Don't Like Trump ? WHY ?

FALSE! That is not at all the reason, Mr Brainwashed by MSMS. That's why Microsoft and other companies do that, which Trump is stopping, by halting the visa programs.

Trump isn't halting shit, and is actually increasing visas so American companies can pay foreigners shitty wages, leaving Americans out of work.

Trump is absolutely right. I live in Florida. I've been here 27 years. Florida has a seasonal employment situation. The state is inundated with northerners and Canadians who live in Florida just during the winter months, and not many Americans want to work just for 6 months, if that long. Many apply out of desperation, but never follow through. This is common all over the state in winter.

OK, so why does he need to import foreigners to work instead of just hiring Americans?

You also have a lot of people who apply who aren't qualified, have no experience or training and/or have criminal records - which is why they're unemployed to begin with. (the foreign workers come from a group of trade school graduates and no crime background ),

So we are to believe that the people Trump is importing to work housekeeping, waiter/waitress, hosts, bartenders, concierge, and front desk workers are more qualified to do these jobs than any of FL's 382,000 currently unemployed American citizens? Since when do you need a trade school diploma to bus tables, clean hotel rooms, landscape the grounds, and bellhop luggage? Because those are the jobs Trump imported foreigners to do. So you haven't actually answered why Trump is importing foreigners. You're trying to pretend that the workers Trump imports are the same as the workers Microsoft imports, and work jobs of equivalent skill. They're not. And you know that.

Finding clean record, qualified workers, who want just temporary work for a few months in Florida during the winter, is not a simple task.

Sure it is. There are 382,000 unemployed people in FL. Trump couldn't find 70 people qualified to scrub a toilet among them? Nope. I reject that excuse. What you're really saying is that Trump hires foreign workers because he doesn't pay a wage high enough for Americans to accept. So why doesn't he pay a higher wage? Why is he relying on foreigners?
What? You don't remember Trump talking about his dick during a debate, after his spat with Rubio?

You don't remember "Little Marco", "Crooked Hillary", "Lyin' Ted", "Pocahantas", "Low energy Jeb", "Cryin' Chuck Schumer", or the rest?

You don't remember him insulting John McCain's service, Rand Paul's looks, Megyn Kelly's blood, on and on\ ?

Look. I realize there is no list of his embarrassing comments that will be good enough or long enough for you. You asked, I answered.

I remain absolutely amazed at the power ideology has on distorting perceptions.
Maybe I was busy looking up the stats on how many Billions$$ Democrats have allowed to be looted out of the US economy, from their malicious immigration policies (ex. sanctuary cities)

I seem to recall the people you mention saying insulting things to Trump - ex. "small hands", "unhinged", and even insulting millions of Trump's supporters, as "deplorables"
Neither of which forces him to behave the way he behaves.
:disagree:Does he really behave that way, or is the media just talking about his behavior in the most despicable manner?
I think it's more the latter....:eusa_naughty:
What? You don't remember Trump talking about his dick during a debate, after his spat with Rubio?

You don't remember "Little Marco", "Crooked Hillary", "Lyin' Ted", "Pocahantas", "Low energy Jeb", "Cryin' Chuck Schumer", or the rest?

You don't remember him insulting John McCain's service, Rand Paul's looks, Megyn Kelly's blood, on and on\ ?

Look. I realize there is no list of his embarrassing comments that will be good enough or long enough for you. You asked, I answered.

I remain absolutely amazed at the power ideology has on distorting perceptions.
Maybe I was busy looking up the stats on how many Billions$$ Democrats have allowed to be looted out of the US economy, from their malicious immigration policies (ex. sanctuary cities)

I seem to recall the people you mention saying insulting things to Trump - ex. "small hands", "unhinged", and even insulting millions of Trump's supporters, as "deplorables"
Neither of which forces him to behave the way he behaves.
:disagree:Does he really behave that way, or is the media just talking about his behavior in the most despicable manner?
I think it's more the latter....:eusa_naughty:
You keep saying this, and I keep saying that my opinion is based on direct personal observation.

I've seen him speak. I've listened to what he says. I've watched him talk. I've read his tweets.

I agree completely with you about the media and its bias. I was in it for 18 years. They're not fooling me.

