Don't Let The Establishment Win

The only reason they are supporting Cruz is because they want a brokered convention. When Trump doesn't get the nomination in the first round, they aren't going to select Cruz instead. They will select some establishment hack like Bush. You and Cruz are playing right into the hands of the establishment.
Probably true. Though I don't see why that would make me not support Cruz when I'd never support Trump

You're helping the people you claim to despise. That's why.

If you want to make your decisions based on who it helps or hurts, that's fine. I don't roll that way. I'm not on a side. I'm on my own side. I think Cruz is actually better than the other candidates, and he's willing to make waves. Perfect? Certainly not, particularly his military policy. But a Republican who'd actually better than the Democrats hasn't happened for a while

If you truly where on your own side you wouldn't want Hillary in the White House. By voting Cruz you are helping her to get there. Cruz will not be the nominee. All he can do is prevent Trump from being the nominee. If that happens, then Hillary will win. Some handpicked establishment Bush clone isn't going to beat Hillary.

I don't follow. If you're saying Trump is the nominee, why would it matter who I support for the nomination?

As for Hillary, while I despise her, I don't see her as a great threat. She's an institutional politician and she'd be so dogged by scandal and corruption she wouldn't get anything done. I see Trump v. Hillary as a W v Gore choice, Trump could get a whole lot more done. And since he says his priority is restricting free market capitalism, like W, he could actually accomplish a whole lot more damage.

If it's Trump versus Hillary, I'll vote third party. Hopefully Libertarian if they can stop attention whoring and nominating non-libertarians like they did the last two elections
Trump won't be the nominee if too many Republicans support Cruz. But one thing is certain: Cruz will never be the nominee. If we go to a brokered convention, then the establishment Republicans will choose some Bush clone to be the nominee. They will never pick Cruz.

As for Hillary, she will get to pick up to 3 SC justices, and that will throw the court to the left for at least a generation. That's hardly an outcome you would want.

The main thing Trump wants to get done is control the border, end Obamacare, cut taxes, and cut government agencies like the EPA and the DOE. I don't see how you can have a problem with that.
Of course it's confusing. There is no right or wrong with these people.
The Establishment is a conspiracy to bilk the public out of trillions of dollars. It's both Democrats and Republicans. They're playing us for fools. Eventually they will do what Greece did and just take the National Debt and erase it......taking trillions of our money that we paid into Social Security and say it doesn't exist anymore. When that happens, the money in your bank accounts won't be yours anymore. Then they'll install a Socialist government and tell you that you only can take out what they say you are allowed to take out. Your paychecks will go straight into a bank like it does in Europe, and they will just tell you what's left over after they take out what they want. You will be assimilated into the collective and you will be happy.....and controlled.
MOST Democrats are not filled with hatred towards our Senators and congress critters that represent us....

We KNOW that the Republicans through procedural moves in congress stopped the democratic's agenda and it was through no fault of their own...

Yes, we wished more could have been done, but with the "do Nothing Republicans" it was hard to accomplish.

Do we hate all of the big money going in these races....yes....but the ONLY reason it is there BIG TIME is because of the right wing Supreme Court and their Citizens United Case....

You ALL on the right supported this decision and BIG MONEY FLOWING in to the hands of your own politicians and this is why you applauded the decision by the SC on Citizens United...

and now all of a sudden you are AGAINST the big money in these PACS and the establishment, is quite a TURN AROUND and adds more to my confusion of what you on the right wing are all about...

I'm not certain, ANY OF YOU even know what you stand for or what you are against? You are putting every single R running for reelection, right back in there for another 6 years of less....?
You lost the House and Senate because of your policies........the people hated it..........and it caused the Blue Dogs to be destroyed......Your own party attacked them because they stalled your precious ACA.............

The people put these people in to block your agenda's and we are pissed that they didn't go further. We could have used the power of the purse to stop funding for the back door Dream Act.....and the ACA or at least some of the provisions of the same..........but they folded like cheap suits...............They promised to do these things and didn't back their promises we'll fire they asses as well............

