Don't Let The Establishment Win

I'll vote for Bernie first.

First - thank you for the post, I for one always appreciate it when someone takes the time and effort to write out a quality post - whether I agree or not.

That said...I agree, I would vote for Bernie before Hillary. At least with Bernie we have a chance at being represented.
And there would be little to no worry about his desire for outrageous socialist programs, they wouldn't pass either party on the floor.
And a vote for Hillary is a vote for corporatism.
The rhetoric from the Right, is clear on this one issue: They are opposed to democracy. Thus they do not in principle support COTUS. While the word democracy is not to be found in COTUS, it is clear from the language in COTUS that we live in a democratic republic, one where our representatives (should) makes decisions which benefit all Americans. Today, the establishment candidate can be best be described as one who supports the two (infamous, IMO) CU decisions - both 5-4 - which has put in jeopardy democracy in America.
The only Coitus is the way Democrat and Republican voters are being fucked out their choice in candidates.
The only threat to Hillary is the only candidate losing to him?

Trump has yuuge negatives with women. Over 70%. Romney did well with him despite the war on women meme. There is no way trump beats him there. And if he can't beat Romney with women how is he going to win the election against a woman.

And that's not even factoring those of us men who wont vote for him because of how he treats women

actually, yes. the threat to Hillary would be if the GOP wee smart enough to run Kasich. but they aren't so it's all good.

It is a long time in politics from now until the conventions, but if the tell tale signs are correct, we will see internecine break out in force at the Republican Convention, if they nominate Trump or if they do not nominate Trump. Kasich is the smart choice, as was Huntsman in 2012, but when have the R's made a smart choice? McCain and Palin? Romney, GWBush?

The real question mark is this, can the Republican Party survive?

Once the D's were characterized as the party of cats which could not be herded. Today the Republican Party has fractured into regional and ideological pieces whose single common interest is to thwart HRC of her parties nomination and election to the office of POTUS. Is that enough to win the popular vote?

Not when 70% of women oppose Trump, minorities too, who also oppose Cruz and have a legitimate fear that another extreme conservative will replace Scalia. and continue nonsensical and ideological decisions on a 5-4 vote, which seem to benefit the power elite and leave the hoi polloi majority out in the cold.
The only threat to Hillary is the only candidate losing to him?

Trump has yuuge negatives with women. Over 70%. Romney did well with him despite the war on women meme. There is no way trump beats him there. And if he can't beat Romney with women how is he going to win the election against a woman.

And that's not even factoring those of us men who wont vote for him because of how he treats women

actually, yes. the threat to Hillary would be if the GOP wee smart enough to run Kasich. but they aren't so it's all good.

It is a long time in politics from now until the conventions, but if the tell tale signs are correct, we will see internecine break out in force at the Republican Convention, if they nominate Trump or if they do not nominate Trump. Kasich is the smart choice, as was Huntsman in 2012, but when have the R's made a smart choice? McCain and Palin? Romney, GWBush?

The real question mark is this, can the Republican Party survive?

Once the D's were characterized as the party of cats which could not be herded. Today the Republican Party has fractured into regional and ideological pieces whose single common interest is to thwart HRC of her parties nomination and election to the office of POTUS. Is that enough to win the popular vote?

Not when 70% of women oppose Trump, minorities too, who also oppose Cruz and have a legitimate fear that another extreme conservative will replace Scalia. and continue nonsensical and ideological decisions on a 5-4 vote, which seem to benefit the power elite and leave the hoi polloi majority out in the cold.
Fear that another conservative will replace Scalia?

Which means the court remains the same?

The same court that granted same-sex marriage and gave us Obamacare?

This is what you fear?
Cruz MAY get my vote. Trump has no chance in hell of getting my vote. Walker may get a write in.

so if it comes down to the hildebeast and trump, you are voting for the hildebeast? wake up, a third party vote or a write in is effectively a vote for Hillary. Do you really want that bitch running our country?

Who or what made you into the misogynist you have become?

calling a bitch a bitch does not make one a misogynist. Refusing to call a bitch a bitch makes one an idiot.

Personally I love and respect women and would have no issue voting for a female president. But Hillary Clinton is the worst possible female candidate----------------find us a Margaret Thatcher or Golda Meir and she would have plenty of male votes.