Again. This is based on direct personal observation. I can't make it any more clear.
What? You don't remember Trump talking about his dick during a debate, after his spat with Rubio?

You don't remember "Little Marco", "Crooked Hillary", "Lyin' Ted", "Pocahantas", "Low energy Jeb", "Cryin' Chuck Schumer", or the rest?

You don't remember him insulting John McCain's service, Rand Paul's looks, Megyn Kelly's blood, on and on\ ?

Look. I realize there is no list of his embarrassing comments that will be good enough or long enough for you. You asked, I answered.

I remain absolutely amazed at the power ideology has on distorting perceptions.
Maybe I was busy looking up the stats on how many Billions$$ Democrats have allowed to be looted out of the US economy, from their malicious immigration policies (ex. sanctuary cities)

I seem to recall the people you mention saying insulting things to Trump - ex. "small hands", "unhinged", and even insulting millions of Trump's supporters, as "deplorables"
Neither of which forces him to behave the way he behaves.
:disagree:Does he really behave that way, or is the media just talking about his behavior in the most despicable manner?
I think it's more the latter....:eusa_naughty:
You keep saying this, and I keep saying that my opinion is based on direct personal observation.

I've seen him speak. I've listened to what he says. I've watched him talk. I've read his tweets.

I agree completely with you about the media and its bias. I was in it for 18 years. They're not fooling me.

Again. This is based on direct personal observation. I can't make it any more clear.
What I think is your opinion is colored by your perceptions and prejudices, not by anything objective. If you hate the man intensely nothing he says will change your mind.
What? You don't remember Trump talking about his dick during a debate, after his spat with Rubio?

You don't remember "Little Marco", "Crooked Hillary", "Lyin' Ted", "Pocahantas", "Low energy Jeb", "Cryin' Chuck Schumer", or the rest?

You don't remember him insulting John McCain's service, Rand Paul's looks, Megyn Kelly's blood, on and on\ ?

Look. I realize there is no list of his embarrassing comments that will be good enough or long enough for you. You asked, I answered.

I remain absolutely amazed at the power ideology has on distorting perceptions.
Maybe I was busy looking up the stats on how many Billions$$ Democrats have allowed to be looted out of the US economy, from their malicious immigration policies (ex. sanctuary cities)

I seem to recall the people you mention saying insulting things to Trump - ex. "small hands", "unhinged", and even insulting millions of Trump's supporters, as "deplorables"
Neither of which forces him to behave the way he behaves.
:disagree:Does he really behave that way, or is the media just talking about his behavior in the most despicable manner?
I think it's more the latter....:eusa_naughty:
You keep saying this, and I keep saying that my opinion is based on direct personal observation.

I've seen him speak. I've listened to what he says. I've watched him talk. I've read his tweets.

I agree completely with you about the media and its bias. I was in it for 18 years. They're not fooling me.

Again. This is based on direct personal observation. I can't make it any more clear.
What I think is your opinion is colored by your perceptions and prejudices, not by anything objective. If you hate the man intensely nothing he says will change your mind.
Maybe I was busy looking up the stats on how many Billions$$ Democrats have allowed to be looted out of the US economy, from their malicious immigration policies (ex. sanctuary cities)

I seem to recall the people you mention saying insulting things to Trump - ex. "small hands", "unhinged", and even insulting millions of Trump's supporters, as "deplorables"
Neither of which forces him to behave the way he behaves.
:disagree:Does he really behave that way, or is the media just talking about his behavior in the most despicable manner?
I think it's more the latter....:eusa_naughty:
You keep saying this, and I keep saying that my opinion is based on direct personal observation.

I've seen him speak. I've listened to what he says. I've watched him talk. I've read his tweets.

I agree completely with you about the media and its bias. I was in it for 18 years. They're not fooling me.

Again. This is based on direct personal observation. I can't make it any more clear.
What I think is your opinion is colored by your perceptions and prejudices, not by anything objective. If you hate the man intensely nothing he says will change your mind.
Not at all.
I'm a Libra, so I’m more fair-minded than you most likely.
Neither of which forces him to behave the way he behaves.
:disagree:Does he really behave that way, or is the media just talking about his behavior in the most despicable manner?
I think it's more the latter....:eusa_naughty:
You keep saying this, and I keep saying that my opinion is based on direct personal observation.