The Fast Track deals on the deal with Iran......were a joke.........that deal was a joke.............and it will end if your side loses.......

Obama and the Hildabeast were gun running out of Libya..........with the guns ending up in ISIS hands.......hardly a peep from people like you...............

The TEA Party has been targeting RINO's........and have bagged a few.................wish we could have bagged more.......they appease your side of the isle...........with policies we disagree with.

Reid changed the rules to get things he created a GRAVEYARD of dead bills sent to him by Congress........

Obstruction........your side has no leg to stand on it with your usual talking points.
You have put up ZERO candidates to run against this establishment that you supposedly hate in their primaries...

sounds like you are all talk and no action, just like your congress was....

'Against the establishment' is clearly and simply, just a 'catch phrase' and nothing more...
No.....Hope & Change is a catch phrase.

The Establishment is a reality.
just like 'Make America Great Again' is simply a Hope and Change, catch phrase...

Are you saying Obama is a con artist?
... a person with a closed mind ...
Riiiiggghhhhhtttt, anyone not persuaded by your overwhelmingly logical rhetoric has a "closed mind." It's not possible someone just disagrees with you. You're the sultan of persuasion, not possible for an open mind to resist you.

Get over yourself
And you resort to insults because you refuse to look into any of the evidence I provided for you

I insulted you because you insulted me, moron. My "insult" was in fact a direct response to your insult. If that's a standard for you, follow it yourself first. If not, don't whine when you get it back.

As for your links, I told you I support him for his policies. Who supports him isn't going to change my mind. So it has nothing to do with as you said I "refuse to look into any of the evidence" you provided me. What difference does your pegging him as establishment make when I said that isn't a factor in my vote?

I don't like many things he's said and done in the campaign, but I want someone who will stand up to the left unlike the string of Republican nominees. That's what I don't like about establishment candidates. I don't see him folding though, so if he doesn't do what I don't like about establishment candidates, why would I still hold that against him? And the establishment hate him, he's just the least bad of the three options to them.

Also, if the sleazy things he's done like the Carson thing actually bothered you, no way you'd support Trump. Yet you do. At least I'm honest about what I care about and what I don't
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Both Democrat and Republican Establishment representatives are going all out in the media to destroy the only real threat left to Hillary, and it appears that finally, it seems to be making a dent in his support.

Don't let them get away with it.

Some think that Ted Cruz is not with the establishment, but if he isn't, why are they endorsing his candidacy? Why are they throwing all of their negative ad money into Wisconsin in hopes of peeling enough votes away to keep Trump from getting to the magic number he needs to win the nomination.

If you're voting for anyone else, you're voting for the establishment and you're voting for Hillary in the White House.

It's amazing if you look back at it. The campaign started off with Megyn Kelly accusing Trump of being mean to women, and she used an exchange as an example he had with a very deserving asshole, Rosie O'Donnell who was calling beauty pageant contestants Crack Whores on The View. Trump was simply defending them from vicious attacks by a Lesbian talkshow host. This entire campaign has been one exaggeration after another, culminating with trumped up assault charges being brought over a female journalist and his campaign manager. The establishment runs the media and they use the media to tell us who we're supposed to vote for.

This last month alone these establishment scum released nude pictures of Trumps wife in a Ted Cruz ad. George Soros paid for violent protesters to break up Trump events in hopes of making Trump supporters look violent. Michelle Fields was able to find a prosecutor who was a Hillary supporter to bring charges against Corey L., Trump's manager.

Ben Shapiro lied about what happened claiming Trump's manager pulled Michelle Fields was dragged to the ground. When the videos showed he was lying, he called Trump a lying liar and that he was a steaming pile of garbage.

Ted Cruz, who bought the rights to the nude photos showboated in front of cameras calling Trump every name in the book, at one point calling him a sniveling coward.

