Don’t let the rightwing fool you: the economy is doing well under Biden

The economy was roaring three years ago, so Democrats decided impeaching an innocent President was a good idea. Fuck you.
You mean like when Republicans fucked with Clinton over a blowjob? Do you know why he got a BJ in the oval office? Because he was always working. No time to go out and get one. That's how dedicated Clinton was. Trump golfed more than Obama after making fun of how much Obama golfed. You don't care about the facts.

Trump wasn't innocent. His own people turned him in for that inappropriate call. And I suppose you think that call to the Georgia Governor was cool too?

Trump was the most corrupt. It was like having Lex Luthor be president.
See you already know what’s positive about the economy because I told you. You’re simply playing dumb. Also, if I was cherry picking, wouldn’t that mean there are positive examples?

Billy, see post 158
You're right. Obama had 2.2% growth. Trump gave huge tax breaks to the rich and corporations. Drove up inflation and the debt. And what did it get him? 2.3% growth.

Yea, Trump was better than Obama.

OR, Obama didn't give away those tax breaks that no one needed and we can't afford. And all it cost him was .1% growth.

I say Obama's way was better.
The economy is AWESOME. Never mind the inflation, we just have to let that one go.

What we need to look at is how our GDP compares to that of other countries, that's the REAL test.

When Obama left office the USA performed 44th of 55 countries and groups of countries such as found in Europe.

When Trump left office we performed 20th off 55. Ponder that for a moment. While the left ignored COVID for a safe-space narrative to complain about the economy, we still performed better than twice Obama, despite COVID.

Currently we're performing about 44th off 55 again.
Trump had 2.3% growth in 2019. Obama had 2.2% growth. .1% difference.
Good god you people are willfully ignorant. There were 3 million fewer private jobs at the end of his term than when he started. Job growth is better under Biden as is the stock market. Good god I can’t stand how you people delude yourselves.

Delude ourselves? You can't name any policy of his responsible for any jobs or the stock market. In fact you can't name any policy of his that wasn't negative for the country period.

Millions of people sitting home getting paid by the government instead of working by Dementia, millions of jobs industry couldn't find workers for, and now that the communists plan expired, you're giving Dementia credit for people going back to work.

That's like the arsonist taking credit for putting out a house fire he started.
Trump had 2.3% growth in 2019. Obama had 2.2% growth. .1% difference.

That's out of context and really your point has no meaning.

Point is to compare how the USA performs against other countries, because it's relevant and they're the competition under current circumstances in a world economy.

When Obama left office we performed 44th of 55. When Trump left we performed 20th of 55, and in fact we were in good standing through Trump's tenure.

Today we perform approx. 44th of 55 again.

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Don’t you see the stupidity in expecting the economy to be perfect? It’s not like Trump’s economy was. It was fucking pretty far from perfect but of course you pretended otherwise because you people reason like children.

Great. When we have an economy with over a million more jobs available than Americans to do them, then compare Dementia to Trump.
You mean like when Republicans fucked with Clinton over a blowjob? Do you know why he got a BJ in the oval office? Because he was always working. No time to go out and get one. That's how dedicated Clinton was. Trump golfed more than Obama after making fun of how much Obama golfed. You don't care about the facts.

Trump wasn't innocent. His own people turned him in for that inappropriate call. And I suppose you think that call to the Georgia Governor was cool too?

Trump was the most corrupt. It was like having Lex Luthor be president.

Says the person that voted for a guy who's son is selling his paint by numbers art work for between 75K to 500K, all to anonymous buyers; who sent a federal agency WITH WARRANTS to find his daughters stolen diary which is a local matter and not a federal one.
I think it is amusing, but mostly sad that the far left is supporting an already miserably failed administration.

What they are desperate to celebrate is that "WE ARE BETTER THAN NOTHING"! Times are great.

What they want us to forget is the fact that China released a deadly virus on our country along with the rest of the world. One that apparently was enhanced by a lab in Wuhan China. They then lied to us and the rest of the world.

Subsequent to that, we and most of the world shut down their economy.

So the far-left wants us to swallow is that their failed policies are better than nothing.

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The economy is AWESOME. Never mind the inflation, we just have to let that one go.

What we need to look at is how our GDP compares to that of other countries, that's the REAL test.

When Obama left office the USA performed 44th of 55 countries and groups of countries such as found in Europe.

When Trump left office we performed 20th off 55. Ponder that for a moment. While the left ignored COVID for a safe-space narrative to complain about the economy, we still performed better than twice Obama, despite COVID.

Currently we're performing about 44th off 55 again.
When Trump left office, we had 3 million fewer private jobs than when we started.
When Trump left office, we had 3 million fewer private jobs than when we started.

Oh look, Billy's balls reversed dropped as he ignored content to jump on the jobs were lost because of Trump theme.

Show everyone what countries showed job growth in 2020 Billy. I'll play your little game since you've already admitted defeat.
Maybe the majority thought that 'agenda' sucks out loud and voted against it. Oh, that's right. That's exactly what happened.

There was no majority. The filthy Democrats stole the election with the scam unverified mail in and harvested ballots counted by lying Democrats in Democrat controlled swing districts.

Besides, if someone opposed Trump's agenda to make this country again and want it to be a Socialist shithole then they aren't real Americans. They are the scum of America.

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