I've seen him speak. I've listened to what he says. I've watched him talk. I've read his tweets.

I agree completely with you about the media and its bias. I was in it for 18 years. They're not fooling me.

Again. This is based on direct personal observation. I can't make it any more clear.
What I think is your opinion is colored by your perceptions and prejudices, not by anything objective. If you hate the man intensely nothing he says will change your mind.
Not at all.
I'm a Libra, so I’m more fair-minded than you most likely.
Yeah, you're a real independent.
:disagree:Does he really behave that way, or is the media just talking about his behavior in the most despicable manner?
I think it's more the latter....:eusa_naughty:
You keep saying this, and I keep saying that my opinion is based on direct personal observation.

I've seen him speak. I've listened to what he says. I've watched him talk. I've read his tweets.

I agree completely with you about the media and its bias. I was in it for 18 years. They're not fooling me.

Again. This is based on direct personal observation. I can't make it any more clear.
What I think is your opinion is colored by your perceptions and prejudices, not by anything objective. If you hate the man intensely nothing he says will change your mind.
Not at all.
I'm a Libra, so I’m more fair-minded than you most likely.
Yeah, you're a real independent.
Well I sure as fuck am not a God Damned Republican.
OMG! I thought you were joking at first, but it seems that you are serious. So I'll answer:

There are so many things wrong with Trump that it's hard to even figure out where to start. Above all, Donald Trump represents the WORST of American culture AND of American capitalism. To any intelligent American he is a national embarrassment beyond words.

The basis for the strong dislike that most Americans have for him can be categorized into his personality, his EXTREME dishonesty, his ludicrous political views and his lack of intellectual qualifications for the office of the Presidency. Though all of these are intertwined to form the national nightmare that is Donald Trump.

His personality is that of an extreme narcissist - known medically to be a personality disorder. Along with his narcissism is the fact that he is a pathological liar. These 2 personality traits work hand-in-hand. He is often in denial of reality. He believes whatever he wants to believe. His wealth insulates him from the repercussions of his disregard for reality. Other people suffer for his failure to acknowledge reality. This is dangerous in a President to say the least.

Along with his extreme personality disorder - and what is even more disturbing - is the millions of Americans that are either very similar in their narcissism, pathological lying and disregard for reality AND the millions of sycophantic Americans that follow Donald trump and people like him. They are truly pitiful. They seem to follow a primitive philosophy based on hunter gather social structure where loyalty to the tribe supersedes individualism and the belief that by worshiping the most powerful they too can gain in power and wealth. Trump's success at narcissism, his pathological lying and his disregard for reality is a DISPLAY of POWER. This is why they follow him.

Next is his ludicrous political views. These are based on his narcissism, pathological lying and disregard for reality. His (and his followers) 'go to' appraoch to everything is BE MEAN. For example, their anti-immigrant stance is based on the fact the illegal immigrants are the most under paid and disadvantaged people in our soceity - they are the most vulnerable. It's therefore the knee jerk reaction of all Trumpites to attack them. Kick them when they're down. Thefact that illegal immigrants are vital to the national economy or that the vast majority are otherwise law abidding citizens does not matter. They are vulnerable so Trumpites attack. They are powerless so Trumpites attack.

Trump's continuous disregard for reality was well displayed when he championed the Obama birther movement. A movement that clearly defied intelligence. 'Join the cult of lies and you too may be powerful'.

Next his pathological lying - Trump couldn't care less about working class Americans - beyond what serves him. Sure, he's made a few token gestures, but in the end he's keeping NAFTA. No dramatic changes in economic policy to favor working Americans. No healthcare program. Some deregulation to suit is billionaire buddies - deregulation that working Americans will suffer from. All he and his Republican buddies are doing is to enact a Tax reform package that benefits the Uber wealthy and will not in any significant way benefit working Americans. (Not to mention his flagrant disregard for the federal debt).

Next, his lack of intellectual qualification for the office of the Presidency. Running a real estate business does not come even close to the complexities of running a government. Of course in his tiny little narcissistic world, he does not realize how much knowledge and educations required to run a government - nor do his sycophantic followers. He alienated his most important assets in keeping this country safe - the U.S. intelligence community. He has no idea of how to be diplomatic - and apparently has no concept of diplomacy or he wouldn't have fired so many people from the State department. HE doesn't understand what they do or how important they are to America, so HE doesn't believe that they are needed. HE is an idiot.

