Don’t let the rightwing fool you: the economy is doing well under Biden

That's out of context and really your point has no meaning.

Point is to compare how the USA performs against other countries, because it's relevant and they're the competition under current circumstances in a world economy.

When Obama left office we performed 44th of 55. When Trump left we performed 20th of 55, and in fact we were in good standing through Trump's tenure.

Today we perform approx. 44th of 55 again.

Cherry picking bullshit. Who cares how we are performing compared to Canada? If Canada is doing great and we are doing great, great. Perhaps they are doing better and that's why the gap is narrowing. Perhaps socialism made it so they didn't get hurt so bad during the pandemic. All I know is this is malarky.

And what happened post Trump to affect this? I'm not going to let you cherry pick some measurement that makes you sound good.
You poor thing, you're mentally deranged to think the BLS is "libtard internet."

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Nope, that can't be. Rambtard claims that's "libtard internet" fake news.

The internet is not free nor fair...its a libtard I take nothing as the truth on the libnet....
The internet is not free nor fair...its a libtard I take nothing as the truth on the libnet....
Dumbfuck, the BLS is not the internet. You're truly fucked in the head beyond all repair.
GDP is unimportant?

Billy was challenged to give an example of a country where jobs gained in 2020. As you can see he was unable to do that.

Billy has a spinal issue. He just feels better to ignore that COVID occurred.
I didn’t say it was unimportant. I said it was less important. Don’t you agree?! Arent jobs more important?!
So you admit are one of these stupid uneducated greedy Moon Bats that want this country to be a Socialist shithole?
Nope. But that's a default answer I've grown to expect from magaturds. Try being less predictable.
Sure does.
Democrats are the scum of America.
As are magaturds.
Those are the jackasses that opposed Trump agenda to make this country great again
Your list of everything 'not you' aside, you also forgot Independents who are opposed to the magaturd agenda as well. Please keep carrying on the madness. Assure yourselves a fragmenting minority into the far, far distant future while your defeats are snatched from the jaws of victory time and time again. Independents are going to keep doing this to the magaturds. Better grab some pine, meat.
so piss on them.
Not even if they were on fire.
I was going to ask for a link too to see where this fun fact is coming from. Talk about digging deep to find a narrative that shows Biden isn't doing a good job. Compared to other countries he's not doing good. I see. But compared to Trump, he's doing better.
Cherry picking bullshit. Who cares how we are performing compared to Canada? If Canada is doing great and we are doing great, great. Perhaps they are doing better and that's why the gap is narrowing. Perhaps socialism made it so they didn't get hurt so bad during the pandemic. All I know is this is malarky.

And what happened post Trump to affect this? I'm not going to let you cherry pick some measurement that makes you sound good.
Let us know when you are willing to discuss outside demofk talking points!
Wow! This has to be the most blinded apologist for the Sleepy joe and democrats I have ever seen from any OP trying to justify this massive inflation. I can't wait to comeback to this thread in 5 months to see gas higher than today, the grocery stores going empty of stock shortages, and massive number of people losing their houses because of higher taxing.
The economy isn’t perfect, so naturally republicans cherry pick the negative and pretend the positive isn’t occurring.

No one is going to pretend inflation isn’t important, but if you pretend it’s the only thing that matters, you sound dumb.

1)The Dow has increased 16.8% under Biden
The S&P has seen more records under Biden than Trump. 63.

2) The number of people working under Biden has grown by 5.8 million. Trump’s record on this same stretch of time was pitiful.

3) Wages have increased by 3.1% even though this increase has been slower than inflation. $31 per hour average

4) The unemployment rate has fallen to 4.6%

5) Checking accounts are 50% fatter than they were pre-pandemic. The bottom 50% of earners have 3 trillion more in wealth.

more bullshit, I can pull statements from Fidelity, while stocks are better that expected, ROI is still 1/4 of Trump numbers. Wages have not increased, handouts have also affecting the stats for number 4. People don't look for work when they get paid to sit at home. It is Bernie Madoff accounting except it is done with taxpayer funds by the shitty lie their ass off democrats they are slowly destroying the working class, and yes Shemp, inflation is a huge deal but Jimmy Carter is smiling as he watches Biden take his title away.
Actually it’s a title supported by facts so…
just a simple item...Go to Wal mart. Their brand of sliced bread.. 88 cents or so. Then go to the premium brand. 2 1/2 to 3 times higher. Publix bye one get one free will bring those prices down a bit. But their regular prices may be higher.
Wow! This has to be the most blinded apologist for the Sleepy joe and democrats I have ever seen from any OP trying to justify this massive inflation. I can't wait to comeback to this thread in 5 months to see gas higher than today, the grocery stores going empty of stock shortages, and massive number of people losing their houses because of higher taxing.
You’re such an idiot. I did not justify anything.
Difficult for even him with the TRILLIONS of dollars being spent by the government plus the trillions of worthless dollars being printed daily.
It seems to me that for some reason the Democratic Party is out to bankrupt our nation and in the end destroy it. I suspect they have dreams of a new nation that is Marist socialist.
So you’re going to pretend that isn’t worth noting?
So, you're going to pretend that the economy, in most of world, was NOT shut down by a deadly virus that originated in a Communist China lab in Wuhan China?

If you're going pretend that COVID-19 did not happen, I suppose we can pretend that President Biden is not mentally impaired.

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