Don’t let the rightwing fool you: the economy is doing well under Biden

Good god you people are willfully ignorant. There were 3 million fewer private jobs at the end of his term than when he started. Job growth is better under Biden as is the stock market. Good god I can’t stand how you people delude yourselves.

You can thank Potatohead's Chicom buddies for that. They are the ones that released the bio weapon to destroy Trump's great economy so that they could get rid of him put their man in the White House.

You know who Potatohead's Chicom buddies are don't you? They are the ones that make the Potatohead family filthy rich.
Good god you people are willfully ignorant. There were 3 million fewer private jobs at the end of his term than when he started. Job growth is better under Biden as is the stock market. Good god I can’t stand how you people delude yourselves.
The end of Trump's term?... we were working our way back from know that so why are you being so disingenuous?....
These Moon Bats think "things are going great" because Trump isn't working to make America great again. They can't stand that agenda.
Maybe the majority thought that 'agenda' sucks out loud and voted against it. Oh, that's right. That's exactly what happened.
What's positive about the economy??

Guess you missed the price of gas.

Guess you missed the price of beef.

Guess you missed inflation is rising.

The only thing you didn't miss was what you cherry picked about the economy.
What's positive about the economy??

Guess you missed the price of gas.

Guess you missed the price of beef.

Guess you missed inflation is rising.

The only thing you didn't miss was what you cherry picked about the economy.
See you already know what’s positive about the economy because I told you. You’re simply playing dumb. Also, if I was cherry picking, wouldn’t that mean there are positive examples?
So why do you still defend Biden? must be very lonely on that old fuckers side....36% approval Rasmussen.....lowest in history for a sitting president....
Maybe its time you wake up and change how and who you vote for....

You never stop lying, do ya, rambtard?

Rasmussen's low of 36% was for Trump, not Biden.
Oh I kicked you right in the nuts with that post. Still waiting, specifically which Biden policies and signed legislation give him credit for the jobs and GDP you are trying to steal credit for? There I sent another Dem winger to the thread exit butthurt.
Yea yea, you said the same thing about Obama. Then he got re elected. Name the specific policies yada yada.

No one gives a fuck why Clinton was great. He just was. Why is Biden great? He's not Trump.

And Trump wasn't better than Obama. Trump passed a HUGE tax break mostly for rich people and what did it get us? 2.3% growth in 2019. Pathetic considering the size of the tax breaks. Trump said that tax break was going to give us 3-6% growth. Whahappened? Oh yea, trade war with China, that he lost.
It was nearly perfect under Trump pre covid...short memory?......we had unemployment almost undetectable...

The unemployment rate was about one percentage point lower than what Obama handed him.
So the ploy is this, lockdown country, drop 15% of jobs due to lockdown, then unlock country and when people return to jobs the demofks created new jobs! Hahaha hahaha hahaha they think we be idiots
Now you realize how it works. Like when Trump was in charge. Before he was in charge, don't believe the unemployment numbers, get into office, unemployment drops .001%, take credit for record low unemployment numbers.
The economy is AWESOME. Never mind the inflation, we just have to let that one go.

What we need to look at is how our GDP compares to that of other countries, that's the REAL test.

When Obama left office the USA performed 44th of 55 countries and groups of countries such as found in Europe.

When Trump left office we performed 20th off 55. Ponder that for a moment. While the left ignored COVID for a safe-space narrative to complain about the economy, we still performed better than twice Obama, despite COVID.

Currently we're performing about 44th off 55 again.

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