Trump has tried and is trying to stop refugees from immigrating from certain countries - mostly Islamic. HE doesn't have a clue as to how U.S. intelligence operations work or the importance of being able to offer refugee status to the families of those foreign nationals that cooperate with U.S. intelligence.HE is underminig U.S. counter terrorism efforts - but HE doesn't have a clue.

These are only a few examples of the blatant stupidity of Donald Trump's politics. I can't spend the rest of the day on this...but I could go on and on and on....

Finally, one of the fundamental principals of ANY free society is that WITH FREEDOM COMES RESPONSIBILITY! Those people who are the wealthiest must be responsible financial leader of our nation. Otherwise capitalism will fail. Donald Trump has been a fraud and a con man. He's refused to pay contractors. he ran a fraudulent University, he's bankrupted business after business, he is at best a failure as a business leader. There are many responsible businessmen in this world, but Donald Trump is not one of them. He is an embarrassment to American businessmanship and an example of everything that can be wrong with capitalism.
Of American capitalism, he represents SUCCESS, including creating jobs for millions of Americans (including executive level jobs for women in the 1970s - unheard of back then)

You called Trump a pathological liar, but you presented zero evidence of any lies. Disregard for reality ? How ? When ? What ? Rhetoric doesn't fly in this thread. In the OP, I requested comments to be SPECIFIC.

You mention Trump as having "ludicrous political views", and then you describe your own views on illegal immigration, which are totally ludicrous. Let's go through them.

1. NO, his stance on illegal immigration is NOT "based on the fact the illegal immigrants are the most under paid and disadvantaged people in our society"

It is based on Mexico (et al) deliberately raiding our economy (2st century style imperialism), and extracting $133 Billion year (2016 Pew Research Center) in remittances$$$ + tens of Billions$$ more per year via the anchor baby racket 7 false documentation. You show an extreme lack of knowledge by claiming that illegal aliens are "vital to the national economy", when they are extracting $133 billion/year OUT of our economy ($24.3 Billion/yr to Mexico alone), and reinserting it into THEIR economies. That's like somebody taking lots of stuff out of your house every year, and reinserting it into their house (AKA 'burglary")
In reality, the remittances$$ and welfare $$ that Mexico has been taking from us IS INDEED vital to THEIR economy. A few years ago, then Mexican president Vicente Fox bragged and gloated that the remittances$$ Mexico was taking from the USA, was their #1 ssiurce of income, topping even their oil exports.

Vicente Fox Says Remittances Largest Source Of Revenue Since 2003, Gloats At Getting Illegals And Matricula Consular Into US : Diggers Realm

This is reminiscent of when a Danish prince in 960 AD said the loot that the Viking Danes were raiding/stealing from England, was their #1 source of income. Except they never got anything close to $24 Billion/yr (the Vikings would be envious)

In addition, it is based on PROTECTION of US workers from having jobs swiped away from them + PROTECTION of American $$ being taken by migrants using our welfare system to enrich themselves, as we lose $$ and services.

In addition it is based on American immigration LAW that our ancestors provided us with, to PROTECT us from these abuses.

Where Obama was born is still questionable, as the sources he provided are not necessarily trustable. what is much more significant, is that Obama is a Muslim jihadist who enabled major Nidal Hasan to kill 13 US soldiers in Fort Hood, TX, and colluded with al Baghdadi (ISIS) by removing US troops from Iraq, and then allowing ISIS convoys to travel unattacked on open, desert roads (sitting ducks for airstrikes) and then to wreak havoc for years in Iraq.

