Don't Like Trump ? WHY ?

He saw a story about, not actually saw.
An acquaintance of ours was doing beer delivery on the morning of 9-11 and found a handful of allah's finest inluding the owner , applauding the taking down of the twin towers. He saw that and wheeled the beer back on the truck and called his boss, telling what he saw and said he wouldn't do the beer delivery.. The boss said screw 'em, don't deliver. The muzzies were squawking big time about that, but no delivery at least that morning. Funny how these muzzies condemn alcohol but they aren't against selling it.
The point was not that Muslims celebrated 9/11, the point was that Trump claimed he saw NJ Muslims celebrating on a TV show. And that never happened.

It was just one of many times that Trump lied and the true believers refuse to see it. We're a nation of the faithful and some have such faith in Trump they are blind to the real Trump. Yet they condemn Hillary for being dishonest. A very irritating double standard to those of us that don't share their faith.
It really is mystifying to see so many people, not only not liking Donald Trump, but absolutely hating him, with a passion. I could see having feeelings like that against really bad people like Barrack Obama or Hillary Clinton, but Trump ? Why ? For what reason ?

Seems to me that we're lucky to finally have a guy who is protecting us from harmful, unbridled immigration (including Muslims), finally doing something about our worst racial discrimination problem (affirmative action), standing up for our military and police, opposing LGBT lunacy, and supporting our 2nd amendment rights.

In addition, Trump is standing up for the Made in USA label, working to get US businesses back in the US, and has brought back the best economy in America since the 1990's, with 2 straight months of above 3% GDP growth and a 4.1% unemployment rate (also best in decades).

Oh, so it's the demeanor is it ? The style ? Not "presidential" you say ? Too much talking like a regular guy, huh ? Well, for those for us who voted for Trump, and support him right through all the media anti-Trump smear campaign, that regular/ordinary talk is what we like about Trump. We see that as the way "presidential" ought to be.

So, liberals, RINOs, or anti-Trumpers of all stripes, please cite here what your complaints are about him, SPECIFICALLY, and let's see if we can iron things out a bit. How about the tweets. Got any you could point out ? Don't be shy.

The reason I dislike Trump? You mean besides gutting the EPA and bringing in some of the worst cabinet members ever to serve?

In your post you said, "In addition, Trump is standing up for the Made in USA label, working to get US businesses back in the US,...".
Why then was the deduction for moving expenses for employees (even when required by their employer to move or lose their job) repealed, while corporations who relocate outside the US still get t o deduct their moving expenses?

I am disappointed in any president who pretends to be for the common man and the middle class, even though he fucks them in favor of big corporations.

He saw a story about, not actually saw.
An acquaintance of ours was doing beer delivery on the morning of 9-11 and found a handful of allah's finest inluding the owner , applauding the taking down of the twin towers. He saw that and wheeled the beer back on the truck and called his boss, telling what he saw and said he wouldn't do the beer delivery.. The boss said screw 'em, don't deliver. The muzzies were squawking big time about that, but no delivery at least that morning. Funny how these muzzies condemn alcohol but they aren't against selling it.
The point was not that Muslims celebrated 9/11, the point was that Trump claimed he saw NJ Muslims celebrating on a TV show. And that never happened.

It was just one of many times that Trump lied and the true believers refuse to see it. We're a nation of the faithful and some have such faith in Trump they are blind to the real Trump. Yet they condemn Hillary for being dishonest. A very irritating double standard to those of us that don't share their faith.

We'll see if he is a better man than Trump and can admit to making a mistake.
'Rump is a serial liar with malicious intent. He is morally weak and lacks socially redeeming values. He is a misogynist and a bigot. Dishonesty and fraud describe him.
and those are the pussy grabbers good points....How many law suits against him for shit he pulled against people working for him?
What about the others, besides that one? See above. There were too many reports for it to be a fluke, from reputable people.

He saw a story about, not actually saw.
An acquaintance of ours was doing beer delivery on the morning of 9-11 and found a handful of allah's finest inluding the owner , applauding the taking down of the twin towers. He saw that and wheeled the beer back on the truck and called his boss, telling what he saw and said he wouldn't do the beer delivery.. The boss said screw 'em, don't deliver. The muzzies were squawking big time about that, but no delivery at least that morning. Funny how these muzzies condemn alcohol but they aren't against selling it.
The point was not that Muslims celebrated 9/11, the point was that Trump claimed he saw NJ Muslims celebrating on a TV show. And that never happened.

