute some of Biden’s policies the overall job growth. His signature infrastructure law would have. As did his investment into green energy and manufacturing legislation.
How many jobs would you "attribute" to those Biden policies, Billy? Give us a number!
Check...... Record high personal debt, check.... Record high medical expenses.....check.... Shrinkflation at the grocery store running rampant.....check...
Fewest number of home buyers in the past 20 years because mortgages are out of reach... Check... Administration hypocritically touting good economy based on Wall Street numbers while at the same time complaining about CEO pay....check.....

In the meantime the people who are struggling are stupid. Check.

Keep telling them that it's working.... They really believe that you think they're stupid.
You've convinced them that that's how you feel as they can't pay their bills or buy food it's because they're stupid.
That's excellent.
All of those goddamn metrics were getting worse before Biden’s administration started. And again, the economy doesn’t haven’t to be doing perfectly to be doing well :banghead:
Gas is right around $3 gal and that’s pretty normal. It’s been there for months.

The new jobs report just came out

Another month with over 250,000 jobs created!
They prefer the economy to be doing poorly if democrats are in charge.
I provided a source that says inflation has mostly cooled as of this time. You failed to provide a source that counters it.
Bidens economy turned a good hard earned 20 dollar bill into the value of a 10 dollar bill or less. Fact...... I challenge you to go to any restaurant with your wife and kid's (if you have any), and then come back and tell us how you left there with 5 dollar's or more in change in your pocket, otherwise out of a twenty dollar bill that was pulled out for the bill... Lay a twenty on the counter of any auto part's store, and just be ready to bring out another one or even another one before you leave there, and do so with almost any part of significance for your ride. Go to your local garage in order to get your vehicle fixed, and quickly find out the horror story faced in that situation. People have cut back heavily when it comes to feeding their families, and it's all because they are attempting to balance it out somehow.

Biden waged war on energy, and that has had a terrible cost to the dollar in value of.

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