You again are ill-informed (no surprise if you watch liberal OMISSION media) regarding the economy and Trump's opposition to Obama and Hillary globalism, which strips whole industries out of the US, leaving American workers unemployed (which is why Trump won the rust-belt states in 2016). Trump is re-negotiating NAFTA, has already taken us out of TPP, and would be doing much more, if not for the North Korean problem, which I suspect China is at the bottom of, to protect themselves from US tariffs, which would help us greatly.
As we speak we have had 2 consecutive quarters of above 3% GDP growth (best since the 1990s) and unemployment has dropped to 4.1% (best since 2000)

Again you are wrong with this >> "He has no idea of how to be diplomatic" Actually, Trump is doing great in foreign policy by replacing Obama's policies of appeasement and weakness, with those of strength.
Examples >> 1) bombing of Syrian airfields after Syrian use of chemical weapons against their own people (in contrast to Obama's infamous "redline" inaction 2) forced North Korean president Kim Jong Un to back down, after Kim threatened to bomb Guam "in a few days", then softened to missles near Guam, and then backed down to doing NOTHING about Guam. This was after Trump threatened "fire and fury". This is the kind of strong diplomacy that made America the world power that it is.

Oh the refugee thing. You really wanna go there ? God, what could be dumber than letting into the country, people who don't speak English, have a culture (Islam) that is immoral and illegal to ours, and whose basic doctrine (the Koran) advises (if not commands) them to kill us. Wow. Brilliant.

Here's a passage on this from Ann Coulter's book "In Trump We Trust" >>

After the San Bernardino terrorist attack, the New York Times wearily explained that it was "impossible to conduct an exhaustive investigation for each of the tens of millions of people who are cleared each year to come to this country to work, visit or live."


Getting into the US should be like getting into Harvard. Tough, not easy. How about >> no criminal record, no low-skilled workers, no expensive medical conditions, and no fundamentalist Muslims.

Why are we (liberals that is) going out of our way to bring in people with endless problems ? America is under no obligation to solve the world's poverty problem, and the church ladies, the New York Times, and liberal do-gooders don't get to dictate what "we are", as Americans. If people want to run do-goody social service organizations, they should spend their own money."

That's enough. I'm tired now. I'm off the computer. But I'll be back.

First, you have the inability to distinguish business success from thievery. Trump's history as a 'businessman' is horrendous. He was and is a con man. His scams are well known, as are his failures. You'd have to be asleep for the past 2 years to not know about them. He is a glaring example of everything a 'businessman' should NOT be - and a glaring example of why and how capitalism can nothing but pure corruption.

Once again, you'd have to have been asleep for the past 2 years to not know of his constant lies. It's a sickness with him. Truth and reality are his enemies. I don't have to post specifics. Google it yourself.

Next, what you completely fail to understand - because you obviously know nothing about economics - is the incredible economic contributions that illegal immigrants make to our economy. productive LABOR creates wealth. Many Americans have become wealthy exploiting the labor of illegal immigrants. The fact that they send some of what they earn back to their own countries is insignificant when to compared to the wealth that they create. REMEMBER - nobody hires anyone unless they make a profit from that person's labor.

If you think that they are stealing jobs from Americans, then let's see ya find some Americans that are willing to work picking produce. The fact is that MOST Americans will not do that kind of work. If anything (as many economists have said), the American economy need more immigrant labor, not less.

Last, your belief that Obama may not have been born in the U.S. is just plain ludicrous. When he became a U.S. Senator he, like all congresspeople, are by default entitled to a secret security clearance - pending a backgroud investigation. If Obama was not born in the U.S. it would have been found out at that time.

Your accusations that Obama is a jihadist is just too stupid for words! Oh yeah, an Islamic Jihadist that supports LGBT rights! What a laugh!

I made a mistake for taking your OP seriously. You are a sycophantic Trump ass kissing fool!
Talking about the size of his dick during a nationally-televised Presidential debate.

Personally insulting anyone who criticizes him.

Constant name-calling, from the GOP primaries on.

His incredibly thin-skinned tweets about teevee shows.

Are you serious?
Evidence please. Show examples (in quotes) THAT's what I'm serious about.

And media defined talk, designed to bash, doesn't qualify. Be SPECIFIC.

You don't remember Trump talking about his dick during a debate, after his spat with Rubio?

You don't remember "Little Marco", "Crooked Hillary", "Lyin' Ted", "Pocahantas", "Low energy Jeb", "Cryin' Chuck Schumer", or the rest?

You don't remember him insulting John McCain's service, Rand Paul's looks, Megyn Kelly's blood, on and on\ ?

Look. I realize there is no list of his embarrassing comments that will be good enough or long enough for you. You asked, I answered.