It was just one of many times that Trump lied and the true believers refuse to see it. We're a nation of the faithful and some have such faith in Trump they are blind to the real Trump. Yet they condemn Hillary for being dishonest. A very irritating double standard to those of us that don't share their faith.

We'll see if he is a better man than Trump and can admit to making a mistake.
Only thing I don't like is:

1. His BIG FUCKING MOUTH. Sometimes he says shit that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Such as grabbing pussy, McCain isn't a hero, Bergdahl should be executed, etc. etc. It's tasteless and stupid. Other times I appreciate his blunt honestly. He tells PC to get fucked and that's to be commended.

2. He's thin skinned.

Trump is simply honest and open about who he is. You think these fake professional politicians who cake on 4 inches of make up and pretend to be the pope are real people?
Trump can be unorthodox in his approach with tweets many times, but
usually bringing to light the crap of others. Does he go to9 far sometimes? Yes. Do I wish he would handle those things differently and ignore some? Yes.
Most of the lame stream media have spread lies, which they know others will fall for. The above is just one example of just that.
In Palm Beach county and its surrounding counties, the unemployment rate is 3.3-3.6%. And that was with unemployment from hurricane Irma in those numbers. There are not many that want those jobs here. Plain and simple.
FALSE! That is not at all the reason, Mr Brainwashed by MSMS. That's why Microsoft and other companies do that, which Trump is stopping, by halting the visa programs.

Trump isn't halting shit, and is actually increasing visas so American companies can pay foreigners shitty wages, leaving Americans out of work.

Trump is absolutely right. I live in Florida. I've been here 27 years. Florida has a seasonal employment situation. The state is inundated with northerners and Canadians who live in Florida just during the winter months, and not many Americans want to work just for 6 months, if that long. Many apply out of desperation, but never follow through. This is common all over the state in winter.

OK, so why does he need to import foreigners to work instead of just hiring Americans?

You also have a lot of people who apply who aren't qualified, have no experience or training and/or have criminal records - which is why they're unemployed to begin with. (the foreign workers come from a group of trade school graduates and no crime background ),

So we are to believe that the people Trump is importing to work housekeeping, waiter/waitress, hosts, bartenders, concierge, and front desk workers are more qualified to do these jobs than any of FL's 382,000 currently unemployed American citizens? Since when do you need a trade school diploma to bus tables, clean hotel rooms, landscape the grounds, and bellhop luggage? Because those are the jobs Trump imported foreigners to do. So you haven't actually answered why Trump is importing foreigners. You're trying to pretend that the workers Trump imports are the same as the workers Microsoft imports, and work jobs of equivalent skill. They're not. And you know that.

Finding clean record, qualified workers, who want just temporary work for a few months in Florida during the winter, is not a simple task.

Sure it is. There are 382,000 unemployed people in FL. Trump couldn't find 70 people qualified to scrub a toilet among them? Nope. I reject that excuse. What you're really saying is that Trump hires foreign workers because he doesn't pay a wage high enough for Americans to accept. So why doesn't he pay a higher wage? Why is he relying on foreigners?
Repeat from above
These clips were all recorded within days after the attack.
None of these clips show NJ Muslims celebrating, they only talk about seeing celebrations. Not a single video. Even Bigfoot and Elvis sightings have actual videos.

Where is the video Trump claimed to see? You'd think that would be something easy to find, look how many you found, IF it existed.
In Palm Beach county and its surrounding counties, the unemployment rate is 3.3-3.6%. And that was with unemployment from hurricane Irma in those numbers. There are not many that want those jobs here. Plain and simple.

So there are unemployed people there...Trump's just not hiring them, why? Because he pays shit wages.
And you do know he corrected himself as to the seeing, correct? Lord help us, if we ever screw something up. It is fact the stories were out there on the news of celebrations in NJ and clips within the same breath of time showing Muslims celebrating overseas, right? Confusion of that would be easy for the best of us, particularly living amidst it all. The fact you wish to condemn him for it, even after he admitted his error, I hope you never get anything wrong yourself, otherwise you won’t be able to live with yourself.
Repeat from above
These clips were all recorded within days after the attack.
None of these clips show NJ Muslims celebrating, they only talk about seeing celebrations. Not a single video. Even Bigfoot and Elvis sightings have actual videos.