Cruz was accused of sleeping with at least 5 women, to which he denied, but then continued to tell everyone that Trump was afraid to debate him. Total fabrication. Ted says he wants to carpet bomb ISIS and spy on Muslim neighborhoods.....yet everyone is questioning if Trump has the proper acuity that is required to hold the Oval Office, not Ted Cruz. I'm barely mentioning all of the violence that the left brought to Trump events. Notice how that has slowed down if not completely stopped. Not enough money to pay the professional agitators I guess.

Instead of using the debate format, CNN is drawing in viewers by holding Town Halls, which is Trump's forte. You listen to them try to trip Trump up and he seems to be a calm thoughtful guy, but listening to Cruz and Kasich, they sound angry. Kasich couldn't sit still while he was walking around stage telling everyone what a great governor he is. Ted Cruz couldn't resist bad-mouthing Trump. He claims Trump messed with his wife. Shit, Trump didn't paste his wife's nude pictures all over the Web. Yesterday Cruz said he wanted to run Trump over with his car. So, do you want some warmonger who wants to commit vehicular homicide in the White House? Who is really the nasty foul-mouthed asshole here if it's not Cruz?

So what we have is an establishment out in force to take away your right to a fair election. They hope they can tarnish Trump enough that you won't mind if they steal the nomination away from him in the convention. I for one will abandon the Republican party if they get away with it. I won't vote. And this, rest assured will bring about what Democrats have been wanting for the last 20 years, the total destruction of the GOP and thus not even the facade of an opposition party. Then say goodbye to your freedom of speech, your guns, your right to practice your religion without being attacked.

hate, hate, hate, hate

Trump is the worst candidate in my lifetime to seek the nomination.

But his supporters are so warped with hatred towards the establishment, they will back Trump, no matter how embarrassing or stupid he is.

Hillary will be elected because of Trump.

The only question now is if Trump has damaged the Republican brand so much that they lose the House.

And his clueless supporters will bitch and complain about Hillary and liberals for the next 8 years.

View attachment 69776
Actually, most of the horrid things about Trump is a focused negative campaign by the media and the Republican Party. They have only themselves to blame. If the Republican Party wasn't so dishonest they wouldn't look like the pack of conniving liars they're turning out to be.
I suppose I truly don't understand this hatred for the "establishment" thingy....

I mean you and most all others from the right wing do have this supposed hatred thing going towards the supposed establishment in your words, but every single congress critter and Senator in office that is running for reelection this cycle is running UNOPPOSED in their primary?

You didn't have a republican president the past 8 years, but did have your "Do Nothing" Congress, so I suppose they are the establishment, yet you will pull that lever in November, even Trump supporters who are supposedly so against ''the establishment'' will pull that lever for the R's on the Ticket, the same R's that ARE the establishment, that you all supposedly hate????

What's up with that....? This is confusing....
$20T, collapsed IRA/401K. SSI bust, corruption, big govt waste, and more
Trump won't be the nominee if too many Republicans support Cruz. But one thing is certain: Cruz will never be the nominee. If we go to a brokered convention, then the establishment Republicans will choose some Bush clone to be the nominee. They will never pick Cruz

I don't agree that will happen, I think Cruz will be the nominee. I agree what you say is what the establishment wants, but with Trump and Cruz winning 56 of the 57 States, it's got to be one of them or they are just throwing the election. Trump supporters will in the end largely support Cruz, but if the party picks someone else, they'll lose so many Trump and Cruz supporters they'll get crushed and they know that. If it's not Trump, it has to be Cruz. And as other candidates drop out, they are proving Trump is no one's second choice, his numbers don't change. Cruz and Kasich's numbers change

As for Hillary, she will get to pick up to 3 SC justices, and that will throw the court to the left for at least a generation. That's hardly an outcome you would want

That horse is already out of the barn

The main thing Trump wants to get done is control the border, end Obamacare, cut taxes, and cut government agencies like the EPA and the DOE. I don't see how you can have a problem with that.