I remain absolutely amazed at the power ideology has on distorting perceptions.
Actually Little Marco brought up the size of Trump's hands as being indicative of the size of his dick.
And Trump creates catch phrases to label his critics.
I think it shows guts to do so..

It doesn't take 'guts' to be a bully like Trump.

This is how the entitled rich boy has been acting his entire life.
A bully that not only beat over a dozen other Republicans .

Still the same old entitled rich boy bully.

Doesn't take guts to be a bully when he hasn't ever been held accountable for anything in his life.

He still blames everyone else for anything that goes wrong.
Evidence please. Show examples (in quotes) THAT's what I'm serious about.

And media defined talk, designed to bash, doesn't qualify. Be SPECIFIC.

You don't remember Trump talking about his dick during a debate, after his spat with Rubio?

You don't remember "Little Marco", "Crooked Hillary", "Lyin' Ted", "Pocahantas", "Low energy Jeb", "Cryin' Chuck Schumer", or the rest?

You don't remember him insulting John McCain's service, Rand Paul's looks, Megyn Kelly's blood, on and on\ ?

Look. I realize there is no list of his embarrassing comments that will be good enough or long enough for you. You asked, I answered.

I remain absolutely amazed at the power ideology has on distorting perceptions.
Actually Little Marco brought up the size of Trump's hands as being indicative of the size of his dick.
And Trump creates catch phrases to label his critics.
I think it shows guts to do so..

It doesn't take 'guts' to be a bully like Trump.

This is how the entitled rich boy has been acting his entire life.
A bully that not only beat over a dozen other Republicans .

Still the same old entitled rich boy bully.

Doesn't take guts to be a bully when he hasn't ever been held accountable for anything in his life.

He still blames everyone else for anything that goes wrong.
Actually that's Obama.
Only thing I don't like is:

1. His BIG FUCKING MOUTH. Sometimes he says shit that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Such as grabbing pussy, McCain isn't a hero, Bergdahl should be executed, etc. etc. It's tasteless and stupid. Other times I appreciate his blunt honestly. He tells PC to get fucked and that's to be commended.

2. He's thin skinned.
The left hates him because he is a male, he is white, he is rich, he is successful, and he tells the god awful truth about them. Oh did I forget? They hate him because he is a Republican. It should be noted that they hate black Republicans with equal ferocity. Oh did I forget? They hate him because he loves America.
Liar. You are a liar mimicking your liar leader. Your leader is a foul person with no character, class, or dignity. He is a creep pussy grabbing perv. A sexual degenerate.
You sound as if you have just truckloads of class. Right?
he's a vile insane creature that has no redeeming value who surrounds himself with equally immoral mooks, & has the capability of causing a thermal nuclear war which may or may not happen because he is having a hissy fit yet again over crowd size, hillary's emails, or something he can't undo that the black man created.
None of the links you provided address the assertion by Trump that NJ Muslims celebrated. If other Muslims celebrated that is irrelevant since that is NOT what Trump claimed.

What is irrelevant is where Muslims celebrated, no matter what Trump said. The essence of what Trump was talking about was not details of location, but the fact that Muslims were celebrating. But there are plenty of confirmations of Trump's comments, even in the MSM >>
Serge Kovalseki's 2001 article in the Washington Post said that NJ Muslims celebrated >>

1. "In Jersey City, within hours of two jetliners' plowing into the World Trade Center, law enforcement authorities detained and questioned a number of people who were allegedly seen celebrating the attacks and holding tailgate-style parties on rooftops while they watched the devastation on the other side of the river."

2. WCBS-TV, Sept. 16, 2001 Pablo Guzman report of FBI raid on bldg in Jersey City "swarming with suspects" who had been seen celebrating after seeing the planes slam into the World Trade Center.

3. San Francisco Chronicle, Sept 22, 2001 reported Jersey City police "detained several men seen celebrating the attack as the smoke first rose across the river."

In Jersey, attacks put coexistence to new test / Muslim enclave under strain of terror backlash

4. An MTV video > "Fight for Your Rights: Aftermath of Terror' Nov. 17, 2001, Emily Acevedo told MTV she saw Muslims celebrating the 9/11 attacks outside the Patterson NJ town hall.