Where is the video Trump claimed to see? You'd think that would be something easy to find, look how many you found, IF it existed.
Lol, or maybe those aren’t the jobs they want, if they really want a job at all.
In Palm Beach county and its surrounding counties, the unemployment rate is 3.3-3.6%. And that was with unemployment from hurricane Irma in those numbers. There are not many that want those jobs here. Plain and simple.

So there are unemployed people there...Trump's just not hiring them, why? Because he pays shit wages.
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The fact you wish to condemn him for it, even after he admitted his error, I hope you never get anything wrong yourself, otherwise you won’t be able to live with yourself.
Did he really admit his error? Got a link because I never heard him say it.

I'd think better of him if he did admit he made an error and didn't throw someone under the bus as he usually does saying he 'was told'.
FALSE! That is not at all the reason, Mr Brainwashed by MSMS. That's why Microsoft and other companies do that, which Trump is stopping, by halting the visa programs.

Trump isn't halting shit, and is actually increasing visas so American companies can pay foreigners shitty wages, leaving Americans out of work.

Trump is absolutely right. I live in Florida. I've been here 27 years. Florida has a seasonal employment situation. The state is inundated with northerners and Canadians who live in Florida just during the winter months, and not many Americans want to work just for 6 months, if that long. Many apply out of desperation, but never follow through. This is common all over the state in winter.

OK, so why does he need to import foreigners to work instead of just hiring Americans?

You also have a lot of people who apply who aren't qualified, have no experience or training and/or have criminal records - which is why they're unemployed to begin with. (the foreign workers come from a group of trade school graduates and no crime background ),

So we are to believe that the people Trump is importing to work housekeeping, waiter/waitress, hosts, bartenders, concierge, and front desk workers are more qualified to do these jobs than any of FL's 382,000 currently unemployed American citizens? Since when do you need a trade school diploma to bus tables, clean hotel rooms, landscape the grounds, and bellhop luggage? Because those are the jobs Trump imported foreigners to do. So you haven't actually answered why Trump is importing foreigners. You're trying to pretend that the workers Trump imports are the same as the workers Microsoft imports, and work jobs of equivalent skill. They're not. And you know that.

Finding clean record, qualified workers, who want just temporary work for a few months in Florida during the winter, is not a simple task.

Sure it is. There are 382,000 unemployed people in FL. Trump couldn't find 70 people qualified to scrub a toilet among them? Nope. I reject that excuse. What you're really saying is that Trump hires foreign workers because he doesn't pay a wage high enough for Americans to accept. So why doesn't he pay a higher wage? Why is he relying on foreigners?
He just called for end to the diversity visa program. Duh!

Answered already in the very post you're quoting. :rolleyes: ?

We are to believe that the people Trump is importing to work housekeeping, waiter/waitress, hosts, bartenders, concierge, and front desk workers ARE more qualified to do these jobs, than not any of FL's 382,000 currently unemployed American citizens, but they are more qualified than the very few who APPLY for these temporary/seasonal jobs, as you were already informed.

You can reject till you turn blue. I said it was difficult to find sufficient numbers of qualified people for the temp-seasonal jobs, and I say it again now. As for a higher wage, ho high would you suggest ?
The fact you wish to condemn him for it, even after he admitted his error, I hope you never get anything wrong yourself, otherwise you won’t be able to live with yourself.
Did he really admit his error? Got a link because I never heard him say it.

I'd think better of him if he did admit he made an error and didn't throw someone under the bus as he usually does saying he 'was told'.
He did NOT make an error. I already corrected that. READ the thread..
He just called for end to the diversity visa program. Duh!

He doesn't use the diversity visa program. He uses a different one.

You can reject till you turn blue. I said it was difficult to find sufficient numbers of qualified people for the temp-seasonal jobs, and I say it again now. As for a higher wage, ho high would you suggest ?

Qualified? So what qualifications are required to scrub toilets, vacuum hotel rooms, wait tables, landscape, and check people in? You mean to tell me he couldn't find 70 Americans to do those jobs?
The fact you wish to condemn him for it, even after he admitted his error, I hope you never get anything wrong yourself, otherwise you won’t be able to live with yourself.
Did he really admit his error? Got a link because I never heard him say it.

I'd think better of him if he did admit he made an error and didn't throw someone under the bus as he usually does saying he 'was told'.
He did NOT make an error. I already corrected that. READ the thread..
I have yet to see the video of NJ Muslims celebrating 9/11 Trump claimed to see. If you read the thread you'll see the only videos provided are of people talking about seeing celebrations.

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