Don’t let the rightwing fool you: the economy is doing well under Biden

U.S. Recovery Accelerates on Spending, Labor Market Growth

Personal spending rose 1.3% in October, while income increased 0.5%

“The U.S. economy showed broad-based signs of acceleration heading into the end of the year, with consumers ramping up spending, businesses stepping up investment and jobless claims falling to historic lows.

Household spending rose 1.3% in October from a month earlier, while personal income increased 0.5% last month, the Commerce Department said Wednesday. Consumers are benefiting from a strong labor market. And they are spending at a faster pace than inflation, which recently hit a three-decade high.

Jobless claims, a proxy for layoffs, fell to 199,000 last week, the lowest weekly level in 52 years, the Labor Department separately said. The sharp decline in unemployment claims suggests rising wages and bountiful job openings could continue to buttress consumer spending—the economy’s main engine—despite fading government stimulus and dwindling savings.”

That conservatives see this as ‘bad news’ is yet another example of how conservatives hate America.
Still goofy. You just have no self-control, do you?

Your figures are fine, they are comparing this year, where Red States are helping grow the economy by paying attention to the SCIENCE and not the politics, with a year where the government shut down our economy. What you're saying is "WE ARE THIS MUCH BETTER THAN NOTHING". I'm impressed!

What you deliberately ignore is that INFLATION renders all your efforts as a moot point. EVEN Democrats are beginning to wake up and see the destruction.

Poll: Majority Directly Blame Biden for Inflation Negatively Affecting Them


Most Americans say inflation is negatively affecting them and blame President Biden, a Yahoo News/YouGov poll released this week found.

Over-three quarters of Americans, 77 percent, said inflation is affecting their lives, and a majority across all party lines say the same. That includes 90 percent of Republicans, 79 percent of independents, and 69 percent of Democrats:


U.S. inflation is one of the highest in the world

Marco Quiroz-Gutierrez - 10h ago [11/25/2021]

With a 6.2% annual inflation rate in October, the U.S. is now seeing prices increase at the highest rate in more than 30 years.

According to a study by Pew Research Center, in the third quarter of 2021, the country had the eighth-highest annual inflation rate among 46 countries that were examined. The U.S. also had the third-highest increase in inflation, 3.58 percentage points, between the third quarter of 2019 and the same period this year. It trailed only Brazil and Turkey, both of which have less-developed economies that generally struggle with higher inflation rates more than the U.S.

Americans, especially the poor, have struggled with the effects of inflation as food prices have increased across the board in the run-up to Thanksgiving. Food prices globally are reaching their highest rates in decades, according to the United Nations Food and Agricultural Association. When it comes to other goods, such as semiconductor chips and natural gas, supply chain issues have also worsened the situation, sending prices higher as supply struggles to keep up with demand.

As prices continue to rise, inflation has become a political problem for President Biden. According to the polling company Gallup, 26% of Americans say an economic concern such as unemployment, inflation, or the economy, in general, is the country’s top problem. Seven percent specifically pointed to inflation as the nation’s most pressing issue.

Try facing facts. They are very sobering.
Too bad his followers aren't. Otherwise they'd come to terms they elected a guy with dementia who's every policy has been destructive for this country.

Please list all of President Biden's policies that have been bad for the country. If you fail to do so - I'll be placing you on permanent ignore. I'm tired of all the NaziCon lies.
Please list all of President Biden's policies that have been bad for the country. If you fail to do so - I'll be placing you on permanent ignore. I'm tired of all the NaziCon lies.

You'll put me on ignore anyway because truth to a liberal is like a cross to Dracula. Liberals are sore losers. Since all his policies were destructive, it would save us both a lot of time if you can point to one that didn't harm this country. Good luck with that because you're going to need it.
Please list all of President Biden's policies that have been bad for the country. If you fail to do so - I'll be placing you on permanent ignore. I'm tired of all the NaziCon lies.

As you know, it is an endless list Democrats are recognizing President Biden as a total failure. What else would anyone expect? In his 45 years in Washington, he has accomplished nothing. No signature legislation, nothing.

To top it all off, no one can deny that his mental acuity is gone. He's not unlike one of Jeff Dunham dummies.


For a list, just start with my signature and then read some legitimate news outlets.
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You'll put me on ignore anyway because truth to a liberal is like a cross to Dracula. Liberals are sore losers. Since all his policies were destructive, it would save us both a lot of time if you can point to one that didn't harm this country. Good luck with that because you're going to need it.

You lie. Bye...
Unemployment down

Hiring up

Stock market up

GDP up

You must be so sad
Record inflation. Still millions of jobs unfilled and people dropping out of the work force. By YOUR side’s standards the stock market means nothing. Record costs to heat your home this winter. Thousands of Americans trapped in Afghanistan. Xiden literally shits himself in public. And you cheer. That is sad.
Still goofy. You just have no self-control, do you?