5. Sept. 12, 2001, four people called in to the Howard Stern Show with eyewitness accounts of Muslims celebrating in Paterson

*VIDEO* On Sept. 16, 2001 CBS Reported “SWARMS” Of Muslims Celebrating 9/11 In New Jersey (W/Bonus Video)

6. New York Post op-ed, Sept. 14, 2001 said >> "Here in New York, it was easy to get angry listening to Egyptians, Palestinians, and the Arabs of nearby Paterson, NJ, celebrate as they received word of the murderous attacks in New York and Washington."

Trump Cites New York Post to Support Claims of Mass Celebrations Following 9/11

7. Then there are many reports from citizens who say they saw Muslims in streeta and on rooftops cheering the 9/11 attacks . Here just a few examples of these >>
  • Tom Penicaro: “I worked for PSEG in Clifton on the Paterson boarder and I witnessed it firsthand. They were celebrating in the streets cheering and stomping on the flag. I am a Marine and I remember very very clearly because I was so passed I wanted to engage them with a bat I had in my van.”

  • William Hugelmeyer: We all saw and heard the reports, just because the media is doing a white wash doesn’t mean it didn’t happen! I was working in the jail when the attacks occurred. Once it was clear it was a terrorist attack, we had inmates celebrating. This instantly caused a lockdown. As you could imagine, many other inmates and officers didn’t share their jubilation.”

  • P.j. Flattery: “I saw with my own eyes Muslims in Paterson dancing and singing on the streets during 9/11. Trumps an American. He’s gonna have his haters and people trying to knock him down.”

  • Patrick Kiernan: “They were celebrating all around the area of the mosque on Getty Ave in Paterson. You cant tell me they weren’t because I lived there when It happened and I observed the clashes in the city at the time. There may be no visual proof but I remember the police went on the news and asked the citizens not to retaliate against any of the Muslim citizens in the city and that just emboldened them even more to be spiteful and full of their hate .Dont say it didn’t happen because it did.”

  • Terry Lynn Mustakas: “I experienced/witnessed many incidents of Muslims celebrating 9/11 in North Brunswick. I was in a grocery store when I heard the plane crashed on the store radio. The Muslim man in line next to me turned and spit on me. I’ll never forget it.”

  • John Pezzino: “They were in the streets banging on the cars trying to drive through the crowd in the street. The Muslims were shouting death to American s and Allah is great other crap I didn’t understand. We were amused until a car with 3 young women mistakenly turned on to main st. The muslims were banging on their windows and screaming, thats when we came out of our car and pushed the muslims off their car helped them back out and get back to the Parkway.”

  • Mike Passeri: “It absolutely happened in Paterson. The police even had some of the streets closed off to traffic because of it. I was in Paterson on the 12th for business and the whole area around Crooks Avenue was covered in people celebrating. As for the fights in the high schools, I remember hearing about it being reported but have no idea if that was true or not.”

  • Eddie Iacono: “No, I was in Jersey City when it happened. That night I had to drive through the Muslim Alcove in Paterson, NJ and they were still laughing about it a bit too happily. They may have been speaking another language, but when someone sweeps their hand down while making sound effects of a building dropping, then smiles, and raises his fists in triumph, well, something is wrong.”

  • Priscilla Crane Hudson: “I saw first hand in Jersey City the Muslims cheering in the streets when the World Trade Center was destroyed. These so called news outlets should get their facts straight. And there were 100s of revelers over 3,000+ deaths.”

  • Walter Emiliantsev: “I lived in NJ at the time on Demott Ave., Clifton! When I tried to go to Paterson to my brother in laws shop, I usually took Main Ave. There were so many people dancing on Main, I couldn’t get through! I KNOW what I saw!”
You said in Post #110:
"New Jersey Muslims DID celebrate 9-11. So did New York Muslims. So did even Muslims in the FBI. That's part of the news that liberal OMISSION media OMITS."
Now you say:
"What is irrelevant is where Muslims celebrated, no matter what Trump said."

I'm sorry but people calling into Howard Stern may not be the most reliable of witnesses and there is no video that Trump claimed to see. The sources I found, PolitiFact, NY Times, and, don't support his claim.