Being opposed to Hillary has nothing to do with gender, being opposed to Obama has nothing to do with race.

Because she is a Democrat?

Because ''the republican establishment'' who you now supposedly hate, has been telling you this for decades?


no, because she is a liar, a criminal, and a terrible person who is only in it for her personal ego. she has never accomplished anything (except negligence the caused the deaths or 4 ameicans). She is an example of the worst that American politics can create.

again, it had nothing to do with gender or party, it has to do with who and what she is.

the establishment and the media have been covering for her for years, finally the American voters are waking up.
The only threat to Hillary is the only candidate losing to him?

Trump has yuuge negatives with women. Over 70%. Romney did well with him despite the war on women meme. There is no way trump beats him there. And if he can't beat Romney with women how is he going to win the election against a woman.

And that's not even factoring those of us men who wont vote for him because of how he treats women

actually, yes. the threat to Hillary would be if the GOP wee smart enough to run Kasich. but they aren't so it's all good.

your heroine has violated national security laws, she should be in jail. Patreaus was convicted of much less.

tell me, why do you think Hilary Clinton is above the law?
The only threat to Hillary is the only candidate losing to him?

Trump has yuuge negatives with women. Over 70%. Romney did well with him despite the war on women meme. There is no way trump beats him there. And if he can't beat Romney with women how is he going to win the election against a woman.

And that's not even factoring those of us men who wont vote for him because of how he treats women

actually, yes. the threat to Hillary would be if the GOP wee smart enough to run Kasich. but they aren't so it's all good.

It is a long time in politics from now until the conventions, but if the tell tale signs are correct, we will see internecine break out in force at the Republican Convention, if they nominate Trump or if they do not nominate Trump. Kasich is the smart choice, as was Huntsman in 2012, but when have the R's made a smart choice? McCain and Palin? Romney, GWBush?

The real question mark is this, can the Republican Party survive?

Once the D's were characterized as the party of cats which could not be herded. Today the Republican Party has fractured into regional and ideological pieces whose single common interest is to thwart HRC of her parties nomination and election to the office of POTUS. Is that enough to win the popular vote?

Not when 70% of women oppose Trump, minorities too, who also oppose Cruz and have a legitimate fear that another extreme conservative will replace Scalia. and continue nonsensical and ideological decisions on a 5-4 vote, which seem to benefit the power elite and leave the hoi polloi majority out in the cold.

Kasich is Romney and McCain with a bad haircut. He offers nothing but more of the same.
Cruz MAY get my vote. Trump has no chance in hell of getting my vote. Walker may get a write in.

so if it comes down to the hildebeast and trump, you are voting for the hildebeast? wake up, a third party vote or a write in is effectively a vote for Hillary. Do you really want that bitch running our country?

Who or what made you into the misogynist you have become?

calling a bitch a bitch does not make one a misogynist. Refusing to call a bitch a bitch makes one an idiot.

Personally I love and respect women and would have no issue voting for a female president. But Hillary Clinton is the worst possible female candidate----------------find us a Margaret Thatcher or Golda Meir and she would have plenty of male votes.

Being opposed to Hillary has nothing to do with gender, being opposed to Obama has nothing to do with race.

He embodies why you guys can't win nationwide.

It's hilarious to watch the surgical precision with which he undercuts the very argument he is attempting to make.
Cruz MAY get my vote. Trump has no chance in hell of getting my vote. Walker may get a write in.

so if it comes down to the hildebeast and trump, you are voting for the hildebeast? wake up, a third party vote or a write in is effectively a vote for Hillary. Do you really want that bitch running our country?

Who or what made you into the misogynist you have become?

calling a bitch a bitch does not make one a misogynist. Refusing to call a bitch a bitch makes one an idiot.

Personally I love and respect women and would have no issue voting for a female president. But Hillary Clinton is the worst possible female candidate----------------find us a Margaret Thatcher or Golda Meir and she would have plenty of male votes.

Being opposed to Hillary has nothing to do with gender, being opposed to Obama has nothing to do with race.

Because she is a Democrat?