Free trade is at the heart of free markets, it's the most important issue. Even Democrats as extreme as Obama don't close our economic borders once they become President, there's a reason. Unfortunately in your argument, if I believe he's serious about the things you listed, I have to believe he's serious about his being an anti free market capitalist as well
Free Trade,.......................pfft............

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)



Put 6 MILLION jobs I supposed to clap...............

1) Those trends were not created by NAFTA, they were already happening.

2) Our economy's not driven on low margin jobs

3) Lower costs benefit our businesses competing with foreign competition

4) Lower prices benefit consumers

5) Economics contradicts that our economy is harmed by free trade, it's a clear benefit even when it's not "fair."

6) I sure as hell don't trust politicians to decide what's "fair," for some reason, "fair" always benefits ... them ...
Free Trade,.......................pfft............

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)



Put 6 MILLION jobs I supposed to clap...............

1) Those trends were not created by NAFTA, they were already happening.

2) Our economy's not driven on low margin jobs

3) Lower costs benefit our businesses competing with foreign competition

4) Lower prices benefit consumers

5) Economics contradicts that our economy is harmed by free trade, it's a clear benefit even when it's not "fair."

6) I sure as hell don't trust politicians to decide what's "fair," for some reason, "fair" always benefits ... them ...
aka............the American workers are fucked so I'm gonna hit the gas peddle and fuck them faster...........

Thanks for playing...............


Me and you have went round and round on this issue........Hell will Freeze over before I agree with you.............You can't make me think that the Millions of jobs gone are good for me.....

You eat that damned Spinach..............I don't like Spinach.
Free Trade,.......................pfft............

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)



Put 6 MILLION jobs I supposed to clap...............

1) Those trends were not created by NAFTA, they were already happening.

2) Our economy's not driven on low margin jobs

3) Lower costs benefit our businesses competing with foreign competition

4) Lower prices benefit consumers

5) Economics contradicts that our economy is harmed by free trade, it's a clear benefit even when it's not "fair."

6) I sure as hell don't trust politicians to decide what's "fair," for some reason, "fair" always benefits ... them ...
aka............the American workers are fucked so I'm gonna hit the gas peddle and fuck them faster...........

Thanks for playing...............


Me and you have went round and round on this issue........Hell will Freeze over before I agree with you.............You can't make me think that the Millions of jobs gone are good for me.....

You eat that damned Spinach..............I don't like Spinach.

And you know the field of economics is wrong and politicians are right how exactly?

Keeping blacksmiths wouldn't have been good for the economy
Free Trade,.......................pfft............

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)



Put 6 MILLION jobs I supposed to clap...............

1) Those trends were not created by NAFTA, they were already happening.

2) Our economy's not driven on low margin jobs

3) Lower costs benefit our businesses competing with foreign competition

4) Lower prices benefit consumers

5) Economics contradicts that our economy is harmed by free trade, it's a clear benefit even when it's not "fair."

6) I sure as hell don't trust politicians to decide what's "fair," for some reason, "fair" always benefits ... them ...
aka............the American workers are fucked so I'm gonna hit the gas peddle and fuck them faster...........

Thanks for playing...............


Me and you have went round and round on this issue........Hell will Freeze over before I agree with you.............You can't make me think that the Millions of jobs gone are good for me.....

You eat that damned Spinach..............I don't like Spinach.

And you know the field of economics is wrong and politicians are right how exactly?

Keeping blacksmiths wouldn't have been good for the economy
How about you go tell that in person to a blacksmith who lost his job....................I'm sure he'll give you a hug...................

Try it.................I'll never forget your quote on how we don't need blue collar workers anyway......ever since and you have went round and round.
I think it's adorable that the RWNJs have co-opted the language the hippies were using 40 years ago and imagine they've invented it themselves...
Last edited:

Both Democrat and Republican Establishment representatives are going all out in the media to destroy the only real threat left to Hillary, and it appears that finally, it seems to be making a dent in his support.

Don't let them get away with it.

