
Gold Member
Sep 13, 2013
Now we finally see the outcome of 50 years of "progressive" retreats and secluded seminars. They were plotting how to step by step strip away popular support for traditional American values. They left those meetings with marching orders; forget making a good living in the private sector are needed in the courts and more importantly in the public schools. And they went forward, particularly into Dixie where they were the most insidious. Those states where few from the traditional America could live on the wages offered. They didn't care....they had kids to turn; minds to capture.

The plan was so simple....don't teach them anything but victimhood. Preach each and every historical event through the eyes of the supposedly "oppressed". Turn the mushheads against their parents' "incorrect" thinking by using youthful rebellion to their advantage. Create an education language that parents couldn't fathom, then mock them at parent-teacher meetings. Parents were told they simply didn't understand what was happening in the classroom so be quiet and stay away.

The church had to be dismissed as the basis of oppression, the Military as the tool of oppression, winner and losers in private enterprise the outcome of oppression. It all made sense to the little mushheads. Nothing was any longer expected of them. Why strive to make something of yourself when nothing was worth anything. All that was worth knowing was that nothing was worth knowing so just get high and know that Uncle Samantha will be there for you as long as you say and think the correct things.

The public schools created the myth of statist superiority....of cultural entitlement. The more educated a person became, the more they railed against the system that put them there. Nihilism your thing, sex, drugs, and rock & God, no Heaven and hell, no problem bro! And that's exactly what got us Obama....the pinnacle of idiocy personified.

So what's the answer? If you have kids, get them the hell OUT of the public schools and into charter schools. Sit down with them each evening and ask them what they learned in school that day. If it disgusts you, head over to that school and demand some answers and somebody getting fired for what they're doing to the kids. The "progressives" believe if they keep the economy in chaos you won't have enough time or energy to challenge them in the schools. Don't let that happen....nothing is more important than the kids learning what they need to make a life for themselves....the tools required to see the insidious destruction of what the future could hold for them. The only way to save the chilllldren, is to withdraw from the source of their problems...the public schools. When there are few if any kids left in them, the public schools will have to change or close.
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Repubs have been trying to get rid of Public schools for decades. Hasn't happened and won't happen. Public schools are here to stay and are getting better, we love ours where I live.

You Rs are running out of Democratic issues to hate, they're becoming the law of the land. What will you do next? Nothing like you have been doing since taking over congress? :)
I went to Catholic schools, my daughter did as well. Public schools are just better now.
Repubs have been trying to get rid of Public schools for decades. Hasn't happened and won't happen. Public schools are here to stay and are getting better, we love ours where I live.

You Rs are running out of Democratic issues to hate, they're becoming the law of the land. What will you do next? Nothing like you have been doing since taking over congress? :)

The OP reeks of desperation (amongst other unsavory odors) and yes, the rabid right rabble are trying to find another mythical dragon to slay since the evil "Gay Agenda" has now come to pass.

Public schools range from marginal to excellent depending upon location. They are largely the product of their local community and reflect those values.

Like you we love our local public schools that are consistently in the top 10 in the state and sometimes in the top 10 nationwide.
I went to Catholic schools, my daughter did as well. Public schools are just better now.

I attended public schools but it was a small one, rural and a good teacher to student ratio. The private school our twins attend is ranked very high in state test schools. Some public schools are OK and some not, same with private ones
Don't forget Obamacare is now the law of the land as well. This week has been the death blow to issues Republicans hated most about Obama and Democrats.

Next up: Gins.
Don't forget Obamacare is now the law of the land as well. This week has been the death blow to issues Republicans hated most about Obama and Democrats.

Next up: Gins.

I don' drink gin...your public school edgeamaction is showing
Repubs have been trying to get rid of Public schools for decades. Hasn't happened and won't happen. Public schools are here to stay and are getting better, we love ours where I live.

You Rs are running out of Democratic issues to hate, they're becoming the law of the land. What will you do next? Nothing like you have been doing since taking over congress? :)

You have no idea what's been done to you or your kids and probably never will. What you've created is the perfect climate for a violent overthrow of this pathetic albatross government and a dictator who will step on your kind like roaches. You allowed it to go too far and will reap the whirlwind.
Repubs have been trying to get rid of Public schools for decades. Hasn't happened and won't happen. Public schools are here to stay and are getting better, we love ours where I live.

You Rs are running out of Democratic issues to hate, they're becoming the law of the land. What will you do next? Nothing like you have been doing since taking over congress? :)

You have no idea what's been done to you or your kids and probably never will. What you've created is the perfect climate for a violent overthrow of this pathetic albatross government and a dictator who will step on your kind like roaches. You allowed it to go too far and will reap the whirlwind.
Better to do nothing to help anyone, right? That is what you all want. It's been a long time coming for Healthcare and Gay Rights. It will never bring government down, that is just sour grapes on your part.
BTW, Obozo-Care will simply be defunded by the next president and like Andy Jackson told the Supremes of his have your opinion, now let's see you enforce it. Queers are still a tiny minority in American society and have no political power...they're winning because they've been ignored...that ended Friday.
Better to do nothing to help anyone, right? That is what you all want. It's been a long time coming for Healthcare and Gay Rights. It will never bring government down, that is just sour grapes on your part.

You're buying into the myth that "progressives" care about you or your family, or your future.
Repubs have been trying to get rid of Public schools for decades. Hasn't happened and won't happen. Public schools are here to stay and are getting better, we love ours where I live.

You Rs are running out of Democratic issues to hate, they're becoming the law of the land. What will you do next? Nothing like you have been doing since taking over congress? :)

You have no idea what's been done to you or your kids and probably never will. What you've created is the perfect climate for a violent overthrow of this pathetic albatross government and a dictator who will step on your kind like roaches. You allowed it to go too far and will reap the whirlwind.
Better to do nothing to help anyone, right? That is what you all want. It's been a long time coming for Healthcare and Gay Rights. It will never bring government down, that is just sour grapes on your part.

This gay rights is deflection from the real issues.
BTW, Obozo-Care will simply be defunded by the next president and like Andy Jackson told the Supremes of his have your opinion, now let's see you enforce it. Queers are still a tiny minority in American society and have no political power...they're winning because they've been ignored...that ended Friday.
That won't be as easy as you think. Once a program like that is implemented, it gets hard to take it away. :oops:
BTW, Obozo-Care will simply be defunded by the next president and like Andy Jackson told the Supremes of his have your opinion, now let's see you enforce it. Queers are still a tiny minority in American society and have no political power...they're winning because they've been ignored...that ended Friday.
That won't be as easy as you think. Once a program like that is implemented, it gets hard to take it away. :oops:

Like Prohibition
Like you've been trying to take social security and medicare away. More like that.
That won't be as easy as you think. Once a program like that is implemented, it gets hard to take it away. :oops:

It will collapse of it's own weight when the GOP refuses to administer it and it runs out of money.....2017 at the's unsupportable and they knew it when they passed it.

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