Because ''the republican establishment'' who you now supposedly hate, has been telling you this for decades?


no, because she is a liar, a criminal, and a terrible person who is only in it for her personal ego. she has never accomplished anything (except negligence the caused the deaths or 4 ameicans). She is an example of the worst that American politics can create.

again, it had nothing to do with gender or party, it has to do with who and what she is.

the establishment and the media have been covering for her for years, finally the American voters are waking up.
She's not a criminal, and it is YOU who is the liar, calling her a can't even name what she did that was Criminal in her 8 years as a Senator and 4 years as secretary of State, without lying.

It is just Easy Peasy for you to just regurgitate, "She's a Criminal" with absolutely NO JUSTIFICATION OR PROOF, just the right wing establishment told you so and your right wing media propagandists told you so....
Cruz MAY get my vote. Trump has no chance in hell of getting my vote. Walker may get a write in.

so if it comes down to the hildebeast and trump, you are voting for the hildebeast? wake up, a third party vote or a write in is effectively a vote for Hillary. Do you really want that bitch running our country?

No difference imo. Slightly different public persona but ultimately the same animal.

with all due respect-------------you're crazy !!!

They're both scum imo

I respect what Trump has built with his money but running the United States is not the same as building a new commercial building.

He has been linning the pockets of politicians for decades to get his way. Now you want to give him what he previously bribed people for.

Let's look more closely at this.

Say you want to build a golf course somewhere. The EPA pays you a visit saying they found an endangered slug living on your land that has to be protected. Or Al Sharpton shows up claiming your a racist and he's going you to the press if you don't give him $500,000.00.

Did you pay political candidates the donation/protection money they asked you for, in a nice way during their campaigns, or were you a cheap bastard? If you were a cheap bastard that's why Al Sharpton and the EPA are beating down your door.
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The only threat to Hillary is the only candidate losing to him?

Trump has yuuge negatives with women. Over 70%. Romney did well with him despite the war on women meme. There is no way trump beats him there. And if he can't beat Romney with women how is he going to win the election against a woman.

And that's not even factoring those of us men who wont vote for him because of how he treats women

actually, yes. the threat to Hillary would be if the GOP wee smart enough to run Kasich. but they aren't so it's all good.

It is a long time in politics from now until the conventions, but if the tell tale signs are correct, we will see internecine break out in force at the Republican Convention, if they nominate Trump or if they do not nominate Trump. Kasich is the smart choice, as was Huntsman in 2012, but when have the R's made a smart choice? McCain and Palin? Romney, GWBush?

The real question mark is this, can the Republican Party survive?

Once the D's were characterized as the party of cats which could not be herded. Today the Republican Party has fractured into regional and ideological pieces whose single common interest is to thwart HRC of her parties nomination and election to the office of POTUS. Is that enough to win the popular vote?

Not when 70% of women oppose Trump, minorities too, who also oppose Cruz and have a legitimate fear that another extreme conservative will replace Scalia. and continue nonsensical and ideological decisions on a 5-4 vote, which seem to benefit the power elite and leave the hoi polloi majority out in the cold.

Kasich is Romney and McCain with a bad haircut. He offers nothing but more of the same.

Romney who insulted everyone who wasn't rich? opposed pay equality for women? supported personhood laws? and insulted minorities? that Romney? let's pretend he ran his campaign as a "moderate"... oh wait... he didn't. he adopted the whole rightwingnut package and couldn't move center;

McCain? you mean McCain who brought sarah into the race and embarrassed himself? McCain who forgot every moderate value he had when he ran in 2000? that McCain?

okie dokie cookie.
so if it comes down to the hildebeast and trump, you are voting for the hildebeast? wake up, a third party vote or a write in is effectively a vote for Hillary. Do you really want that bitch running our country?

Who or what made you into the misogynist you have become?

calling a bitch a bitch does not make one a misogynist. Refusing to call a bitch a bitch makes one an idiot.

Personally I love and respect women and would have no issue voting for a female president. But Hillary Clinton is the worst possible female candidate----------------find us a Margaret Thatcher or Golda Meir and she would have plenty of male votes.

Being opposed to Hillary has nothing to do with gender, being opposed to Obama has nothing to do with race.

Because she is a Democrat?