Some think that Ted Cruz is not with the establishment, but if he isn't, why are they endorsing his candidacy? Why are they throwing all of their negative ad money into Wisconsin in hopes of peeling enough votes away to keep Trump from getting to the magic number he needs to win the nomination.

If you're voting for anyone else, you're voting for the establishment and you're voting for Hillary in the White House.

It's amazing if you look back at it. The campaign started off with Megyn Kelly accusing Trump of being mean to women, and she used an exchange as an example he had with a very deserving asshole, Rosie O'Donnell who was calling beauty pageant contestants Crack Whores on The View. Trump was simply defending them from vicious attacks by a Lesbian talkshow host. This entire campaign has been one exaggeration after another, culminating with trumped up assault charges being brought over a female journalist and his campaign manager. The establishment runs the media and they use the media to tell us who we're supposed to vote for.

This last month alone these establishment scum released nude pictures of Trumps wife in a Ted Cruz ad. George Soros paid for violent protesters to break up Trump events in hopes of making Trump supporters look violent. Michelle Fields was able to find a prosecutor who was a Hillary supporter to bring charges against Corey L., Trump's manager.

Ben Shapiro lied about what happened claiming Trump's manager pulled Michelle Fields was dragged to the ground. When the videos showed he was lying, he called Trump a lying liar and that he was a steaming pile of garbage.

Ted Cruz, who bought the rights to the nude photos showboated in front of cameras calling Trump every name in the book, at one point calling him a sniveling coward.

Cruz was accused of sleeping with at least 5 women, to which he denied, but then continued to tell everyone that Trump was afraid to debate him. Total fabrication. Ted says he wants to carpet bomb ISIS and spy on Muslim neighborhoods.....yet everyone is questioning if Trump has the proper acuity that is required to hold the Oval Office, not Ted Cruz. I'm barely mentioning all of the violence that the left brought to Trump events. Notice how that has slowed down if not completely stopped. Not enough money to pay the professional agitators I guess.

Instead of using the debate format, CNN is drawing in viewers by holding Town Halls, which is Trump's forte. You listen to them try to trip Trump up and he seems to be a calm thoughtful guy, but listening to Cruz and Kasich, they sound angry. Kasich couldn't sit still while he was walking around stage telling everyone what a great governor he is. Ted Cruz couldn't resist bad-mouthing Trump. He claims Trump messed with his wife. Shit, Trump didn't paste his wife's nude pictures all over the Web. Yesterday Cruz said he wanted to run Trump over with his car. So, do you want some warmonger who wants to commit vehicular homicide in the White House? Who is really the nasty foul-mouthed asshole here if it's not Cruz?

So what we have is an establishment out in force to take away your right to a fair election. They hope they can tarnish Trump enough that you won't mind if they steal the nomination away from him in the convention. I for one will abandon the Republican party if they get away with it. I won't vote. And this, rest assured will bring about what Democrats have been wanting for the last 20 years, the total destruction of the GOP and thus not even the facade of an opposition party. Then say goodbye to your freedom of speech, your guns, your right to practice your religion without being attacked.

hate, hate, hate, hate

Trump is the worst candidate in my lifetime to seek the nomination.

But his supporters are so warped with hatred towards the establishment, they will back Trump, no matter how embarrassing or stupid he is.

Hillary will be elected because of Trump.

The only question now is if Trump has damaged the Republican brand so much that they lose the House.

And his clueless supporters will bitch and complain about Hillary and liberals for the next 8 years.

View attachment 69776
Actually, most of the horrid things about Trump is a focused negative campaign by the media and the Republican Party. They have only themselves to blame. If the Republican Party wasn't so dishonest they wouldn't look like the pack of conniving liars they're turning out to be.
I suppose I truly don't understand this hatred for the "establishment" thingy....

I mean you and most all others from the right wing do have this supposed hatred thing going towards the supposed establishment in your words, but every single congress critter and Senator in office that is running for reelection this cycle is running UNOPPOSED in their primary?