Your figures are fine, they are comparing this year, where Red States are helping grow the economy by paying attention to the SCIENCE and not the politics, with a year where the government shut down our economy. What you're saying is "WE ARE THIS MUCH BETTER THAN NOTHING". I'm impressed!

What you deliberately ignore is that INFLATION renders all your efforts as a moot point. EVEN Democrats are beginning to wake up and see the destruction.

Poll: Majority Directly Blame Biden for Inflation Negatively Affecting Them


Most Americans say inflation is negatively affecting them and blame President Biden, a Yahoo News/YouGov poll released this week found.

Over-three quarters of Americans, 77 percent, said inflation is affecting their lives, and a majority across all party lines say the same. That includes 90 percent of Republicans, 79 percent of independents, and 69 percent of Democrats:


U.S. inflation is one of the highest in the world

Marco Quiroz-Gutierrez - 10h ago [11/25/2021]

With a 6.2% annual inflation rate in October, the U.S. is now seeing prices increase at the highest rate in more than 30 years.

According to a study by Pew Research Center, in the third quarter of 2021, the country had the eighth-highest annual inflation rate among 46 countries that were examined. The U.S. also had the third-highest increase in inflation, 3.58 percentage points, between the third quarter of 2019 and the same period this year. It trailed only Brazil and Turkey, both of which have less-developed economies that generally struggle with higher inflation rates more than the U.S.

Americans, especially the poor, have struggled with the effects of inflation as food prices have increased across the board in the run-up to Thanksgiving. Food prices globally are reaching their highest rates in decades, according to the United Nations Food and Agricultural Association. When it comes to other goods, such as semiconductor chips and natural gas, supply chain issues have also worsened the situation, sending prices higher as supply struggles to keep up with demand.

As prices continue to rise, inflation has become a political problem for President Biden. According to the polling company Gallup, 26% of Americans say an economic concern such as unemployment, inflation, or the economy, in general, is the country’s top problem. Seven percent specifically pointed to inflation as the nation’s most pressing issue.

Try facing facts. They are very sobering.
Hey idiot, if you’re so concerned about the “science”, why would you bother citing opinion polls? Why should anyone put any stock into them regardless of what they say?
Stunningly ironic considering how you will defend the senile grifting gaffe machine who is now plumbing historically low depths in terms of public approval and confidence.
People detest that lying, pocket lining fraud. How about you?

But should we really be too hard on someone who is just a flatulent bumbling goof who everyone
understands is merely a Potemkin village (that means a fake front) of a president who just does whatever he's told to do by the many unknown and unelected people who actually run the country (poorly and ineptly) making older people wish for Jimmy Carter again.

The old fool who made an epic mess of our withdrawal from Afghanistan (are American citizens still
trapped there?), our border, the economy, etc,
His vice president hates him apparently, as well as most of the public. What's wrong with you?
I’ll make this deal with you. Concede at least one of my adjectives about Trump is true, and I’ll make a concession about Biden.
Please list all of President Biden's policies that have been bad for the country. If you fail to do so - I'll be placing you on permanent ignore. I'm tired of all the NaziCon lies.
The infrastructure bill is a complete waste of money.
He stopped building the border wall.
He reversed the Muslim ban.
His administration seems obsessed with Covid.
That's just goofy.

If you were not so incredibly desperate, perhaps you could make serious comments and arguments.

Instead, you choose to behave like a five or six-year-old child.

Well, whatever floats your boat!
How about the recessions gopanomics cause? Booms yes but always followed by busts.

Clinton, Obama and Biden always have job growth. It’s never enough for you republicans risk takers.
Record inflation. Still millions of jobs unfilled and people dropping out of the work force. By YOUR side’s standards the stock market means nothing. Record costs to heat your home this winter. Thousands of Americans trapped in Afghanistan. Xiden literally shits himself in public. And you cheer. That is sad.

New reporting is that the market dropped over 800 points at the opening today. Is that Dementia's doing as well?

As you know, it is an endless list Democrats are recognizing President Biden as a total failure. What else would anyone expect? In his 45 years in Washington, he has accomplished nothing. No signature legislation, nothing.

To top it all off, no one can deny that his mental acuity is gone. He's not unlike one of Jeff Dunham dummies.


For a list, just start with my signature and then read some legitimate news outlets.

This is a primary example why not everybody should be allowed to vote in this country. If you have to ask what policies Dementia created that harmed this country, you have zero knowledge of politics and current events.
I’ll make this deal with you. Concede at least one of my adjectives about Trump is true, and I’ll make a concession about Biden.
A concession from you about Lying Joe would be worthless and confirm nothing as Biden's personality
and fatal character flaws have been public knowledge for decades.

Trump will not be a factor in the next presidential race except peripherally although the left's obsession
with him is telling.
A concession from you about Lying Joe would be worthless and confirm nothing as Biden's personality
and fatal character flaws have been public knowledge for decades.

Trump will not be a factor in the next presidential race except peripherally although the left's obsession
with him is telling.
Lol I knew you’d puss out.

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