Everyone makes mistakes and Trump probably saw a video of Palestinians celebrating and mistakenly thought it was NJ. That is fine, what is not fine is that he is incapable to admitting he was wrong. For someone with the nuke codes that is beyond dangerous. Recently he was caught making another misstatement of fact and he excused it by saying that's what he was told. Either he is a liar or he is getting bad information (not great for a president) and wasn't concerned.

That may type of president may be acceptable to you but I would like to think I can trust what my president says. Don't be too surprised when you learn that Trump's campaign promises were just empty come-ons. You may like what Trump says he wants to do for the country but stop drinking the Kool-aid and hold him to a higher standard.

An acquaintance of ours was doing beer delivery on the morning of 9-11 and found a handful of allah's finest inluding the owner , applauding the taking down of the twin towers. He saw that and wheeled the beer back on the truck and called his boss, telling what he saw and said he wouldn't do the beer delivery.. The boss said screw 'em, don't deliver. The muzzies were squawking big time about that, but no delivery at least that morning. Funny how these muzzies condemn alcohol but they aren't against selling it.
An acquaintance of ours was doing beer delivery on the morning of 9-11 and found a handful of allah's finest inluding the owner , applauding the taking down of the twin towers. He saw that and wheeled the beer back on the truck and called his boss, telling what he saw and said he wouldn't do the beer delivery.. The boss said screw 'em, don't deliver. The muzzies were squawking big time about that, but no delivery at least that morning. Funny how these muzzies condemn alcohol but they aren't against selling it.
The point was not that Muslims celebrated 9/11, the point was that Trump claimed he saw NJ Muslims celebrating on a TV show. And that never happened.

It was just one of many times that Trump lied and the true believers refuse to see it. We're a nation of the faithful and some have such faith in Trump they are blind to the real Trump. Yet they condemn Hillary for being dishonest. A very irritating double standard to those of us that don't share their faith.
It really is mystifying to see so many people, not only not liking Donald Trump, but absolutely hating him, with a passion. I could see having feeelings like that against really bad people like Barrack Obama or Hillary Clinton, but Trump ? Why ? For what reason ?

Seems to me that we're lucky to finally have a guy who is protecting us from harmful, unbridled immigration (including Muslims), finally doing something about our worst racial discrimination problem (affirmative action), standing up for our military and police, opposing LGBT lunacy, and supporting our 2nd amendment rights.

In addition, Trump is standing up for the Made in USA label, working to get US businesses back in the US, and has brought back the best economy in America since the 1990's, with 2 straight months of above 3% GDP growth and a 4.1% unemployment rate (also best in decades).

Oh, so it's the demeanor is it ? The style ? Not "presidential" you say ? Too much talking like a regular guy, huh ? Well, for those for us who voted for Trump, and support him right through all the media anti-Trump smear campaign, that regular/ordinary talk is what we like about Trump. We see that as the way "presidential" ought to be.

So, liberals, RINOs, or anti-Trumpers of all stripes, please cite here what your complaints are about him, SPECIFICALLY, and let's see if we can iron things out a bit. How about the tweets. Got any you could point out ? Don't be shy.
/—-/ You forgot to instruct the Trump haters to post verifiable evidence to back up their claims. Otherwise you’ll get nothing but malicious slander and hearsay.
An acquaintance of ours was doing beer delivery on the morning of 9-11 and found a
handful of allah's finest inluding the owner , applauding the taking down of the twin towers. He saw that and wheeled the beer back on the truck and called his boss, telling what he saw and said he wouldn't do the beer delivery.. The boss said screw 'em, don't deliver. The muzzies were squawking big time about that, but no delivery at least that morning. Funny how these muzzies condemn alcohol but they aren't against selling it.
The point was not that Muslims celebrated 9/11, the point was that Trump claimed he saw NJ Muslims celebrating on a TV show. And that never happened.

It was just one of many times that Trump lied and the true believers refuse to see it. We're a nation of the faithful and some have such faith in Trump they are blind to the real Trump. Yet they condemn Hillary for being dishonest. A very irritating double standard to those of us that don't share their faith.
/—-/ Yes it did happen. I live innNY and saw it broadcast on the local TV news.
His speech is exclusive rather than inclusive.

The constant lying. He lies even when it's not necessary.

He's focus on over turning Obama's policies. Even the ones that benefit Americans.

Lack of manners and basic decorum. My 3rd grade students have better manners than him.

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