Because ''the republican establishment'' who you now supposedly hate, has been telling you this for decades?


no, because she is a liar, a criminal, and a terrible person who is only in it for her personal ego. she has never accomplished anything (except negligence the caused the deaths or 4 ameicans). She is an example of the worst that American politics can create.

again, it had nothing to do with gender or party, it has to do with who and what she is.

the establishment and the media have been covering for her for years, finally the American voters are waking up.
She's not a criminal, and it is YOU who is the liar, calling her a can't even name what she did that was Criminal in her 8 years as a Senator and 4 years as secretary of State, without lying.

It is just Easy Peasy for you to just regurgitate, "She's a Criminal" with absolutely NO JUSTIFICATION OR PROOF, just the right wing establishment told you so and your right wing media propagandists told you so....

failure to properly handle and protect classified data

using her foundation to launder foreign money in exchange for favors

but you are probably right, the Clintons are above the laws that apply to you and me.
The only threat to Hillary is the only candidate losing to him?

Trump has yuuge negatives with women. Over 70%. Romney did well with him despite the war on women meme. There is no way trump beats him there. And if he can't beat Romney with women how is he going to win the election against a woman.

And that's not even factoring those of us men who wont vote for him because of how he treats women

actually, yes. the threat to Hillary would be if the GOP wee smart enough to run Kasich. but they aren't so it's all good.

It is a long time in politics from now until the conventions, but if the tell tale signs are correct, we will see internecine break out in force at the Republican Convention, if they nominate Trump or if they do not nominate Trump. Kasich is the smart choice, as was Huntsman in 2012, but when have the R's made a smart choice? McCain and Palin? Romney, GWBush?

The real question mark is this, can the Republican Party survive?

Once the D's were characterized as the party of cats which could not be herded. Today the Republican Party has fractured into regional and ideological pieces whose single common interest is to thwart HRC of her parties nomination and election to the office of POTUS. Is that enough to win the popular vote?

Not when 70% of women oppose Trump, minorities too, who also oppose Cruz and have a legitimate fear that another extreme conservative will replace Scalia. and continue nonsensical and ideological decisions on a 5-4 vote, which seem to benefit the power elite and leave the hoi polloi majority out in the cold.

Kasich is Romney and McCain with a bad haircut. He offers nothing but more of the same.

Romney who insulted everyone who wasn't rich? opposed pay equality for women? supported personhood laws? and insulted minorities? that Romney? let's pretend he ran his campaign as a "moderate"... oh wait... he didn't. he adopted the whole rightwingnut package and couldn't move center;

McCain? you mean McCain who brought sarah into the race and embarrassed himself? McCain who forgot every moderate value he had when he ran in 2000? that McCain?

okie dokie cookie.

Romney ran a stupid campaign, McCain/Palin was a bad ticket. Kasich would be another GOP failure, I am quite sure that's why you support him.
the threat to Hillary would be if the GOP wee smart enough to run Kasich.

Why would Kasich be a threat to Hillary?

Americans like winning by a few touchdowns. Slow and steady progress out of the Great Recession is not going to win a lot of undecideds. With JK, the election becomes one based on issues. Hillary has an edge there but not as large an edge as she has on the other candidates based on their negatives.

Electoral College speaking....he takes Ohio and maybe Michigan. That doesn't hurt.
so if it comes down to the hildebeast and trump, you are voting for the hildebeast? wake up, a third party vote or a write in is effectively a vote for Hillary. Do you really want that bitch running our country?

Who or what made you into the misogynist you have become?

calling a bitch a bitch does not make one a misogynist. Refusing to call a bitch a bitch makes one an idiot.

Personally I love and respect women and would have no issue voting for a female president. But Hillary Clinton is the worst possible female candidate----------------find us a Margaret Thatcher or Golda Meir and she would have plenty of male votes.

Being opposed to Hillary has nothing to do with gender, being opposed to Obama has nothing to do with race.

Because she is a Democrat?

Because ''the republican establishment'' who you now supposedly hate, has been telling you this for decades?


no, because she is a liar, a criminal, and a terrible person who is only in it for her personal ego. she has never accomplished anything (except negligence the caused the deaths or 4 ameicans). She is an example of the worst that American politics can create.

again, it had nothing to do with gender or party, it has to do with who and what she is.

the establishment and the media have been covering for her for years, finally the American voters are waking up.
She's not a criminal, and it is YOU who is the liar, calling her a can't even name what she did that was Criminal in her 8 years as a Senator and 4 years as secretary of State, without lying.