You didn't have a republican president the past 8 years, but did have your "Do Nothing" Congress, so I suppose they are the establishment, yet you will pull that lever in November, even Trump supporters who are supposedly so against ''the establishment'' will pull that lever for the R's on the Ticket, the same R's that ARE the establishment, that you all supposedly hate????

What's up with that....? This is confusing....
$20T, collapsed IRA/401K. SSI bust, corruption, big govt waste, and more
I hear what you're sayin', but when you don't primary the very establishment candidates that brought you all of this, it just seems like it is mostly hot air....about the establishment.
Last edited:
Free Trade,.......................pfft............

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)



Put 6 MILLION jobs I supposed to clap...............

1) Those trends were not created by NAFTA, they were already happening.

2) Our economy's not driven on low margin jobs

3) Lower costs benefit our businesses competing with foreign competition

4) Lower prices benefit consumers

5) Economics contradicts that our economy is harmed by free trade, it's a clear benefit even when it's not "fair."

6) I sure as hell don't trust politicians to decide what's "fair," for some reason, "fair" always benefits ... them ...
aka............the American workers are fucked so I'm gonna hit the gas peddle and fuck them faster...........

Thanks for playing...............


Me and you have went round and round on this issue........Hell will Freeze over before I agree with you.............You can't make me think that the Millions of jobs gone are good for me.....

You eat that damned Spinach..............I don't like Spinach.

And you know the field of economics is wrong and politicians are right how exactly?

Keeping blacksmiths wouldn't have been good for the economy
How about you go tell that in person to a blacksmith who lost his job....................I'm sure he'll give you a hug...................

Ah, so you want to hold hands and jump off a cliff. No one is stopping a blacksmith from being a blacksmith. There just isn't a market for it. Your argument with NAFTA is that to help blacksmiths, government should step in and keep them in business and force everyone else to pay for that, which is ridiculous

Try it.................I'll never forget your quote on how we don't need blue collar workers anyway......ever since and you have went round and round.

Strawman, I never said that. Amazing the one thing you remember is wrong
Free Trade,.......................pfft............

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)



Put 6 MILLION jobs I supposed to clap...............

1) Those trends were not created by NAFTA, they were already happening.

2) Our economy's not driven on low margin jobs

3) Lower costs benefit our businesses competing with foreign competition

4) Lower prices benefit consumers

5) Economics contradicts that our economy is harmed by free trade, it's a clear benefit even when it's not "fair."

6) I sure as hell don't trust politicians to decide what's "fair," for some reason, "fair" always benefits ... them ...
aka............the American workers are fucked so I'm gonna hit the gas peddle and fuck them faster...........

Thanks for playing...............


Me and you have went round and round on this issue........Hell will Freeze over before I agree with you.............You can't make me think that the Millions of jobs gone are good for me.....

You eat that damned Spinach..............I don't like Spinach.

And you know the field of economics is wrong and politicians are right how exactly?

Keeping blacksmiths wouldn't have been good for the economy
How about you go tell that in person to a blacksmith who lost his job....................I'm sure he'll give you a hug...................

Ah, so you want to hold hands and jump off a cliff. No one is stopping a blacksmith from being a blacksmith. There just isn't a market for it. Your argument with NAFTA is that to help blacksmiths, government should step in and keep them in business and force everyone else to pay for that, which is ridiculous

Try it.................I'll never forget your quote on how we don't need blue collar workers anyway......ever since and you have went round and round.

Strawman, I never said that. Amazing the one thing you remember is wrong
Lose industry and you lose your country................and destroy the middle class...........but as long as your foreign investments get you greenbacks you don't give a shit about the Millions of Americans who are losing everything in the process.................

You sorry.......You are FUCKED ANYWAY DEAL WITH IT..................No dice..........

Take that Econ book and shove it..........

Tariffs and one on one Trade deals worked for over 200 years until someone said it was broken..........

If it is PROTECTIONISM then so be it......................I don't like seeing so many losing their dang not so just discard them like they were garbage.

And My memory is clear on what you said.............

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