It is just Easy Peasy for you to just regurgitate, "She's a Criminal" with absolutely NO JUSTIFICATION OR PROOF, just the right wing establishment told you so and your right wing media propagandists told you so....
I can......without lying.......

How bout Obstruction of Justice
Perjury under oath before Congress
Bribing a president by offering him a Supreme Court position....jokingly of course
Stealing 6 billion in state department funds
Mishandling Top Secret Information
Attempted destruction of state department property
Criminal negligence
Selling political influence while Secretary of State
Taking bribes

Hillary is also guilty of espionage when she transmitted TS information over a non-secure server. They have the proof already. Hillary is literally running to keep out of jail.
Cruz MAY get my vote. Trump has no chance in hell of getting my vote. Walker may get a write in.

so if it comes down to the hildebeast and trump, you are voting for the hildebeast? wake up, a third party vote or a write in is effectively a vote for Hillary. Do you really want that bitch running our country?

No difference imo. Slightly different public persona but ultimately the same animal.

with all due respect-------------you're crazy !!!

They're both scum imo

I respect what Trump has built with his money but running the United States is not the same as building a new commercial building.

He has been linning the pockets of politicians for decades to get his way. Now you want to give him what he previously bribed people for.

Let's look more closely at this.

Say you want to build a golf course somewhere. The EPA pays you a visit saying they found an endangered slug living on your land that has to be protected. Or Al Sharpton shows up claiming your a racist and he's going you to press if you don't give him $500,000.00.

Did you pay political candidates the donation/protection money they asked you for, in a nice way during their campaigns, or were you a cheap bastard? If you were a cheap bastard that's why Al Sharpton and the EPA are beating down your door.

We will add this fantasy to your famous "Obama got hookers and beer for Christie" pablum
Who or what made you into the misogynist you have become?

calling a bitch a bitch does not make one a misogynist. Refusing to call a bitch a bitch makes one an idiot.

Personally I love and respect women and would have no issue voting for a female president. But Hillary Clinton is the worst possible female candidate----------------find us a Margaret Thatcher or Golda Meir and she would have plenty of male votes.

Being opposed to Hillary has nothing to do with gender, being opposed to Obama has nothing to do with race.

Because she is a Democrat?

Because ''the republican establishment'' who you now supposedly hate, has been telling you this for decades?


no, because she is a liar, a criminal, and a terrible person who is only in it for her personal ego. she has never accomplished anything (except negligence the caused the deaths or 4 ameicans). She is an example of the worst that American politics can create.

again, it had nothing to do with gender or party, it has to do with who and what she is.

the establishment and the media have been covering for her for years, finally the American voters are waking up.
She's not a criminal, and it is YOU who is the liar, calling her a can't even name what she did that was Criminal in her 8 years as a Senator and 4 years as secretary of State, without lying.

It is just Easy Peasy for you to just regurgitate, "She's a Criminal" with absolutely NO JUSTIFICATION OR PROOF, just the right wing establishment told you so and your right wing media propagandists told you so....
I can......without lying.......

How bout Obstruction of Justice
Perjury under oath before Congress
Bribing a president by offering him a Supreme Court position....jokingly of course
Stealing 6 billion in state department funds
Mishandling Top Secret Information
Attempted destruction of state department property
Criminal negligence
Selling political influence while Secretary of State
Taking bribes

Hillary is also guilty of espionage when she transmitted TS information over a non-secure server. They have the proof already. Hillary is literally running to keep out of jail.

Stealing $6 billion...

It may be time for your meds
the threat to Hillary would be if the GOP wee smart enough to run Kasich.

Why would Kasich be a threat to Hillary?

Americans like winning by a few touchdowns. Slow and steady progress out of the Great Recession is not going to win a lot of undecideds. With JK, the election becomes one based on issues. Hillary has an edge there but not as large an edge as she has on the other candidates based on their negatives.

Electoral College speaking....he takes Ohio and maybe Michigan. That doesn't hurt.

he also makes himself sound rational enough to take of lot of the "independent" voters who aren't thrilled with any of their choices. and he could take some of the more conservative dems who aren't as concerned about judicial picks as others might be.
Win or lose Trump has exposed the establishment and if the establishment wins and goes right back to business as usual Trump will spend the next 4 years saying I TOLD YOU SO.

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